View Full Version : Henry Makow: "Creative Destruction" & Then, 6uild 6ack 6etter

21st February 2022, 04:19 PM
From Henry Makow
Henry is Jewish.

21st February 2022, 04:57 PM
It's the marxist playbook. Rothschilds' and co. must be giddy.

22nd February 2022, 08:09 AM


22nd February 2022, 10:38 AM



23rd February 2022, 10:35 AM
Canada's Parliament voted to pass the Emergencies Act after the protest was over.

rt.com: Ottawa police chief declares ‘occupation over’ (https://www.rt.com/news/550008-ottawa-police-chief-protests-over/)

20 Feb, 2022 [Sunday]
Interim Ottawa Police Chief Steve Bell declared on Saturday that the ‘Freedom Convoy’ protests in Canada’s capital were over after nearly 200 protesters were arrested and many others left the area.

“This unlawful occupation is over. We will continue with our mission until it is complete,” Bell declared, noting that some smaller protests in Ottawa remained.

The police chief revealed that 170 arrests had been made on Friday and Saturday alone. Protest organizer Tom Marazzo also declared on Saturday that many demonstrators had “decided to peacefully withdraw” and that they would “simply regroup as a grassroots movement.”

However, Bell vowed on Friday to hunt down those who had been involved in the protests and punish them financially. “If you are involved in this protest, we will actively look to identify you and follow up with financial sanctions and criminal charges,” he warned.
Viral videos subsequently showed police officers trampling protesters with horses, pepper-spraying journalists, and using other forms of violence – which drew both domestic and foreign condemnation.
bigleaguepolitics.com: BREAKING: Ottawa Police Chief Promises Huntdown Of Convoy Protestors (https://bigleaguepolitics.com/breaking-ottawa-police-chief-promises-huntdown-of-convoy-protestors/)

Feb 20, 2022
“If you are involved in this protest, we will actively look to identify you and follow up with financial sanctions and criminal charges,” the police chief said at a press conference. “Absolutely. This investigation will go on for months to come.”
theguardian.com: Canada maintains [votes to pass Emergencies Act in Parliament] emergency powers after trucker blockades ended (https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/feb/22/canada-extends-emergency-powers-after-trucker-blockades-ended)

Canadian lawmakers have affirmed the federal government’s decision to invoke emergency powers, ratifying use by the prime minister, Justin Trudeau, of powerful tools to prevent new blockades by those opposed to Covid-19 restrictions.

Lawmakers in the country’s House of Commons voted 185 to 151 to affirm the powers on Monday night. The cabinet had declared an emergency on 14 February. Under the Emergencies Act, the government must seek parliamentary approval within seven days of invoking emergency powers, which remain in force for an initial 30 days after the original cabinet decision.

Despite police at the weekend ending the occupation of the nation’s capital by truckers, Trudeau said the emergency powers were still needed.

Trudeau noted there were some truckers just outside Ottawa who might be planning further blockades or occupations. His public safety minister said there was an attempt to block a border crossing in British Columbia over the weekend...

“The situation is still fragile, the state of emergency is still there,” Trudeau said before the vote.

On Tuesday, the movement’s lead fundraiser, Tamara Lich, was denied bail after she was arrested on Thursday night. Citing Lich’s risk of re-offending, the fact that she continued to advise others to remain on the streets in protest and the “grave” nature of her offences. Lich has been charged with counselling to commit mischief...

The opposition New Democratic Party supported it, ensuring Trudeau had enough votes. The NDP’s leader, Jagmeet Singh, said there are protesters waiting in the areas surrounding Ottawa and in the capital itself.

“This is an attack on our democracy. This is a group of folks who are very clearly connected to the extreme right wing, The organisers clearly have a goal in mind to undermine democracy. That’s something we can’t allow to continue,” he said...

Lori Turnbull, director of Dalhousie University’s School of Public Administration. She says many were likely surprised that gaps in existing laws fell short...Without the Emergencies Act, they weren’t going to be able to get to the financial part of it.”...

while this week’s parliamentary ratification allowed use of emergency powers to continue beyond the now-ended truckers’ occupation of Ottawa, it did not constitute an extension of those powers beyond the initial 30 days specified in the act.
abcnews.go.com: Canada lawmakers extend emergency powers for truck protests (https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/blockades-trudeau-emergency-powers-needed-83028675)

21 February 2022
TORONTO -- Canadian lawmakers voted Monday night to extend the emergency powers that police can invoke to quell any potential restart of blockades by those opposed to COVID-19 restrictions...

Emergency Preparedness Minister Bill Blair said the protesters were going for the “lifeblood of this nation, which is trade with the United States.”...

Ottawa protesters who vowed never to give up are largely gone, chased away by police in riot gear in what was the biggest police operation in the nation’s history...

“While we always will defend people’s right to opinion, expression and assembly there are limits to rights when they begin to impact so severely on the rights of others and we saw that here in Ottawa,” said Blair, the emergency preparedness minister.
wikipedia: Bill Blair (politician) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_Blair_(politician))

William Sterling Blair PC COM MP[3] (born April 9, 1954) is a Canadian politician and former police officer who has served as the president of the Privy Council and minister of emergency preparedness since October 26, 2021. A member of the Liberal Party, Blair represents Scarborough Southwest in the House of Commons. Blair previously held the portfolios of Minister of Border Security and Organized Crime Reduction and Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness. Before entering federal politics, he served as the chief of police with the Toronto Police Service from 2005 until his retirement in 2015. Blair's appointment as chief culminated a three-decade-long career in the police service.

During demonstrations against the G20 Toronto Summit nearly 1,000 arrests were made, making it the largest mass arrest in Canadian history. In the aftermath of the protests, the Toronto Police Service and the Integrated Security Unit (ISU) for the summit were heavily criticized for brutality during the arrests. Protests called for Blair to resign. In a December 2010 interview, Blair indicated that he would not resign, despite growing criticism of his leadership during and after the summit.

A class action lawsuit was begun against the Toronto police on behalf of all of those who were arrested in spite of the Toronto Police's several attempts to stop proceedings. As of November 10, 2016 The Supreme Court of Canada ruled that it will not hear the Toronto Police Services Board's appeal, and the suit was able to proceed to trial. On August 17, 2020, The Canadian Press announced that the lawsuit had resulted in a $16.5 million settlement. Those arrested were each awarded dollar amounts ranging from $5,000 to $24,700.

Responding to questions about a controversial regulation enacted by the Cabinet of Ontario to increase police powers during the summit, Blair was supportive, stating that "it was passed in exactly the procedure as described in our legislation in Ontario." Post-summit reports revealed that on June 25, prior to the start of the summit and shortly after Blair defended a widely reported misinterpretation of the regulation in a press conference, the police department received a government bulletin clarifying the misinterpretation and explaining that the new regulation accorded them no additional power to demand identification outside of the summit perimeter. Blair's spokesperson stated that as of the press conference, Blair was unaware of the clarification; however, Blair did not retract his prior remarks to the press after receiving the bulletin. When interviewed after the summit, Blair confirmed that there was never an extraordinary legal requirement for the public to present identification within 5 m of the perimeter fence, but that he "was trying to keep the criminals out."

In other news:
stationgossip.com/2022/02: EXCLUSIVE: After 25 Deaths, $1-$2 Billion in Damages, and Over 2,000 Policemen and Policewomen Injured, US Companies Have Contributed or Promised Nearly $1 Billion to BLM and/or Social Justice Groups (http://www.stationgossip.com/2022/02/exclusive-after-25-deaths-1-2-billion.html)

23rd February 2022, 12:43 PM
Perhaps war with Russia was the actual reason for Trudeau enacting the new War Measures Act?

tc2.ca: Overview of the War Measures Act (https://tc2.ca/uploads/backgroundbriefs/BBOverviewofwarmeasuresact.pdf#:~:text=The%20War%2 0Measures%20Act%20was%20a%20federal%20law,This%20t ype%20of%20law%20is%20called%20an%20Order-in-Council.)

The War Measures Act was invoked three times during the 20th century in Canada
World War I, 1914–1920
World War II, 1939–1945
The October Crisis, 1970
When the Emergencies Act of 1988 was passed
by Parliament, the War Measures Act was

bizpacreview.co: Trudeau vows to stand against authoritarianism of Russian, while he’s crushing his own people (https://www.bizpacreview.com/2022/02/23/trudeau-vows-to-stand-against-authoritarianism-of-russian-after-crushing-his-own-people-1204534/)

February 23, 2022
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau [WEF member (https://www.weforum.org/people/justin-trudeau)] grandstanded on Tuesday announcing that Russia’s aggression towards Ukraine will be met with “severe consequences” and sanctions, while he continued to invoke the authoritarian Emergencies Act and clamp down on supporters of the “Freedom Convoy.”

Displaying a complete lack of self-awareness, Trudeau blustered over Russia with meaningless threats and toothless sanctions, saying, “Russia’s brazen provocations are a threat to security and peace in the world.”

“Russia’s flagrant disregard for the independence of a sovereign nation is a serious threat to security and stability in the region and around the world,” he said. “Canada and our allies will defend democracy. We are taking these actions today in a stand against authoritarianism.”

Attempting to provide a united government front, but instead appearing more dictatorial, Trudeau was flanked by Canada’s finance, foreign affairs, and defense ministers while he spoke of standing against Russia. He announced that Canada will deploy approximately 460 members of the Canadian Forces to Operation Reassurance in Europe and is pledging to boost support for the NATO Response Force.

“Let us be clear, the invasion has started,” Foreign Affairs Minister Mélanie Joly [WEF member (https://es.weforum.org/people/melanie-joly)] proclaimed, according to Politico. “Our response begins today.”...

[Trudeau] also announced that Canadians will be banned from financial dealings with the so-called Luhansk and Donetsk People’s Republics.

Politico is reporting that Trudeau is set to make “a significant announcement” related to Canadian exports to Russia as well.

“Just as Russia has prepared for this day, so have we,” Joly asserted. “Canada and its partners have been clear — the actions of the Russian regime will be met with severe consequences.”

Trudeau declared during his speech that Canadians will be prohibited from purchasing Russian sovereign debt.

“We will apply additional sanctions onto state-backed Russian banks and prevent any financial dealings with them,” he threatened.

Joly also claimed that this was “just the beginning” of actions against Russia and that the government will make it illegal for Canadians to fund Russia, directly or indirectly, saying, “We are prepared to target even more of Russia’s financial sector and oligarchs.”

Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland [WEF member (https://www.weforum.org/people/chrystia-freeland)] warned that the economic costs will be severe...

When asked what Canada wants to see from Russia by The Canadian Press, Trudeau weakly responded, “We are looking for Russia to stand down, to cease its violations of Ukrainian sovereignty, Ukrainian territorial integrity, to return to negotiation tables.”

While Canadian officials take a so-called tough stance on Russia, they are also clamping down on “Freedom Convoy” protesters who have been roughed up and trampled by Canadian police. Many who have supported the protests have been arrested and have had their credit and bank accounts frozen. A leader of the convoy has been denied bail. Trucks and vehicles were seized and now the mayor of Ottawa is threatening to sell them rather than return the property.

25th February 2022, 04:41 PM
Since Justin Trudeau became Prime Minister in 2015 the Liberals and NDP have DOUBLED Canada's Federal Debt!!


The Government posted a budgetary surplus of $1.9 billion for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2015, compared to a budgetary deficit of $5.2 billion in 2013–14....

The federal debt (the difference between total liabilities and total assets) stood at $612.3 billion at March 31, 2015

The government posted a budgetary deficit of $39.4 billion for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2020, compared to an estimated deficit of $34.4 billion in the July 2020 Economic and Fiscal Snapshot...

The government posted a budgetary deficit of $39.4 billion for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2020, compared to an estimated deficit of $34.4 billion in the July 2020 Economic and Fiscal Snapshot.

The government posted a budgetary deficit of $327.7 billion for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2021...

The federal debt (the difference between total liabilities and total assets) stood at $1,048.7 billion at March 31, 2021.

In a fiscal update, the finance ministry forecast the deficit would be C$144.5 billion in fiscal 2021/22

"The commitment needs to be a commitment to grow the economy and the budget will balance itself"- Justin Trudeau

28th March 2022, 06:38 PM
Canadian Federal leadership apparently has no opposition for wasting tens of billions of dollars more on failed tech if it supports current thing war-mongering.

openparliament.ca: Candice Bergen on Russia's Attack on Ukraine (https://openparliament.ca/debates/2022/2/28/candice-bergen-4/only/)

In the House of Commons on February 28th, 2022
Candice Bergen Leader of the Opposition

Mr. Speaker, these are painful and heartbreaking days for the people of Ukraine...

The Liberal government cannot afford to take our peace and security for granted any longer. We need to take Putin's threats seriously. We need to make sure Canada is prepared to face aggression with the same level of determination we have seen in the Ukrainian people. That is why Conservatives are calling on the government to come forward with a robust plan to defend Canada's Arctic security and sovereignty. This includes modernizing NORAD's early warning system. It is also time that we fix Canada's long-broken military procurement system. We must accelerate the national shipbuilding program and, finally, it is time to purchase F-35 jets.

nationalpost.com: Seven years after vowing not to purchase F-35 jets, the Liberals are now buying them (https://nationalpost.com/news/politics/seven-years-after-vowing-not-to-purchase-f-35-jets-liberals-are-now-buying-them)

Mar 28, 2022
Seven years after vowing never to replace Canada’s aging fighter jet fleet with F-35s, the Trudeau Liberals are now planning to purchase 88 of them.

Defence Minister Anita Anand announced the news early Monday afternoon, confirming the government’s intentions to sign final purchase contracts with manufacturer Lockheed-Martin later this year...

A no-confidence vote triggered in part by refusals to release costs associated with the F-35 program led to the minority Harper government’s collapse 11 years ago this week, sending Canadians to polls and returning the Conservatives to power with a majority government.

In 2015, opposition leader Justin Trudeau made the issue into a prominent plank in the Liberals’ election platform. “We will not buy the F-35 fighter jet,” he said, adding that if elected there would be a cheaper alternative.

“The Conservative government never actually justified or explained why they felt Canada needed a fifth-generation fighter,” Trudeau said in 2015. “They just talked about it like it was obvious. It was obvious, as we saw through the entire process, that they were particularly, and some might say unreasonably or unhealthily, attached to the F-35 aircraft.”

cnn.com: Senior Trump Air Force official suggested dramatically slashing F-35 jet numbers (https://www.cnn.com/2021/05/15/politics/f-35-jet-air-force/index.html)

May 15, 2021
The program, which will mark its 20th anniversary this October, has not yet completed its testing or entered full production, despite being operational in the field, and it has been plagued by cost overruns and delays for years, including a shortage of 800 engines by 2030. Across the Air Force, Navy, and Marines, the F-35 remains well below its target full mission capable rate, which is the rate at which it can perform all of its intended missions. The Navy F-35 is fully mission capable only 7% of the time, according to the GAO.

"It's more expensive than we expected it to be. It's taking longer than we expected it to take. The engine breaks down more quickly than we expected it to and is more expensive and time-consuming to fix than we expected it to be," said Rep. Adam Smith, chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, speaking with CNN. "We do not yet have the full capability that has been promised in terms of what the F-35 can do."

23rd January 2023, 05:28 PM
Jagmeet Singh, previously denied entry to India for “insidious agenda of disturbing the social fabric of India and undermining the peace, harmony and territorial integrity of India” (https://www.opindia.com/2019/10/canadian-politician-jagmeet-singh-pro-khalistani-pro-pakistan-indian-intelligence/) along with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his finance minister (the ex-journalist on the WEF Board of Trusties) are the three Canadians most responsible for inflation in Canada.

torontosun.com: singh-may-complain-but-hes-sticking-by-trudeau-in-coalition-of-the-clueless (https://torontosun.com/opinion/columnists/lilley-singh-may-complain-but-hes-sticking-by-trudeau-in-coalition-of-the-clueless)

(https://torontosun.com/opinion/columnists/lilley-singh-may-complain-but-hes-sticking-by-trudeau-in-coalition-of-the-clueless)canada.ca: annual-financial-report/2022
The government posted a budgetary deficit of $90.2 billion for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2022, compared to a deficit of $327.7 billion in the previous fiscal year...

The federal debt (the difference between total liabilities and total assets) stood at $1,134.5 billion at March 31, 2022.

For comparison's sake, per capita it is about the same as the 4 trillion of new debt in Washington DC and in two years the Trudeau/ Singh governing coalition expanded the Federal Government's total debt by 58.3% (417.5/716.6=0.583)

So after inflating the currency (whist disrupting productive economic activity via scamdemic and clot-shot protocols) the result was price inflation in Canada was no longer limited or contained to financial assets and property, but spread to all goods.

So what is this socialist and one of the top three birth-persons of record high food inflation doing now?

Blaming capitalism and corporate CEO's for inflation.


5 days ago
Federal NDP leader Jagmeet Singh has issued a public rebuke of the wealthy grocery oligarchs driving up the cost of food in Canada, referring to industry titans as "greedy CEOs" and calling rampant grocery inflation "wrong and unjust."

Singh tweeted the harsh words to his over 588,000 followers on Tuesday, blaming but not naming CEOs like Galen Weston Jr., and alleging that the federal Liberal and Conservative parties have allowed runaway grocery inflation to go unchecked.

Jagmeet Singh: Greedy CEOs Must Be Stopped
