View Full Version : Another "Everyone can see that coming" event

midnight rambler
12th March 2022, 08:51 AM
The US$ is done, except of course the NPCs are unable to see it while whistling past the graveyard of dead empires.


12th March 2022, 09:34 AM
Biden’s Treasury Sec: Americans "are by and large in good financial shape."


teletrader.com: US dollar not endangered by sanctions - Yellen - TeleTrader ... (https://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwi-p7z3jcH2AhV1HjQIHQSvB3gQFnoECAgQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.teletrader.com%2Fus-dollar-not-endangered-by-sanctions-yellen%2Fnews%2Fdetails%2F57477008%3Finternal%3D1&usg=AOvVaw0qGjPDqGOOh7jqsUBYdMVL)

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12th March 2022, 10:57 AM
I wonder how the Biden Administration Democrats and Democrat (corporate mainstream) news media will attempt to spin this.

With the high gas prices they are laughing and saying buy an electric car.

When they are doing more than laughing, the Biden Admin Democrats and Democrat (corporate mainstream) news media are blaming American citizens hurt by their decision to stop buying Russian oil and gas on their American citizen victims because their victims did not make their Democrat and corporate mainstream media green-energy fantasies come true a decade ago.

The Vice President is apparently a little too slow or not cruel enough to utilize this abusive blame your victim tactic though:

"How long should Americans be bracing for this historic inflation and unprecedented gas prices?"


13th March 2022, 10:14 AM
Another good Revolver exclusive. Revolver broke the news of all the FBI informants and infiltrators at the January 6 riot.

revolver.news: Globalists Are Using the “George Floyd” Playbook to Cancel Russia and You’re Next (https://www.revolver.news/2022/03/globalists-use-the-george-floyd-playbook-to-cancel-russia/)

March 9, 2022
Perhaps for Ukraine, the war really is about freedom (though Ukraine is neither as free nor as democratic as Western media portray it). But for the Globalist American Empire, the crusade against Russia has nothing to do with “democracy” or “freedom.” In fact, the war provides them with a golden opportunity to act out their increasingly dystopian fantasies. The battle against Russia is a new frontier of American policymaking: It is the globalization of BLM tactics and “cancel culture.” It is George Floydism converted from domestic cudgel to foreign policy doctrine.

To those who remember summer 2020 or the days after January 6, the tactics used against Russia will sound quite familiar.

After January 6, major banks systematically cut off President Trump. Deutsche Bank, Signature Bank, and Banks United shuttered his accounts. Signature Bank took the added step of saying it would refuse services to any lawmaker objecting to the results of the 2020 election. Stripe halted payment processing for the Trump campaign as well as anybody present at January 6. Recently, Axios reported that American oligarchs have launched a “dark money” campaign to “target the livelihoods” of hundreds of lawyers who assisted President Trump in challenging the suspicious results of the 2020 election.

But where we once had the deplatforming of individuals or companies, we now have the deplatforming of whole countries. Russia has been officially debanked...

But this power to crush parallel structures is importantly not guaranteed on a geopolitical scale. For dissidents in the US, “just build your own Internet” is a meme rooted in despair. But China, Russia, and others really can build their own Internet, their own banking systems, their own credit cards, and more. And from now on, having seen what the US is capable of when whipped into a panic, every nation aspiring to even a smidgen of autonomy will ensure that these same tactics can never be used against them.