View Full Version : Rumble — Dr. David Martin - COVID Treasonous Acts

8th November 2021, 01:26 AM


Rumble (https://rumble.com/) — Dr. David Martin - COVID Treasonous Acts

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Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-443257

13th November 2021, 01:18 PM
Okay, this seems to be a totally different presentation from Dr. David Martin--totally new information for me.
He's taking things back to the Vatican/Popes, something about how Magna Carta was a lie, we only had freedom for a short time.
Talks about 1604, then 1215- says in 1215 we had rights for 8 months...Something about Charter of the Forrest, a people's document, companion document to Magna carta- said you had the right to get deer from king's forest, right to livelihood.
8 months of freedom out of 2000 years.

"I'm Done Being Mister Nice Guy" Dr. David E. Martin, Red Pill Expo Speech
