View Full Version : Known Chinese spy Fang Fang among those dead in China plane crash?

31st March 2022, 03:16 PM
Known Chinese spy Fang Fang among those dead in China plane crash? (https://www.tigerdroppings.com/rant/o-t-lounge/known-chinese-spy-fang-fang-among-those-dead-in-china-plane-crash/101910271/)



No Survivors Found in China Eastern Crash, Officials Say

Workers recovered identity cards, cellphones and purses from the crash site. But the plane’s steep plunge suggested there was a “minuscule” chance of any survivors, an expert said.

There is a New York Times story with the following quote in it, but there is a paywall and I cannot have access to the story.

I think this is the URL for the article.


I think the title of the article is...

No Survivors Found in China Eastern Crash, Officials Say (https://www.nytimes.com/2022/03/22/world/asia/china-eastern-boeing-crash.html#after-top)

By Monday afternoon, the identity of one of the passengers missing, and most likely dead, emerged: Fang Fang, the chief financial officer of Dinglong Culture, a mining and resources company in Yunnan Province, where the flight began. Her company said that she was on the flight, but denied rumors that six other company managers were also on it.

other quotes from NY Times article, I think...

Investigators were still working to determine what caused the China Eastern Airlines flight carrying 132 people to crash in southern China, officials said.CreditCredit...Xinhua, via Associated Press


https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.9abedfbb3ba9ee500d24312d4e2e1813?rik=buHeJrH%2bf 3I3gw&pid=ImgRaw&r=0

This is possibly the same suspected Chinese spy named Fang Fang that Congressman Eric Swalwell was dating.


18th May 2022, 06:51 PM

[SIZE=4]Meaningless speculations ...

The second news story on the TruNews show of Wednesday, May 18 said that the plane crash in which Fang Fang was said to have died was not an accidental crash. Messages were coming from the cockpit that instructed / forced the plane to crash.

Could it be that Eric Swalwell's China and the Deep State USA had reason to eliminate the Chinese spy, Fang Fang? "Hackers" could have taken control of the plane electronically.

It goes without saying that Swalwell is now a liability to the USA Deep State and to China so he probably will not be re-elected if he is allowed to live./SIZE]

19th May 2022, 02:43 AM
I guess this dispels the myth that fortune cookies work?

Wonder if Feng shui had anything to do with the vertical dive?