19th November 2021, 06:01 AM
Dachsie comments:
Do not give your money to purchase ANYTHING from ANY VENDOR on Etsy. THAT is the proper way to protest.
Avoid YouTube hosts and other social media that sell items through Etsy. Do not participate in Satanic evil.
https://ecp.yusercontent.com/mail?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcf.anf.americaneedsfatima.o rg%2FimagesRR%2F1593%2Foriginal_010_AV_Knifing_650 x110.jpg&t=1637325597&ymreqid=cfc662b2-355b-9549-1c93-760236016800&sig=aC_SScbQLiFP44tsb9e.kw--~D
It’s difficult to believe how deep civilization has descended. Now, we have the brash advocacy of child sacrifice!
ETSY Must Start Behaving Responsibly!
Urge ETSY To REMOVE These Shirts
Child Sacrifice and Child Satanic Practices
But we must not only fend off evil, love of God requires us to also attack evil; always peacefully, legally, and prayerfully — yet thoroughly.
Etsy, a networked store, anchors a vendor that hawks satanic and murderous lettering on children’s T-shirts.
ONE SUCH Youngster’s T-Shirt MESSAGE says: “Let’s Sacrifice Toby”
The accompanying image is of a traditionally dressed budding boy laying on his back, legs being secured by another similarly dressed young boy; a charming, pig-tailed bit of a girl is kneeling to the side of the prone boy and holds a broad and lengthy knife raised above her head ready to jab down onto the prone boy! Add a hissing black cat and children’s wooden toy bricks painted with the beast numbers 6-6-6. And there’s a sort of trademark-ish brand, elucidated with the phrase “Activities for Children”.
The image leaves no dispute about what idea they are trying to standardize.
And Etsy is acquiescing for quite a few vendors to sell adaptations of this shirt. Here’s one more.
This is terrible and beyond-the-pale! The “Let’s Sacrifice Toby” shirt, for the young children who might wear the shirt, makes child sacrifice and Satanic, child-on-child execution seem entirely harmless.
Urge ETSY To ELIMINATE These Shirts
Child Sacrifice and Child Satanic Practices
ANOTHER SUCH Satanic Children’s T-Shirt Message says: “Let’s Summon Demons”
See them here and here.
Etsy.com allows the promotion, to children, of child sacrifice and the calling of demons.
God Always! – Satan Never! PROTEST NOW!
You and I know that Satanic merchandise affect a serious hazard to society and are an abhorrent aggression on Christians and children far and wide, as they animate violence and hatred and muzzle the grace of God in souls.
Above all, these are a crime against God and a direct threat to the moral fiber of America and the world. They chase away the blessings of God.
ETSY should promote and encourage ONLY the common moral good.
In the past, you and I petitioned when Etsy was found to be selling “Consecrated Hosts” for Satanic rituals which it claimed were consecrated by a Catholic priest. Though our protest contributed to these ‘hosts’ being eliminated, other sales items for Satanic practices persist.
Among others, there are:
Pictures of burning churches on t-shirts and other products. One product, a "Burning Church Card" has the following explanation: "The perfect card to celebrate your most recent church burning";
A profusion of inverted crucifixes, Satanic "rosaries," and other "religious" items for immoral use.
UNBELIEVABLY, this is in conflict of Etsy's own policies: "Etsy does not allow items or listings that promote, support or glorify hatred toward people or otherwise demean people based upon...religion".
ETSY Must Start Behaving Responsibly!
Urge ETSY To REMOVE These Shirts
Child Sacrifice and Child Satanic Practices
God love you! And Mary be with you!
I remain your friend,
In Jesus and Mary,
Director, America Needs Fatima
P.S.: God Always! – Satan Never! PROTEST NOW!
Do not give your money to purchase ANYTHING from ANY VENDOR on Etsy. THAT is the proper way to protest.
Avoid YouTube hosts and other social media that sell items through Etsy. Do not participate in Satanic evil.
https://ecp.yusercontent.com/mail?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcf.anf.americaneedsfatima.o rg%2FimagesRR%2F1593%2Foriginal_010_AV_Knifing_650 x110.jpg&t=1637325597&ymreqid=cfc662b2-355b-9549-1c93-760236016800&sig=aC_SScbQLiFP44tsb9e.kw--~D
It’s difficult to believe how deep civilization has descended. Now, we have the brash advocacy of child sacrifice!
ETSY Must Start Behaving Responsibly!
Urge ETSY To REMOVE These Shirts
Child Sacrifice and Child Satanic Practices
But we must not only fend off evil, love of God requires us to also attack evil; always peacefully, legally, and prayerfully — yet thoroughly.
Etsy, a networked store, anchors a vendor that hawks satanic and murderous lettering on children’s T-shirts.
ONE SUCH Youngster’s T-Shirt MESSAGE says: “Let’s Sacrifice Toby”
The accompanying image is of a traditionally dressed budding boy laying on his back, legs being secured by another similarly dressed young boy; a charming, pig-tailed bit of a girl is kneeling to the side of the prone boy and holds a broad and lengthy knife raised above her head ready to jab down onto the prone boy! Add a hissing black cat and children’s wooden toy bricks painted with the beast numbers 6-6-6. And there’s a sort of trademark-ish brand, elucidated with the phrase “Activities for Children”.
The image leaves no dispute about what idea they are trying to standardize.
And Etsy is acquiescing for quite a few vendors to sell adaptations of this shirt. Here’s one more.
This is terrible and beyond-the-pale! The “Let’s Sacrifice Toby” shirt, for the young children who might wear the shirt, makes child sacrifice and Satanic, child-on-child execution seem entirely harmless.
Urge ETSY To ELIMINATE These Shirts
Child Sacrifice and Child Satanic Practices
ANOTHER SUCH Satanic Children’s T-Shirt Message says: “Let’s Summon Demons”
See them here and here.
Etsy.com allows the promotion, to children, of child sacrifice and the calling of demons.
God Always! – Satan Never! PROTEST NOW!
You and I know that Satanic merchandise affect a serious hazard to society and are an abhorrent aggression on Christians and children far and wide, as they animate violence and hatred and muzzle the grace of God in souls.
Above all, these are a crime against God and a direct threat to the moral fiber of America and the world. They chase away the blessings of God.
ETSY should promote and encourage ONLY the common moral good.
In the past, you and I petitioned when Etsy was found to be selling “Consecrated Hosts” for Satanic rituals which it claimed were consecrated by a Catholic priest. Though our protest contributed to these ‘hosts’ being eliminated, other sales items for Satanic practices persist.
Among others, there are:
Pictures of burning churches on t-shirts and other products. One product, a "Burning Church Card" has the following explanation: "The perfect card to celebrate your most recent church burning";
A profusion of inverted crucifixes, Satanic "rosaries," and other "religious" items for immoral use.
UNBELIEVABLY, this is in conflict of Etsy's own policies: "Etsy does not allow items or listings that promote, support or glorify hatred toward people or otherwise demean people based upon...religion".
ETSY Must Start Behaving Responsibly!
Urge ETSY To REMOVE These Shirts
Child Sacrifice and Child Satanic Practices
God love you! And Mary be with you!
I remain your friend,
In Jesus and Mary,
Director, America Needs Fatima
P.S.: God Always! – Satan Never! PROTEST NOW!