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12th March 2022, 03:15 AM

An Oklahoma farmer's message for Biden

Expect 25 percent or more food price increases for the consumer this summer.

Mar 11, 2022

Fox News

Ben Neal tells Laura Ingraham that stories are great, but they don’t pay the bills. They don’t pay his payroll, his employees, and fuel costs. So, he's tired of the stories. It’s time to see some action.


I cannot afford this but I just think I have made the mental adjustment yet for this. I have always thought grocery store things were where I had real freedom to buy just what I wanted, but not clothes or other items.

Also expecting big repair bill on my old car.
The Lord will provide.
I pray He will summarily deal with those loons in D.C.

12th March 2022, 03:39 AM
One illusion maintained by society is that a fiat dollar is capable of purchasing anything.

By purchase I mean the transfer of ownership from a selling party to a buying party.

Debt cannot transfer property.

Which means in any transaction involving a federal reserve note the owner never changes.

Which means that it is likely over your entire life you have never owned anything.

So who owns your stuff? And just what is possession?

Who owns your stuff is a trust. What trust is less clear. There are many trusts out there. You might look for the creator of the thing you want to own. See how past transfers were accomplished

Your possession? When dealing with trusts there are two concepts:

1. USE ... What is needed to survive
2. USUFRUCT ... Survival + enjoy (profit)

Farmers operate in USUFRUCT. Their enjoyment is in the profit on their labor and/or growing and marketing. They don't own anything. The banker doesn't own anything either. The TRUST is the owner.

It becomes painful to observe farmers, contractors and people in general struggle to improve their situation by asking for more FRNs. It is like explaining to a fish what the atmosphere is like. When it comes to debt less is more. Someone offers you more debt run (don't walk) away.

12th March 2022, 10:42 AM
That would be after they have already increased in price by 21% over the last year!

reuters.com: Food prices jump 20.7% yr/yr to hit record high in Feb, U.N. agency says (https://www.reuters.com/world/food-prices-hit-record-high-february-un-agency-says-2022-03-04/#:~:text=Food%20prices%20jump%2020.7%25%20yr%2Fyr% 20to%20hit%20record,year-on-year%2C%20the%20U.N.%20food%20agency%20said%20on%2 0Friday.)

That would also be after they have already increased in price by over 20% in 2021!

Seems increasing the money supply 40% or so and forcing people to be much less productive for the last two years (and as many other countries did much the same thing) contributed to food price inflation.


The FAO Food Price Index (FFPI) is a measure of the monthly change in international prices of a basket of food commodities. It consists of the average of five commodity group price indices weighted by the average export shares of each of the groups over 2014-2016.

Food Price Index
2020 - 98.1
2021 - 125.7
2022 January 135.4
2022 February 140.7

12th March 2022, 04:21 PM


13th March 2022, 10:37 AM
UN reports commodity food prices went up by 43% the last two years (post #3 above) and now (as ZH reports (https://www.zerohedge.com/commodities/warns-russias-war-ukraine-could-spike-global-food-prices-22)) the UN says :

With both Ukraine and Russia's ability to produce and export food uncertain, a global supply gap "could push up international food and feed prices by 8% to 22% above their already elevated levels,"

If western politicians response to their citizens from hyperinflating food prices is like the Democrat's response to gas prices jumping after they imposed Russian sanctions, they will blame their citizens for the high food prices too and berate their citizens for it being their fault because they did not switch to eating bugs a decade ago.