View Full Version : Defining A Point While Making ONE

7th November 2021, 06:15 AM
In Cartesian Space (x,y,z) uniquely defines a point where x,y and z are distances from the origin. The xy, yz and xz planes are orthogonal.

In Spherical Space (r, θ, φ) uniquely defines a point where r is distance from the origin, θ is polar angle measured from a fixed zenith direction and φ the azimuthal angle of its orthogonal projection on a reference plane that passes through the origin and is orthogonal to the zenith, measured from a fixed reference direction on that plane.

By contrast Polar Space (r, φ) is merely 2 dimensional space where r is distance from the origin and φ is the angle a line drawn from the origin to the point makes with a reference line.

In Cylindrical Space (r, φ,z) is Polar Space with a z axis provided to make it 3 dimensional.

Each of these Spaces has a use and each Space has Rules. The same point may be represented in any of the 3 dimensional spaces but becomes subject to the rules posed upon it by the system that is used to define it.

Now consider yourself to be that point defines by Law. The Law is based upon the system used to define you. If your Gender is male you are defined by Common Law. If your Gender is female your have Equity imposed on you. Possibly you are Hermaphrodite and the system you find yourself in is attempting to define the rules of Trannyism.

Polar People don't understand the rules of Cartesian People. No angles apply, Sin and Cos need to be calculated, Straight lines are difficult to define by equation.

Then you get into Racial Space or Illegal Immigrant Space. Cartesian People have no rules to define points such as these that don't exist in their own Space.

How about Political Space? Lies are not defined in Cartesian coordinates but certainly are the prime factor in Political Space.

Now the ultimate Space...Religious. Here in this space a Point is completely undefined except by the Belief of those who venture there. There are no Facts. There is no Truth. There is only Belief/Faith.

What is a poor Point going to do when when the Judicial system proclaims "YOU ARE IN MY SPACE AND NO OTHER!" and then he has to deal with Space Police bearing Warrants?

This post started with mathematical concepts of Space and ends with the uninformed Point being subject to any manner of Illusions that are nothing more than the constructs of diseased minds. It is going to end with the most common and oppressive Space of all. This is called COMMERCE.

A point defined by COMMERCE Space has one dimension ($). The Point furthest from the origin calls itself Bill Gates. There are many Points much closer to the origin and these are lumped into a category Bill calls 'the poor'.

Bill is so far from the origin as to asymptomatic approach Infinity. This Infinity is a region in COMMERCE where all of 'the poor' take a vaccination and by doing so remove themselves voluntarily from COMMERCE. This of course means Bill will ultimately end up at the Origin.


7th November 2021, 07:45 AM
This discussion would not be complete without considering Government Space, Citizen space, Trust Space and Employee Space.

Government Space is intended for Fiduciaries, Grantors, Electors, Citizens and to some extent Employees.

Government Space is entirely contained by Trust Space. *A Point in Government Space observes the rules of both Trusts and Governments. *However all Trusts are not Government but they follow the same rules. *

Government may dictate rules to Trusts that fall within their region of Trust but do not define Trust behavior for other Trusts. *Government defines Law for their own Trust(s) but don't create Laws for any other Trust.

Charitable is a Trust intended for dead people. *All Trusts in Trust Space become Charitable after a lifetime plus 21 years. *This is The Rule Against Perpetuities. *In Trust Space all legal fictions become Charitable after 99 years for all intents and purposes. *Their Creators are determined to be DEAD.

THE U.S.of A started out under the Articles as PERPETUAL. *The CREATOR of this legal fiction declared themselves DEAD immediately upon creating their government and so bypassed the 98 year rule. *They have operated in the Charitable Trust region ever since.

Employers are trusts. *Their employees are fiduciaries of the Trust. *Again the Rule Against Perpetuities apply. *Any employer Trust over 99 years become Charitable. *Most want nothing to do with Charity so you will find them reorganizing with a different name before this happens. *One fatal flaw in this is the Creator might still be around to object to his creation being changed. *If nobody objects then likely the creator is DEAD. *No Problemo!

How to get out the illusion of Trust? Q.E.D. using the phrase AT ARMS LENGTH or TANDEM ARMIS by your signature. All Spaces recognize the STATUTE OF FRAUD. Your signature is required and with it you must include one of these phrases to opt out.

7th November 2021, 08:03 AM
Ahh COMMERCE! *Seems anything you do to survive lands you in Commerce Space. *Most if not all Points fool themselves into thinking they are better off in Commerce. *Mainly because they confuse Commerce with survival when in actuality the issue is Quality of Life.

Face it without money you aren't going to be allowed on that Caribbean cruise you want. *But say you are awake enough to know that Commerce and Slavery are synonymous. *What to do?

12USC 411 is the guarantee of Congress that you can remove yourself from Commerce Space anytime you want.

You still have to negotiate with other Points that are still defined by COMMERCE though and likely these points don't know that Commerce is Slavery. *

I wouldn't worry too much about this last Point though. *Points are where they are by THE LAW OF THEIR BEING. *They will not know anything about your LAW OF BEING and it just gets them confused when you attempt to waken them to other possibilities.

7th November 2021, 08:08 AM
Maritime Space.

Obvious when you are on the deck of a ship. *Less obvious when you handle money or choose the Insurance option.

Johah is a Point who chose the Maritime journey in the belly of a whale. *Consider how it turned out for him.

7th November 2021, 08:21 AM
Points are Principals. They are the Author and act under their own Authority ... At Arms Length/Tandem Armis. Inertia means if they are in motion and with no external Force they continue in motion in Principal Space.

Along came Agents.

Agents are the Terrorists of the Space Universe. All an Agent has to do is provide NOTICE to an unsuspecting Principal Point to capture that Principals AUTHORITY. If the Principal fails to respond to NOTICE even if delivered in the form of JUNQUE MAIL then the Agent Pount can bind the Principal Point into a negotiation where he is going to lose.

Every Politician is an Agent.

Every Judge is an Agent.

Every Lawyer is an Agent.

You cannot be afraid of Agents though as some of them (not all) are necessary. Your Mechanic becomes your Agent when he changes your SparkPlugs.

Other Agents (the less desired variety) act as gatekeepers to the Space. They assert your own Authority and use it to your woe. They have no Authority if their own because if they did that would make them Principals. Principals are what they feed on and you will never find an Agent chowing down on his Peer. Professional courtesy exists between those of the Shark category.