View Full Version : This is probably the best overview of our dilemma I've seen

midnight rambler
29th November 2021, 07:01 PM
35 minute video, well worth your time.


29th November 2021, 07:28 PM
Yes, I saw that one yesterday- worth watching IMO, She gets it.

30th November 2021, 03:30 AM
Scrubbed from Jewtube
Here it is on bitchute, the sheep need to see this. https://www.bitchute.com/video/pexxZBdqAWpg/

30th November 2021, 05:04 AM
She states "every currency has returned to Ziero".

I'm not seeing it.

30th November 2021, 05:26 AM
The thing about passports of any sort is that the application for it or the possession of it can be fatal. While society tells you that you MUST have it to actually have it comes with a risk. This risk is illustrated quite well in the Joyce case.


Joyce was an American who was hung by the British following WW2 for high treason solely on the basis that he held a British passport.

I refuse any passport from any government on the principle that I AM NOT AN INSURANCE COMPANY AND DONT NEED TO INCREASE MY RISK

30th November 2021, 09:07 AM
Scrubbed from Jewtube
Here it is on bitchute, the sheep need to see this. https://www.bitchute.com/video/pexxZBdqAWpg/
"Melissa Ciummei, a financial investor from Northern Ireland, has serious concerns that injection passports will be used more like data passports to control participation in society."

Seems related:

breitbart.com: Whitlock: Rittenhouse Trial Was ‘a Calculated Strategy to Disarm America’ (https://www.breitbart.com/clips/2021/11/20/whitlock-rittenhouse-trial-was-a-calculated-strategy-to-disarm-america/)

20 Nov 2021
Friday, “Fearless” host Jason Whitlock applauded the 12 jurors who rendered the verdict in the Rittenhouse trial for their courage because the consequences could have been much more consequential for the country had they gone in the other direction.

During an appearance on FNC’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” Whitlock called the Rittenhouse controversy an effort to “disarm America.”..

“This is a calculated strategy to disarm America, to go after the guns, and to eventually rewrite the Constitution,” Whitlock continued. “They’re trying to define America as a failure, and its number one failure is along the lines of race. And if they can convince enough of the American public that this country is irredeemably racist, they now have a justification to rewrite the Constitution, start this thing all over and make us more like China. That’s the end game.”

“This is not an accident that from Joe Biden on down who says that white supremacy is the biggest threat to America, all the way down to Rachel Maddow aka Joy Reid constantly talking race, race, race, race, race — this is a strategy that’s been quite effective,” he added. “It hides the agenda. They’ve convinced black people that Planned Parenthood and aborting your babies is the greatest thing you can do, and anybody that tells you different is a racist when we know that Planned Parenthood and Margaret Sanger, they’re the racist and that the destruction of black babies in the womb, that is the racist activity. Everything — it’s like they — the bigger the lie they tell us like, the more we believe. We need to recognize they’re lying to us intentionally with a defined goal of rewriting the Constitution and taking guns away and sovereignty away from the American people.”

30th November 2021, 10:05 AM
"Melissa Ciummei, a financial investor from Northern Ireland, has serious concerns that injection passports will be used more like data passports to control participation in society."

Seems related:

breitbart.com: Whitlock: Rittenhouse Trial Was ‘a Calculated Strategy to Disarm America’ (https://www.breitbart.com/clips/2021/11/20/whitlock-rittenhouse-trial-was-a-calculated-strategy-to-disarm-america/)Everything (((they))) touch they destroy. (((They))) are the cancer on civilization.

30th November 2021, 06:18 PM
She states "every currency has returned to Ziero".

I'm not seeing it.

You did not capitalize. :)

1st December 2021, 08:00 AM
If the January 6 DC Capital protesters were not protesting to help ensure the election results would be further investigated for cheating and fraud before being ratified, but instead were violent insurrectionists actually trying to over-through the Federal government as much of the MSNBC/CNN/NYT etc. wing of the fake news corporate mainstream media and corrupt Democrat alleged election cheats propagandizes, and their treatment being held without bail for apparent trespass into a public building as bad as or worse than Taliban terrorists were treated in Guantanamo Bay would seem to suggest, if they had won, would this be cause for American Hanukkah?

religionnews.com: Celebrating the insurrection of Hanukkah in a year of insurrection (https://religionnews.com/2021/11/30/celebrating-the-insurrection-of-hanukkah-in-a-year-of-insurrection-capitol-attack-january-6/)

November 30, 2021
Hanukkah, the story of a second-century BCE insurrection, can shed light on our view of Jan. 6.

Sunday, Nov. 28, was the first night of Hanukkah, the Jewish holiday that celebrates an insurrection during the second-century B.C.E. — an insurrection of who against whom and/or what is debatable, but it was certainly an insurrection. The menorah lights that glow this time of year commemorate the oil that burned — some say miraculously — as Jewish rebels withstood a counterattack from some combination of the ruling Seleucid army and their own co-religionists.

Some tell it as an insurrection of deeply religious country folk overthrowing wealthy, cosmopolitan elites who were washing out the greatness of their nation. Others imagine the Hanukkah story as a war for political liberation from colonialist overlords imposing anti-democratic, imperialist, patriarchal rule over an indigenous people.

Does either of these story lines sound familiar?

It’s not hard to imagine either the insurrectionists of Jan. 6 or the protesters seeking greater racial justice for our nation loudly proclaiming words ascribed to the Hanukkah insurrectionist, Mattathias, as they’ve come down to us in the Bible’s First Book of Maccabees: “Let everybody who is zealous for the law, and stands by the covenant, follow me.”

Some see in Hanukkah’s miraculous intervention a story of a small group of resisters who knew “the real truth” about what was happening in the world being proved right, while the leading “science of the day” was proved false. We might have run into one or another of these modern-day Manichaeans — otherwise known as conspiracy theorists — at the Thanksgiving table this past weekend.

Hanukkah invites us to consider the complexity of what it means to celebrate a holiday of insurrection, in a time of insurrection. Whether we tell the Hanukkah story as a tale of civil war, religious conflict, rebellion against an imperial invader or a combination of all three, Jews have proudly celebrated it for 2,200 years...

Hanukkah itself has divided and united Jewish people from the very first time it was observed — celebrated by different people for different reasons. A relatively new entry into the Jewish holiday cycle, it secured a place on the religious calendar precisely because Jews could continually refashion its purpose by reexamining who the “good guys” and who the “bad guys” are: The historical records and sacred texts suggest that plenty of Jews thought the Seleucids were fine; some were agnostic on the issue; while others were quite convinced that the Jewish insurrectionists were the bad guys.

There was in it [enough oil] to light [the lamps therewith] for one day, but the God of heaven whose name dwells there put therein his blessing and they were able to light from it eight days.

We will need a similar miracle large scale all across the west if we are to survive the statist's and left's 'green new deal' energy planning.