View Full Version : Christ the Killer Join Him. December 23, 2021

23rd December 2021, 03:15 AM


8:31 video runtime

Dec 22, 2021

Church Militant
282K subscribers




As the glorious feast of Christmas now descends on the world, we'd like to take this moment to wish all of you a holy, blessed Christmas from all of us here at Church Militant!

Thank you for all your continuing prayers, support and kind expressions over the past year. They are very much appreciated.

As Christmas season 2021 now comes into focus, a few thoughts, if we may:

There is a beautiful Christmas hymn (my personal favorite), "O Come All Ye Faithful," which contains a specific line that sums up Christmas. The specific line is in the third verse: "Word of the Father, now in flesh appearing."

Consider the enormity of that line (and for all the "Church of Nice" types out there, this is why sacred music matters, and not guitar-strumming Christian pop — because it makes you think of God, and not your own feelings).

Anyway, consider the word "Word." The English translation of the Greek "Logos." Saint John speaks of the Logos right off the bat in his Gospel. "In the beginning was the Word [the Logos]."

The ancients understood that all of creation was held together by some force, operated under the influence of some individual reality far greater than just the sum of all creation.

Think, perhaps, of the binding reality that keeps creation in place. Not just the laws of physics, but the law that underlies those laws. What makes the universe exist? And what makes the universe exist in the manner that it exists? — its movements, its operations, its own internal harmony.

Do not think I have come to bring peace. I have not come to bring peace, but the sword.

Well, the Logos, that's what.

It was seen as the operational force responsible for everything existing (and continuing to exist and continuing to exist in the manner in which it exists).

And then, on a single night in Bethlehem, that force (that Logos) appeared in flesh. It became visible.

Nine months earlier, in Nazareth, it had collected itself — drawn from its own eternal wellspring — and focused its existence in the immaculate womb of a virgin, a virgin it had prepared for itself, for this moment, for all eternity.

The infinite, without any loss of its own infinitude, gathered, collected itself into the finite space of the womb of the Nazarene Virgin. There it lay, hidden from the world until this night — it showed itself to material creation in the face.

The angels could not contain themselves at the sight of that which, up to this point, they only knew through Spirit. They erupted into heavenly song above, in the night sky over Bethlehem.

The animals in the cave, who had done nothing, had no part in the fall of man and yet were now impacted by that fall with hunger and death — the Logos willed that these innocents be the first to behold that which brought them into being.

In so doing, a measure of justice (from the Son of Justice) was already being restored to the created order. But the animals (in whatever dim sense they "knew" or experienced the Logos in flesh appearing), they were only the first "victims" of this Child.

The Logos literally materialized, became matter, appeared in flesh to kill. It's a shame, in one sense, perhaps, that there is not a "Litany to Christ the Killer." Because, of course, while the eternal Logos came ultimately to save, to be the Savior, that task could not be fulfilled without His killing of the fallen world. It had to be slain, defeated, completely and utterly conquered, vanquished, made a thing of the past never to rise again, for salvation to be achieved.

This is precisely what Christmas is — a celebration of our divine Assassin arriving in time to destroy, to destroy in order to save. We had to be broken out of prison, and that means violence had to ensue. He Himself, the eternal Logos (now in flesh appearing), said it quite plainly when He had matured to full stature: "Do not think I have come to bring peace. I have not come to bring peace, but the sword."

That's why, at my own personal Christmas creche, I have a small sword right next to the manger.

The entire (and sole) reason for this day is to go to war. Our General — the Logos — appears for this reason and this reason only.

The Church of Nice, dominated by the modernist heretics, hates the sword. The sword is not nice. It's mean and divisive. It's offensive. It's not tolerant.

All of Eternity was drawn down into that manger.

And, on all of that, the Church of Nice modernists are exactly correct. The Logos is not nice. He's never portrayed by His Apostles (of those who knew Him firsthand) as "nice." His enemies never perceived Him as nice. They correctly understood Him as one they feared and had to kill.

The demons were terrified of Him, even if only having a vague recognition of exactly Who or what was standing before them. They found out for certain as He delivered His Spirit into the hands of the Father, from Whom He had proceeded.

The Pharisees, as well, had some dim understanding that Who was standing in front of them, condemning them, was not just some political upstart or theological contrarian.

Caiaphas himself, cutting through all the religious chatter and accusations and debates at the illegal trail, got down to the brass tacks, the heart of the matter, when he asked, flat out, "Are you the Messiah, the Son of the living God?"

Caiaphas asked the Logos, Who was appearing before him in the flesh, "Are you the eternal Logos?"

The Logos answered in the affirmative.

And they set about to kill the flesh that the Logos stood before them draped in. But they could not kill that which was appearing in flesh before them. What (and Who) stood before them was existence itself, the great I AM — and that cannot be extinguished.

It is, after all, the nature of existence to exist, and a thing cannot go against its nature. It's why the Logos said of Itself, "No one takes My life from Me. I have the power to lay it down and pick it up again.

All of Eternity was drawn down into that manger, having emerged from the womb of the mother It had prepared for Itself from before time.

And now the war was on, full tilt. The suffering of that war was already being visited on the Logos, draped in the flesh of the Bethlehem Babe.

It was being visited on Him because He willed for it to be visited on Him. War means suffering, sacrifice and pain — and in the flesh It had clothed Itself in, the Logos was already doing battle, suffering. Suffering the cold, the hunger, the physical strains of infancy, the discomfort of the wood, the splinters of the feeding trough.

It would not be the last time the Logos would permit the pain of wood to scar Him.

Remember all this as you approach the creche this season. Comprehend as best we are able. Contemplate the tremendous love the eternal Logos bears for you.

And then understand what your gift back is. The Logos descended to bear the sword and award it to you. All that remains is for you to pick it up.

Merry Christmas.