View Full Version : China - The Three Magic Weapons

23rd February 2022, 08:34 AM


12:26 video runtime

United States is in an Unconventional War with China and its Three “Magic Weapons”:

Steven Mosher

Premiered 12 hours ago

Crossroads Highlights

🔵 Watch the Full Episode 👉https://ept.ms/ChinaWar


Dachsie comment:

I remember Steven Mosher was a guest several times on Radio Liberty show with Dr. Stan Monteith. Mr. Mosher, as I recall, was just about to receive his PhD degree but someone with great power did not like his message and information so he was denied his degree though he had completed all the work. He lived in China for years and studied the culture and their One-Child Policy and resultant problems of not ending up with enough women to continue the nation's population. He also focused on Communist brutality and suppression of all religion. He is a true Christian expert on china.