View Full Version : Dementia Joe's SOTU

2nd March 2022, 09:50 AM

State Of The Union: Sucks
[Comments enabled] https://market-ticker.org/akcs-www?get_gallerynr=87 Let's cut the crap: The State of the Union sucks.

Inflation: While PSIC (Pant-****ter in-chief) was speaking oil prices were spiking. So was gasoline, with the /RB futures contract hitting a high overnight of $3.28. On top of this you must add federal and state excise taxes of 53 cents federal plus whatever your state imposes to get the current price. Many states wildly raised these taxes in the last few years. How do you like being bent over, because you are -- daily -- and PSIC is laughing at you while the dials on the gas pump and your electric meter spin.

Electric cars and "green" energy: You think prices are high now? Renewables are not "green"; solar cell manufacturing is wildly ecologically harmful, requiring all manner of toxic and nasty chemicals and they are one and through processes not particularly amenable to recycling for the most part. The glass is recyclable but the polymer layers make it extremely difficult to do and the panels have lead and cadmium in them, both of which are extremely toxic. In addition the lithium batteries in electric vehicles are wildly dangerous and also, at the present time, nearly impossible to economically recycle. Lithium production is ridiculously damaging to the environment requiring open leech pools and crazy amounts of extremely nasty reagents which is why we don't do it here in America but instead pretend its "clean" while poisoning someone else's land, air and water. Windmills are not ecologically friendly either; the blades are fiberglass which is not recyclable and does not degrade for hundreds of years in landfills while the turbines and towers both contain relatively high-impact waste. Renewables, other than hydro, are unreliable and expensive as well, which means if you'd like to see your power bill skyrocket -- it will. Never mind electric cars being wildly expensive. We did not choose to build our economy around hydrocarbons because we're pigs. We did it because it works, they produce reliable energy, most of the material in said vehicles are recyclable at reasonable cost and in fact on a comparable basis a modern gasoline powered vehicle has lower emissions over its life-cycle, including manufacturing and ultimate disposal, than an EV and you can buy two or more of them for what an EV actually costs. Never mind that an EV has a limited non-return range, we have no capacity on the grid to charge them were we to replace all of the existing personal transportation vehicles with them and on longer trips using them would wildly add to travel time due to recharge requirements where with a gasoline or diesel vehicle I can "recharge" it with 500 miles of additional range in less than five minutes and be on my way, which in addition to being fast for me means I vacate the space where the "charging" takes place in that same five minutes, allowing someone else to use it next. Finally the fire hazard from EVs is wildly higher than from internal-combustion engine vehicles and fires caused by malfunctions of their battery packs are essentially impossible to extinguish until the pack is entirely consumed. If you have one and it goes up in your garage your house will be very reliably destroyed as there is no way to put it out. When it comes to actual electrical power if you want your power bill to double and the lights and heat in the winter possibly not work go ahead and keep fellating those pushing "green energy." In my opinion they should meet the gallows as their schemes are unworkable, unwise, ridiculously expensive and do more harm to the planet than using fossil fuels does.

Climate change aka "Glo-Bull Lies" -- Go ahead and tell me Barack Obama, among many others, actually believe the sea level will rise to ridiculous heights and bury the multi-million dollar mansions they have recently bought on the water. Or perhaps you will be willing to discuss Al Gore with his wildly-expansive mansion and diesel-powered boat. All the so-called "elites" who loooove to run that crap on you then get into their Cessna Citations and burn up more dead dinosaurs in an hour than you do in a month because, well, it's time to go ski in the Alps for an afternoon! ******n you're stupid if you believe a single word out of their mouths. CO2 is in fact plant fertilizer; don't believe me, go ask someone who runs a commercial indoor growing operation where they will, if they can afford it, deliberately run CO2 levels nearly four times that in the outdoor environment!

Re-fund the police? I thought the mantra was that cops were bad? Now suddenly they're good? Was that before or after your daughter was raped *******?

Inflation again. Oh, you think subsidies and tax credits will make it go down? Uh, no. Inflation is raging because of government deficit spending. It is first, foremost and always why it happens. Further, the hiding of inflation by shipping it overseas doesn't work so well when you've already shipped all the labor over to places where effective slavery still exists and then, to make it worse, you pledge to bring that back here where labor costs are much higher. How do you increase costs while decreasing prices? You don't. You want to actually slow inflation? Then quit intentionally crippling American energy production and driving up its cost for starters.

Ukraine. We did that. Specifically, Joe Biden did it personally as he was part of Obama's administration and in fact was the VP at the time of the Maiden Square revolution which the United States explicitly fomented and supported in 2014. Yes, revolution. You know, shooting, blowing **** up, deposing elected leaders by force, all that sort of ****? Yeah, we did that. We fomented the revolution in which the Russian port in Crimea was effective severed from Russia and declared not to be theirs! They responded by seizing it. Duh. Ten years prior to that, in 2004, we voted on admitting more NATO nations after long-prior promising Russia we would not when the USSR collapsed and they disbanded the Warsaw pact. We lied, we fomented a violent overthrow of the government of Ukraine and now we clutch pearls. Putin is a dick but we caused this. I repeat: The UNITED STATES caused what is going on right now over there, both political parties are equally responsible, Biden's family was personally profiting from the corruption in the Ukraine, Biden ought to be deported to Ukraine and handed a cardboard rifle (real guns are bad, am-i-right?) to go fight the Russians himself if he won't cut that crap out and if we're not careful we may well glow in the dark as a direct result of our ****ing around over there.

Speaking of guns Biden thinks they're bad now, especially "evil assault rifles" but he sure was all for them in 2014 they were used to violently overthrow the government of the Ukraine in a revolution he supported and in fact was directly promoting and, I might add, he sure likes them right now over there too, right? Why doesn't he like guns here? Gee, is it that hard to figure out? What is "When in the course of human events" for $500, Alex!

Covid. ******ned near everything was a lie. Masks, jabs, the rest. The jabs don't work. Masks never worked. We knew that forty years ago when Neil Orr's study published and it has stood unrefuted since. Masks did not work in 1918 either. Children are at statistically zero risk from Covid-19 yet we punished them by closing their schools and covering their faces despite it being we, the fat slobs who have deliberately eaten ourselves into couch potatoes and then demanding power chairs in the grocery store so we can stuff three more bags of Doritos down our throats who are the ones at risk. To make it worse we paid hospitals for bodies instead of successful discharge of a live person and incentivized their use of dangerous drugs that have repeatedly failed, specifically Remdesivir which destroys the kidneys and, if you're already in trouble, will quite-reliably kill you. This is the pattern of our life over the last 40 years; **** yourself up and then blame someone else, whether it be inflation, energy, foreign policy or a nasty virus that we made ten times worse than it needed to be both in mortality and morbidity through our deliberate actions. It sure as hell was profitable stacking up Americans like cordwood and we're not done; the so-called "vaccines" are, on the data, wildly dangerous and my best guess at present is that one in thirty people who took them will suffer permanent life-altering disability or worse. Not only are they dangerous they don't work and the latest data on them in children is that they make infection more likely rather than less inside of just two months so not only are they dangerous in terms of adverse effects they make getting sick more likely rather than protecting in a very short period of time. Oh, and you think they didn't know? The Pfizer document dump makes clear they did know; it is full of vascular and autoimmune events and they kept going anyway while trying to hide the data for 75 years. Too late now if you took it; you damn well ought to contemplate what sort of retributive strike is owed those who pulled this **** in both political parties and every single ****ing medical and pharmaceutical body, including all the so-called "public health" organs, who knew it, did it anyway and screwed you for money. Even so-called "Saint DeSantis" just signed a bill that provides complete legal immunity for those who did -- or did not -- or do or do not -- treat anything related to Covid. Oh, he's the savior of the world, "conservative" and stands for "the rule of law"? Bull****; he made mass-manslaughter legal state-wide in Florida provided you have a white coat on. Congratulations *******s.

State of the Union?

One word: ****ED.

And **** Joe Biden along with the pair of evil, scheming ****heads behind him last night.


2nd March 2022, 02:08 PM

State Of The Union: Sucks
[Comments enabled] https://market-ticker.org/akcs-www?get_gallerynr=87 Let's cut the crap: The State of the Union sucks.

Inflation: While PSIC (Pant-****ter in-chief) was speaking oil prices were spiking. So was gasoline, with the /RB futures contract hitting a high overnight of $3.28. On top of this you must add federal and state excise taxes of 53 cents federal plus whatever your state imposes to get the current price. Many states wildly raised these taxes in the last few years. How do you like being bent over, because you are -- daily -- and PSIC is laughing at you while the dials on the gas pump and your electric meter spin.

Electric cars and "green" energy: You think prices are high now? Renewables are not "green"; solar cell manufacturing is wildly ecologically harmful, requiring all manner of toxic and nasty chemicals and they are one and through processes not particularly amenable to recycling for the most part. The glass is recyclable but the polymer layers make it extremely difficult to do and the panels have lead and cadmium in them, both of which are extremely toxic. In addition the lithium batteries in electric vehicles are wildly dangerous and also, at the present time, nearly impossible to economically recycle. Lithium production is ridiculously damaging to the environment requiring open leech pools and crazy amounts of extremely nasty reagents which is why we don't do it here in America but instead pretend its "clean" while poisoning someone else's land, air and water. Windmills are not ecologically friendly either; the blades are fiberglass which is not recyclable and does not degrade for hundreds of years in landfills while the turbines and towers both contain relatively high-impact waste. Renewables, other than hydro, are unreliable and expensive as well, which means if you'd like to see your power bill skyrocket -- it will. Never mind electric cars being wildly expensive. We did not choose to build our economy around hydrocarbons because we're pigs. We did it because it works, they produce reliable energy, most of the material in said vehicles are recyclable at reasonable cost and in fact on a comparable basis a modern gasoline powered vehicle has lower emissions over its life-cycle, including manufacturing and ultimate disposal, than an EV and you can buy two or more of them for what an EV actually costs. Never mind that an EV has a limited non-return range, we have no capacity on the grid to charge them were we to replace all of the existing personal transportation vehicles with them and on longer trips using them would wildly add to travel time due to recharge requirements where with a gasoline or diesel vehicle I can "recharge" it with 500 miles of additional range in less than five minutes and be on my way, which in addition to being fast for me means I vacate the space where the "charging" takes place in that same five minutes, allowing someone else to use it next. Finally the fire hazard from EVs is wildly higher than from internal-combustion engine vehicles and fires caused by malfunctions of their battery packs are essentially impossible to extinguish until the pack is entirely consumed. If you have one and it goes up in your garage your house will be very reliably destroyed as there is no way to put it out. When it comes to actual electrical power if you want your power bill to double and the lights and heat in the winter possibly not work go ahead and keep fellating those pushing "green energy." In my opinion they should meet the gallows as their schemes are unworkable, unwise, ridiculously expensive and do more harm to the planet than using fossil fuels does.

Climate change aka "Glo-Bull Lies" -- Go ahead and tell me Barack Obama, among many others, actually believe the sea level will rise to ridiculous heights and bury the multi-million dollar mansions they have recently bought on the water. Or perhaps you will be willing to discuss Al Gore with his wildly-expansive mansion and diesel-powered boat. All the so-called "elites" who loooove to run that crap on you then get into their Cessna Citations and burn up more dead dinosaurs in an hour than you do in a month because, well, it's time to go ski in the Alps for an afternoon! ******n you're stupid if you believe a single word out of their mouths. CO2 is in fact plant fertilizer; don't believe me, go ask someone who runs a commercial indoor growing operation where they will, if they can afford it, deliberately run CO2 levels nearly four times that in the outdoor environment!

Re-fund the police? I thought the mantra was that cops were bad? Now suddenly they're good? Was that before or after your daughter was raped *******?

Inflation again. Oh, you think subsidies and tax credits will make it go down? Uh, no. Inflation is raging because of government deficit spending. It is first, foremost and always why it happens. Further, the hiding of inflation by shipping it overseas doesn't work so well when you've already shipped all the labor over to places where effective slavery still exists and then, to make it worse, you pledge to bring that back here where labor costs are much higher. How do you increase costs while decreasing prices? You don't. You want to actually slow inflation? Then quit intentionally crippling American energy production and driving up its cost for starters.

Ukraine. We did that. Specifically, Joe Biden did it personally as he was part of Obama's administration and in fact was the VP at the time of the Maiden Square revolution which the United States explicitly fomented and supported in 2014. Yes, revolution. You know, shooting, blowing **** up, deposing elected leaders by force, all that sort of ****? Yeah, we did that. We fomented the revolution in which the Russian port in Crimea was effective severed from Russia and declared not to be theirs! They responded by seizing it. Duh. Ten years prior to that, in 2004, we voted on admitting more NATO nations after long-prior promising Russia we would not when the USSR collapsed and they disbanded the Warsaw pact. We lied, we fomented a violent overthrow of the government of Ukraine and now we clutch pearls. Putin is a dick but we caused this. I repeat: The UNITED STATES caused what is going on right now over there, both political parties are equally responsible, Biden's family was personally profiting from the corruption in the Ukraine, Biden ought to be deported to Ukraine and handed a cardboard rifle (real guns are bad, am-i-right?) to go fight the Russians himself if he won't cut that crap out and if we're not careful we may well glow in the dark as a direct result of our ****ing around over there.

Speaking of guns Biden thinks they're bad now, especially "evil assault rifles" but he sure was all for them in 2014 they were used to violently overthrow the government of the Ukraine in a revolution he supported and in fact was directly promoting and, I might add, he sure likes them right now over there too, right? Why doesn't he like guns here? Gee, is it that hard to figure out? What is "When in the course of human events" for $500, Alex!

Covid. ******ned near everything was a lie. Masks, jabs, the rest. The jabs don't work. Masks never worked. We knew that forty years ago when Neil Orr's study published and it has stood unrefuted since. Masks did not work in 1918 either. Children are at statistically zero risk from Covid-19 yet we punished them by closing their schools and covering their faces despite it being we, the fat slobs who have deliberately eaten ourselves into couch potatoes and then demanding power chairs in the grocery store so we can stuff three more bags of Doritos down our throats who are the ones at risk. To make it worse we paid hospitals for bodies instead of successful discharge of a live person and incentivized their use of dangerous drugs that have repeatedly failed, specifically Remdesivir which destroys the kidneys and, if you're already in trouble, will quite-reliably kill you. This is the pattern of our life over the last 40 years; **** yourself up and then blame someone else, whether it be inflation, energy, foreign policy or a nasty virus that we made ten times worse than it needed to be both in mortality and morbidity through our deliberate actions. It sure as hell was profitable stacking up Americans like cordwood and we're not done; the so-called "vaccines" are, on the data, wildly dangerous and my best guess at present is that one in thirty people who took them will suffer permanent life-altering disability or worse. Not only are they dangerous they don't work and the latest data on them in children is that they make infection more likely rather than less inside of just two months so not only are they dangerous in terms of adverse effects they make getting sick more likely rather than protecting in a very short period of time. Oh, and you think they didn't know? The Pfizer document dump makes clear they did know; it is full of vascular and autoimmune events and they kept going anyway while trying to hide the data for 75 years. Too late now if you took it; you damn well ought to contemplate what sort of retributive strike is owed those who pulled this **** in both political parties and every single ****ing medical and pharmaceutical body, including all the so-called "public health" organs, who knew it, did it anyway and screwed you for money. Even so-called "Saint DeSantis" just signed a bill that provides complete legal immunity for those who did -- or did not -- or do or do not -- treat anything related to Covid. Oh, he's the savior of the world, "conservative" and stands for "the rule of law"? Bull****; he made mass-manslaughter legal state-wide in Florida provided you have a white coat on. Congratulations *******s.

State of the Union?

One word: ****ED.

And **** Joe Biden along with the pair of evil, scheming ****heads behind him last night.

A friendly reminder for Alexandra Ocrazio and her Green New Deal Enthusiasts, and Greta Thunberg too. Exerpt from Amanda's post

Renewables are not "green"; solar cell manufacturing is wildly ecologically harmful, requiring all manner of toxic and nasty chemicals and they are one and through processes not particularly amenable to recycling for the most part. The glass is recyclable but the polymer layers make it extremely difficult to do and the panels have lead and cadmium in them, both of which are extremely toxic. In addition the lithium batteries in electric vehicles are wildly dangerous and also, at the present time, nearly impossible to economically recycle. Lithium production is ridiculously damaging to the environment requiring open leech pools and crazy amounts of extremely nasty reagents which is why we don't do it here in America but instead pretend its "clean" while poisoning someone else's land, air and water.
Contrary to the statement we don't produce lithium in America there is an active lithium production plant in Silver Peak, Nevada


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In the 1960s, Foote pioneered the production of lithium carbonate from brine with the opening of the Silver Peak, NV plant. In 1984, the world’s richest commercial brine deposit went on stream at Salar de Atacama in the desert of northern Chile. Today, the Silver Peak and Salar de Atacama plants combine to produce in excess of 60 m mt of lithium carbonate equivalents per year. In addition to lithium carbonate, Albemarle produces in Silver Peak special lithium hydroxide grades.

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