12th March 2022, 05:46 AM
Opus Dei, Golden Dawn, and Reign of the Heavens Society (
By Anna Von Reitz M-zRdHsDiLZQrdSU7bly0Ndp-Sys15btC722z-NNfZKlwzTir2KWzSEcWXXYfFAr2omeYefer-3oxZHb8sTbqnrbSOgbF2GmmKbAEW0yzl=s16000 ( M-zRdHsDiLZQrdSU7bly0Ndp-Sys15btC722z-NNfZKlwzTir2KWzSEcWXXYfFAr2omeYefer-3oxZHb8sTbqnrbSOgbF2GmmKbAEW0yzl)
Circa 1880 in the Belle Epoque Era, Spiritualism became popular and invaded virtually all religions and even spawned the beginning of new religions-- most of which either pretended to be old religions, or which were in fact revivals of old pagan religions which had already (mostly) died a well-deserved and ignominious "death" as people passed through The Age of Enlightenment.
It is against the backdrop of this late nineteenth to early twentieth century Spiritualist Movement promoted by Rudolph Steiner, Madame Blavatsky, and yes, even Aleister Crowley, that one must view the development of the radical Catholic Spiritualist Movement and its most obvious offshoots in the current day, the Mystical Order of the Opus Dei (Work of God) and The Reign of the Heavens Society, an even more polluted and perverse spin-off organization secretly funded by Opus Dei members.
These people really think that they are the Chosen Ones, the 144,000 appointed by the Living God to rule over the Earth and mankind forever and ever, Amen.
But in the meantime, they are content to lie their rumps off to all the Lesser Beings and steal people blind, and misrepresent who and what they are and what they believe, and also try to steal the credit, Good Name, and identity of our Lawful Government --- our Federation of States doing business as The United States of America since 1776.
These crazy people have been charging around pretending all sorts of outrageous things, and doing their "Calls of Enoch" and summoning demons and claiming to be Annunaki Kings and God only knows what else, while denouncing our actual and factual American Government and trying to pull off a repeat of what the Scottish Interloper did following the Civil War.
The feckless Bounders have been allowed by some lax and stupid foreign government to infringe on our Good Name and set up a corporation calling itself "The United States of America, Incorporated" --- by which they hope to access our credit and offload their debts onto us, the same way their ancestors did.
Among other Big, Fat Lies these people promote is the idea that I work for the Vatican and am a proponent of the New World Order, which is so wildly crazy and opposite to the Truth, that some people actually believe it.
This group, The Reign of the Heavens Society, is well-funded by Opus Dei, the quasi-pagan spiritualist Radical Catholic secret society that has been largely responsible for the paganism in the Roman Catholic Church that "Pope" Francis has espoused along with all the demon-calling, sun-worshiping, blood sacrificing, ritual cannibalism clap-trap and "holy" union with young children bull crap that has so hopelessly corrupted the Roman Church.
The Pope's recent action openly declaring that the Roman Catholic Church is a pagan institution can be viewed as either the most radical act of honesty in recent times by any member of the Cult within the Church, or a brazen take-over announcement by the Perpetrators who deserve to be cast out by the 2 billion Catholics who deserve what they paid for and what the Church advertised.
From my viewpoint, the Roman Catholic Church and the Reign of the Heavens Society and Opus Dei deserve to face criminal charges of fraudulent misrepresentation brought by millions of Catholics who have been sold a pig in a poke, defrauded, and robbed.
And, to the extent that they take their ritual cannibalism and demon-calling too far, and think that it is okay to rape and murder underage children, they ought to be locked up as nutcases and murderers. Both. Pagan or not. Being "pagan" doesn't excuse lawlessness and doing harm to others.
In fact, these Dirty Buggers are just giving both Roman Catholicism and Paganism a bad name, and ought to be recognized for what they are, routed out of the Church that they are seeking to "redefine" and steal --- and then hounded out of existence, by an outraged world populace.
After all, "Pope" Francis isn't really a Pope. A Jesuit can't be a Pope by definition. So all this is idiocy and corruption playing out in front of us like some kind of Waiting for Godot Passion Play. All the Weirdos and Pedos and Pretenders in the Roman Catholic Church are coming out to play, but who gives them any special authority?
Answer for all Catholics everywhere ---- it's up to you. You have to clean your own Church out. Nobody can do it for you.
You have a Jesuit pretending to be a Pope in control of your Church and he is trashing it. Most likely, Pope Benedict XVI is dead, so there is no Pope and no Conclave competent to elect a Pope.
Any Archbishop who didn't stand up and proclaim the obvious truth, that a Jesuit can't serve as Pope, because then he would only serve himself and his own ego, not the Church --- is by definition incompetent.
A Pope by definition is the Bishop of Rome, the Chief Servant of the Church of Rome, not the Creature of his own Ego--- yet that is what you have all created and allowed by not objecting to the election of a Jesuit to act "as" Pope.
You've let the Vermin "redefine" your Church in the same way as they have sought to "redefine" you, first as a "Human" and a "Person" and now, as Genetically Modified Organisms purportedly owned by them under patent.
I don't know whether to laugh or cry. Everyone is standing around with a mouthful of this cow dung, but because of their early indoctrination, they are still afraid to call it for what it is.
Do you all, seriously, imagine that a man as profane and as misguided as Francis is going to be the Arbiter of where you go after death?
Why not take stock right now of what this "redefined" church is trying to sell you right now, instead?
He has offered to turn the Roman Catholic Church into a pagan institution.
What are you going to "counter-offer" him in return?
I would suggest a one way trip out of town if it were my Church, followed by a good old fashioned house-cleaning and spiritual cleansing stem to stern. Not only would Francis be given an offer that he couldn't refuse, but all the nutcases supporting him would be in my rearview mirror.
And no, I wouldn't leave my church. I'd defrock those who have dishonored it.
After all, they work for the church, the church doesn't work for them. And the church is actually defined as the people that make up its assembly.
You DO have the power to fire the whole lot of them, and should.
Similar to the fraud scheme they've pulled by misrepresenting and redefining our lawful governments, the same theme of the run amok employees prevails, and too many of you are standing still, mouths agape, loaning these miscreants your power and authority, instead of drawing the line and telling them to move on.
Make them go serve and build some other "church" for themselves.
By Anna Von Reitz M-zRdHsDiLZQrdSU7bly0Ndp-Sys15btC722z-NNfZKlwzTir2KWzSEcWXXYfFAr2omeYefer-3oxZHb8sTbqnrbSOgbF2GmmKbAEW0yzl=s16000 ( M-zRdHsDiLZQrdSU7bly0Ndp-Sys15btC722z-NNfZKlwzTir2KWzSEcWXXYfFAr2omeYefer-3oxZHb8sTbqnrbSOgbF2GmmKbAEW0yzl)
Circa 1880 in the Belle Epoque Era, Spiritualism became popular and invaded virtually all religions and even spawned the beginning of new religions-- most of which either pretended to be old religions, or which were in fact revivals of old pagan religions which had already (mostly) died a well-deserved and ignominious "death" as people passed through The Age of Enlightenment.
It is against the backdrop of this late nineteenth to early twentieth century Spiritualist Movement promoted by Rudolph Steiner, Madame Blavatsky, and yes, even Aleister Crowley, that one must view the development of the radical Catholic Spiritualist Movement and its most obvious offshoots in the current day, the Mystical Order of the Opus Dei (Work of God) and The Reign of the Heavens Society, an even more polluted and perverse spin-off organization secretly funded by Opus Dei members.
These people really think that they are the Chosen Ones, the 144,000 appointed by the Living God to rule over the Earth and mankind forever and ever, Amen.
But in the meantime, they are content to lie their rumps off to all the Lesser Beings and steal people blind, and misrepresent who and what they are and what they believe, and also try to steal the credit, Good Name, and identity of our Lawful Government --- our Federation of States doing business as The United States of America since 1776.
These crazy people have been charging around pretending all sorts of outrageous things, and doing their "Calls of Enoch" and summoning demons and claiming to be Annunaki Kings and God only knows what else, while denouncing our actual and factual American Government and trying to pull off a repeat of what the Scottish Interloper did following the Civil War.
The feckless Bounders have been allowed by some lax and stupid foreign government to infringe on our Good Name and set up a corporation calling itself "The United States of America, Incorporated" --- by which they hope to access our credit and offload their debts onto us, the same way their ancestors did.
Among other Big, Fat Lies these people promote is the idea that I work for the Vatican and am a proponent of the New World Order, which is so wildly crazy and opposite to the Truth, that some people actually believe it.
This group, The Reign of the Heavens Society, is well-funded by Opus Dei, the quasi-pagan spiritualist Radical Catholic secret society that has been largely responsible for the paganism in the Roman Catholic Church that "Pope" Francis has espoused along with all the demon-calling, sun-worshiping, blood sacrificing, ritual cannibalism clap-trap and "holy" union with young children bull crap that has so hopelessly corrupted the Roman Church.
The Pope's recent action openly declaring that the Roman Catholic Church is a pagan institution can be viewed as either the most radical act of honesty in recent times by any member of the Cult within the Church, or a brazen take-over announcement by the Perpetrators who deserve to be cast out by the 2 billion Catholics who deserve what they paid for and what the Church advertised.
From my viewpoint, the Roman Catholic Church and the Reign of the Heavens Society and Opus Dei deserve to face criminal charges of fraudulent misrepresentation brought by millions of Catholics who have been sold a pig in a poke, defrauded, and robbed.
And, to the extent that they take their ritual cannibalism and demon-calling too far, and think that it is okay to rape and murder underage children, they ought to be locked up as nutcases and murderers. Both. Pagan or not. Being "pagan" doesn't excuse lawlessness and doing harm to others.
In fact, these Dirty Buggers are just giving both Roman Catholicism and Paganism a bad name, and ought to be recognized for what they are, routed out of the Church that they are seeking to "redefine" and steal --- and then hounded out of existence, by an outraged world populace.
After all, "Pope" Francis isn't really a Pope. A Jesuit can't be a Pope by definition. So all this is idiocy and corruption playing out in front of us like some kind of Waiting for Godot Passion Play. All the Weirdos and Pedos and Pretenders in the Roman Catholic Church are coming out to play, but who gives them any special authority?
Answer for all Catholics everywhere ---- it's up to you. You have to clean your own Church out. Nobody can do it for you.
You have a Jesuit pretending to be a Pope in control of your Church and he is trashing it. Most likely, Pope Benedict XVI is dead, so there is no Pope and no Conclave competent to elect a Pope.
Any Archbishop who didn't stand up and proclaim the obvious truth, that a Jesuit can't serve as Pope, because then he would only serve himself and his own ego, not the Church --- is by definition incompetent.
A Pope by definition is the Bishop of Rome, the Chief Servant of the Church of Rome, not the Creature of his own Ego--- yet that is what you have all created and allowed by not objecting to the election of a Jesuit to act "as" Pope.
You've let the Vermin "redefine" your Church in the same way as they have sought to "redefine" you, first as a "Human" and a "Person" and now, as Genetically Modified Organisms purportedly owned by them under patent.
I don't know whether to laugh or cry. Everyone is standing around with a mouthful of this cow dung, but because of their early indoctrination, they are still afraid to call it for what it is.
Do you all, seriously, imagine that a man as profane and as misguided as Francis is going to be the Arbiter of where you go after death?
Why not take stock right now of what this "redefined" church is trying to sell you right now, instead?
He has offered to turn the Roman Catholic Church into a pagan institution.
What are you going to "counter-offer" him in return?
I would suggest a one way trip out of town if it were my Church, followed by a good old fashioned house-cleaning and spiritual cleansing stem to stern. Not only would Francis be given an offer that he couldn't refuse, but all the nutcases supporting him would be in my rearview mirror.
And no, I wouldn't leave my church. I'd defrock those who have dishonored it.
After all, they work for the church, the church doesn't work for them. And the church is actually defined as the people that make up its assembly.
You DO have the power to fire the whole lot of them, and should.
Similar to the fraud scheme they've pulled by misrepresenting and redefining our lawful governments, the same theme of the run amok employees prevails, and too many of you are standing still, mouths agape, loaning these miscreants your power and authority, instead of drawing the line and telling them to move on.
Make them go serve and build some other "church" for themselves.