View Full Version : Cab someone explain to me what constitutes an Invasion that we should go to war over.

14th January 2022, 08:38 AM
Can someone explain to me how an invasion by Russia of the Ukraine is different then the invasion of the US by the Mexican government with help from the US government and US military, to seize control of the US?

Wikipedia definition:
An invasion is a military offensive in which large numbers of combatants of one geopolitical entity aggressively enter territory owned by another such entity, generally with the objective of either conquering; liberating or re-establishing control or authority over a territory; forcing the partition of a country; altering the established government or gaining concessions from said government; or a combination thereof. An invasion can be the cause of a war, be a part of a larger strategy to end a war, or it can constitute an entire war in itself. Due to the large scale of the operations associated with invasions, they are usually strategic in planning and execution.

The way I see it, 100 thousand Russian forces with military weapons would be used to invade the Ukraine.

10's of millions of foreign forces are being brought into the US by the Mexican government, the US government and US military.
They are bringing chemical warfare, fentanyl, that is already killing 10's of thousands of Americans. These foreign invaders have the objective of either conquering, liberating, or re-establishing control or authority over our territory, altering the established government or gaining concessions from said government. This is strategic in planning and execution.

The only difference I see, is the US wants to go to war with Russia, but not lift a finger to stop the invasion of our country.

14th January 2022, 08:52 AM
Large Russian population in Ukraine. It's been a close part of the Russian Czarate for centuries.

As far as the US: we should not be meddling there. We are causing untold misery and we deserve to get our asses kicked severely. Specifically, our arrogant and greedy leaders and elites need the asskicking but it is always the common Joe that suffers.

14th January 2022, 09:04 AM
I was watching a travel vlog in South America yesterday, and while the houses were constructed more cheaply than in North America, I noticed the roads were just as good but prettier (less brutalist shouldering, nature came right up to the shoulders of the road), the cars looked about what I can afford, the village streets were cleaner, there were not homeless people everywhere, people had larger living and yard spaces, they looked happier and healthier looking with a less diverse population going about the local community and markets and I thought they have a much better quality of life than we do in North America (and rural Russia).

14th January 2022, 02:20 PM
War is for the benefit of the invaded. The invader arrives offering peace.

14th January 2022, 04:53 PM
The other difference between a Russia invasion of the Ukraine is the Russians are white and they are invading a white country
You can bet if the US was being invaded by all white people over our southern border in the numbers that are coming now, the US military would be there blasting them to kingdom come.

Russia population 142.8 million - 82% white
Ukraine population 43.3 million - 97% white

By contrast the US is 69% and dropping like a rock

Would it be a stretch of the imagination that a white country invading another white country, the white's assimilate and become stronger.
When a white country is invaded by black and brown devils, they do not assimilate and the country becomes weaker.


14th January 2022, 06:00 PM
nation in Eastern Europe with a large possession in north Asia, 1530s, from Medieval Latin Russi "the people of Russia," from Rus, the native name of the people and the country (source of Arabic Rus, Medieval Greek Rhos), originally the name of a group of Swedish merchant/warriors who established themselves around Kiev 9c. and founded the original Russian principality; perhaps from Ruotsi, the Finnish name for "Sweden," from Old Norse Roşrslandi, "the land of rowing," old name of Roslagen, where the Finns first encountered the Swedes. This is from Old Norse roğr "steering oar," from Proto-Germanic *rothra- "rudder" (from PIE *rot-ro-, from root *ere- "to row").

Derivation from the IE root for "red," in reference to hair color, is considered less likely. Russian city-states were founded and ruled by Vikings and their descendants. The Russian form of the name, Rossiya, appears to be from Byzantine Greek Rhosia.

Russification is attested from 1842; Russianization by 1891.

Danged Vikings!!!

midnight rambler
14th January 2022, 06:14 PM
War is for the benefit of the invaded. The invader arrives offering peace.

While they beat the living shit out of you.

14th January 2022, 06:34 PM
Maybe Cab can explain? :D


Regardless, when have we not been at war?

15th January 2022, 07:54 AM
While they beat the living shit out of you.

Someone from Ukraine told me that the Ukrainians kicked out the lousy Vikings and then had about 100 years of strife from competing Ukrainian warlords who finally came to their senses and invited the Vikings back in.

Seems they needed Viking law to keep the peace and prosperity.