View Full Version : Man living in ukraine tells the real truth about what is happening...
6th March 2022, 06:35 AM
27:10 video runtime
video actually ends at 21:46 - long ad at end and two more embedded before that.
% buffered
First published at 11:28 UTC on March 6th, 2022.
Not Fake News Bitchute channel
Dachsie comment:
This man impresses me at telling the truth. The truth is always logical.
(I have noticed that recently Bitchute videos have several embedded advertisements lately. You cannot press a SKIP button but you can advance the tracker out of them.)
Here is a video of the president of the Ukraine, Zelensky. I watched first one second of this dyspepsia.
March 1 TruNews show.
go to 0 50 46 on video for a performance by Vladimir Zelensky, the president of Urkraine.
9th March 2022, 10:58 AM
Russian troops have captured the Ukrainian documents planning the invasion of the Donbass.
I am posting the image files here because images don't post in general discussion
❗️ Briefing ( by @mod_russia_en spokesperson, Major General Igor Konashenkov
During special military operation, classified documents of the command of the National Guard of Ukraine were acquired by the Russian servicemen. These documents confirm the covert preparation by the Kiev regime of an offensive operation in the Donbass in March 2022.
The Russian Ministry of Defence publishes the original secret order of the commander of the National Guard of Ukraine, Colonel-General Nikolai Balan, dated January 22, 2022. The order, brought to the command of the National Guard of Ukraine, explains the plan for preparing one of the shock groups for offensive operations in the so-called “Joint Forces Operation” zone in Donbass.
We remember the statements by the leadership of the Kiev regime that there were no plans for an armed seizure of Lugansk and Donetsk people's republics. The originals of the secret military documents of the National Guard of Ukraine clearly prove the falsity of these statements.
9th March 2022, 09:41 PM
The OP video by G. Lira above is excellent. I think it is well complimented by this Owen Benjamin video who explains the history of Ukraine, Khazaria and the origins of the AshkeNAZIs that I now call the VAGINOS (Vampiric Atheistic Jews In Name Only) that hold Ukraine, western governments, mass media and megacorporations in their thrall.
GLOSSARY: VAGINOS (Vampiric Atheistic Jews In Name Only)
10th March 2022, 05:38 AM
I got as far as the "Russian security needs" being the objective of the invasion. I don't buy that.
Lets get back to the fundamentals:
All wars are bankers wars.
Jews place their Judas Goats in control of both sides, finance both sides, stage conflicts, then get the goyim to kill each other and surrender their sovereignty.
Just as we in the US don't have representative government or media, the Russians and Ukrainians don't either. It isn't about the needs of Russians or Ukrainians, it is about the desires of Globalist, International Jewry.
Putinstien and Zelensky are like two lawyers in a small town.
10th March 2022, 06:25 AM
I got as far as the "Russian security needs" being the objective of the invasion. I don't buy that.
Lets get back to the fundamentals:
All wars are bankers wars.
Jews place their Judas Goats in control of both sides, finance both sides, stage conflicts, then get the goyim to kill each other and surrender their sovereignty.
Just as we in the US don't have representative government or media, the Russians and Ukrainians don't either. It isn't about the needs of Russians or Ukrainians, it is about the desires of Globalist, International Jewry.
Putinstien and Zelensky are like two lawyers in a small town.
"If my sons did not want wars, there would be none." — Gutle Schnaper, wife of Mayer Amschel Rothschild and mother of his five sons.
10th March 2022, 06:36 AM
"Ifmysonsdidnotwantwars, therewouldbe none." — Gutle Schnaper, wife of Mayer Amschel Rothschild and mother of his five sons.
Oy! Too Jewish!
10th March 2022, 10:20 AM
I got as far as the "Russian security needs" being the objective of the invasion. I don't buy that.
Lets get back to the fundamentals:
All wars are bankers wars.
Jews place their Judas Goats in control of both sides, finance both sides, stage conflicts, then get the goyim to kill each other and surrender their sovereignty.
Just as we in the US don't have representative government or media, the Russians and Ukrainians don't either. It isn't about the needs of Russians or Ukrainians, it is about the desires of Globalist, International Jewry.
Putinstien and Zelensky are like two lawyers in a small town.
Exactly, this is the whole scripted thing, they make noises and we die/pay.
27th March 2022, 09:29 AM
Double couped Ukraine seems to also be on the frontlines of WEF type centralized social credit ID and government payments now being expanded from rollout via vaccine bribes and passport. Ukraine silently implemented the WEF’s ‘Great Reset’ by setting up a Social Credit Application combining Universal Basic Income (UBI), a Digital Identity & a Vaccine Passport all within their Diia app (
Mar 17, 20224 The ePidtrymka program starts shortly (
17 December 2021
Already this Sunday, December 19, the state program ePidtrymka (eSupport - ed.) triggers. The program to pay UAH 1,000 to vaccinated people from COVID-19 and support business was initiated by the President of Ukraine, and the Government team is working to make the service as simple and convenient as possible...
The service will be available to all Ukrainians on December 19. Funds on Ukrainian cards will be transferred within 10 days after the program is fully operational, the application is submitted and the program's criteria are verified.
With these funds one can buy a season ticket to a gym or fitness club, visit a cinema, theater, museum, buy tickets for rail and air transport in Ukraine, buy books.
Read more about the program at the link: Payment of UAH 6,500 for those who lost their jobs due to war to begin next week – Shmyhal (
06 03 2022
Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal says that the payment of UAH 6,500 for those who have lost their jobs due to the war will begin next week.
"I appeal to the Ukrainians! The war came as a shock to all of us. Many have lost their homes, jobs, savings, but remained to defend Ukraine. Today the state will support you. On behalf of the President of Ukraine, the updated ePidtrymka program will start working next week. As part of this program, every employee, every private entrepreneur whose job was taken away by the war will be able to receive UAH 6,500," Shmyhal said in his address on Sunday afternoon.
According to him, the program will work by analogy with payments for vaccination, that is, through the Diia application.
Launched in 2020, the Diia app allows Ukrainian citizens to use digital documents in their smartphones instead of physical ones for identification and sharing purposes. The Diia portal allows access to over 50 governmental services. Eventually, the government plans to make all kinds of state-person interactions available through Diia.
Diia was firstly presented on September 27, 2019 by the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine as a brand of the State in a Smartphone project. Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Digital Transformation Mykhailo Fedorov announced the creation of a mobile app and a web portal which would unite in a single place all the services provided by the state to citizens and businesses.
On February 6, 2020, the mobile app Diia was officially launched. During the presentation, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said that 9 million Ukrainians now have access to their driver's license and car registration documents in their phones, while Prime Minister Oleksiy Honcharuk called the implementation of the State in a Smartphone project a priority for the government.
In April 2020 the Ukrainian government approved a resolution for experimental usage of digital ID-cards and passports which would be issued to all Ukrainians via the Diia.
In May 2020, the government presented Diia City, a large-scale project which would establish a virtual model of a free economic zone for representatives of the creative economy. It would provide for special digital residency with a particular taxation regime, intellectual property protection and simplified regulations.
On October 5, 2020, during the Diia Summit, the government presented a first major update of the app and web portal branded "Diia 2.0". More types of documents were added to the app as well as the ability to share documents with others via a single tap on a push-message. The web portal in turn expanded the number of available services to 27, including the ability of registering a private limited company in half an hour. President Zelensky who opened the summit announced that in 2021 Ukraine will enter the "paper less" mode by prohibiting the civil servants of requiring paper documents.
By the end of 2020, the app had more than 6 million users, while the portal had 50 available services.
In March 2021, Ukrainian parliament adopted the bill equating digital identity documents with their physical analogues. Starting on August 23, Ukrainian citizens can use digital ID-cards and passports for all purposes while in Ukraine. According to Minister of Digital Transformation Mykhailo Fedorov, Ukraine will become the first country in the world where digital identity documents are considered legally equivalent to ordinary ones. Fact Check-One-off wartime payout to unemployed Ukrainians is not be based on COVID-19 vaccine status (
MARCH 14, 2022
However, Shmyhal’s reference in his speech to vaccine payments through the app was made as an example of the payment method – not as a prerequisite to getting a wartime payment. This was clarified in a Ukrainian report on the new initiative (here ( Ukraine is not enacting the ‘Great Reset’ with an app (
25 MARCH 2022
The post claims the app contains a “Social Credit Application combining Universal Basic Income (UBI), a Digital Identity & a Vaccine Passport”.
It’s unclear what the post means by Universal Basic Income, as the country has no such scheme, though some outside the country have suggested ( one should be started by foreign powers using frozen Russian assets.
It’s true that the country’s Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal announced a one-off payment for those who lost their jobs because of the war, and that those eligible could apply for this money through the app. (Some online claimed that only those who were vaccinated could get this payment, but this isn’t the case, and likely came from a mis-translation of the Prime Minister’s statement.)
It’s true that the app can also contain ID documents, including passports, which are legally equivalent to their paper counterparts there. There’s no evidence that having their ID on the app is mandatory for Ukrainians though.
It’s also true that the Diia app was how digital vaccine certificates were generated in Ukraine.
8th April 2022, 09:24 AM
Analysis of history is science, this Foreign Affairs (Council on Foreign Relations) article seems to ridicule past results and ridicules Putin for not agreeing with the writer's sub-80 IQ strawman that there are not Nazi's in Ukraine cause Zelenskyy is Jewish.
Seems to be all the rage these days, supposed 'Big-brained' internationalists acting all woke and incompetent. At the start of the article at least, then the CFR report does a decent job of providing the facts that support an alternate conclusion to the initial first few paragraphs of their woke editorializing. Perhaps the author had to debase himself at first to get his article past CFR woke editors.
Putin's "special military operation" against Ukraine seems little different than the west's intervention in the Balkans, after the breakup of Yugoslavia, their breakup of Serbia. Excepting the facts that the post Yugoslavia conflict was not at all a threat to most of Europe or America and westerner's who have spent time there as 'peacekeepers' will tell you that military operation was not about protecting Muslim Albanians under attack, but supporting Muslim Albanians who were acting offensively against ethnic Serbs in the areas Serbs were a minority and attacking Serbia. More than one veteran who was actually in that conflict have told me this directly based on what they directly observed when they were there.
I do believe though that the MIC (Marxist International Communism), like NATO's military, do like to utilize such hypocrisy to further demoralize and disable their citizens. Why Putin Keeps Talking About Kosovo (
MARCH 3, 2022
History has long been Putin’s war language, his way of analogizing and justifying Russia’s modern-day aggressions within past glories and humiliations. The Russian government’s lies that its current violence against the Ukrainian people is actually just a special operation to “de-Nazify” Ukraine simply extends the pro-Kremlin argument that Nazis came to power in Kyiv after the Euromaidan revolution of 2013-2014.
It is difficult to accept that even the Kremlin believes its propaganda that Ukraine’s Jewish president, Volodymyr Zelensky, is a Nazi. For a more explanatory narrative, one that exhibits some form of logic in the Kremlin’s thinking, it is more helpful to examine another much-used historical analogy for Russia’s war on Ukraine: Kosovo and the 1999 NATO bombing of then-Yugoslavia (today’s Serbia and Montenegro).
Protecting the local population from genocide, stopping an out-of-control nationalist government, affirming human rights, preventing atrocities worthy of the Nazis: These were core messages in Putin’s declaration-of-war address. They also self-consciously mirror the justifications given by NATO leaders for bombing Yugoslavia more than two decades ago.
This is no coincidence. In Putin’s Feb. 21 address, in which he announced Russia’s recognition of the Luhansk and Donetsk People’s Republics, Putin referenced the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia and support for Kosovo as a touchpoint and justification. In his view, it seems, NATO fabricated a fake genocide in Kosovo to legitimize its intervention; now he was just doing the same. This was not only about providing precedent but also about sending a message: If the West can redraw borders for Kosovo, then we can redraw borders for the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics in eastern Ukraine...
Russia’s understanding of the 78-day NATO war against Serbia is quite different from that of many Western countries, which see it as a humanitarian intervention that prevented, or was even a response to, genocide. Western accounts place little emphasis on the lack of United Nations Security Council approval for the strikes or on the loss of civilian lives.
If you look at the most popular history portal on the Russian internet, which is Kremlin-funded, you will read that the crisis in Kosovo was not caused by the Serbian strongman Slobodan Milosevic deliberately stirring up nationalist tensions or ethnic cleansing of Kosovar Albanians and others. Instead, according to this site, it was caused by the United States, with the support of NATO and some European Union countries, which were exploiting Russia’s post-Soviet weakness and destroying its longtime ally, Serbia. Russia has long seen the Balkans as falling within its sphere of influence, and its fraternal relations with Serbia have historically been crucial to its exercise of power in this region.
Even at the time, contemporary Western and Russian media depicted very different images of the war in Kosovo. The West’s support for the Kosovo Liberation Army, which was fighting against Yugoslav forces for Kosovar autonomy from Serbia, led even democratically minded Russian opposition lawmakers to vehemently criticize Western actions in the Balkans. This sentiment grew stronger after NATO’s bombing campaign against Yugoslavia, which forced Milosevic to negotiate and cede Kosovo, leaving many Serb civilians to flee the area...
Through comments like these, Putin is not just trying to antagonize the West—he is also trying to render events in the Balkans an appropriate and relevant historical frame through which to interpret current Western actions and criticism of Russia. In so doing, he uses supposed Western hypocrisy to excuse his own disregard for international law, rendering it a matter of principle, parity, and pride that Russia should also be able to ignore the rules...
Seen through the prism of Kosovo and Russian grievances, an invasion that at first seemed entirely irrational begins to make more sense. By unleashing this war on Ukraine, Russia is demonstrating status parity with the West and calling a bluff on the latter’s lack of courage, and therefore power. Although Russia’s 2021 National Security Strategy detailed at length the Kremlin’s belief that the United States and the wider West are decadent powers—self-indulgent and in moral and cultural decline—it was not entirely clear until the invasion that Putin was so confident of Western cowardice he would act this brazenly. Kosovo president asks Washington for help in joining NATO ( %20troops%20since,its%20bid%20to%20do%20so%20may%2 0be%20complicated.)
Mar 17, 2022 (Reuters)
Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani has asked U.S. President Joe Biden to use Washington’s influence within NATO member states to help her country join the military alliance.
Serbia and its traditional ally Russia do not recognise Kosovo’s independence, and Moscow has blocked the country’s bid to become a member of the United Nations. Belgrade considers Kosovo part of its territory, although it has no state institutions in its former breakaway province.
However, some 50,000 Serbs who live in the northern part of Kosovo bordering Serbia – and who are backed by Belgrade – refuse to recognise Kosovo’s authorities and want partition along ethnic lines in order to unite with Serbia.
Kosovo has been guarded by NATO troops since 1999, when NATO resorted to bombing to halt the killing of ethnic Albanians by Serb forces in a 1998-99 counter-insurgency war.
The country of 1.8 million now wants to join the alliance but its bid to do so may be complicated. Four NATO members – Romania, Spain, Greece and Slovakia – still have not recognised Kosovo’s 2008 declaration of independence.
There are currently 3,770 NATO troops in Kosovo, of whom 600 are from the United States.
Even NATO itself describing its special military operation in Serbia aligns with Russian action in Ukraine: NATO Gives Air Support to KLA Forces ( ce%20officials%20said%20NATO%20responded%20last,en abled%20the%20rebel%20forces%20to%20capture%20the% 20villages.)
June 2, 1999 Kosovo War Crimes Court Established In The Hague (
December 12, 2016
In 2011, the European Union set up a special investigative taskforce, which found substantial evidence of war crimes committed by some KLA members. In an attempt to ensure greater witness protection and a neutral environment, a specialist Kosovo Chambers is being set up in The Hague. It should start operating in the next few months. Defendants could include the president of Kosovo and other political leaders.
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