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15th February 2022, 05:10 AM
Tucker: Trudeau has declared Canada a dictatorship
2:56 video runtime
Feb 14, 2022
Fox News
Tucker Carlson Tonight’ host says Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s response to trucker protests is a ‘defining moment’ for history.
15th February 2022, 12:09 PM
Justin Trudeau Declares Emergencies Act and Freezes Protestors Bank Accounts
6:36 video runtime
February 15th, 2022.
channel image
Jim Crenshaw
Have you noticed with these assholes it is always about stealing what you have? Your job, freedom, liberty, property, children, money etc. Government is the problem not the people. Except for those worthless scum people that lick their boots and jump every time some asshole says to do so. Source: ExposingConspiracy.
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15th February 2022, 01:11 PM
Archbishop Vigano's message to the Truckers
[ Video ]
Freedom Convoy 2022
Archbishop Vigano sends a powerful message in solidarity with the Canadian Truckers, and he explains the truth of what is happening worldwide with the World Economic Forum, Trudeau's involvement, and the current takeover of our rights and freedoms all over the World!
“Your protest, dear Canadian truck driver friends, joins a worldwide chorus that wants to oppose the establishment of the New World Order on the rubble of nation-states.”
15th February 2022, 01:36 PM
I haven't watched this video yet. The truth about Justin Trudeau and ‘vaccine science’ ~ Arcadia Econimics 1 hr 30 minutes
First published at 00:18 UTC on February 15th, 2022.
Arcadia Economics (
ArcadiaEconomics (
800 subscribers
The truth about Justin Trudeau and ‘vaccine science’
While people around the world are starting to take notice of how the #FreedomConvoy of truckers in Canada has shut down the supply chain, in a way that’s left embattled Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau looking increasingly nervous, people around the globe have looked on in shock and confusion.
Partly because there’s a lot of ‘mis-information’ going around about a lot of topics, especially in regards to COVID and the vaccines. And when Justin Trudeau came out of hiding after 2 days when the protests first began, he gave a press conference that was so shocking, even most Candaidans were only able to stomach a few minutes of it.
Yet while many might have watched and not necessarily noticed anything outright criminal about what Trudeau said, that’s likely because they weren’t aware that he was lying with just about every breath.
And unfortunately in this case, they were some rather important lies, that are going to leave a lot of people really upset when they find out the truth about what Justin’s done.
Which is certainly concerning, because if Trudeau was scared enough to hide for 2 days when the protests just started, it’s difficult to fathom how he’ll respond as the world increasingly begins to find out what he’s been covering up, and what he won’t tell you about COVID vaccines.
I warn you in advance, this video is not for the faint of heart. Although if there’s ever been one single film I’ve made that I felt the world simply needed to watch so that it could ever begin to heal from what just happened, this one would be it.
So if you have the strength to keep going in this quest to regain our freedom, and you’re willing to digest the real science and facts about what Justin did, click to watch this important video now!
15th February 2022, 03:00 PM
Very relevant TruNews show today
Martial Law: Trudeau to Seize Bank Accounts of Freedom Convoy Truckers and Supporters (
NATO ally Canada is now under a state of martial law. It’s Justin Trudeau’s payback to Canadian truckers who bravely defied his illegal order to force them to be injected with the World Economic Forum’s gene therapy human bio-medical operating system. We have details about Trudeau’s revenge against Canadian truckers who want freedom from tyranny.
Rick Wiles. Doc Burkhart. Airdate 2/15/22.
1:22:40 video runtime
Of particular interest is what looks like a false flag event where a truck with 2000 handguns in it was stolen. Watch the coverage.
Also of iinterest is a speech by a person named Freeland who is like the vice president of the dictatorship. A background check on her is that she comes from a long line of high level NAZIs of Germany.
Looks like the Communists and the Fascists are running a joint operation this time.
15th February 2022, 03:18 PM
Of particular interest is what looks like a false flag event where a truck with 2000 handguns in it was stolen. Watch the coverage.
Also of iinterest is a speech by a person named Freeland who is like the vice president of the dictatorship. A background check on her is that she comes from a long line of high level NAZIs of Germany.
Looks like the Communists and the Fascists are running a joint operation this time.
The Canadian people must remove all the WEF communists from their government otherwise they will find themselves in Klaus Schwab's infernal New World Order.
Polly St. George, Amazing Polly in her video presentation a few days ago suggested the truckers no stop until all their demands are met. I think one of their demands should be the current government all resign.
15th February 2022, 05:08 PM
Chief of Police Sloly reportedly resigned
The Post Millennial (
BREAKING: Ottawa Police Chief resigns
Sloly reportedly resigned due to accusations of bullying and volatile behaviour.
15th February 2022, 05:36 PM
Chief of Police Sloly repórtedluy resigned
The Post Millennial (
BREAKING: Ottawa Police Chief resigns
Sloly reportedly resigned due to accusations of bullying and volatile behaviour.
on Rick Wiles / TruNews today, they were guessing why Sloly resigned. The said his bosses were disappointed in his performance because he didn't break enough heads, or I guess that means he was supposed to be super brutal and start an altercation with the truckers.
29th August 2022, 11:47 AM Trudeau calls for leaders to take united stance after Freeland confronted in Alberta (
August 28, 2022
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau called for political leaders to take a united stance against threats of violence and intimidation after his [WEF Board of Trustees (] deputy [Prime Minister] was confronted last week in Alberta by a man who repeatedly yelled profanity at her and called her a traitor...
Trudeau addressed the incident on Sunday during an announcement in Ottawa on funding for an action plan to support LGBTQ communities. About Leadership and Governance (
The Forum is chaired by Founder and Executive Chairman Professor Klaus Schwab. It's guided by a Board of Trustees, exceptional individuals who act as guardians of its mission and values, and oversee the Forum’s work in promoting true global citizenship.
Castro? Pfft CANADA How The Communists Took Control (
by Alan Stang (1971)
30th August 2022, 08:41 AM
Came across this doing some googling to check the seemingly outrageous claims about Pierre Trudeau's younger years in the above linked book. CSIS destroyed secret file on Pierre Trudeau, stunning historians (
June 15, 2019
OTTAWA -- Canada's spy service destroyed a Cold War dossier on Pierre Trudeau in 1989 instead of turning it over to the national archives, The Canadian Press has learned.
The Canadian Security Intelligence Service says the secret file on the former prime minister was scrapped because it fell short of the legal threshold for retention by either the service or the archives.
News of the decision to purge the file, which is coming to light only three decades later, has stunned and disappointed historians.
"It's just outrageous, there's no other word to describe it," said John English, who wrote an acclaimed biography of Trudeau. "It's a tragedy that this has happened, and I think the explanation is weak."
Steve Hewitt, who has spent years chronicling the country's security services, called the destruction "a crime against Canadian history."
"This wanton destruction cries out for parliamentary intervention to ensure that historically significant documents held by government agencies are preserved instead of being made to disappear down an Orwellian memory hole," said Hewitt, a senior lecturer at the University of Birmingham.
The Trudeau file was among hundreds of thousands the newly created CSIS inherited in the 1980s after the RCMP Security Service was dissolved following a series of scandals.
In a bid to uncover subversives out to disrupt the established order, RCMP spies eyed a staggering variety of groups and individuals, from academics and unions to environmentalists, peace groups and even politicians.
In 1988, James Kelleher, the federal minister responsible for CSIS at the time, directed the spy service to sort through the resulting heap of files.
Some RCMP records -- including voluminous files on Quebec premier Rene Levesque and NDP leaders David Lewis and Tommy Douglas -- were sent to the national archives.
Others were destroyed, including dossiers on prime ministers John Diefenbaker and Lester Pearson. Still other files, judged to have current value at the time, went to CSIS's active intelligence holdings.
Security records on individuals become eligible for disclosure under the Access to Information Act only 20 years after a person's death. Until then, even the existence of a file is secret due to privacy considerations.
Rumours of a file on Trudeau, Canada's third-longest serving prime minister, have circulated for decades.
A 1959 memo in the RCMP's Levesque file indicates undercover officers duly noted Trudeau's attendance at a gathering hosted by a Montreal artist.
The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation, which has long worked closely with the Mounties, kept watch on Trudeau for more than 30 years, charting his path from globetrotting public intellectual who visited the Soviet Union in the early 1950s through his time as a Liberal prime minister.
The bureau's heavily censored, 151-page dossier was released under the U.S. Freedom of Information Act just months after Trudeau's death in September 2000, in keeping with American disclosure practices.
The Canadian Press recently requested the former prime minister's RCMP file under the access law from Library and Archives Canada and CSIS prior to the 20th anniversary of his passing next year, given that it can take many months to process such applications.
The archives swiftly replied that it does not have a Trudeau dossier. CSIS said its records indicate the file was destroyed on Jan. 30, 1989. FBI spied on Trudeau, documents show (
JANUARY 22, 2001
Feared former FBI director J. Edgar Hoover had spies watching Pierre Trudeau beginning almost 50 years ago, declassified documents show.
The documents, stamped "Confidential," show Mr. Hoover had Mr. Trudeau under surveillance as far back as Oct. 16, 1951.
Based on the heavily censored file, Mr. Hoover and his famed G-men clearly believed Mr. Trudeau was either a closet Communist or soft on Communist leaders.
Every U.S. president who dealt with Mr. Trudeau likely saw his FBI file.
Reports were made to the U.S. secretary of state, Henry Kissinger, and the attorney-general, John Mitchell, when both worked for then-president Richard Nixon...
Much of the reports, as well as directives on Mr. Trudeau signed by Mr. Hoover, were blacked out before being released.
Protecting U.S. national security, foreign policy and those who gathered the information were cited as the reasons for withholding vast sections of the 161-page report...
While careful to censor the name and contents of most of their reports and correspondents, the wide scope of the clandestine surveillance of Mr. Trudeau was clear.
A letter addressed to Mr. Hoover from the bureau's Ottawa office suggests the FBI first began watching the young Mr. Trudeau as far back as October of 1951.
The letter, which was copied to the FBI's Paris office, is stamped "Confidential" and was completely blacked out, apart from a handwritten admonition not to disseminate it.
The subject line has "INTERNAL SECURITY" typed into it, indicating the FBI believed Mr. Trudeau might have been a threat to the security of the United States. ( ‘Red-Handed’: China Used Trudeau Dad’s ‘Motorcycle Diaries’ Knockoff to Promote Justin’s Career (
21 Feb 2022
“This travelogue of his [1960] visit to China is filled with naïveté and revolutionary sloganeering,” Schweizer writes in Red-Handed. “[Pierre] Trudeau and [Jacques] Hébert posed for pictures with the members of Young Pioneers, the Communist Party Youth Group rich in indoctrination, and proclaimed, “’it is these red-scarfed kids who in twenty years will be the New Men of a country which at that time will have a billion inhabitants.'”
The book effusively praises Mao Zedong, responsible for at least 50 million deaths.
“Indeed, the experience of that superb strategist, Mao Tse-tung, might lead us to conclude that in a vast and heterogeneous country, the possibility of establishing socialist strongholds in certain regions is the very best thing,” Trudeau and Hébert hoped.
Schweizer notes that the book was written amid the Great Leap Forward, a communist campaign believed to be responsible for the vast majority of Mao’s body count.
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