View Full Version : The warning we ignored

1st January 2022, 04:44 AM




THE WARNING WE IGNORED (https://www.bitchute.com/video/M1B5sJmjuDsn/)

First published at 10:46 UTC on January 1st, 2022.

Wardo Rants

G. Edward Griffin: An almost 40 year-old interview with an ex-KGB Defector, Yuri Bezmenov, has re-emerged and is going viral. Why is it going viral now? Del sits down with the journalist who conducted that interview, G. Edward Griffin, for a deep dive into the Russian spy’s extraordinary warning to the American people in 1984, and why this warning must be heeded today.

Guest: G. Edward Griffin


We have known here in the US since the 30's bare minimum. But actually today we all should know that it was (Communism) 1, Funded from Rothschild Stooge's Jacob Shift and others funded the communist takeover of Russia in 1917, aka the Bolshevik takeover of Russia.

1st January 2022, 08:23 AM




THE WARNING WE IGNORED (https://www.bitchute.com/video/M1B5sJmjuDsn/)

First published at 10:46 UTC on January 1st, 2022.

Wardo Rants

G. Edward Griffin: An almost 40 year-old interview with an ex-KGB Defec tor, Yuri Bezmenov, has re-emerged and is going viral. Why is it going viral now? Del sits down with the journalist who conducted that interview, G. Edward Griffin, for a deep dive into the Russian spy’s extraordinary warning to the American people in 1984, and why this warning must be heeded today.

Guest: G. Edward Griffin


We have known here in the US since the 30's bare minimum. But actually today we all should know that it was (Communism) 1, Funded from Rothschild Stooge's Jacob Shift and others funded the communist takeover of Russia in 1917, aka the Bolshevik takeover of Russia.

Also on jewtube with subtitles



1st January 2022, 10:23 AM
Last paragraph:

"So the answer to ideological subversion, strangely enough, is very simple. You don’t have to shoot people, you don’t have to aim missiles, Pershings and cruise missiles at Andropov’s headquarters. You simply have to have faith and prevent subversion. In other words, not to be a victim of subversion, don’t try to be a person who in judo is trying to smash your enemy and being caught by your hand. Don’t strike like that, strike with the power of your spirit and moral superiority. If you don’t have that power, it’s high time to develop it. And that’s the only answer. That’s it."

- Yuri Bezmenov

3rd January 2022, 07:21 AM
Academic Agent: Demoralization: What Yuri Bezmenov Didn't Tell You


Soviet Union was the old left. The ideological subversion attack on the west is from the new left.

Additionally many of the communist parties in America were in opposition to Stalin's regime for it being too nationalistic. As example:

thecharnelhouse.org: New York Trotskyism in the 1930s (https://thecharnelhouse.org/2015/02/26/new-york-trotskyism-in-the-1930s/)

The Trotskyists, who prefer this term to “Trotskyites,” came into being on October 27, 1928, when three members of the Central Committee of the Communist Party in New York — James P. Cannon, Martin Abern, and Max Shachtman — were expelled for spreading Trotsky’s doctrines instead of Stalin’s...

These men also concluded that Trotsky’s plumping for universal revolution was a sounder idea than Stalin’s plan of concentrating on Russia itself, and they sought to bring other American Party members around to their point of view. Expelled, after a trial, by Jay Lovestone, then head of the Communist Party in America, the three rebels formed a Trotskyist group, known first as the Communist League of America.