View Full Version : Best way to control the opposition is to lead it.
1st March 2022, 07:32 AM
Interesting reading.
Big dummy found out that I helped one of these crypto Jews who I thought was doing good work publicizing the plight of the Afrikaner farmers. Lauren Southern is really Lauren Simonsen a Jewess.
1st March 2022, 08:06 AM
Is It Time To Cancel Shakespeare’s ‘Merchant Of Venice’ Or Just Rewrite It? (
Jewish-dominated theatre groups in U.K. continue to wail and gnash teeth over this “anti-Semitic” play. (
U.K. Government Moves To Make BDS Movement Illegal (
Support of the Palestinian cause is “terrorism” and “anti-Semitic” (
Proposed Westminster Holocaust Memorial Deemed ‘Serious Intrusion’ On Historic Park Near Parliament (
Jewish groups are used to being “serious intrusions (” on gentile society — why expect something different from them?
Facsimiles Of Two Letters Written By Anne Frank And Her Sister To Two Iowa Farm Girls Deserve Their Own “Holocaust” Museum (
Like Anne Frank’s original diary, these letters also appear to be written by Anne’s father, Otto Frank (
Jewish Lawmakers Introduce New Bill That Would Require Banks To Waive All Transaction Fees For Holocaust Reparation Payments (
Holocaust survivors have suffered enough — having to pay $15 bank fees forces them to relive the horrors ( of the Holocaust all over again.
Jewish President Of Ukraine Tries To Recruit Israeli Mercenaries To Come And Fight Against Russian ‘Aggressor’ (
Doesn’t President Zelensky ( know that Israelis and IDF soldiers are trained to fight only against weaker, preferably unarmed ( Muslim opponents?
Poland Welcomes First Israel-Bound Jewish Refugees From War (
Yet the New York Times ( still manages to accuse the EU of being racist for taking in Ukrainian refugees but not Muslims ( — still no criticism of taking in Jewish refugees.
Why Israel Is Having Trouble Picking Sides In Russia’s War In Ukraine (
Jews have a long history of financing both sides of wars ( (and elections) so they benefit no matter who wins.
U.K. (Zionist Occupied) Government Moves Toward ‘Reducing’ Online Anonymity (
Jews believe that they can silence “anti-Semites” ( if they can eliminate their ability to post anonymously online.
Denazification Of Germany Continues As Arab “Anti-Racist” Commissioner Appointed (
Adolf Hitler was all for diversity ( — he felt anti-communist Germans were under-represented in every country in Europe.
International Judo Federation Suspends Vladimir Putin’s Membership (
Distraught Putin seriously considers withdrawing from Ukraine so he can continue with his Judo lessons.
Israel Already Maneuvering To Replace Russia As Major Natural Gas Exporter In Middle East (
It’s an “anti-Semitic” canard ( to suggest that Jews will always manage to benefit from the misery of others (
Billy Graham’s Daughter Reveals That If She Gets ‘Raptured’ Before She Dies, She’s Bequeathing Her House To A Jewish Friend (
Likewise, Jewish group ( encourages all evangelical Christians to leave all their worldly possessions to Jews if they get “raptured (” before they die.
Claim: Swiss Bank Helped Adolf Hitler Exchange Gold Teeth Stolen From Jews For Hard Currency To Finance Death Camps And Gas Chambe ( 20Gold%20Teeth%20Stolen%20From%20Jews%20For%20Hard %20Currency%20To%20Finance%20Death%20Camps%20And%2 0Gas%20Chambers)rs (
Jewish groups angling to extort billions in “Holocaust” reparations from Credit Suisse for aiding and abetting ( “Nazi” extermination program.
The Story Of How A Wealthy Jewish Slave-Owning Family Helped Preserve Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello Home (
Admittedly, the Levy family owned some slaves, just like 40% of Jewish households ( in the South, but nowhere near as many slaves as Thomas Jefferson, so they should be given a pass.
FEMA Official Advisory: In Case Of Nuclear Explosion, Maintain Social Distancing And Wear A Face Mask (
Being exposed to COVID is stressful, and dealing with a nuclear attack may add to that stress.
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