11th April 2022, 05:02 AM
Dachsie comment:
As I understand this, a delivery truck driver that picks up baby parts and dead bodies from abortuaries decides to turn over about 125 bodies to local pro-life activist group. This group sees clear evidence on five of the corpses that the brains and hearts of these babies were cut out. The pro-life abortion groups know that organ harvesters prefer to have hearts and brains taken from live babies as that either makes them saleable or more saleable for a higher price.
These pro-life activists know how the organ harvesting and trafficking business operates and know what the corpse looks like after the live baby has been operated upon and know the surgical incision patterns. That is how they chose the five corpses out of the approximate 125 corpses to bring to the D.C police department for murder investigation.
There is, I presume, no local law in D.C. that permits the murder of a baby allowed to be delivered alive. Organ harvesting and marketing and trafficking may also be prohibited by law in D.C..
D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser entity does not want its police department to have to investigate the murder of these five children. Nor does it want the unlawful organ harvesting enterprise to have to be investigated by its police department. That is why she is just thinking of excuses that would absolve its police department from having to do its legal duty to investigate these murders.
I have seen stories around the web since this incident where certain city governments are quickly enacting city laws that absolves their police department from being legally responsible for doing murder investigations on the evidence of a body that shows signs of having been the victim of practices of organ harvesters.
This is the true state of the union. We must thank God for the truck delivery driver who has a conscience and thank God for the pro-life activists who are very brave and courageous in the protection of life. And thank God for those who do everything they can in their power to expose this evil and criminality. I regard this as Satanic evil just like the Aztecs and their child sacrifice ceremonies in Mexico.
https://i5.walmartimages.com/asr/03df441e-c03e-45ae-bf1f-72c738540897_1.4db8dad08882467ee5298bc0f9182186.jp eg?odnHeight=612&odnWidth=612&odnBg=FFFFFF
"FBI, DOJ, AND DC MAYOR ATTACK PRO-LIFE ACTIVISTS Pro-life activists last month obtained and reported on the remains of over 100 babies from a Washington, D.C. abortion facility, and demanded officials investigate the deaths of five of the babies, who appeared to have been killed after birth. The FBI and DOJ arrested and indicted several of the activists. D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser on Friday condemned activist Lauren Handy of the Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising, saying she is guilty of “extremist anti-abortion activity in the District of Columbia in 2020.” Bowser also accused Handy of “tampering with” the “fetal remains” she turned in to law enforcement last month. "
Source: The Loop newsletter at CatholicVote.org
DC Mayor Accuses Pro-Life Activist Of ‘Tampering With Fetal Remains’
By Mary Margaret Olohan
Apr 9, 2022 DailyWire.com
WASHINGTON — Democratic Washington, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser accused a pro-life activist Friday of “tampering with fetal remains,” failing to address calls from lawmakers for authorities to conduct autopsies on the bodies of aborted babies recovered from a DC abortion clinic.
The D.C. mayor referred to Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising (PAAU) member Lauren Handy, who the FBI arrested and indicted (along with eight others) last week for “obstructing patients and providers of a reproductive health services facility” in October 2020.
Bowser called this “extremist anti-abortion activity” in a letter to Republican Oklahoma Sen. James Lankford. He had led lawmakers in calling on the D.C. mayor and the Department of Justice earlier this week to perform autopsies on the bodies of five aborted babies that PAAU has said they intercepted when the clinic was attempting to send the fetal remains to Curtis Bay Medical Waste Facility.
“In response to your letter of April 5, 2022, regarding the indictment of Lauren Handy of the Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising for extremist anti-abortion activity in the District of Columbia in 2020, and relatedly, her claim of responsibility for tampering with fetal remains as reported last week, we refer your questions to the United States Department of Justice,” Bowser said in a Friday response to Lankford obtained by The Daily Wire.
“The Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) is in consultation with the United States Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia on both matters,” she said. “The above referenced indictment and Ms. Handy’s claim of responsibility for March 30, 2022, and MPD’s discoveries are, potentially, serious violations of federal law.”
“The investigation is ongoing,” she added.
Bowser’s office has not responded to many requests for comment from The Daily Wire.
“Mayor Bowser’s letter comes just after her endorsement from pro-abortion extremist group Emily’s List as she pursues re-election,” Handy told The Daily Wire on Saturday morning.
“The mayor and her pro-abortion collaborators view me as a problem that they can quickly sweep away just like they do to so many others in the DC community,” she added. “Despite these attacks I will continue to defend the unborn, the houseless, and all people in the margins.”
Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) and Congressman Chris Smith (R-NJ) also sent a letter Friday to the Department of Justice and the FBI calling for an investigation into whether the abortions performed on the preterm babies violated the law.
“We are gravely concerned by allegations brought forward that suggest a preborn baby underwent a partial birth abortion at the Washington Surgi-Clinic in Washington, D.C.,” the Republicans wrote in a letter, exclusively obtained by The Daily Wire, sent Friday to Attorney General Merrick Garland.
“We demand that you conduct a comprehensive investigation on the circumstances surrounding the deaths of each preborn baby,” they added.
D.C. police have not only said that the babies were aborted legally but also indicated that the potentially criminal part of the incident is how the aborted baby bodies were obtained. The nation’s capital does not have any specific law that bans abortion at any point, effectively allowing abortions through nine months of pregnancy.
The Daily Wire went to Washington Surgi Clinic on Thursday, where clinic workers denied that Dr. Cesare Santangelo was in the building (though the waiting room was full of patients and The Daily Wire spoke with a woman undergoing an abortion) and refused to answer any questions.
The Daily Wire is one of America’s fastest-growing conservative media companies for breaking news, investigative reporting, sports, podcasts, in-depth analysis, books, and entertainment for a reason: because we believe in what we do. We believe in our country, in the value of truth and the freedom to speak it, and in the right to challenge tyranny wherever we see it. Believe the same? Become a member now and join our mission.
As I understand this, a delivery truck driver that picks up baby parts and dead bodies from abortuaries decides to turn over about 125 bodies to local pro-life activist group. This group sees clear evidence on five of the corpses that the brains and hearts of these babies were cut out. The pro-life abortion groups know that organ harvesters prefer to have hearts and brains taken from live babies as that either makes them saleable or more saleable for a higher price.
These pro-life activists know how the organ harvesting and trafficking business operates and know what the corpse looks like after the live baby has been operated upon and know the surgical incision patterns. That is how they chose the five corpses out of the approximate 125 corpses to bring to the D.C police department for murder investigation.
There is, I presume, no local law in D.C. that permits the murder of a baby allowed to be delivered alive. Organ harvesting and marketing and trafficking may also be prohibited by law in D.C..
D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser entity does not want its police department to have to investigate the murder of these five children. Nor does it want the unlawful organ harvesting enterprise to have to be investigated by its police department. That is why she is just thinking of excuses that would absolve its police department from having to do its legal duty to investigate these murders.
I have seen stories around the web since this incident where certain city governments are quickly enacting city laws that absolves their police department from being legally responsible for doing murder investigations on the evidence of a body that shows signs of having been the victim of practices of organ harvesters.
This is the true state of the union. We must thank God for the truck delivery driver who has a conscience and thank God for the pro-life activists who are very brave and courageous in the protection of life. And thank God for those who do everything they can in their power to expose this evil and criminality. I regard this as Satanic evil just like the Aztecs and their child sacrifice ceremonies in Mexico.
https://i5.walmartimages.com/asr/03df441e-c03e-45ae-bf1f-72c738540897_1.4db8dad08882467ee5298bc0f9182186.jp eg?odnHeight=612&odnWidth=612&odnBg=FFFFFF
"FBI, DOJ, AND DC MAYOR ATTACK PRO-LIFE ACTIVISTS Pro-life activists last month obtained and reported on the remains of over 100 babies from a Washington, D.C. abortion facility, and demanded officials investigate the deaths of five of the babies, who appeared to have been killed after birth. The FBI and DOJ arrested and indicted several of the activists. D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser on Friday condemned activist Lauren Handy of the Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising, saying she is guilty of “extremist anti-abortion activity in the District of Columbia in 2020.” Bowser also accused Handy of “tampering with” the “fetal remains” she turned in to law enforcement last month. "
Source: The Loop newsletter at CatholicVote.org
DC Mayor Accuses Pro-Life Activist Of ‘Tampering With Fetal Remains’
By Mary Margaret Olohan
Apr 9, 2022 DailyWire.com
WASHINGTON — Democratic Washington, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser accused a pro-life activist Friday of “tampering with fetal remains,” failing to address calls from lawmakers for authorities to conduct autopsies on the bodies of aborted babies recovered from a DC abortion clinic.
The D.C. mayor referred to Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising (PAAU) member Lauren Handy, who the FBI arrested and indicted (along with eight others) last week for “obstructing patients and providers of a reproductive health services facility” in October 2020.
Bowser called this “extremist anti-abortion activity” in a letter to Republican Oklahoma Sen. James Lankford. He had led lawmakers in calling on the D.C. mayor and the Department of Justice earlier this week to perform autopsies on the bodies of five aborted babies that PAAU has said they intercepted when the clinic was attempting to send the fetal remains to Curtis Bay Medical Waste Facility.
“In response to your letter of April 5, 2022, regarding the indictment of Lauren Handy of the Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising for extremist anti-abortion activity in the District of Columbia in 2020, and relatedly, her claim of responsibility for tampering with fetal remains as reported last week, we refer your questions to the United States Department of Justice,” Bowser said in a Friday response to Lankford obtained by The Daily Wire.
“The Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) is in consultation with the United States Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia on both matters,” she said. “The above referenced indictment and Ms. Handy’s claim of responsibility for March 30, 2022, and MPD’s discoveries are, potentially, serious violations of federal law.”
“The investigation is ongoing,” she added.
Bowser’s office has not responded to many requests for comment from The Daily Wire.
“Mayor Bowser’s letter comes just after her endorsement from pro-abortion extremist group Emily’s List as she pursues re-election,” Handy told The Daily Wire on Saturday morning.
“The mayor and her pro-abortion collaborators view me as a problem that they can quickly sweep away just like they do to so many others in the DC community,” she added. “Despite these attacks I will continue to defend the unborn, the houseless, and all people in the margins.”
Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) and Congressman Chris Smith (R-NJ) also sent a letter Friday to the Department of Justice and the FBI calling for an investigation into whether the abortions performed on the preterm babies violated the law.
“We are gravely concerned by allegations brought forward that suggest a preborn baby underwent a partial birth abortion at the Washington Surgi-Clinic in Washington, D.C.,” the Republicans wrote in a letter, exclusively obtained by The Daily Wire, sent Friday to Attorney General Merrick Garland.
“We demand that you conduct a comprehensive investigation on the circumstances surrounding the deaths of each preborn baby,” they added.
D.C. police have not only said that the babies were aborted legally but also indicated that the potentially criminal part of the incident is how the aborted baby bodies were obtained. The nation’s capital does not have any specific law that bans abortion at any point, effectively allowing abortions through nine months of pregnancy.
The Daily Wire went to Washington Surgi Clinic on Thursday, where clinic workers denied that Dr. Cesare Santangelo was in the building (though the waiting room was full of patients and The Daily Wire spoke with a woman undergoing an abortion) and refused to answer any questions.
The Daily Wire is one of America’s fastest-growing conservative media companies for breaking news, investigative reporting, sports, podcasts, in-depth analysis, books, and entertainment for a reason: because we believe in what we do. We believe in our country, in the value of truth and the freedom to speak it, and in the right to challenge tyranny wherever we see it. Believe the same? Become a member now and join our mission.