16th January 2022, 09:36 AM
The Epoch Times
seems to put out great conservative news and commentary, but there are a few things that don't quite appear to go along with truth.
They just moved Josh Phllips Crossroads show
YouTube channel
because of being demonetized and I guess censored.
but now Crossroads just moved the show to another YouTube channel.
Subscribe to Josh’s new channel HEREhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_cB...
Crossroad Highlights (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_cBUy9u0VhEZx9hiBUgMiQ)
Crossroads should have abandoned YouTube completely and chosen another video platform not controlled by BigTech.
Another thing that seems to not make sense is that The Epsch Times seems to be associated with China's Falun Gong spiritual group.
Crossroad seems very Christian, of the "rapture" - Protestant dispensational kind. Rick Wiles says Epoch Times is a "cult."
I am beginning to wonder if The Epoch Times is not another false conservative entity.
Still, their videos and reporting seems very high quality journalism to me and it is so refreshing compared to MSM news reporting.
seems to put out great conservative news and commentary, but there are a few things that don't quite appear to go along with truth.
They just moved Josh Phllips Crossroads show
YouTube channel
because of being demonetized and I guess censored.
but now Crossroads just moved the show to another YouTube channel.
Subscribe to Josh’s new channel HEREhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_cB...
Crossroad Highlights (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_cBUy9u0VhEZx9hiBUgMiQ)
Crossroads should have abandoned YouTube completely and chosen another video platform not controlled by BigTech.
Another thing that seems to not make sense is that The Epsch Times seems to be associated with China's Falun Gong spiritual group.
Crossroad seems very Christian, of the "rapture" - Protestant dispensational kind. Rick Wiles says Epoch Times is a "cult."
I am beginning to wonder if The Epoch Times is not another false conservative entity.
Still, their videos and reporting seems very high quality journalism to me and it is so refreshing compared to MSM news reporting.