View Full Version : Amazing!

1st April 2022, 03:57 PM

A pilot who lied about his flying experience to secure a job at British Airways was said to have been caught when he pressed a button 'no qualified pilot would'.

You don't suppose that was to the ejection seat? Or maybe just the power switch to the Mr Coffee machine. You see the article never tells you which button. Maybe it was the CALL ALL STEWARDII button?

I never would have guessed any plane manufacturer would design the cockpit with a button intended never to be pressed.

The situation is analogous to giving Brandon launch codes that when activated would shoot off fireworks into the friendly skies of D.C. .... You see no QUALIFIED president would ever press THAT button.

1st April 2022, 04:05 PM
They don't have explosive bolts so that the wings can be separated from the fuselage do they? I can't imagine any qualified pilot wanting to dump the wings.

1st April 2022, 04:08 PM
These British planes don't have convertible tops so you can fly around at 450 knots with the top down?

1st April 2022, 04:11 PM
Could it be he tried to engage CHEMTRAILS while over a neutral country?

1st April 2022, 04:40 PM
He turned off the autopilot.

1st April 2022, 04:44 PM

1st April 2022, 05:59 PM
There's this. A button to report the sighting of alien aircraft to Air Force project BlueBook? No professional pilot would press that one!

2nd April 2022, 08:32 AM
How's this. A button to EMPTY SEWAGE ?