View Full Version : Uncle Satan has been set up to get a real ass whippin'

midnight rambler
18th February 2022, 01:59 AM
The US Marine Corps has no tanks nor armored air defense or arty?? How did things get this bad??

Intentionally, totally intentionally.


18th February 2022, 05:19 AM
Yup, set up to be taken down. Just like a tin can on a wall. The demoralization is not nearly complete yet. We've got a fake, woke President; a fake woke military, a fake woke populace and every institution you can think of has been infiltrated and hollowed out. The middle class is being eroded, with the rich getting richer until there are two classes, the super rich and the impoverished masses. They are printing money and giving it to their cronies and throwing a few dollars out to the masses and the illegals. The money is coming out of our savings as they print more money and dilute what has been saved by those who have produced more than they have consumed. What were we thinking with all our frugality and careful spending habits?

Damn, I must be depressed this morning. I see this insane beating of the war drums by the cabal that has taken over our government and press and it is both amusing and horrifying at the same time. I was amused to see the Russians mockingly asking for a list of dates when they were going to invade Ukraine.

18th February 2022, 05:55 AM
Well maybe the reason for war is to kill more American's. Seems like that is what a lot of "our" wars have been about, plus just building stuff to blow it up, so they can build more high priced stuff, that we can pay through the nose for.

18th February 2022, 07:12 AM
Well maybe the reason for war is to kill more American's. Seems like that is what a lot of "our" wars have been about, plus just building stuff to blow it up, so they can build more high priced stuff, that we can pay through the nose for.
"Creative Destruction" a major tenet of Central Banking, requires the output and the producers of such, to be immolated occasionally. Moloch needs to be fed.

18th February 2022, 02:28 PM
Cannot even protect the country from millions of illegal invaders set up to replace the natives just walking across the southern border every year.

Edit to add:
thegatewaypundit.com: Jen Psaki Again Insists Ukraine Should Not Be Invaded by Unwanted Foreigners — Forgets About US Southern Border (https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/02/jen-psaki-insists-ukraine-not-invaded-unwanted-foreigners-forgets-us-southern-border-video/)
February 18, 2022
Jen Psaki: "What I would say is the vast majority of the global community is united in their shared view that invading another country, attempting to take some of their land, terrorizing their people, is certainly not aligned with global values."

18th February 2022, 09:41 PM
That was a great read.