View Full Version : Save the World It's why you're alive.

3rd March 2022, 02:57 AM

Watch this video at the link below.


2:38 video runtime

Save the World (https://www.churchmilitant.com/video/episode/vortex-save-the-world)

It's why you're alive.

March 3, 2022


We're going to make this short and sweet today. Our Blessed Lord gave a command as He ascended to Heaven: It was to make disciples of all nations.

Translation: "Save the world."

That's right — the job of Catholics is just that simple. Save the world. In fact, our personal salvation depends on that single issue. If you are not about saving the world, you'll be damned. It's that straightforward.

Now, granted, Catholics have not had their Catholicism, their mission, presented to them in those terms in quite a while, thanks to loads of gay bishops and their modernist filth and perversion. But despite the failings of the U.S. hierarchy over the past 60 years to instill this mission into the hearts, the minds and the souls of Catholics, it remains our life's work.

Put nicely by Ven. Abp. Fulton Sheen, "The quickest way to Heaven is to take someone else's hand and lead them there."
If you are not about saving the world, you'll be damned.

Father John Hardon was a little more direct: "He who is not about the business of evangelization might never entertain a serious hope of salvation."

Those are serious-sounding words for one reason — because it is serious. But the sad reality (thank you, bishops), is that most Catholics don't even care about their own souls, not even on their radar, much less someone else's soul.

Yet, every day, people die and are damned, regardless of what Church of Nice sycophants like Bp. Robert Barron falsely claim. Those weak men are perfectly content to let people be damned.

They have no supernatural faith, they don't believe in the Deposit of Faith, and they don't care about souls. They lie to you. They are spiritual terrorists.

Do not listen to their lies — and that is the least you can do. They leave you and your loved ones in the dark because they have no love for you.

They will not tell you that Catholics have the mission of saving the world. And they will not tell you that because they don't believe it themselves. Reject that message, and accept instead the message of Our Lord as He ascended to Heaven. Your eternal life depends on it.