View Full Version : TEXAS- all news stories any subject started March 29, 2022
29th March 2022, 07:39 AM
March 29, 2022
Austin, TEXAS
Worldview Report show on Frankspeech TV for yesterday.
Citizen Free Press has posted a video showing.
Pride Parade in Texas Elementary School Goes Viral
Posted on March 25, 2022 by Constitutional Nobody (
Teachers and administrators apparently thought it would be a good idea to force students from kindergarten through 5th grade to participate in a Pride Week parade with the school hallways.
One of the administration's rules for this event was to instruct the students not to speak to their parents regarding anything about this school event.
Doss Elementary School
located in the Northwest Hills area of close-in northwest Austin
go to
25:57 on the video track - ends 29:58 on video track (
29th March 2022, 07:52 AM
If you have school age children get them out of the public school system!!
29th March 2022, 08:01 AM
If you have school age children get them out of the public school system!!
Yes, that writing-on-the-wall advice has been clear to many of us for a very long time.
Bishop Richard Williamson even advises now that parents not send their children to universities.
The Marxist scorched earth policies on USA public education began over half a century ago.
5th April 2022, 11:55 AM
Here are the District Attorneys of Texas cities who have received donations from George Soros.
Here is the list where I got this information and where you can look up your state's prosecutors of the same category.
Here are the Texas bad-news District Attorneys.
Joe Gonzalez—Bexar County (San Antonio), Texas. George Soros has even dared to mess with Texas. Joe Gonzalez is one of Soros’s favorite DAs, receiving nearly $1 million in backing from the billionaire during his 2018 campaign, upsetting incumbent Democrat Nico LaHood in the primary. Just as in Dallas, violent crime reportedly increased by 15 percent in San Antonio under Gonzalez, while convictions dropped by 17 percent.
John Creuzot—Dallas County, Texas. Backed by an estimated $236,000 from Soros, Creuzot became the DA of Dallas County in 2018 and immediately moved forward with a plethora of radical reform policies, including decriminalizing theft under $750, criminal trespass, and drug possession. During his first year in office crime reportedly increased by 15 percent while total convictions dropped by 30 percent. Most recently, Creuzot failed to get a conviction in straightforward case against Billy Chemirmir, a Kenyan immigrant charged with murdering and robbing 18 elderly women in assisted living facilities. He was found with his alleged victims’ personal papers and jewelry in his possession at the time of his arrest.
Brian Middleton—Fort Bend County, Texas. Although it went unnoticed and unreported by the media, Soros played a major role in the 2019 campaign of Fort Bend County DA Brian Middleton, spending nearly $200,000 on advertising in support of his campaign. Middleton has been extremely moderate as far as Soros-backed candidates go, and as a result Fort Bend County has not seen a dramatic spike in crime.
Kim Ogg—Harris County (Houston), Texas. In 2016, Kim Ogg became the state’s first Soros-backed DA after Soros spent more than $600,000 on the race. As one of the first reform DA’s backed by Soros, Ogg is also one of the most moderate. She has stopped prosecuting marijuana offenses, but often seeks high cash bail, causing her to be ostracized by many progressives and apparently Soros.
José Garza—Travis County (Austin), Texas. In 2020, Garza was elected as Austin’s DA with the aid of more than $400,000 in ads paid for by the Texas Justice and Public Safety PAC, one of Soros’s private PACs that has received roughly $3.6 million from the billionaire since its creation in 2018. Since assuming office, Garza has developed a reputation for letting violent offenders go free on little to no bail.
In 2020, Garza released hundreds of inmates from jail over COVID-19 protocols, even though only six people in Austin at the time were known to have COVID-19. In 2021, Garza released a man with eight prior felony convictions after he was caught toting a gun in a meth-fueled car chase with police. After his release with an ankle monitor, the man allegedly went on a crime spree committing 10 armed robberies. Since Garza was elected, police budgets have been slashed, and Austin has experienced skyrocketing crime rates and a record number of homicides.
5th April 2022, 12:05 PM
Jose Garza Texas Travis County District Attorney
" $400,000 in ads paid for by the Texas Justice and Public Safety PAC, one of Soros’s private PACs that has received roughly $3.6 million from the billionaire since its creation in 2018"
What a travesty. What with the theft of $150 million from the Austin Police Department budget, in the "defund the police and make your city a hell hole " program, this awful District Attorney is certainly doing his part for the Destroy-the-USA Sorus program.
6th April 2022, 05:17 AM
Mass Human Smuggling
5:36 video runtime
6th April 2022, 06:36 AM
If you have school age children get them out of the public school system!!
Most children are titled (entitled?). They are donated at birth to the charitable trust known as 'The State'. Unless they were born at home Mom left her hubbies bed and board to have them in a hospital where she becomes a single woman again informing 'The State' of her infidelity to her marriage vows.
And this is why common law coverture marriages separates the wife from her authority to contract. Women are not educated to think about the consequences of their actions. Not that they cannot be educated. Simply that they are not.
While this view might not fit most families idea of the events it is an entirely legal perspective.
Now you want to control the education/programming of your child? You already gave away the farm.
[An acquaintance had five children. Three born in the hospital. Their BC's were signed by Mom as the Informant. The last two born at home. These BC's were applied for and signed by Dad as the Informant]
6th April 2022, 03:23 PM
Most children are titled (entitled?). They are donated at birth to the charitable trust known as 'The State'. Unless they were born at home Mom left her hubbies bed and board to have them in a hospital where she becomes a single woman again informing 'The State' of her infidelity to her marriage vows.
And this is why common law coverture marriages separates the wife from her authority to contract. Women are not educated to think about the consequences of their actions. Not that they cannot be educated. Simply that they are not.
While this view might not fit most families idea of the events it is an entirely legal perspective.
Now you want to control the education/programming of your child? You already gave away the farm.
[An acquaintance had five children. Three born in the hospital. Their BC's were signed by Mom as the Informant. The last two born at home. These BC's were applied for and signed by Dad as the Informant]It started before that. The State became the 3rd partner in the marriage at the signing of the marriage license. Does that make the State the 3rd parent, the baby a ward of the State even without a birth certificate?
6th April 2022, 04:43 PM
It started before that. The State became the 3rd partner in the marriage at the signing of the marriage license. Does that make the State the 3rd parent, the baby a ward of the State even without a birth certificate?
The license of marriage is permission given to the preacher to perform the ceremony. If in doubt on this issue try finding a preacher who doesn't need a license.
The action of joining two legal fictions into one is the civil death of the original entities.
A marriage license is a license to kill.
6th April 2022, 08:58 PM
The license of marriage is permission given to the preacher to perform the ceremony. If in doubt on this issue try finding a preacher who doesn't need a license.
The action of joining two legal fictions into one is the civil death of the original entities.
A marriage license is a license to kill.
Ok, and the marriage license doesn't donate the children to the charitable trust either.
6th April 2022, 08:59 PM
LaRouchePAC’s Fight to Abolish the Federal Reserve and Restore a National Bank Advances to Texas Republican Convention _and_restore_a_national_bank_advances_to_texas_rep ublican_convention
A team of organizers and activists, led by LaRouchePAC’s Kesha Rogers and Peter Bowen, succeeded in securing support for the campaign to replace the Federal Reserve with a Third National Bank, at last weekend’s Texas Republican Senate Caucuses. The following resolution was adopted unanimously from the floor and now advances to the Texas Republican State Convention:
"Third National Bank: We support the abolition of the Federal Reserve and the creation of a Constitutional Third National Bank of the United States, based on a gold reserve foundation, focused on investing in the industrial, agricultural, and infrastructural growth of our nation."
Initially, the resolutions committee did not recommend advancing the resolution to the floor, but spirited organizing by the LaRouchePAC team, both in the committee and among the general delegates, created such a buzz that the chair, recognizing how much support and interest existed among the delegates, added the implementation section of the resolution back into the recommendations so it could be brought to the floor for a vote.
While time ran out for actual debate on the resolution, the chair of the resolutions committee reported that it was the widespread support from the delegates that caused the committee to decide to bring it to the floor. The resolution was read and passed unanimously!
Supporters in other states are also actively organizing support for passage of our national bank resolution at their conventions. One supporter has reported that North Dakota will be holding their State Convention this weekend on April 1st and 2nd. He has already gotten permission to distribute 250 copies of our leaflet to Bankrupt the Fed and Create a Third National bank. He has also made numerous calls concerning getting the resolution passed at that States Convention. More reports on organizing for National Banking resolutions at State Conventions across the country to come. Be sure to let us know what happens in your state.
The full draft resolution is available here for use at other conventions and events. (
7th April 2022, 01:17 AM
Ok, and the marriage license doesn't donate the children to the charitable trust either.
How could it? At the time it was issued there (likely) were no children. And if there were existing children were they named in the license?
As to future (also unnamed) children the state has no clue if there will be any or whether there will be 15.
The license being applicable to the action of the minister only is the reasonable conclusion.
7th April 2022, 01:26 AM
"replace the Federal Reserve with a Third National Bank,"
The Federal Reserve was created in 1913. In 2013 it became charitable by principle. Likely it was charitable from inception because it's creator was charitable from inception and is incapable of anything not charitable.
Politicians try to stay away from charitable things and charitable acts. Being charitable is not in their nature. Also if they gave away all their secrets wouldn't it be like a magician publicizing how his tricks work?
7th April 2022, 05:15 AM
Texas To Start Busing Illegal Immigrants To Washington, D.C., As Biden Scraps Trump-Era Border Policy
By Tim Pearce (
Texas will bus illegal immigrants caught entering the state to Washington, D.C., Governor Greg Abbott (R) announced on Wednesday.
During a press conference, Abbott announced several new actions his administration is taking to expand Operation Lone Star, a state government effort to curb illegal immigration into the state from Mexico.
Abbott announced new actions as the Biden administration plans to lift Title 42, a Trump-era border policy that has allowed the United States, on the basis of COVID-19, to stop migrants from entering the country. The Biden administration plans to officially scrap the policy in late May and is preparing for an influx of immigrants.
“With the Biden administration ending Title 42 expulsions in May, Texas will be taking its own unprecedented actions this month to do what no state in America has ever done in the history of this country to better secure our state, as well as our nation,” Abbott said.
One of the additional actions being taken, Abbott said, will be charter buses hired by the state to transport illegal immigrants to Washington, D.C.
“To help local officials whose communities are being overwhelmed with hordes of illegal immigrants who are being dropped off by the Biden administration, Texas is providing charter buses to send these illegal immigrants who have been dropped off by the Biden administration to Washington, D.C.,” Abbott announced. “We are sending them to the United States capital where the Biden administration will be able to more immediately address the needs of the people that they are allowing to come across our border.”
Abbott also announced “enhanced public safety inspection of vehicles” crossing from Mexico into Texas at ports of entry. The new policy will “dramatically slow traffic from Mexico into Texas,” Abbott admitted, but the governor said the new process is necessary to curb cartel traffic flowing from Mexico into Texas.
“Those two strategies are in addition to announcing the following actions to further deter illegal immigrants, including deploying boat blockades at appropriate regions in the Rio Grande River, deploying razor wire at low-water crossings in high traffic areas, creating container blockades to drive people away from low water crossings,” Abbott said.
The governor added that he will announce additional measures next week.
Abbott’s announcement comes after several GOP-controlled states filed a lawsuit against the Biden administration over its plans to scrap Title 42.
“Missouri, Arizona, and Louisiana filed suit against the Biden Administration for rescinding Title 42 amid one of the worst border crises in this country’s history. Title 42 is a crucial tool for controlling the influx of illegal aliens at our Southern border,” Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt said in a statement on Monday.
“Time and again, the Biden Administration has failed to act to secure our Southern border and have terminated successful programs like Title 42 and the ‘Remain in Mexico’ Policy. Missouri has been a leader in pushing back on the Biden Administration’s failure at the border, and we filed suit against the cancellation of the ‘Remain in Mexico’ Policy and also filed suit to force the Biden Administration to build the Southwest border wall. If the Biden Administration won’t take proactive steps to secure our border and protect our citizenry, we certainly will,” he added.
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Read more in:
Biden Administration,Greg Abbott,Illegal Immigration
Apr 6, 2022
7th April 2022, 05:30 AM
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Article 9
No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile.
Deporting them to D.C. is a violation.
Giving them each $1,000 in casino-cash and a bus ticket to Vegas is not a violation.
Heck, I might even be willing to wade the Rio Grande for these conditions. Perhaps California could arrange to send their homeless population to Mexico so they could wade into Texas and get shipped to Vegas where they can lose all their money and walk back to California?
7th April 2022, 05:52 AM
"Universal Declaration of Human Rights"
So you're quoting what document?
United Nations Declaration of Human Rights
Suggest another thread for this nonsense. It has nothing to do with Texas.
7th April 2022, 06:15 AM
"Universal Declaration of Human Rights"
So you're quoting what document?
United Nations Declaration of Human Rights
Suggest another thread for this nonsense. It has nothing to do with Texas.
After all this is what all UN member-States have agreed to.
Vattel in the 18th century documented the Law of Nations which morphed into International Law. But international law is the law between Christian nations and search high and low and you will not find any Christian nations anymore. They all imploded each other by their participation in 20th century world wars. To fill the void the UN was produced and bound their States to PRIVATE international law wherein religion is unmandatory.
This UN Declaration of Human Rights is the basis for their private international law.
No doubt the choice of name was intended to confuse. Most people would read private international law with 'oh, they are just saying international law'. And mentally tie this to Vattel. Forget that line of thought. This is PRIVATE and international refers to the law between MEMBER nations
25th April 2022, 03:58 PM
Federal Judge Blocks Expiration of Title 42; Body of Missing National Guard Member Found | NTD Evening News
NTD Evening News NTD Evening News (
Stefania Cox
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott announced on April 25 that the body of a missing National Guard member was found along the Rio Grande. Bishop Evans had reportedly jumped into the river in an attempt to save two illegal immigrants who appeared to be drowning. Death row inmate Melissa Lucio, convicted of killing her 2-year-old daughter, has had her execution delayed. A federal judge has ordered that Title 42 remain in place.
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