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22nd February 2022, 11:49 AM
Klaus Schwab’s puppet ‘Young Global Leaders’ revealed — Trudeau in Canada, Buttigieg in U.S., Macron in France, and many more (https://leohohmann.com/2022/02/10/klaus-schwabs-puppet-young-global-leaders-revealed-trudeau-in-canada-buttigieg-in-u-s-macron-in-france-and-many-more/)

As technocracy expert Patrick Wood says, it was no coincidence that 1992 was chosen as the year to start the Global Leaders of Tomorrow program.

This was the same year that Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development were unleashed on the world. The new agenda for the world required a new kind of leader and Klaus Schwab’s program was key to the whole evil plan.

That new kind of leader would offer exactly the kind of “leadership” we see in Ottawa, Paris, London and Washington. Leaders who basically hate their own people and do not care one bit what they think because they don’t answer to the people. They answer to their bosses at the World Economic Forum, folks like Bill Gates, George Soros and Klaus Schwab.

This is why Justin Trudeau could tell more than 50,000 Canadian truckers that they held “unacceptable views” about vaccine mandates and he would not meet with them to hear their concerns, even though they had the backing of up to a million or more Canadians thronging the streets to welcome the Truckers’ Freedom Convoy into their cities and towns. This is why Joe Biden could tell the 40 percent of Americans who rejected his experimental vaccines that “our patience is wearing thin.” Emmanuel Macron could deride the vaccine refusniks in his country as well, telling them that they would no longer be treated as French citizens and that he would purposely work to enact policies that would “piss them off.”

With the exception of Biden, all of these leaders are graduates of Klaus Schwab’s Young Global Leaders program. The article below delves into that program and discloses more of its graduates, who arrive in their nations’ capitals as pre-programmed Manchurian candidates ready to do the bidding of the globalist World Economic Forum and its “Great Reset.”

By Jacob Nordangĺrd

Through its Young Global Leaders program, the World Economic Forum has been instrumental in shaping a world order that undermines all democratic principles. For several decades, this program has nurtured compliant leaders acting as WEF agents in governments around the world. The consequences are far-reaching and may turn out to be devastating for humanity.

“I have to say then I mention names like Mrs. Merkel, even Vladimir Putin and so on they all have been Young Global Leaders of The World Economic Forum. But what we are really proud of now with the young generation like Prime Minister Trudeau, President of Argentina and so on, is that we penetrate the cabinets… It is true in Argentina and it is true in France now… (Klaus Schwab speaking at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government in video below)

(To get to the interesting part skip forward to the 29:45 mark)

In 1992, Klaus Schwab and World Economic Forum launched a program initially called Global Leaders of Tomorrow. In 2004, this program was turned into the Forum for Young Global Leaders (which I cover in my book The Global Coup D’Etat) – a 5-year program of indoctrination into WEFs principles and goals. The aim was – and is – to find suitable future leaders for the emerging global society. The program has since its inception has included politicians, business leaders, royalty, journalists, performers and other cultural influencers who have excelled in their fields but have not yet turned 40 years of age (originally 43 in order to include Angela Merkel). It has since grown into an extensive global network of dedicated leaders with enormous resources and influence, all working to implement the technocratic plans of the World Economic Forum in their respective nations and fields.

The network creates a force for worldwide influence through the combination of the individual skills and resources of its members.

As Klaus Schwab says in the introductory quote, it has become very successful. Already in the first year, 1992, a number of highly influential candidates were elected. Among 200 selected were global profiles such as
Angela Merkel,
Tony Blair,
Nicolas Sarkozy,
Bill Gates,
Richard Branson (Virgin),
Jorma Ollila (Shell Oil), and
José Manuel Barroso (President of the European Commission 2004–2014).[1]

More examples of influential Young Global Leaders [2]:

Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden
Crown Prince Haakon of Norway
Crown Prince Fredrik of Denmark
Prince Jaime de Bourbon de Parme, Netherlands
Princess Reema Bint Bandar Al-Saud, Ambassador for Saudi-Arabia in USA
Jacinda Arden, Prime Minister, New Zealand
Alexander De Croo, Prime Minister, Belgium
Emmanuel Macron, President, France
Sanna Marin, Prime Minister, Finland
Carlos Alvarado Quesada, President, Costa Rica
Faisal Alibrahim, Minister of Economy and Planning, Saudi Arabia
Shauna Aminath, Minister of Environment, Climate Change and Technology, Maldives
Ida Auken, MP, former Minister of Environment, Denmark (author to the infamous article “Welcome To 2030: I Own Nothing, Have No Privacy And Life Has Never Been Better”)
Annalena Baerbock, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Leader of Alliance 90/Die Grünen, Germany
Kamissa Camara, Minister of the Digital Economy and Planning, Mali
Ugyen Dorji, Minister of Domestic Affairs, Bhutan
Chrystia Freeland, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Canada
Martín Guzmán, Minister of Finance, Argentina
Muhammad Hammad Azhar, Minister of Energy, Pakistan
Paula Ingabire, Minister of Information and communications technology and Innovation, Rwanda
Ronald Lamola, Minister of Justice and Correctional Services, South Africa
Birgitta Ohlson, Minister for European Union Affairs 2010–2014, Sweden
Mona Sahlin, Party Leader of the Social Democrats 2007–2011, Sweden
Stav Shaffir, Leader of the Green Party, Israel
Vera Daves de Sousa, Minister of Finance, Angola
Leonardo Di Caprio, actor and Climate Activist
Mattias Klum, photographer and Environmentalist
Jack Ma, Founder of Alibaba
Larry Page, Founder of Google
Ricken Patel, Founder of Avaaz
David de Rothschild, adventurer and Environmentalist
Jimmy Wale, Founder of Wikipedia
Jacob Wallenberg, Chairman of Investor
Niklas Zennström, Founder of Skype
Mark Zuckerberg, Founder of Facebook
Pete Buttigieg, U.S. Secretary of Transportation

The purpose from the beginning has been to “identify and advance a future-oriented global agenda, focusing on issues at the intersection of the public and private sectors.” Public–Private Partnerships is one of the cornerstones of the World Economic Forum philosophy. That is, a merger between state and large companies (also known as corporativism) with the aim of solving global problems of in a more “effective” way. The choice of leaders clearly reflects this aspiration.

The Young Global Leaders group was initially instructed to identify the major challenges of the 21st century. These included peace, the environment, education, technology and health – areas which these upcoming leaders could exploit politically, economically, and culturally in the new millennium.

Partners for Global Leaders of Tomorrow in 2000 were large global companies such as The Coca Cola Company, Ernst & Young, Volkswagen, and BP Amoco. These could contribute to the agenda by “playing an active role in developing and implementing the concept of the GLT project. The partners can therefore actively participate in the development of GLT programs; representatives of the partner companies as well as their guests are invited to GLT meetings .. ” Since the Global Leaders of Tomorrow was turned into Young Global Leaders 2004, partners such as the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Google, and JPMorganChase (with alumni from the program) have also participated as sponsors.

The ultimate consequence of both public–private partnerships and these target areas is the creation of a largely fascist social contract in which the individual has become subordinated to these powerful interests. Noble goals of creating a better world have also been kidnapped. This is especially evident in the context of the partnership between the WEF and the UN and the implementation of the global goals (Agenda 2030) through the application of the technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

This means that the democratic principles and division of power of the 20th century have largely been completely undermined and instead replaced by a new global class that shapes our common future based on their own interests. This has led to a de facto privatisation of both national governments and international organisations, where lobbyists are no longer kept in the lobby but have moved into the seat of power, shaping policies directly affecting our lives. What this means has become particularly evident since the pandemic was declared in March 2020. In addition, leading multinational investment management corporations such as BlackRock, led by the World Economic Forum’s own Larry Fink, have constantly moved their positions forward.

German economist and journalist Ernst Wolff believes that many of the national leaders included in the Young Global Leader program have been selected for their willingness to carry out the tough agenda of lockdowns in recent years without asking any questions, and that their impending failure (as evidenced by in a growing dissatisfaction of the masses) will be used as an excuse to create a new form of Global Government where the old nation states become largely obsolete. A new global digital currency with Universal Basic Income (UBI) can then be gradually introduced to replace our doomed monetary system.[3] This conclusion partly coincides with my own. It is also supported by Paul Raskin‘s scenarios from The Great Transition Initiative on how a totalitarian “New Earth Order” is established, to be replaced in the long run by a global democratic government (Earth Federation) with a World Constitution.[4]

The COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the catastrophic failure of an every-country-for-itself approach to public health, and national economic interests, rather than global needs, continue to dominate discussions of climate policy, paving the path toward climate chaos.

Under the tricameral World Parliament come the four main agencies of the Earth Federation government: the World Supreme Court system, the World Executive, the World Enforcement System, and the World Ombudsman.[5] – Glen T. Martin, The Great Transition Requires the Earth Constitution

The vision is that a peaceful and harmonious world in balance is created through the establishment of a World Federation with a World Parliament, World Government and a World Court. These are ideas that have long circulated in Club of Rome and closely connected New Age circles. The question is how such a new global system of power would escape the fate of being kidnapped by the same interests that created our current corrupt and failing system? This is in view of those who support projects such as The Great Transition (initiated with start-up capital from Steven Rockefeller). What is happening is rather a method of taking us to their ultimate solution in the form of a global technocratic control system.

However, it is highly unlikely that this plan will succeed. Awareness is spreading like wildfire and the panic of the elite increases as their narrative crumbles and people become more and more immune to the propaganda. Hence all the inquisitors and “fact checkers” who diligently gatekeep the narrative and help steer public opinion in the “right” direction. They are surely to be trusted since, for example, David Roy Thomson, Chairman of the Thomson Reuters Corporation, is an alumni of Global Leaders of Tomorrow, class of 1993.

It is now time to take control of our own destinies and to avoid falling into new traps.

Thanks to investigative journalist Cory Morningstar for the clip that inspired this blog article. Follow her blog Wrong Kind of Green.[1] World Economic Forum, GLT Class of 1993.pdf
[2] World Economic Forum, Young Global Leaders Community (searchable list over YGL alumni)
[3] Michael Lord, “Exposed: Klaus Schwab’s School For Covid Dictators, Plan for ‘Great Reset’“, RAIR Foundation, November 10, 2021
[4] Paul Raskin, Journey to Earthland: The Great Transition to Planetary Civilization.pdf, Tellus Institute, Boston, 2016
[5] Glen T. Martin, The Great Transition Requires the Earth Constitution“, Great Transition Initiative, November 2021

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16th September 2022, 08:30 AM
wikispooks.com: Bilderberg/2021 (https://www.wikispooks.com/wiki/Bilderberg/2021)

It is unknown whether a 2021 Bilderberg Meeting was held; the group's website stated that it "had to be cancelled, due to travel and meeting restrictions." Of the 1861 living Bilderbergers, over 140, listed below, have played significant roles in managing the COVID-19 event: Many of those listed below are also on the list of COVID-19 WEF perpetrators...

Many, perhaps most, of the below have been active in various roles; this page attempts to list them under the most important played. Steering committee members (both present and former) are underlined.


1 Virus R & D

2 Pandemic Planning

3 Task Forces
3.1 National Task Forces
3.1.1 Handlers
3.2 Others

4 Social change
4.1 Lockdowns
4.2 Furlough Schemes
4.3 Digitalization
4.4 Masks
4.5 Social distancing
4.6 Track and Trace

5 Controlling the Narrative
5.1 Academia
5.2 Big media
5.3 Promoting panic
5.4 Opinion polling
5.5 Censorship

6 "Vaccines"
6.1 R & D
6.2 Sidelining repurposed drugs
6.3 Liability Evasion
6.4 Production & distribution
6.5 Uncritical promotion
6.6 Scapegoating of non-recipients
6.7 Mandation
6.8 "Vaccine Passports"
6.8.1 Sidelining natural immunity

7 Great Reset
7.1 COVID handouts
7.1.1 French Covid debt commission
7.2 Digital Identity

8 Unproven/Unclear role

9 Rating

10 References


21st December 2022, 07:53 AM

nationalfile.com: Klaus Schawb, WEF Cut Ties with Russia Over Ukraine Conflict (https://nationalfile.com/klaus-schawb-wef-cut-ties-russia-ukraine-conflict/)
March 11, 2022
nationwideradiojm.com: Zelensky Uses World Economic Forum to Call for Boycott of Russian Businesses (https://nationwideradiojm.com/zelensky-uses-world-economic-forum-to-call-for-boycott-of-russian-businesses/)
26 May, 2022

haaretz.com: Davos Chair Apologizes for Magazine's Israel Boycott Call (https://www.haaretz.com/2006-01-26/ty-article/davos-chair-apologizes-for-magazines-israel-boycott-call/0000017f-dbbe-df9c-a17f-ffbe7a580000)

Jan 26, 2006
DAVOS - The chairman and executive director of the Davos World Economic Forum on Thursday offered a sweeping apology to all delegates for an article calling for the boycott of Israel that appeared in a prestigious magazine issued by the forum.

Professor Klaus Schwab, who founded the annual Davos conclave 35 years ago, said he was "shocked" to read, just today, the article that appeared in the magazine "Global Agenda."

Some American Jewish leaders attending the conference said they were not satisfied with the apology...

Zukerman, a leading real estate developer, is a former chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations. He said he would be meeting with Schwab later Thursday and recommending tougher steps.

The magazine, "Global Agenda" was prepared for the economic forum by Euromoney PLC, a company that specializes in magazines. Schwab said he would rather forgo having a magazine altogether at next year's conference unless he had "absolute guarantees that this would not happen again."...

Mark Adams, head of press at Davos, explained that the magazine had arrived just a day before the publication deadline and neither he nor Schwab had had the time to browse through it, let alone read the articles in depth.

The two-page article in question was headlined "boycott Israel." Written by American academic Mazin Qumsiyeh, its message summarized in the subheading was "global civil society ought to boycott Israel until it ends its Apartheid-like treatment of Palestinians."...

In his letter of apology, which Schwab said he would circulate to all delegates at Davos, he wrote: "With great concern and pain I just learned that 'Global Agenda,' a publication distributed to our members at the Annual Meeting 2006, contains an article calling for the boycott of Israel. This article is totally in contradiction to my own, and the Forum's, mission and values. For 36 years I have been committed to fighting for better mutual understanding in the world. The Forum has been deeply involved in efforts to create better relations and reconciliation in the Middle East...

"As soon as I learned about this article I immediately investigated how this situation could have developed. I concluded that there was an unacceptable failure in the editorial process... an insufficiently short period for review of content, for which there is no excuse. I, on behalf on the Forum, profoundly apologize. I would like express my regret to everybody and can assure everyone that appropriate steps have been instituted to ensure that this situation will never happen again."

Schwab called in Israeli newsmen to say how "terrible and pained" he felt when the article was brought to his attention. "It happened. I have to take responsibility. I will apologize personally to such good friends and Shimon Peres and Prof Avishai Braverman.

He said that he would apologize personally when he chaired a session of the full Forum on Friday.

27th December 2022, 11:34 AM
How the game is rigged by the deepstate. The deepstate wants a one party state. With weak controlled opposition. So the Oligarchs rig it so according to the media perception, the Democrats are the "only corrupt" and those to blame for cia-Likud corruption. When behind wall street Democrats are the old Country Club Republican Oligarchs. Democrats are the deepstate puppets you see. Kissinger, Rockefeller, Bush and the cia-mossad are the puppeteers. So the Puppeteers blame the puppets in the media and 1984 can only happen when the dupes blame Democrats and believe Republicans and the Pompeo-Trump cia-mossad are not to blame. This is the scheme. This was the purpose of Trump. One party state with weak opposition. With the notion that the deepstate is defeated with Democrats and neo-liberals. This has been the cia script since the deepstate take down of GIM1.

Does CNN say the vaccine opposition is against Kissinger and Rockefeller, both Republicans. No CNN and MSNBC say the vaccine opposition is against Gates and Fauci. As is according to cia jewish script. The real Oligarchs hide from blame, while the puppets of the Oligarchs take the flack as is by design. The puppets of the deepstate are the controlled opposition Democrats.

27th December 2022, 04:57 PM
“[T]he useful idiots, the leftists who are idealistically believing in the beauty of the Soviet socialist or Communist or whatever system, when they get disillusioned, they become the worst enemies. That’s why my KGB instructors specifically made the point: never bother with leftists. Forget about these political prostitutes. Aim higher. [...] They serve a purpose only at the stage of destabilization of a nation. For example, your leftists in the United States: all these professors and all these beautiful civil rights defenders. They are instrumental in the process of the subversion only to destabilize a nation. When their job is completed, they are not needed any more. They know too much. Some of them, when they get disillusioned, when they see that Marxist-Leninists come to power—obviously they get offended—they think that they will come to power. That will never happen, of course. They will be lined up against the wall and shot.”
― Yuri Bezmenov

27th December 2022, 10:06 PM
The more the "resistance" blame the sock puppets for the pink-commie stuff, the more the deepstate is able to throw more of that LGBTQ in anybodys face. When the resistance blames the real culprits, not fauci and gates or Zelensky, and instead blame the entire cia, entire Republicans, entire Democrats... the jews are forced to do "the goyim knows shut it down". The worst shut down of leftists is before 1984, it means the plan worked and the Soros leftists and communists are going to be shut down and locked up because these fools are not needed. The trouble is by then, it is too late. The Democratic Party likes to take away freedom of speech and resistance, while their Republican masters overlook and do nothing to stop it, Republicans let the Democrats take away freedoms, to be your saviour so you vote for the Republican party of 1984. Republicans take away civil liberties and are worse than Democrats in terms of 1984. For Europe has gun restrictions and before the African nigger infestation, Europeans were perfectly ok ruling themselves and without the need for widespread freedom of arms (this varies from nation to nation in Europe). I was on forums with Europeans from Europe, they like the unity of Europe in the EU, they like ruling themselves. They like the white paradise of Europe for Europeans. There are various gun restrictions, and there is still much more freedoms, except the holohoax religion. When you are ruled over by your kin and random citizens, no guns does not equal 1984. You have a government trying to survive in a ZOG global disorder. Some nations in Europe have random elected people in random political parties that the jews are trying to collapse and shut down. A few of those countries have at least moderately strict gun laws. They are not 1984. However, 1984 without guns for citizens is monumentally worse for those living in 1984.

After 1984, there is some chance of turning back. Because you would have to psy-op the cops and military protecting the deepstate. Which is why the conservatives are hit with the psy-op that defund the popo and military is Soros and pinko-leftist. Yes, defunding a normal police for a normal nation is center-leftist. However a ZOG 1984, defunding the popo and military and returning to the old west of few laws and few law enforcement is the exact thing that the deepstate fears, second only to gold and silver as money. So the only way to take down a 1984 state is to educate the military and popo to turn on their masters. This is nearly impossible if these are radicalized Qanoners that believe shitlibs would take over unless the Trump family remains as kings or another fuhrer ZOG leader that is made to lead the resistance and fool the fools. These are the exact radicalized Trumpers that support the Jewish paradise of Russia and want Chabad to have a Russian hellscape here. This is why the entire abortion debate is moot. The entire LGBTQ debate is moot. Niggerism is another topic, nigs need to be deported to the Sahara. Guns are another topic, guns are needed for self-defense, especially in a 1984 hellscape, no further explanation needed. When you vote Republican, you vote to be put on the path to 1984. When you vote Democrat, you vote for preparations for 1984 that Republicans need for 1984. The Republican cia wants to ban guns using puppets Democrats, then want blame Democrats, so you vote cia deepstate Republican. Guns are going to be difficult to ban before 1984, before robot police, because the Qanon base of the deepstate 1984 have guns as part of their culture. 1984 could collapse if Republicans ban guns. So they would need a new conservative deepstate supreme court to ban guns and Don Jr or President Kushner say "oh well, we can't have guns, the Supreme court has spoken". This is where a split congress helped. For two years, no complete ban on guns. You have to comprehend the psy-ops from cia-mossad, so you are not manipulated to promote 1984. We are not far off from robot soldiers. Once the deepstate have their robot popo and robot military, it is game over. Leave, over the wall. No getting over the wall, so you have to leave to Canada and out. Hopefully there is no wall built there to protect Qanoners from lib Trudeau. That is where Putin is being used. The ZOG want Jew Putin and Chabad to rule over white Caucasians in Europe. The plan war Trump gets second term, starts war with China to knock out a rival. Then Putin invades Europe and US is unable to defend Europe from Jew ZOG Putin. The Jew plan is a no-escape planet earth. Alex Jonestein dream of a prison planet.

How are leftist governments going to fall to cia puppets around the globe. That is where the currency collapse plan is put into place. Success for only those that accept bitcoin, and misery for those supporting paper and coin. So governments would fall and fall in line to support the cia-mossad plan.

28th December 2022, 05:06 AM
A couple of more names to the list above. Sanna Marin, prime minister of Finland. Rishi Sunak, prime minister of UK. Ulf Kristersson, prime minister of Sweden. Mette Fredriksson, prime minister of Denmark.

28th December 2022, 11:50 AM
Naming the Prime Minister of Finland proves the WEF are not the deepstate. Several pawns, perhaps. Not the deepstate. WEF is part of the Association of Helpers. Not the decision makers. WEF implements deepstate misdirection agenda so the deepstate Oligarch decision makers are not implicated.

The WEF has been around for decades. The WEF was not behind 9/11, that was Bush/cia with mossad. The WEF was not behind the 2005 freemason plan in the UK to release a bioweapon on China. That was the freemasons and cia/mossad.

Globalism and Globalization was a post-WWII era where international trade was co-opted by Oligarchs, to paint themselves along with successful non-Oligarch whites to promote financial success in the West vs Communism.

There was globalism of capitalism vs communism of the Soviets. This is why the WEF was founded, to promote the success of jewish finance linked with European/white business and enterprise.

In a post-Cold War era, the deepstate sees no need of globalism, a remnant of the cold war. The Oligarchs are not globalists, they identify as such to keep making money and keep the system going. Globalism was the clothes the zionazi Oligarchs wore during the 50s to the 80s to fight communism.

Globalism, globalization, success - american dream, prosperity, freedom are no longer needed for the goyim.

As the Oligarchs want to crash the dollar/FRNs to get rid of paper money and institute bitcoin as the mark of the beast system. 1984 and globalization are opposing factions of the Oligarchs. Jewish paradise of Russia and Israel are the 1984 path. The leaders are Netanyahu, Putin and Trump. Defeat Likud, have Labour win in Israel. Defeat Russia, break it up. Defeat Russia Chabad cia Republicans. You defeated the 1984 agenda, planned for 15 years. The deepstate would be douchebaggy and try another method to 1984. Though Netanyahu and Trump and Putin are the movement of 1984. Likud is running the show.

The Oligarchs want to crash the system and impliment 1984, crash the dollar/FRN, crash national currencies and impose bitcoin, this would destroy global trade for a while, until a new bretton woods system is set in place by the new robber barrons of Trump, Musk and Putin.

WEF is an expendable cold war institute, which is why the disinfo shills say the WEF is "the deepstate controlling the globe". If crashed by the Oligarchs, it would fool the masses informed by disinfo shills that the deepstate is over. An expendable relic of the cold war is easily scapegoated to be blamed for the sins of the Oligarchs. The cia Trump, Tucker and Musk script is anti-WEF.

The deepstate is Kissinger, Bush and Rockefeller in the USA. The British Royals and Tories in the UK. Likud-Netanyahu in Israel. Putin and Khazar Chabad in Russia. These are the deepstate. Rothschild is intermediary between these parties.


28th December 2022, 12:49 PM
WEF would be as Lee Harvey Oswald being the patsey shooter of JFK. Those that blame Oswald believe Oswald to be the sole decision maker - the WEF. That Oswald was not a patsy. WEF is an old, rotten structure, no longer needed. So according to cia boardrooms and cia shills, it the ideal blame patsy of the plandemic.

There is a video from 10 years ago that a British man said the freemasons in the UK planned to release biological weapons on China to blame China. This was planned during the Bush years in around 2005. The bat virUS was first researched in the North Carolina labs and US government labs 8 years ago and earlier. Before China had the virUS to research. The USA cia bioweapon was sent to China via Washington approval of the funding. Here it got Fauci's finger prints on the Chinese version. And China's fingerprints on the Chinese version in Wuhan. However, the Wuhan version was not the version that infected the globe. It was the US military labs version. Fauci, Gates, China are the patsies. WEF are the patsies. Kissinger and Rockefeller and the cia were the decision makers, with backers of freemasons and British Royals, Netanyahu and Likud/mossad. The outbreak started in Maryland in June 2019. Went to Europe in August/September 2019. Hit China in November 2019, when it was placed there by the US military in Wuhan.

This was not a lab leak in China or the USA. This was a deliberate cia spreading of the plandemic. With disinfo shills blaming Gates, Fauci and China.

When China found it in December 2019, there were so few cases that extrapolating the data, even the most liberal methods of a huge Chinese cover-up, does not place China getting the virUS before Italy had the outbreak.

Researchers find coronavirus was circulating in Italy earlier than thought

If you extrapolate the data in the USA, the vaping illness of the summer of 2019 is really the first strain of the coronavirUS effecting the young vulnerable vapers. The jew owned labs in the USA covered this up. And the first outbreak were sick and dying nursing home residents that the jew in charge said we would never find the culprit of the outbreak, while a few media outlets said it was/could be the common cold.

This info proves Fauci, China and WEF are patsies. The cia did the deed. Trump ordered the plandemic with the blame on China. Trump was the candidate of the bioweapon. Same as Bush Jr was the candidate for 9/11. Gore would not have done the 9/11 attacks to have cia wars. Hillary would not have approved the blame China virUS that Trump was groomed for doing. Once Trump was declared the winner in 2016, freemasons and jews knew a bioweapon would be released by them. Fauci, a henchmen involved to be a willing patsy, knew and predicted this. Fauci was in on it, knew the entire plan, and knew that China and Fauci would be blamed by disinfo shills. Obama was in on it to set up China with the copy of the bioweapon. However, Obama would not have the outbreak in Obama's term. Deepstate Likud anti-China Trump was chosen to be the new George Bush of new 9/11, the plandemic.

This took 3 years of research to find this info. Disinfo shills keep these facts from the public to blame the WEF, Fauci, China and Gates as the sole perpetrators. Fauci, Gates, WEF, China are the new Muslim hijackers of planes on 9/11.

29th December 2022, 04:36 AM
There is no one here putting the sole blame on WEF. It is however an organization that without doubt has put a lot of their trainees in position of power all over the world, and its insane ideas are implemented. This is more than evidence that it is more than an old rotten structure and a patsy (where are the arrests of its leadership or even the MSM coverage of its nefarious activities?). Your efforts in misdirection are duly noted c.martel.

29th December 2022, 11:20 AM
The WEF are like the controlled opposition Democrats to George Bush Republicans. Oligarchs have two groups, the deepstate trying to usher in 1984 and the status quo controlled opposition oligarchs - Democrats and WEF. Both sides are in on it. The keep the status quo Democrats neo-libs push the resistance to support 1984 with support of LGBTQ. And the conservative deepstate implement 1984.

The faction ushering 1984 are the Russia Republicans faction, the cia Putin faction, the Likud Netanyahu faction and the British "Royal" Tory faction. Kike-burner Le Pen is the French faction along with kike Zemmour trying to destroy the old cold war relics (WEF) and usher in 1984.

If Bill Clinton was president, election over and over by voters, there would be no 1984. If Bush or Trump election year after year by voter fraud in Ohio/elsewhere and courts deciding florida to stop recounting, there would be 1984 soon.

Democratic voters stop 1984 when they promote the WEF/neo-liberal agenda.

3rd February 2023, 08:37 AM
Colossal Financial Pyramid: BlackRock and The WEF Great Reset

NEWS WIRE (https://21stcenturywire.com/author/21wire/)

A virtually unregulated investment firm today exercises more political and financial influence than the Federal Reserve and most governments on this planet.

F. William Engdahl

Global Research (https://21stcenturywire.com/2023/01/31/colossal-financial-pyramid-blackrock-and-the-wef-great-reset/)
The firm, BlackRock Inc., the world’s largest asset manager, invests a staggering $9 trillion in client funds worldwide, a sum more than double the annual GDP of the Federal Republic of Germany. This colossus sits atop the pyramid of world corporate ownership, including in China most recently. Since 1988 the company has put itself in a position to de facto control the Federal Reserve, most Wall Street mega-banks, including Goldman Sachs, the Davos World Economic Forum Great Reset, the Biden Administration and, if left unchecked, the economic future of our world. BlackRock is the epitome of what Mussolini called Corporatism, where an unelected corporate elite dictates top down to the population.

Continued at link (https://21stcenturywire.com/2023/01/31/colossal-financial-pyramid-blackrock-and-the-wef-great-reset/)