View Full Version : THE POPE, THE PAEDO & THE ‘PIMP www.thesun.co.uk 20 Nov 2021

21st November 2021, 05:25 PM

StormyPatriotJoe - Channel

This Sun story has interesting timing.
With the Maxwell trial

Posted today 11/20/21

What was Q taking about 11/20/17?
The Vatican and Epstein

Q #158

Describes the playboy mansion as a Honeypot to blackmail people of power

Next line is “Fantasy Island”
As in Epstein Island was also used in part as a honeypot

Then there’s one of Q’s signature quotes “Godfather III”

The plot of the movie is how the mob bankrolls the Vatican

Interesting timing and possible connections





NewsUK News

THE POPE, THE PAEDO & THE ‘PIMP’ Beaming Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell blessed by the Pope – showing their all-powerful connections

James BealNick Pisa

20:45, 20 Nov 2021Updated: 20:51, 20 Nov 2021

The snap sees the paedo billionaire and his alleged “madam” enjoy a private audience with the head of the Catholic Church at the Vatican.
BEAMING Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell are blessed by the Pope — showing their all-powerful connections.


They are understood to have flown to Rome by private jet for the blessing by John Paul II almost two decades ago.

A source told The Sun On Sunday: “Pictures like this show just how powerful Epstein’s connections were and his ability to open almost any door.

“He managed to manipulate his way into royal palaces, the White House and the Vatican, all with Maxwell by his side.”

Our picture shows Epstein, wearing a dark suit and red-patterned tie, kneeling at the Pope’s feet with his ex-lover Maxwell, who is in a striped suit jacket and open-collar blue shirt.

Hands clenched together, they are both smiling and gazing into the eyes of John Paul II, who led the Catholic Church from 1978 until his death in 2005.

The seated Pontiff has his arms raised in the photo, believed to have been taken in 2003.

Flight logs, which chart journeys made by sex beast Epstein, reveal he used his “Lolita Express” jet to fly from Rome to Madrid on May 20 that year.

On it were Maxwell, model scout Jean-Luc Brunel, pilot Pete Rathgeb and two passengers logged as “AM” and “JK”.

Frenchman Brunel, 75, was last year charged with rape and sexual assault of minors.

There is no suggestion Rathgeb knew of or was party to illegal activity.

There is no record of Epstein arriving in Rome, though logs put him in New York on May 12 and again by May 21.

Our papal snap is the latest to show Epstein and Maxwell rubbing shoulders with powerful world figures.

Photos in New York’s Central Park showed Epstein with Prince Andrew — while Maxwell appears with Andrew alongside Virginia Roberts Giuffre.

The US mum of three, now 38, is suing the royal, claiming he sexually assaulted her three times when she was under 18 — which he has repeatedly denied.

In April, The Sun revealed photos of Epstein and Maxwell grinning in the White House with then-US President Bill Clinton in 1993.

Epstein killed himself in jail in 2019 aged 66 as he awaited trial on sex trafficking charges.

Maxwell, 59, is facing trial later this month in New York, accused of recruiting young girls for the former financier and taking part in abuse.

The Sunday Times says prosecutors plan to use her “black book” against her, claiming it is “compelling evidence of her guilt”.

And Epstein’s “scheduler” Adriana Ross is expected to testify against Maxwell, court documents reveal.

The Polish ex-model, 38, is one of four female “co-conspirators” granted immunity from prosecution as part of Epstein’s plea deal in 2008.

Heard about this on today's x22 report here...


22nd November 2021, 01:01 PM
The whole point of releasing this photo now is to circle the wagons in defense of the british "royals". That even the POPE met with the Epstein gang. Therefore "prince" Andrew relations with Epstein was a dindu nuffin. "Andrew has photos with Eptsein... even the pope has photos with Epstein and Maxwell".

Today there is story after story that Andrew was the victim of Epstein. The jews are saying the Andrew was "innocent". And same as Bush with the jenga towers, Epstein was obsessed with Andrew and had a photo of Andrew in a Epstein home.

'Why "pick on" Andrew' is the new narrative.

20th February 2022, 05:03 PM
"model scout Jean-Luc Brunel, "

French model agent pal of Jeffrey Epstein found hanged in prison cell

The French model agent who was charged with securing girls and young women for billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein was found dead Saturday in a Paris prison cell, prosecutors said.
Jean-Luc Brunel, 74, was found hanged by his bedsheets in his cell around 1:30 a.m. local time at La Sante prison, the Paris prosecutor’s office told CNN.
Brunel, who ran Karin Models in Paris, and later formed MC2 Model Management with Epstein, was awaiting trial on charges of sexual assault and rape. He was also being investigated for trafficking minors, including girls as young as 12 years old, according to French news reports.
Brunel’s lawyers insisted that the disgraced fashion fixture’s “decision was not guided by guilt, but by a sense of injustice.”