View Full Version : Corneliu Zelea Cordreanu: Revolutionary Or Saint ?

25th November 2021, 03:45 PM
Either Cordreanu went too far with his movement, and was a violent ideological thug, or he set the standard for Orthodox Christians on how to fight against Jewish cultural terrorism within Christian lands without losing one’s soul. His memoir For My Legionaries, which I excerpt below, contains so much truth that, if his movement were to be replicated in America, it would provide a proto-template of taking God from the realm of personal and temple worship and into the national consciousness, but there are not many Orthodox priests who would publicly praise his work, which paints a picture of Romania in the 1920s that is not that different from America 100 years later. The same people with the same revolutionary spirit are up to the same tricks.

25th November 2021, 04:48 PM

the current state of affairs in the USA today - - -
Democracy is a tool of Satan that has been perfected by Jews and their gentile allies in secret societies to take sly control of nations while allowing citizens to feel that they have a choice in the matter, keeping them compliant and dumb. Can you read Codreanu’s six points of Jewish subversion and not see every single one having already been successfully used in transforming the United States from a nation with a Christian ethos to the state of Jewish pornographic sewage (http://www.finalcall.com/docs/Jews_in_porn_abrams.pdf) we have today? Codreanu saw the truth, and because he was ignored after his death, the exact same tactics could be reproduced with even greater ease throughout the Western world, to the loss of untold millions of people who sought to sell their souls for comfort (https://www.rooshv.com/worshiping-comfort-is-satanic), money, and sex.
Edit: my son has swallowed the judeo-christian lie. I have given up trying to get him to see the truth.