View Full Version : CIA Files Say Staffers Committed Sex Crimes Involving ChildrenThey Weren’t Prosecuted

3rd December 2021, 10:02 PM

Posted on December 1, 2021, at 4:25 p.m. ET

The Secret CIA Files

CIA Files Say Staffers Committed Sex Crimes Involving Children. They Weren’t Prosecuted.

CIA Files Say Staffers Committed Sex Crimes Involving Children. They Weren’t Prosecuted.
Declassified CIA inspector general reports show a pattern of abuse and a repeated decision by federal prosecutors not to hold agency personnel accountable.

Jason Leopold BuzzFeed News Reporter

Anthony Cormier BuzzFeed News Reporter





Our Country is Run by Literal Gay Satanic Pedophiles, and this Document Dump Proves it

Our Country is Run by Literal Gay Satanic Pedophiles, and this Document Dump Proves it (https://www.bitchute.com/video/qTKqaykCeR34/)

Fiirst published at 03:14 UTC on December 4th, 2021.

14:04 video runtime

The Red Elephants - Vincent James

63852 subscribers

4th December 2021, 06:33 AM

Posted on December 1, 2021, at 4:25 p.m. ET

The Secret CIA Files

CIA Files Say Staffers Committed Sex Crimes Involving Children. They Weren’t Prosecuted.

CIA Files Say Staffers Committed Sex Crimes Involving Children. They Weren’t Prosecuted.
Declassified CIA inspector general reports show a pattern of abuse and a repeated decision by federal prosecutors not to hold agency personnel accountable.

Jason Leopold BuzzFeed News Reporter

Anthony Cormier BuzzFeed News Reporter





Our Country is Run by Literal Gay Satanic Pedophiles, and this Document Dump Proves it

Our Country is Run by Literal Gay Satanic Pedophiles, and this Document Dump Proves it (https://www.bitchute.com/video/qTKqaykCeR34/)

Fiirst published at 03:14 UTC on December 4th, 2021.

14:04 video runtime

The Red Elephants - Vincent James

63852 subscribersI suspect that we are going to hear more on this from the Ghislane Maxwell trial. But it won’t be in the mainstream media

4th December 2021, 06:38 AM
A wonderful thought...

“splinter the CIA in a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds”