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14th March 2022, 08:36 AM
Russia Ups Accusations, Claims the United States Funded Labs is Responsible for Swine Flu Outbreak in Ukraine
Russia Ups Their Accusations – Blames Deadly Outbreak of Swine Flu in Ukraine that Killed 364 People on US-Funded Biolabs
By Richard Abelson (
Published March 14, 2022 at 8:00am
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“Extremely dangerous biological experiments in at least 30 biological laboratories in Ukraine”
The Russian representative on the UN Security Council Vassily Nebenzia has charged that ( a “US-implemented program” of biological research in Ukraine may have triggered “uncontrolled dangerous infections in Ukraine”, including rubella, diphtheria, tuberculosis, measles, polio, and swine flu. “By March 2016, a total of 364 people died of swine flu in Ukraine,” Nebenzia claimed.
“While the US itself shut down military-purpose biological research on its territory due to high risks it posed to American population, the Kiev authorities actually agreed to turn their country into a biological testing site and have their citizens used as potential test subjects”, Nebenzia charged. Materials confiscated by the Russian Defense Ministry “prove that all serious high-risk research in Ukrainian biolabs was directly supervised by US experts who had diplomatic immunity,” Nebenzia claimed.
The US government turned Ukraine into a “site for dangerous biological tests on the doorstep of the European Union,” Nebenzia stated, “a real biological threat to the population of European states that may be posed by uncontrolled spread of biological agents from Ukraine. As we know from our experience with COVID-19, this cannot be stopped. Should this be the case, it will encompass the entire Europe.”
During wartime, Russian claims must be viewed with the same degree of skepticism as those of all other warring parties. Nonetheless, due to the seriousness of the charges, and since its substance has been completely ignored by the mainstream media, Gateway Pundit documents the entire speech by Vassily Nebenzia here:
TRENDING: Mayorkas Releases New Rules on Extremism - DHS Will Target Anyone Who Believes Election Was Stolen or Who Challenged Fauci's Everchanging COVID Narrative (
Here is the transcript from Vassily Nebenzia’s speech to the UN Security Council.
Madame President, Dear Colleagues,
The COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated how vulnerable humanity is in the face of biological threats. It has exacted a huge toll on us, and it continues to claim people’s lives.
When the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC) entered into force in 1975, there was hope that the world would at least be safe from manmade biological threats, because all states-signatories realized enormous risks of using biological weapons (BW) and abandoned plans to develop it.
Unfortunately, we have grounds to think that those hopes did not come true completely.
We called this meeting because during the Russian special military operation in Ukraine, some shocking facts came to light: the Kiev regime is urgently concealing traces of a military biological program that Kiev implemented with support of the US Department of Defense.
Defense Ministry of Russia got hold of documents confirming that Ukraine developed a network of at least 30 biological laboratories that host extremely dangerous biological experiments, aimed at enhancing the pathogen properties of plague, anthrax, tularemia, cholera, and other lethal diseases with the help of synthetic biology. This work is funded and directly supervised by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) of the United States, i.a. in the interests of Pentagon’s National Center for Medical Intelligence. The key role in these programs was played by a BSL-3 central reference laboratory at the Mechnikov Scientific-Research Anti-Plague Institute in Odessa, Ukraine. Research centers in other cities also played a role – Kiev, Lvov, Kharkov, Dnipro, Kherson, Ternopol, Uzhgorod, Vinnytsia. Research results were sent to US military biological centers, i.a. to U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infections Diseases, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, US Naval Medical Research, and US Army Biological Warfare Labs in Fort Detrick that used to be the key hubs of the American biological weapons program.
All the materials are available at the website of Russian Ministry of Defense and are presented at daily briefings. Let me cite the most telling examples.
Russian military learned the details of UP-4 project which was implemented at laboratories in Kiev, Kharkov and Odessa. It studied possibilities of spreading particularly dangerous infections through migratory birds, including highly pathogenic H5N1 influenza (lethal to humans in 50 % of cases) and Newcastle disease. As part of another project, bats were considered as carriers of potential BW agents. Among the priorities identified are the study of bacterial and viral pathogens that can be transmitted from bats to humans: pathogens of plague, leptospirosis, brucellosis, as well as coronaviruses and filoviruses. Project documents clearly indicate that the United States actively financed bioprojects in Ukraine.
Besides, there were experiments to study spreading of dangerous infectious diseases by ectoparasites – fleas and lice. It is clear even to non-experts that such experiments are most reckless, as they give no opportunity to control how the situation is going to evolve. Similar research (using fleas and lice as BW agents) was carried out in the 1940s on the development of biological weapons components by the Japanese infamous unit 731, whose members later fled to the US to escape prosecution for war crimes.
Ukraine has a unique geographical location, where transcontinental migration routes of potential carriers of dangerous diseases intersect. Many of those routes pass through the territories of Russia and Eastern Europe. The research that I mentioned was done in the very midst of Eastern Europe and in close vicinity to the Russian borders. According to the data received, the birds that were ringed and released during biological research from the Kherson nature reserve, were caught in Ivanovo and Voronezh regions of Russia.
The analysis of the obtained materials confirms the transfer of more than 140 containers with ectoparasites of bats from a biolab in Kharkov abroad. We do not know anything about the fate of those dangerous biomaterials and the consequences that may occur once they “dissipate” (possibly in Europe) in the absence of any international control. In any case, risks are high that they may be stolen for terrorist purposes or to be sold at the black market.
Several thousands of samples of blood serum of COVID-19 patients (most of them of Slavic ethnicity) were transported from Ukraine to Walter Reed Army Institute of Research in the United Stated – allegedly for trials of treatment and prevention of COVID-19.
Everyone knows how sensitive Western states are when it comes to transferring biological samples of their citizens abroad. And there is a good reason for that – theoretically, samples may be used to create bioagents capable of selectively targeting different ethnic populations.
The activity of biolabs in Ukraine that we track back to 2014, and US-implemented program of so-called reform of Ukrainian healthcare system triggered uncontrolled growing incidence of dangerous and economically relevant infections in Ukraine. There is an increase in the number of cases of rubella, diphtheria, tuberculosis. Occurrence of measles has increased more than 100-fold. The World Health Organization said Ukraine runs high risks of having a polio outbreak. There is evidence that in Kharkov, where one of the labs is located, 20 Ukrainian soldiers died of swine flu in January 2016, 200 more were hospitalized. By March 2016, the total of 364 people had died of swine flu in Ukraine. Besides, outbreaks of African swine fever occur regularly in Ukraine. In 2019, there was an outbreak of a disease that had symptoms similar to plague.
While the US itself shut down military-purpose biological research on its territory due to high risks it posed to American population, the Kiev authorities actually agreed to turn their country into a biological testing site and have their citizens used as potential test subjects. Those experiments bearing potential country-scale risks continued for years. This once again proves the cynicism of Kiev’s Western patrons who keep shouting from every rooftop that they care for the fate of Ukrainians.
As reported by Reuters, WHO recommended that Ukraine should eliminate its stocks of pathogens to avoid possible leaks that might trigger disease spread among the population. It is not known for sure whether Kiev has complied.
The materials that our Defense Ministry got hold of prove that all serious high-risk research in Ukrainian biolabs was directly supervised by US experts who had diplomatic immunity. Our Defense Ministry reports that at this moment the Kiev regime, as demanded by the Western sponsors, hastily covers up all traces so that the Russian side could not get hold of direct evidence of the US and Ukraine violating Article 1 of the BTWC. They rush to shut down all biological programs. Ukraine’s Health Ministry ordered to eliminate biological agents deposited in biolabs starting from 24 February 2022. We infer from the instructions to lab personnel that the order of elimination of collections suggested that they should be destroyed irrevocably. Having analyzed the destruction certificates, we can say that the Lvov lab alone destroyed 232 containers with pathogens of leptospirosis, 30 – of tularemia, 10 – of brucellosis, 5 – of plague. The total of more than 320 containers was eliminated. Pathogens’ titles and excessive amounts give reason to think that this work was done as part of military biological programs.
Now let me make a separate address to our colleagues from Europe.
All those years, there was a site for dangerous biological tests on the doorstep of the European Union. We call to think of a real biological threat to the population of European states that may be posed by uncontrolled spread of biological agents from Ukraine. As we know from our experience with COVID-19, this cannot be stopped. Should this be the case, it will encompass the entire Europe.
US representatives get rather confused when speaking about the US involvement in biological activity on the territory of Ukraine. During hearings of the US Congress on 8 March, Undersecretary of State Victoria Nuland in fact confirmed that there were biolabs in Ukraine where military-purpose biological research had been conducted. When asked by Senator Marco Rubio whether Ukraine had biological and chemical weapons, she responded that Ukraine had biological research facilities that “should not fall in the hands of Russian forces”.
At the same time, the Department of State sticks to the point that allegedly there are no US-controlled biolabs in Ukraine. Hence a question to the American delegation. How does this reconcile with 2005 Agreement between the US Department of Defense and Ukrainian Ministry of Health Concerning Cooperation in the Area of Prevention of Proliferation of Technology, Pathogens, and Expertise that could be Used in the Development of Biological Weapons? This document is available on the Internet. According to Article 3 of this agreement, the US Department of Defense may provide assistance to the Ministry of Health of Ukraine in the area of “cooperative biological research, biological threat agent detection and response” with regard to “dangerous pathogens located at the facilities in Ukraine”.
We emphasize that biological threats defy all borders. No region of the world can feel totally safe today. The United States supervises several hundreds of biolabs in 30 countries, i.a. in the Middle East, Africa, South-East Asia, and along the perimeter of former USSR. Washington does not agree to subject them to international verification. Starting from 2001, it has been impeding elaboration of a binding protocol to the BTWC that should envisage a reliable verification mechanism to monitor states’ compliance with the Convention. This cannot but make us think that the United States has something to conceal. I call on the colleagues from those regions to think of what sort of activity Washington is carrying out on their territories and what consequences it may have for the population.
We foresee the reaction of our Western colleagues who will definitely say that this information is all fake and Russian propaganda. However this sort of wishful thinking will hardly help Europeans should Ukraine and its neighboring states have outbreaks of dangerous diseases that would subsequently spread beyond their borders. This risk seems rather real if we take into account considerable interest that Ukrainian radical and nationalist groups have in research of dangerous pathogens that was conducted in Ukraine in the interests of the US Department of Defense. We have information that Pentagon instructed its Ukrainian protégés that, should any incidents occur, they should instantly accuse Russian Armed Forces who allegedly launch strikes against research and medical facilities, or blame it all on “Russian subversive teams”.
Russian Defense Ministry keeps analyzing the biological situation in Ukraine and all incoming materials. What we shared today is a small portion of information that we have. We will share the details shortly as UNSC official documents so that you could study them.
We feel obliged to keep the Security Council updated on the situation with US military-purpose biological activity in Ukraine that creates real risks for international peace and security. We intend to get back to this topic soon. We would not exclude a possibility of activating mechanisms envisaged by Articles 5 and 6 of the BTWC. For now, we would like to hear answers of the US side to the questions that we asked.
Thank you.
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14th March 2022, 08:51 AM
Copied from Patel Patriot on Telegram
If the United States was actually following through with their obligations, why were they funding the following:
- Continuing to sustain secure labs and securing new labs in countries including Ukraine
-Construction and equipment installation for Secured Pathogen Repositories to include: the Veterinary CDF in Ukraine
In fact funding these things tells me we've been doing the opposite of our obligations under the BWC.
You don't build new facilities with the goal of disarmament.
If the United States was actually following through with their obligations, why were they funding the following:
- Continuing to sustain secure labs and securing new labs in countries including Ukraine
-Construction and equipment installation for Secured Pathogen Repositories to include: the Veterinary CDF in Ukraine
In fact funding these things tells me we've been doing the opposite of our obligations under the BWC.
You don't build new facilities with the goal of disarmament.
14th March 2022, 09:02 AM
Tulsi Gabbbard: "There are 300 US bio-labs around the world."
The_Void (, [3/13/22 12:18 PM]
There are 300 US bio-labs around the world.
Tulsi Gabbard
14th March 2022, 03:56 PM
The last half of the TruNews show of today, March 14, was devoted to discussing "Biolabs".
Deep State Deception: News Outlets Cover Up Ukraine Bio-Labs
President Joe Biden’s national security advisor Jake Sullivan and other US officials met today with high-level Chinese officials to discuss the Russia-Ukraine war. News reports described the seven-hour meeting as intense. It was reported that Mr. Sullivan warned Beijing it would face severe consequences if China helps Russia circumvent Western-imposed economic sanctions on Russia.
Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart. Airdate 3/14/22
Content Contributed By — TruNews Team
Dachsie Comment:
I've been sort of cogitating on this topic the last few days myself. The more high quality information that comes out about these "research facilities" the more one's assessment of the current situation in Ukraine changes. So too does the picture change about "the virus" and "the vaccines."
I guessed early on that one could think of the labs in Ukraine as nuclear missiles pointable straight at Russia.
I also surmised that, referring to my postings in the Coronavirus thread recently, "genotypes" can be arrived at so as to target certain ethnic populations for a "virus" and/or for a "vaccine." That information was refrrred to in the 2000 document of the neocons titled "Project for a New American Century", PNAC headed by Robert Kagan, Victoria Nuland's husband.
Also I have heard people giving the history of the Ukraine and saying that history is indispensable in understanding the current situation. All I know is some big change happened in2014 when Poreschenko was re-elected president. Conflict with Russia growing fast since then.
I am just thinking that Victoria Nuland and her PNAC brand of "neoconservatism" may have played a big role in arranging Ukrain's geopolitical future. PNAC's goal was building a new America for prime global dominance. It worked for many long-range goals to be achieved in very unAmerican sounding ways.
Rick Wiles said he is beginning to think that Wuhan was not responsible for creating and releasing the "COVID plandemic virus." He believes the virus was real and deadly but it could have originated from any one of the maybe hundreds of Level 4 BSL laboratories around the world. One of those labs is in Galveston, Texas, as part of the University of Texas Medical Branch.
Rick Wiles says we are in a brand new era or time now and we are emerging FROM what has been referred to as the "New World Order." The Ukraine government is pushing harder and not backing down. It seems insane but maybe they feel they have just as much leverage in geopolitical matters as does Russia with many advanced weapons of war.
One last thing, the U S Department of Defense is where the funding of all these foreign biological research labs comes from and that means we are talking about weapons of war for mass efficient killing and conquering.
God, have mercy on us.
15th March 2022, 10:29 AM
http://Tulsi Gabbard: WEF-Klaus Schwab “Young Global Leader”; Council on Foreign Relations; Lt. Colonel in US Army Civil Affairs & Psychological Operations (aka Psy-Ops)
Tulsi Gabbard: WEF-Klaus Schwab “Young Global Leader”; Council on Foreign Relations; Lt. Colonel in US Army Civil Affairs & Psychological Operations (aka Psy-Ops)
15th March 2022, 11:10 AM
http://Tulsi Gabbard: WEF-Klaus Schwab “Young Global Leader”; Council on Foreign Relations; Lt. Colonel in US Army Civil Affairs & Psychological Operations (aka Psy-Ops)
Tulsi Gabbard: WEF-Klaus Schwab “Young Global Leader”; Council on Foreign Relations; Lt. Colonel in US Army Civil Affairs & Psychological Operations (aka Psy-Ops)
I am well aware as probably most of this forum is. I think her statement about the 300 bio-labs is probably accurate, hence my reason for posting.
15th March 2022, 12:03 PM
It is worse than we think. This is from 2018. This is just a small part of the article:
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US diplomats involved in trafficking of human blood and pathogens for secret military program
US diplomats involved in trafficking of human blood and pathogens for secret military program (
September 17, 2018 ( This article was posted by TLB Staff ( Analysis (, Spotlight (, WORLD ( 1 (
US diplomats involved in trafficking of human blood and pathogens for secret military program (
Pentagon scientists have been deployed in 25 countries and given diplomatic immunity to research deadly viruses, bacteria and toxins at US military offshore biolaboratories under a $2.1 billion DoD program. (Source: DTRA)
by Dilyana Gaytandzhieva (
The US Embassy to Tbilisi transports frozen human blood and pathogens as diplomatic cargo for a secret US military program. Internal documents, implicating US diplomats in the transportation of and experimenting on pathogens under diplomatic cover were leaked to me by Georgian insiders. According to these documents, Pentagon scientists have been deployed to the Republic of Georgia and have been given diplomatic immunity to research deadly diseases and biting insects at the Lugar Center – the Pentagon biolaboratory in Georgia’s capital Tbilisi.
This military facility is just one of the many Pentagon biolaboratories in 25 countries ( across the world. They are funded by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) under a $ 2.1 billion military program – Cooperative Biological Engagement Program (CBEP) (, and are located in former Soviet Union countries such as Georgia and Ukraine, the Middle East, South East Asia and Africa. (
Instead of investing in the health of its own citizens the US government has spent $161 million of US taxpayer money on the Lugar Center in Tbilisi for research on deadly diseases and biting insects abroad. (©Al Mayadeen TV) (
The secret facility is located just 17 km from the US Vaziani military airbase in Georgia’s capital Tbilisi.The Pentagon biolaboratory is heavily guarded. All passers-by within a radius of 100 m are filmed although the military biolaboratory is located within a residential area. ( (
I am being filmed while talking to local residents on the street near the Pentagon biolaboratory and I want to know why the security guards are filming me. (©Al Mayadeen TV)
The security guards warn me that if I do not comply, show my passport and leave this place, I will be arrested. My official request to the Lugar Center for access to the facility and for interviews has also been rejected.
15th March 2022, 12:12 PM
15th March 2022, 07:38 PM
Hunter Biden Funded Firm Metabiota Produces Bio Agents Under Diplomatic Cover at Secret Labs
Spirit of Liberty (, [3/15/22 10:44 AM]
[ Photo ]
Hunter Biden Funded Firm Metabiota Produces Bio Agents Under Diplomatic Cover at Secret Labs
"Metabiota ( - produces bio agents under diplomatic cover at 'secret' labs, then sells pandemic insurance and trackers to help countries get ahead of what they are putting out. Company part of Pentagon's DRTA Program as well as funded by Rosemont Seneca
( … Metabiota Inc. has been awarded $18.4 million federal contracts ( under the Pentagon’s DTRA ( program in Georgia and Ukraine …
Bio warfare scientists using diplomatic cover test man-made viruses at Pentagon bio labs in 25 countries across the world ( These US bio-labs are funded by the DTRA under a $2.1 billion military program ( … Metabiota sponsored ( Viral Surveillance for the PREDICT program ( 2014-2017 …
Rosemont Seneca (RSTP) an investment firm led by Hunter Biden – was a lead financial backer of Metabiota (, a pandemic tracking and response firm that has partnered with Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance and the Wuhan Institute of Virology."
Read more: Blue Canaries (
16th March 2022, 01:48 PM
Pentagon Contractors Worked in Ukranian Biolabs Under $80,000,000 Program (
Pentagon contractors worked in Ukrainian biolabs under $80 million program (
Dilyana Gaytandzhieva ( -
March 16, 20220 (
( documents give new information about the Pentagon program in biolaboratories in Ukraine. According to internal documents, Pentagon contractors were given full access to all Ukrainian biolaboratories while independent experts were denied even a visit. The new revelations challenge the US government statement that the Pentagon just funded biolaboratories in Ukraine but had nothing to do with them.Last week US Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland confirmed that “Ukraine has biological research facilities” and the US is worried that “those research materials” may fall into the Russian hands. What “research materials” were studied in these biolaboratories and why are US officials so worried that they may fall into Russian hands?
The Pentagon activities in Ukrainian biolabs were funded by the Defense Threat Reduction agency (DTRA). DTRA allocated $80 million ( for biological research in Ukraine as of 30 July 2020, according to information obtained from the US Federal contracts registry. The US company Black & Veatch Special Projects Corp. was tasked with the program.
The Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) awarded Black & Veatch Special Projects Corp. an $80 million contract under the Biological Threat Reduction Program (BTRP) in Ukraine in 2020.Pentagon contractors given full access to Ukrainian biolabsThe Ukrainian biolabs were accessible to Pentagon contractors but not to independent experts, according to internal documents ( published on Reddit by an alleged former employee of the Ukrainian ministry of health. The US company Black & Veatch Special Projects Corp. was given full access to freely operate in all biolabs in Ukraine that were engaged in biological research activities under the DTRA program, according to a letter dated 2 July 2019 from the Ukrainian minister of health to DTRA in Ukraine.
A letter dated 2 July 2019 from the Ukrainian minister of health Ylana Suprun to DTRA in Ukraine gives Black & Veatch Special Projects Corp. full access to all biolaboratories in Ukraine involved in the US military biological research program. Ylana Suprun is an American national and was conferred Ukrainian citizenship by former president Petro Poroshenko in 2015.Ukraine rejected proposal for public control over the Pentagon-funded biolabsWhile Pentagon contractors were given full access to all biolabs involved in the DTRA program, independent experts were denied such access under the pretext that these biolabs were working with especially dangerous pathogens. According to a leaked letter, the Ministry of health of Ukraine denied experts from the scientific journal “Problems of innovation and investment development” access to the Pentagon-funded biolaboratories. The ministry rejected the proposal made by the scientific journal and did not allow independent public control group of experts to supervise these biolaboratories.
“The Ministry of Health of Ukraine considers it inappropriate to create a working group for public control and it is not possible to allow members of the group to enter the premises of laboratories of especially dangerous infections of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine”, according to a letter dated 21 October 2016 from the Ukrainian Deputy Minister for European Integration Oksana Sivak to the scientific journal “Problems of innovation and investment development”.Another DTRA contractor that operated in Ukraine was CH2M Hill. The American company was awarded a $22.8 million contract ( (2020-2023) for the reconstruction and equipment of two new biolaboratories: the State Scientific Research Institute of Laboratory Diagnostics and Veterinary-Sanitary Expertise (Kyiv ILD) and the State Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and Consumer Protection Regional Diagnostic Laboratory (Odesa RDL). According to leaked documents (, CH2MHill was tasked with an $11.6 million program “Countering Especially Dangerous Pathogen Threats in Ukraine”. project on bird flu
German and Ukrainian scientsist conducted biological research on especially dangerous pathogens in birds (2019-2020). The project was implemented by the Institute of Experimental and Clinical Veterinary Medicine (Kharkov) and the Friedrich Lerfler Institute (Greifswatd, Germany). According to the project’s description, the main goal of this project was to carry out sequencing of orthomyxoviruses (causative agents of avian flu) genomes, as well to discover new viruses in birds.
According to the Russian ministry of defense, DTRA funded a similar project in Ukraine UP-4 ( in 2020. The project’s goal was to research the potential of especially dangerous pathogens to be transmitted via migratory birds, including the highly pathogenic H5N1 flu, whose lethality for humans can reach 50%, as well as Newcastle disease. The use of migratory birds for possible delivery of pathogens was a major research program between Smithsonian Institute and the US Department of Defense in the past.
Damn. I’m going to have to write all this up! After all the ridicule abt Russia’s claims of US/Ukraine using migratory birds for possible delivery of biological pathogens, turns out that WAS a major research program btw Smithsonian Inst & Dept of Defense— Jeffrey Kaye (@jeff_kaye) March 12, 2022 (
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( n+biolabs+under+%2480+million+program&
( rmation%20about%20the%20Pentagon%20program%20in%20 biolaboratories%20in%20Ukraine.)
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25th March 2022, 09:48 AM
Investigative Bulgarian journalist Dilyana Gaytandzhieva posted on her twitter that there is evidence the US may have been planning an attack on Russia via Ukraine.
this is the first of a 3 tweet thread.
See new Tweets
Conversation ( Gaytandzhieva
( After analyzing documents about US-funded biolabs in Ukraine there's evidence to suggest US may have been preparing an attack on Russia via Ukraine. Denazification was hardly the main motive for Putin for starting a war, preventing a biowarfare attack could have been a motive
3:36 AM · Mar 25, 2022 (·Twitter Web App (
589 Retweets ( 37 Quote Tweets ( 1,347 Likes (
11th May 2022, 12:08 PM
Russia REVEALS ALL in Bombshell BioLabs Breifing
Briefing on the results of the analysis of documents related to the military biological activities of the United States on the territory of Ukraine (
May 11, 2022
The Russian Defence Ministry continues to study materials on the implementation of military biological programs of the United States and its NATO allies on the territory of Ukraine.
We have already mentioned Robert Pope, director of the Cooperative Threat Reduction Programme and author of the idea of the Central Depository of Highly Dangerous Microorganisms in Kiev.
In his statement of April 10, 2022, Pope said that "...there is no reason to claim that research related to the development of biological weapons is taking place in Ukraine...". He previously claimed that "...the Americans did not find biological weapons when they first started working with Ukraine, and they still haven't. In addition, Ukraine lacks the infrastructure to develop and produce biological weapons...".
I would like to recall that the term "biological weapons" includes biological formulations that contain pathogenic micro-organisms and toxins, as well as the means of delivery and use of said formulations.
While the priority for Ukrainian healthcare is socially significant diseases such as HIV, poliomyelitis, measles and hepatitis, US customers are interested in a completely different nomenclature: cholera, tularemia, plague and hantaviruses.
As a result of the special military operation on the territory of Ukraine, facts of work with the specified pathogens, which are potential agents of biological weapons, have been revealed. At the same time, it was noted that Ukraine had sent a request to the manufacturing company regarding the possibility of equipping the Bayraktar drones with aerosol equipment.
In addition on March 9, three unmanned aerial vehicles equipped with 30-litre containers and equipment for spraying formulations were detected by Russian reconnaissance units in Kherson region. At the end of April, 10 more were found near Kakhovka.
All this information calls into question the statements of American experts.
We have previously provided a scheme for US coordination of biological laboratories and research institutes in Ukraine. Its preliminary analysis suggests that Ukraine is essentially a testing ground for the development of biological weapons components and the testing of new samples of pharmaceuticals.
The Russian Ministry of Defence was able to clarify the said scheme.
It should be noted that the ideologues of US military-biological activities in Ukraine are the leaders of the Democratic Party.
Thus, through the US executive branch, a legislative framework for funding military biomedical research directly from the federal budget was formed. Funds were raised under state guarantees from NGOs controlled by the Democratic Party leadership, including the investment funds of the Clintons, Rockefellers, Soros and Biden.
The scheme involves major pharmaceutical companies, including Pfizer, Moderna, Merck and the US military-affiliated company Gilead. U.S. experts are working to test new medicines that circumvent international safety standards. As a result, Western companies are seriously reducing the cost of research programmes and gaining a significant competitive advantage.
The involvement of controlled nongovernmental and biotechnological organisations, and the increase in their revenues, allows the leaders of the Democratic Party to generate additional campaign finance and hide its distribution.
In addition to US pharmaceutical companies and Pentagon contractors, Ukrainian state agencies are involved in military bioweapons activities, whose main tasks are to conceal illegal activities, conduct field and clinical trials and provide the necessary biomaterial.
Thus, the US Department of Defence, using a virtually internationally uncontrolled test site and the high-tech facilities of multinational companies, has greatly expanded its research capabilities, not only in the field of biological weapons, but also in gaining knowledge about antibiotic resistance and the antibodies to specific diseases in populations in specific regions.
It should be noted that not only the US, but also a number of its NATO allies are implementing their military-biological projects in Ukraine.
The German government has decided to launch a national biosafety programme independent of Washington, D.C., starting in 2013. Twelve countries, including Ukraine, are involved in the Programme.
On the German side, the programme involves the Institute for Armed Forces Microbiology (Munich), the Robert Koch Institute (Berlin), the Loeffler Institute (Greifswald) and the Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine (Hamburg).
New documents reveal that between 2016 and 2019 alone, three and a half thousand blood serum samples of citizens living in 25 regions of Ukraine were taken by military epidemiologists from the Bundeswehr Microbiology Institute.
The involvement of institutions subordinate to the Bundeswehr confirms the military orientation of biological research carried out in Ukrainian laboratories and raises questions about the goals pursued by the German armed forces in collecting biomaterials of Ukrainian citizens.
The documents obtained also show the involvement of Poland in Ukrainian biolaboratories. The participation of the Polish Institute of Veterinary Medicine in research aimed at assessing the epidemiological threats and spread of the rabies virus in Ukraine has been confirmed. Characteristically, the research in question was carried out jointly with the US-based Battelle Institute, a key contractor for the Pentagon.
In addition, Polish funding for the Lvov Medical University, which includes a member of US military biology projects, the Institute of Epidemiology and Hygiene, has been documented. The organisation has been running a retraining programme for specialists with experience of working with dual-use materials and technologies since 2002.
The special military operation by Russian troops succeeded in obtaining additional information about bio-incidents in Ukraine.
For example, materials indicating the intentional use of a multidrug-resistant tuberculosis pathogen in 2020 to infect the population of the Slavyanoserbsky district of the LPR were examined.
The flyers, made in the form of counterfeit currency notes, were infected with the tuberculosis agent and distributed to minors in Stepovoe village. The organisers of this crime took into account the behaviour of children, who have a habit of "putting everything in their mouths" and taking food with unwashed hands.
The results of bacteriological studies have confirmed the resistance of the isolated bacteria to first- and second-line anti-TB drugs, meaning that the disease caused by them is much more difficult to treat and the cost of treatment is much higher.
According to the conclusion of the Lugansk Republican Sanitary and Epidemiological Station, "...the contamination of the notes was most likely carried out artificially, as the material contains extremely dangerous strains of the pathogen in concentrations capable of ensuring infection and development of the tuberculosis process...".
In his conclusion, the chief doctor of the Lugansk Republican TB Dispensary also notes that "...there are all signs of deliberate, man-made contamination of the flyers with highly pathogenic biomaterial...".
We previously reported on trials of potentially dangerous biological drugs on one of the least protected categories of people - patients of the Kharkov Regional Clinical Psychiatric Hospital No 3.
We have received new information revealing details of the Pentagon's inhuman experiments on Ukrainian citizens in Psychiatric Hospital No 1 (Streleche village, Kharkov region). The main category of subjects was a group of male patients aged 40-60 years with a high stage of physical exhaustion.
In order to conceal their US affiliation, the biological research experts travelled via third countries. Here is a photograph of Florida native Linda Oporto, who was directly involved in these works.
In January 2022, the foreign nationals conducting the experiments were evacuated in an emergency and the equipment and drugs they were using were taken to western Ukraine.
Russian Defence Ministry specialists have carried out work directly in two biolaboratories in Mariupol.
Evidence of emergency destruction of documents confirming work with the US military establishment was obtained. A preliminary analysis of extant documentation indicates the use of Mariupol as a regional centre for cholera pathogen collection and certification. The selected strains were sent to the Public Health Centre in Kiev, which is responsible for the onward shipment of biomaterials to the United States. These activities have been carried out since 2014, as evidenced by the transfer of strains.
An act of destruction of the pathogen collection dated February 25, 2022, according to which cholera, tularemia and anthrax pathogens were handled there, was found in the sanitary and epidemiological laboratory.
Part of the collection of the veterinary laboratory was not destroyed in a hurry. In order to ensure safety and secure storage, 124 strains were exported by Russian specialists and their study was organised.
The presence in the collection of pathogens that are uncharacteristic of veterinary medicine, such as typhoid, paratyphoid fever and gas gangrene, is a cause for concern. This could indicate the laboratory's misuse and involvement in a military biological programme.
We will continue to examine the full volume of material received from the Mariupol biolaboratories and will inform you about the results.
The Russian Ministry of Defence has information that provocations are being prepared to accuse the Russian Armed Forces of using weapons of mass destruction, followed by a "Syrian scenario" investigation to fabricate the necessary evidence and assign blame.
The high likelihood of such provocations is confirmed by requests from the Kiev administration for personal skin and respiratory protection equipment that provides protection against toxic chemicals and biological contaminating agents. The supply to Ukraine of organophosphorus poisoning antidotes raises concerns. In 2022 alone, more than 220,000 ampoules of atropine, as well as preparations for special treatment and disinfection, were delivered from the USA at the request of the Ukrainian Ministry of Health.
Thus, the information obtained confirms that the United States is implementing an offensive military-biological programme in Ukraine to study the possibility of forming controlled epidemics in specific territories.
The special military operation of the Russian Armed Forces has crossed the US military-biological expansion in Ukraine and stopped criminal experiments on civilians.
11th May 2022, 01:29 PM
NCBP Briefing Slides 05ddcd953bcc89/627c5201/8u9xEg4fgZRnbvc-NDIiDI1xVuNlL4EHnujVZYNajJ8wdjjBprYfBsoGOLY4wZeuXV KATWB_7-7xzHAhn6fU5Q%3D%3D?uid=0&filename=Slide%20%281%29.png&disposition=inline&hash=&limit=0&content_type=image%2Fpng&owner_uid=0&tknv=v2&size=1366x642 63c9807e7d5d8b/627c5201/a34BwfBT6cRaJr4HtSCKSkBM8HLaNokoZUZHFgc8Yic56B5Oeo 6G_oLvA256r_CSfP1sHJpyCQYRV6DXPoG03w%3D%3D?uid=0&filename=Slide%20%282%29.PNG&disposition=inline&hash=&limit=0&content_type=image%2Fpng&owner_uid=0&tknv=v2&size=1366x642 51b65c7cd5b534/627c5201/WvTTYdnlcLn-6hmSHgiu7o1xVuNlL4EHnujVZYNajJ8BEEjW5xgVry0Lyis9gk ZH_Bv1BT2qySuUdPijKEM83w%3D%3D?uid=0&filename=Slide%20%283%29.PNG&disposition=inline&hash=&limit=0&content_type=image%2Fpng&owner_uid=0&tknv=v2&size=1366x642 ed649cfd9e8477/627c5201/QNBQhsBBvptD0_YVkfHLikBM8HLaNokoZUZHFgc8YifNlLdEhD pjyIf4jWM3u2K3Nl7nvYsGKy5HEjc6-wQyNA%3D%3D?uid=0&filename=Slide%20%284%29.PNG&disposition=inline&hash=&limit=0&content_type=image%2Fpng&owner_uid=0&tknv=v2&size=1366x642 c6b74f7383423e/627c5201/piiY6rcRVDBnoNRF8sviiY1xVuNlL4EHnujVZYNajJ81glWw6w 0JR_FpVY0axPeFLJbgKOQaVtbL_bsn3Tq5oA%3D%3D?uid=0&filename=Slide%20%285%29.PNG&disposition=inline&hash=&limit=0&content_type=image%2Fpng&owner_uid=0&tknv=v2&size=1366x642 791593b0b0486f/627c5201/vSU4t9xolvLz88-GzLQSp0BM8HLaNokoZUZHFgc8YidcEuh51Od4trgEpMtIzIGue 0dyAKsSF0CGMvF3tT9P1g%3D%3D?uid=0&filename=Slide%20%286%29.PNG&disposition=inline&hash=&limit=0&content_type=image%2Fpng&owner_uid=0&tknv=v2&size=1366x642 3f1a6078551b17/627c5201/sKWdGgBG31K7dpt5fyHKZxYHyFQDFvmS0JdAv34M-IYHq0TVPTa_nwh8PCJlO_cAY-PmnksDCKRqhepdDUad3g%3D%3D?uid=0&filename=Slide%20%287%29.PNG&disposition=inline&hash=&limit=0&content_type=image%2Fpng&owner_uid=0&tknv=v2&size=1366x642
14th May 2022, 03:11 PM
Russian official drops a couple of bombshell truths and proofs about the USA operatives of the government as well as operatives of Phizer and Moderna in the Ukraine. NAZI-like biological agent experiments on psychiatric patients in the hospitals in the Ukraine.
International biosafety regulations are circumvented and gives big financial advantages to BigPharma and the DNC bank accounts.
Russia accuses the "Democratic Party USA leadership " in setting up the financial secret operation related to pathogens from Ukraine bioresearch labs on patients.
This is a very big scandal if it is true and it looks like Russia has the slam-dunk evidence and proof of this crime.
1:03:36 video runtimel
Russia: Top Democrats Involved in US-Funded Biowarfare Research in Ukraine (
Russia Defense Ministry has called for a meeting with the UN Security Council to present what Moscow claims is new evidence of US biological warfare research programs in Ukraine. Russia has made allegations since March that the US Pentagon was conducting bioweapons research inside Ukraine. On Friday, the UN Security Council’s calendar appears to show two meetings planned for committee consultations.
Furthermore, the Russian Defense Ministry presented new data on the activities of the US government and American pharmaceutical companies operating on Ukrainian soil. They also accused President Joe Biden, former President Barack Obama, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and billionaire George Soros of involvement in the conspiracy to outsource pharmaceutical testing on humans in Ukraine.
Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart. Airdate 5/13/22.
TASS 5/11/22
TASS 3/13/22 sere the two sorces of this story but I did not search out full URLs.
16th June 2022, 11:51 AM
Biden involvement in the Ukraine bio-labs?
We have already noted that Hunter Biden was instrumental in creating the financial opportunity to work with pathogens in Ukraine by securing funds for Black & Veach and Metabiotics companies.
The published correspondence of Biden with the administration of the Rosemont Seneca Investment Fund shows the use of administrative resources and blatant lobbying of Metabiota's interests in U.S. government.
Managing Director John Delosch asks Biden: '...Is there anyone we can call in Washington to get an idea of how seriously Metabiotics is being considered by various government agencies?'
This kind of wording raises the question of the personal financial interest of Biden and other co-founders of Rosemont Seneca in the implementation of the Pentagon's military-biological programme in Ukraine, as well as the presence of a corrupt component.
Briefing on the results of analysing documents related to the military-biological activity of the USA in Ukraine (June 16, 2022) (
June 16, 2022
The Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation carries out its scheduled analytical work on the military-biological activity of the USA and its allies in various regions of the world, including Ukraine.
We have previously spoken about the experiments held by the employees of a laboratory in Merefa on the patients of a psychiatric clinic in Kharkov since 2019 to 2021. It has been noted that one of the organisers of this illegal activity was a US citizen Linda Oporto Al-Haroun.
The documents received during the special military operation have revealed that this kind of investigations has been carried out in Ukraine at least since 2011 and Al-Haroun repeatedly visited the branch of the Merefa laboratory built with funds of the Pentagon in Sorokovka, Kharkov region.
Despite the fact that this installation is provided with underground storage facilities and powerful ventilation systems, it is officially considered a company that produces food additives. At the same time, the site of the company bears clear signs of fictitiousness, while the equipment of the branch has been transported to the western regions of Ukraine under control of the Security Service of Ukraine (SSU).
It confirms our concerns about the numerous violations of the international humanitarian law in Ukraine that are also defined by the Nuremberg Code and the Helsinki Declaration of the World Medical Association. They include: the voluntary consent of an individual to participate in an experiment; informing about the investigation to be carried out; prevention of excessive physical and mental suffering during an experiment, as well as tortures, inhumane or degrading treatment.
According to the available information, highly active neuropeptides were tested on socially vulnerable citizens of Ukraine that caused irreversible damage to the central nervous system. This is a clear violation of the international treaties related to human rights.
We have already mentioned the role of the Scientific-Technological Centre of Ukraine (STCU) in the military-biological programme of the USA in Ukraine.
I would like to focus on the P-268 project. The National University named after Taras Shevchenko in Kiev and the Colorado State University were involved in its implementation.
Note STCU Executive Director Andrew Hood's appeal to the U.S. Department of State to organise researches within the project. He states that '...more than 30% of the participants are former scientists experienced in developing weapons of mass destruction...'.
The objective of the project is to study viruses capable of infecting Aedes mosquitoes. According to the terms of reference, the viral preparation was produced by the institute in Kiev and delivered to the USA for aerobiological studies.
The interest of the American clients in mosquitoes of this species that are vectors of transmissible infections such as dengue fever, Zika and yellow fever is not accidental.
During the last major outbreak of yellow fever in Africa (in 2013), there were 170 thousand cases of the severe form of this disease, including 60 thousand that resulted in death.
Everyone remembers the smallpox virus contamination of blankets for Native Americans, the deliberate infection with the syphilis pathogen by Guatemalan citizens is less discussed while this fact has been admitted by the U.S. President Barack Obama. The use of pesticides during the Vietnam War is even less remembered, but the history of deliberate outbreaks in Cuba in the 1970s and 1980s is completely suppressed. At the same time, the use of Aedes mosquitoes as biological weapons, exactly the same ones operated by the U.S. military department, is recorded in the class action suit of Cuban citizens against the U.S. government and was submitted to the member States of the Biological Weapons Convention.
The class action notes that the 1981 dengue epidemic in Cuba that contaminated 345 thousand people and resulted in the death of 158 persons was the result of the spread of the second dengue virus serotype that had not previously been recorded in the Caribbean and had clear signs of a deliberate nature. Thus, the time of the attack (late January) was chosen in consideration of biological features of the life cycle of mosquito vectors and was optimal for the subsequent development of the epidemic process. In addition, the only place on the island where no cases have been reported was the U.S. Naval Base at Guantanamo due to pre-vaccination of soldiers against the dengue virus type 2.
An artificial outbreak of another viral disease, African swine fever (ASF), occurred in Cuba in 1971. During the epizootic, 500 thousand animals were eliminated and the country suffered a significant economic damage. Although no cases of ASF have been previously reported in the American continent nor in the Western Hemisphere in general, it was Cuba where the disease has appeared.
Former FBI official William Turner introduced some clarity to this issue by telling the Newsday that the CIA delivered a container of ASF agent from Fort Gulick in Panama and transferred it off the coast of Cuba to a fishing vessel. He precisely indicated the farm where this pathogen was introduced.
Since 1980 to 1982, the Cuban leadership reported numerous unusual outbreaks of viral infections of economically important crops (sugar cane and tobacco) that appeared in different regions of the country and were not related to each other.
Yet these facts are only part of the U.S. military-biological dossier, while their investigation is ignored by the United Nations and the World Health Organization.
Despite the assurances of the United States that the biological research in Ukraine is carried out exclusively in the field of civilian healthcare, there are documents that confirm the direct cooperation between the military departments of these countries.
I would like to draw attention to the Notice of Inclusion of Laboratories of the Central Sanitary and Epidemiological Department of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine in the Biological Threat Reduction Program. It notes that '...the program enables cooperation between the Ukrainian Ministry of Defence and the U.S. Department of Defence, as well as creates legal principles for its further expansion...'.
Since 2015 that was the beginning of large-scale financing of Ukrainian projects by the Pentagon, numerous cases of infectious diseases have been recorded among servicemen and residents of the Lugansk and Donetsk people's republics.
According to the report of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR), ' 2016, the tularaemia morbidity increased 9.5 times in comparison with 2007. There have been also noted distinctive features in the structure of morbidity, including an increase in the number of servicemen among the contaminated people...'.
Here is a list of tularemia cases in the DPR.
For security reasons, we do not reveal their personal data, this information has been sent to the Investigative Committee of Russia.
I remind that NATO guidance documents (Guidelines for the Assessment of Radiation, Chemical, Biological and Nuclear Casualties) consider tularaemia as one of the prioritised biological agents. This is the agent that was used in the military exercises of the alliance at the training grounds in Sweden, with official confirmation in 2012.
I would also like to note that there have been several dozen outbreaks of hepatitis A since 2017 until now in 12 regions of Ukraine where biological facilities controlled by the Pentagon are located and have been in operation. More than 10 thousand people have resulted contaminated, and in most cases the cause of the disease has not been not identified.
Analysis of documents on the activities of the Defence Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) in Ukraine implies that one of the prioritised tasks of DTRA is to train field epidemiologists. Within this training course, the U.S. side has actively been introducing its own standards for diagnosing infectious diseases that do not correspond to current public healthcare problems.
I remind that in 2015, the World Health Organisation declared Ukraine a country with a high risk of polio outbreak and the fight against this particularly dangerous disease is an obvious priority.
In this context, the attention is to be drawn to the response of the Project Manager at DTRA office in Ukraine Brendt Siegel to the regional representative of the World Health Organisation. It states that the biological threat reduction program implemented in Ukraine '...does not suppose studies of such diseases as poliomyelitis...'. The arisen question is: what diseases relevant to Ukraine are mentioned?
After the start of the special military operation in Ukraine, the United States developed and implemented a plan to evacuate the Ukrainian citizens who were involved in the biomonitoring system in order to '...prevent a leak of sensitive information...'. This raises additional questions about the operation of the abovementioned system and its real purposes.
We have already noted that Hunter Biden was instrumental in creating the financial opportunity to work with pathogens in Ukraine by securing funds for Black & Veach and Metabiotics companies.
The published correspondence of Biden with the administration of the Rosemont Seneca Investment Fund shows the use of administrative resources and blatant lobbying of Metabiota's interests in U.S. government.
Managing Director John Delosch asks Biden: '...Is there anyone we can call in Washington to get an idea of how seriously Metabiotics is being considered by various government agencies?'
This kind of wording raises the question of the personal financial interest of Biden and other co-founders of Rosemont Seneca in the implementation of the Pentagon's military-biological programme in Ukraine, as well as the presence of a corrupt component.
The apparent lack of investment appeal of projects aimed to reconstruct Ukrainian biolaboratories raises doubts about the transparency of ongoing financial activities.
In addition, funding from non-State sources such as the Biden Foundation, allows the Pentagon not to report to the Senate Budget Committee on the objectives and results of bioweapons research in Ukraine, hiding them from the public thereby.
The analysed documents of the investment agencies subordinated to Biden do not contain any information about payments to beneficiaries and distribution of dividends. It indicates the concealment of profits with high probability and is a sign of illegal payment schemes and tax evasion that is a serious violation of the U.S. law.
In addition, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that on June 9, the Pentagon website published an official statement about U.S. biological activities in the post-Soviet countries. The U.S. administration admits the funding of 46 Ukrainian biolaboratories and the relations between the U.S. Department of Defence and the Scientific-Technological Centre of Ukraine (STCU).
At the same time, it reflects the peculiarities of the implementation of the Nunn-Lugar joint threat reduction programme in the post-Soviet countries, one of the purposes of which was the involvement of '...thousands of former Soviet scientists specialised in biological weapons...' allegedly to '...exclude the possibility of their cooperation with terrorist groups...'.
This kind of attempt of the U.S. administration to whitewash its tarnished reputation turned out to be a 'prosecutor's dream': the document cites facts of the Pentagon's military-biological activities in Ukraine and other countries of the former Soviet Union, as well as indicates the accomplices of the American military department: the State Department and the U.S. Department of Energy.
However, the 'clarifications' provided by the USA do not answer the questions we have posed:
Why was the work commissioned by the Pentagon, while its subject matter did not correspond to the current problems of public healthcare in Ukraine?
What was the purpose of the participation of U.S. military officials in biological research in Ukraine, while the work was carried out under conditions of secrecy with restricted access of Ukrainian professionals to information and facilities?
Why were strains of pathogenic microorganisms, potential agents of biological weapons, and biomaterials of Ukrainian citizens exported from the country without clearly declared purposes?
Why do the U.S. and Ukraine obscure the military-biological cooperation in international reports under the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC), while the U.S. has been blocking the development of its verification mechanism since 2001?
Why are U.S. officials, including Under Secretary of State V.Nuland, so concerned about the possibility of the activities held by the U.S.
Defence Department in Ukraine and the materials in the biolaboratories taken over by Russian specialists?
Thus, the situation presented in the Pentagon statement is just a screen under the guise of which the United States carries out its activities in circumvention of international agreements and continues to build up its military-biological capabilities. At the same time, Ukraine is assigned for playing the role of a testing ground, collecting biological materials and studying the specifics of the spread of infectious diseases.
16th June 2022, 12:13 PM
Russian military knows more and more about USA bioweapons labs in Ukraine and is seeking to very carefully dismantle them. Those labs, officially now over 40 labs fessed up to by USA, contain horrible mass killing pathogens of the gain-of-function kind. I posted a little article somewhere here about Putin complaining about people were coming into Russia and taking various kinds of samples from the bodies of Russian citizens for mysterious purposes and I think for pay. These specimens were probably for use in those Ukraine labs.
5th August 2022, 01:02 PM
"This is undoubtedly the most important story on the planet, with implications that affect every single organism on Earth... and it feels like I'm the only one talking about it." (
I’m sorry y'all, I've never done this, but I might just repost this article all day long to make sure every single person sees it. That's how important this is.
I mean how can I overstate Russian MIL DIRECTLY accusing the DNC and Big Pharma of creating and releasing Covid 19 and Monkeypox to win elections...
This is undoubtedly the most important story on the planet, with implications that affect every single organism on Earth... and it feels like I'm the only one talking about it.
-Clandestine,c_limit,f_webp,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:s teep/ 2d37e3ee-2ad3-4e3e-add7-56a1e6187c4c_550x390.jpeg
Substack (
Russian MIL Declares Ukraine Origin of C19! DNC Globalists Created Covid!
NEW BIOLOGICAL UPDATE FROM RUSSIA New briefing from Chief of Radiation, Chemical and Biological Defence Forces, General Igor Kirillov, on military biological activities of the United States in the territory of Ukraine. The Russian MIL have been studying biological samples from surrendered Ukrainian soldiers, and what they have been finding is beyond disturbing. Approximately 20% of them carrying West Nile pathogens, which were being studied “by the Pentagon as part of the Ukrainian UP-4 and UP-8 projects”. Suggesting that Ukrainian soldiers are being subject to involuntary biological experimentation and exposure to biological weapons (think Nuremberg).
7th August 2022, 10:04 AM
Russia's Ministry of Defense In English ~ The Origin of a New Corona Virus Pathogen
( Russia (, [8/4/22 5:58 AM]
▫️We have already informed that more than 16,000 biological samples, including blood and serum samples, were taken from Ukraine to the US, Georgia and European countries.
▫️Against the background of the US administration's assurances that the genetic information obtained from Ukrainian citizens will be used "...exclusively for peaceful purposes...", I would like to quote a statement by Jason Crow of the US House Intelligence Committee at the North American Security Conference in July.
▫️Crow warned Americans about the dangers of giving their DNA to private companies for testing because: "...there is a possibility that test results will be sold to third parties... and the information obtained could be used to develop biological weapons targeting specific groups... or individuals."
▫️Given the US administration's interest in the study of "narrowly targeted" biological agents, such statements force a fresh look at the causes of the new coronavirus pandemic and the role of US military biologists in the emergence and spread of the COVID-19 pathogen.
▫️In May 2022, Jeffrey Sachs - a leading expert in the respected medical journal The Lancet and professor at Columbia University, the leading academic institution for global biosecurity, told a conference in Spain that "...the coronavirus was artificially created and is very likely to have been created using American advances in biotechnology...".
▫️According to our experts, this is evidenced by the uncharacteristic variability of the genovariants that cause different peaks in the incidence of coronaviruses, significant differences in lethality and contagiousness, uneven geographical distribution, and the unpredictable nature of the epidemic process as a whole. It appears that despite efforts to contain and isolate the disease, the pandemic is being artificially fuelled by the introduction of new variants of the virus in a particular region.
▫️We are considering the possibility that the US Agency for International Development (USAID) was involved in the emergence of the new coronavirus. Since 2009, the agency has funded the Predict programme, which has investigated new species of coronaviruses by capturing bats that carry the viruses. One of the contractors for the project was Metabiota, a company known for its military-biological activities in Ukraine.
▫️Characteristically, in 2019 - before the first COVID-19 cases appeared - the US Johns Hopkins Institute hosted an exercise called 'Event-201', which practised dealing with an epidemic of a previously unknown coronavirus, which, according to the legend of the exercise, was transmitted from bats to humans via an intermediate host, pigs. This is how the 'Spanish flu' virus, which has killed tens of millions of people, became pandemic.
▫️The implementation of the COVID-19 scenario and USAID's emergency wind-down of the Predict programme in 2019 suggest the deliberate nature of the pandemic and US involvement in its emergence.
Full Text
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( #Russia #Ukraine #NBCP
7th August 2022, 10:14 AM
"could be used to develop biological weapons targeting specific groups... or individuals."
Collected samples from certain peoples gives evil scientists all they need to build the genetic sequence code to make the bioweapon.
The PNAC document, Project for a New American Century" said there are "genotypes" that can be used for political purposes. There are genotypes for a specific ethnic groups and the war mongers can use to make bioweapons to kill or control certain peoples.
Search within the Coronavirus thread on the word genotype for full documentation.
Remember PNAC is the neoconservative gang who took over and ruined the Ukraine in 2014.
4th September 2022, 11:32 AM
The Russian Ministry of Defense has posted more information on US/Ukrainian Bio Labs in violation of the international treaty
Russia's Ministry of Defence:
Read in full (
☢️ There are over 50 Pentagon-controlled biological laboratories located in close proximity to the borders of Russia.
裂 The activity of the biological laboratories that has been intensified since 2014 and the so-called Ukrainian healthcare system 'reforming' programme implemented by the US have led to an unmanageable increase of hazardous and economically important infections morbidity.
◽️ After the unfulfilled promises of the collective West on NATO nonproliferation to the East, we are not entitled to believe in the bare assurances of the U.S. about the peaceful nature of the Pentagon's biological research.
❗️We have at our disposal the confirmation of Ukraine's request to the Turkish manufacturer of UAV Bayraktar dated from December 15, 2021, to equip this UAV with aerosol spraying systems and mechanisms with a capacity of over 20 litres
1st February 2023, 09:47 AM
Nothing new under the sun but this information ( to surface
☣️ (BIO) WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION: OVER 20,000 documents detailing aspects of US biological programs, furthering the SCANDAL ( brought by the presence of Washington's biolabs in Ukraine, reveals COVID-19 research was carried out by US-funded organizations since 2015.
Documents confirm Pentagon intentions to use Eastern Europe and Russia itself as testing ground for BIOWEAPONS.
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