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29th March 2022, 08:20 AM
Your time in the asylum has been terminated. When I snap my fingers you will awaken and start acting rationally.

Here are a collection of observations many of which will not be taught in public schools because they all gore someone's favorite oxen in one way or another.


The Federalist Party was a nationalist organization that wanted a strong central government. The federalist papers were their compilation of reasons why they were right. But a federal government is composed of independent countries acting in their own interest. This is not a national government. Each of those independent countries are national governments in their own right and they don't need another national government proclaiming dominance over them.

To counter the Federalist Party the Anti-Federalists appeared. But the Federalists had already claimed the Federalist name so the Anti-Federalists had to choose a name that was opposed to the principles they were seeking to promote. They were doomed from the start. And so were the people who got confused by the entire mess.


Appeared in 1845 to counter Capitalism. What is confusing about this is that Capitalism was not quantified in the English language until 1852 and only reason to quantify the concept was to combat the principles of Communism. So with nothing to be against why was Communism invented in the first place?


They make changes. They don't eliminate. They don't throw out the baby with the bathwater. Yet the original 13th amendment (which was law for at least 50 year and had to do with a government run by non-attorneys) was eliminated in favor of a 13th amendment that claimed to free slaves. And the subsequent 14th amendment seems to have separated the government that went before from the government that came after in that the previous governments debt was cast in stone at $346,681,016 and remains unpaid 10 years after the 14th amendment.

And then there are amendments that didn't make it and yet are acted upon as if they did. The Equal Rights Amendment has never passed yet people act like it was.


In Roman days the choices were few when it came to defeating an opponent. The victor either killed his opponent or made him a slave. Now take slavery off the table. If we acted like Romans all battles would be to the death.

The Spanish had quite a problem with the Muslims occupying Spain for 500 years. Spanish law (Las Siente Partidas) proclaims that no Christian can be the slave of a Muslim. The proclamation in effect makes the battle between Christians and Muslims a fight to the death affair. No quarter asked. None accepted.


A concept that did not exist before 1929. The word appears in no literature prior to that year. Go to GOOGLE BOOKS and do a search for (set tools to free books as these are over 100 years and out of copyright). Now granted the word describes people who act amorally to people of other races and you might presume this type of action didn't suddenly start in 1929. It is just that the concept is not bilateral. It seems only one race can be racist and the others are permitted their own tribal rituals.


People get in trouble for believing there was no Holocaust but the issue is not whether or not it happened but when it happened. THE HOLOCAUST happened in 1957 but makes reference to actions occurring during WWI (phase deuce). The word 'holocaust' existed for centuries as a verb but was first used as a noun in 1957 and there was a 12 year period after the war when the event was one of many past, present and future.


Once upon a time there existed a militia. Every country (state) had one. The governor was in charge. Members of the militia cast ballots to vote for their officer(s). The successful candidate would receive a commission from the governor and they acted as any paramilitary organization would. Now I don't recall hearing of any National Guard members voting for their officers. Certainly the U.S. Army is not run democratically so what happened to voting?

This might be a stretch of the imagination but I suspect that voting in any national or state election is done as a militia member. Certainly the national election determines the commander in chief of the armed forces and the chief executive certainly has this role.

I am too old to belong to any militia so let those who are going to fight their battles select their leaders. After all this is only fair. Isn't it?


This falls under the category 'BEING'. We deal with many legal fictions. They call them corporations but in essence they are only contracts between people.

BEING is the ability to change. Things that don't change for a while start to stink and we prudently bury them out of sight and smell.

Society has endowed us with a reason to bury things that smell. This reason is called THE RULE AGAINST PERPETUITIES. There is only one class of entity that we don't bury because of the smell and they call this a CHARITABLE TRUST. The U.S. is a charitable trust. So is Russia, England, the several States, counties. Even the corporation that owns your car is a charitable trust. They seem to be everywhere.

A man is entitled to contract. That contract extends 21 years after he expires. Add another 9 months to account for any sex he might have had on his deathbed that bore fruit and you have a limit on what a perpetuity is. I shorten this to 99 years because possibly your parents engaged you in a contract called a BIRTH CERTIFICATE. Say you live 78 years, add 21 years + a period for gestation and you get to 99 years.

If any entity claims existence through contract beyond 99 years they either need to be buried or they are CHARITABLE. If they are CHARITABLE by all means act CHARITABLY toward them but by no means support them monetarily because they aren't living and don't need the money.

Just some random thoughts. Hope no oxen were gored in the making of them.

Charitably yours

ziero0 [symbolic sound of fingers snapping]