View Full Version : ChiComs launch next phase of COVID psyop

midnight rambler
5th April 2022, 06:50 AM
Shanghai in hard lockdown, wow -


5th April 2022, 07:01 AM
Could be using the shutdown of the "financial capitol" to cook the books?

5th April 2022, 09:15 AM
It could be China’s way of joining the Russian war effort.

Oh you want to steal all of Russia’s money and shut down all trade? How about you do that with severe supply chain shortages.

Remember, China has more foreign reserves than Russia and they can’t be happy with what’s going on.

7th April 2022, 11:10 AM
This recent action in Shanghai exposes more of the world wide government and corporate media involvement in a fake pandemic psyop.

Two years ago one could not be sure if the initial outbreak of a novel corona virus in China was especially deadly or just a one in five or ten year or so bad flu (and cold) season.

There was enough data by the end of February 2020 to determine the later. However was the initial outbreak in China a more deadly version of virus that quickly mutated to a more normal version or was it never more than a normal version.

I expected many who stopped supporting the scamdemic still wanted to support the theory it was initially more deadly (in China) to soften the corruption of their initial support of the scamdemic. Infowars and the non war-criming Neocon and/or child fucking Republicans as examples. Or people wanted to support an initially more virulent theory as a cope to help understand government's overreaction.

We know the Omicron version of corona virus is no more virulent than a normal cold. Corporate news and western government report and admit this.

Now China is doing much of the same to fight Omicron in Shanghai as it did in Wuhan just two years ago.

france24.com: Shanghai extends Covid-19 lockdown as Omicron cases soar (https://www.france24.com/en/asia-pacific/20220406-shanghai-extends-covid-19-lockdown-as-omicron-cases-soar)

14th April 2022, 11:05 AM
cnbc.com: China is shutting down Shanghai in two phases to control Covid (https://www.cnbc.com/2022/03/28/china-is-shutting-down-shanghai-in-two-phases.html)

MAR 28 2022
“The lockdown and mandatory testing district by district in China’s largest city, key transportation hub and financial center are highly likely to disrupt the city’s commercial activity,” said Bruce Pang, head of macro and strategy research at China Renaissance.

...the city claimed the two-part lockdown was for conducting virus tests in batches...

Shanghai reported 3,450 asymptomatic cases for Sunday, the most for any province-level region in mainland China. The city reported 50 new confirmed Covid cases for that same day.

All 3,500 affected individuals are in isolated treatment or isolated medical observation, the city said.

The latest update on March 15 to the national policy for Covid prevention and control said mild and asymptomatic cases can be managed at quarantine centers, rather than needing hospital care which would add to China’s already stretched health-care system.
WSJ: Shanghai Has Recorded More Than 130,000 Covid Cases—and No Deaths (https://www.wsj.com/articles/shanghai-has-recorded-more-than-130-000-covid-casesand-no-deaths-11649588402)

Apr. 10, 2022
In a Covid-19 outbreak that has locked 25 million people at home, the city of Shanghai has reported more than 130,000 cases since March 1, but says there have been no deaths and currently only one patient with severe illness.
eugyppius.com: Michael Senger's Snake Oil: A Review (https://www.eugyppius.com/p/michael-sengers-snake-oil-a-review?utm_source=substack&utm_campaign=post_embed&utm_medium=web&s=r)

23 hr ago
Michael P. Senger, Snake Oil: How Xi Jinping Shut Down the World (2021). 220pp. ISBN: 978-1957083780.

I will never tire of typing that the whole question, of how lockdowns became the default response to Corona, is very hard. Some points are nevertheless clear: There was, without a doubt and in the earliest stages, a kind of lockdown cabal, a small group of people in different countries who worked to bring some simulacrum of the Hubei response first to Italy and then to most of the globe. An insidious, coordinated information campaign accompanied their efforts, and this should warn us against easy assumptions that they had good intentions.

On social media, a swarm of manipulative pro-lockdown accounts promoted containment and attacked any prominent politician who tried to steer a moderate course...

Senger’s thesis, however, is more precise than that. He sees lockdowns as a manifestation of fang kong, Mandarin for “prevent” or “control” – a broader, ideologically loaded concept that extends to things like the isolation or internment of political dissidents and mass surveillance...

None of our countries would have locked down, if China hadn’t done so first and convinced the World Health Organisation that mass containment was effective...

The result was that a lot of western media personalities and politicians began insisting on the necessity of lockdowns to eradicate SARS-2 and praising the Chinese response. Many of these characters had either Chinese ties, a history of strange public Sinophilia, or at the very least highly curious timing in their advocacy and public statements. When they finally got their lockdowns, these failed to work, which was unsurprising given the „evidently fraudulent scientific origins” of such interventions (p. 86).

Senger concludes (p. 140) that

Lockdown was never about a virus. It was about sending a message: That stripped of all disguise, the illusion of virtue, competence, and commitment to human rights among the western political class was nothing but conformity with easily-subvertible norms and institutions passed down by prior generations. Since the original egalitarian propagaganda of communism no longer fooled most people, the system had to be rebooted with a new lie that would justify the indefinite suspension of the rule of law...

Senger’s radical scepticism has tactical utility. It presses the Chinese origins of mass containment to the most extreme conclusion possible, leaving lockdown advocates in an embarrassing position, with their awkward histories of publicly extolling Chinese success against the virus. It also has the virtue of insisting that SARS-2 is just not that special. As I have argued many times, this is an important truth, and the only thing that has a hope of disarming the lockdowners and the vaccinators in the longer term...

The Chinese snake-oil peddlers are an important, early thread in this tapestry. Even if they are not the whole cloth, they are damning enough: Western epidemiologists and public health bureaucrats ditched their own longstanding mitigationist plans in favour of a mass containment fantasy that they copied wholesale from China. They then sold these unsupported improvisational measures to westerners with Chinese help, via a deceptive and malicious propaganda campaign.

17th May 2022, 08:46 AM
Seems like a good explanation of the Chinese lock-down hysteria and incompetence from a couple western Youtubers that lived in China for a time.

The no sniffles policy insanity unchallenged and followed up with arbitrary rules, the need to satisfy and even overpromise results (real or imagined) to top down leadership, haphazard and improvised local implementation.

Starts addressing the lockdown directly at 3min.

ADVChina: It’s Over - China’s Zero Covid Policy Failed
