View Full Version : Brooklynn NY shooting , several people shot, live in progress 041222

12th April 2022, 08:29 AM

12th April 2022, 09:12 AM
I'm assuming staged operation until proven otherwise. Kind of reminds me of the boston marathon bombing hoax.

12th April 2022, 10:03 AM
I guess Dr. Fetzer and his Texas Tuesday show will cover this event. But he usually does not post that show until Wednesday on his Bitchute channel. He has a lot of good researchers helping him and he is the best false flag researcher there is.

I remember I focused on one aspect of the Boston Bombing - the amputees and hospitals/clinics in Boston and posted all in this forum. There were like 15 purported amputees because of the bombing and absolutely none of them turned out to look like the real deal from my research. I remember videos of doctors at local Boston hospitals being paraded out for TV news stories and whose faces looked to be angry for being used in the deception.

12th April 2022, 10:54 AM
Cover for this?


The Democrat lieutenant governor of New York was just indicted on bribery and corruption charges for allegedly handing out taxpayer-funded grants in exchange for campaign cash.

14th April 2022, 07:06 PM
Suspicions about this event.

Came one day after Biden made some big speech about his gun control plans. May just a false event to support the need for Biden's plans.

There were 3 surveillance cameras, out of thousands all over the the city's many subway stations, that just happened to not be working at that one subway station because of "a glitch." What a coincidence !

All official police description of the suspect were " 5 feet 5 inches, 170 pounds, male, no race given". The person who ended up being apprehended was much taller and heavier, like maybe 6 feet and about 230 pounds, than that description, and the person was Black.

It almost sounds like there was some kind of change that happened and the person that was planned to be the person apprehended had to be replaced with another person who did not meet the description. Looks like maybe something happened to make "the real crisis actor perpetrator" be caught rather than the person planned to be the patsy perpetrator.

The person apprehended had a crime history and was on the FBI list of suspicious characters. caused a lot of chaos while the cameras were out, but maybe that real perpetrator was originally meant to set up a White male who was 5' 5" and weighed 170 pounds. But then the actual perpetrator ended up being the one charged with the crime. Something happened to mess up the original plan?

I do not hear much at all now about this event. It seems to be fading out of the news cycle very very quickly.

Also ...

"As of April 13, the number of injured has risen to at least 29.

Most victims were treated for shrapnel, gunshot wounds, and smoke inhalation; but police say they have non-life-threatening injuries.

So what caused the smoke inhalation - a smoke bomb?

Several gunshot wounds but none serious? Anybody who sustained a gunshot would would definitely have been admitted to a hospital and we are hearing nothing about that. We won't hear anything about these victims. Or maybe there were no gunshots at all and no gunshot wounded people at all.

There may be another theory that would be better, such as a distraction from some other big crime in NY.

Just not sure but the whole thing just brings up too many questions.

14th April 2022, 08:06 PM
This is from Max Resistance (I remember him from all of the hoaxes under Obama--he was really good at spotting these, just like Peekay, and Jeff C)

NYC SUBWAY SHOOTING HOAX!https://www.bitchute.com/video/LWGcbMorR3hp/

And Russ Winter always has a good eye for these staged deceptions:

Brooklyn Subway Shooting Doesn’t Add Uphttps://www.winterwatch.net/2022/04/brooklyn-subway-shooting-turns-out-not-to-combine/

15th April 2022, 06:42 AM
JFG goes over shooter's social media content, concludes the guy has high IQ (~120), is not a black supremacist nor black nationalist as some MSM and controlled opposition are promoting, but a social conservative while political leftist.

From the social media clips apparently agitated/black-pilled in part by acceptance of the BLM and anti-white corporate MSM fake news race baiting.

A black unabomber.

Voyage Into The Mind of The NYC Shooter | JFGT #503

Being on the FBI’s terrorist watch list radar but not after 2019 they say, 'when he was cleared' does align with a pattern of the modern western Stasi then encouraging a victim to act out violently.

16th April 2022, 10:01 AM
How about we find a unabomber to take care of the FBI, CIA, CDC, FDA and the entirety of the federal district near the Potomac?

16th April 2022, 02:13 PM
delete your post

16th April 2022, 04:22 PM
delete your postju8

The reason for your suggestion?

16th April 2022, 04:56 PM

The reason for your suggestion?

any advocating or promotion of provocation might get you a knock at the door.

No matter how frustrated you may feel, never give an inkling of an impression of promoting arms.

16th April 2022, 05:23 PM
"any advocating or promotion of provocation might get you a knock at the door.

No matter how frustrated you may feel, never give an inkling of an impression of promoting arms. "

I was not advocating violence of any kind.

And I seriously doubt that there are many here who have not promoted the Second Amendment. That is not "promoting arms" .

It sounds like you are promoting anti-free speech and fear. That is sad.

16th April 2022, 05:43 PM
"any advocating or promotion of provocation might get you a knock at the door.

No matter how frustrated you may feel, never give an inkling of an impression of promoting arms. "

I was not advocating violence of any kind.

And I seriously doubt that there are many here who have not promoted the Second Amendment. That is not "promoting arms" .

It sounds like you are promoting anti-free speech and fear. That is sad.

Horse hockey. .gov needs very little to make your life miserable. Best to not to stir the pot overtly. :)

17th April 2022, 05:56 AM


David Zublick's Dark Outpost (13 April 2022) The Brooklyn Subway Shooting (https://www.bitchute.com/video/585O7GNZP47F/)

First published at 15:09 UTC on April 16th, 2022.

channel image

Jim Fetzer

Jim Fetzer

10504 subscribers

We review the sequence of events that's been described as "the Brooklyn subway shooting", replete with gas mask and gas canister and (surprise! surprise!) 33 shots fired. None of the CCTV cameras worked, either, which we have come to recognize as a classic sign of a "false flag" (or staged) event, which this has already proven to be. Remarkably, there was a stable video recording the event, which had to be on a tripod, since a hand-held video would have shown lots of motion in every direction, especially when "passengers" were swarming out of the train. While it was initially said not to be a terrorist event, the suspect has actually been on the FBI's "terrorist watch list" in the past. Several players give the game away, including a woman who moves back and forth to keep the scene moving and who thus appears to be its director. There is also a woman with a brown bag who is completely unharmed, but who later is placed on a stretcher and loaded into an ambulance. Perhaps most tellingly, as in the case of the (similarly staged) Boston marathon bombing, there is no blood initially. While in Boston there were small, orange duffle-bags that were fake blood kits, in this case, they put down a packet of blood to step on when the time is right and another woman uses a spray device to put down more. An excellent review of the evidence is provided by another student of false flags and staged events.


Dachsie comment:

My reason for thinking that the official original description of the suspect as 5 feet 5 inces, 175 pounds, male, no race given was meant to be the place-holder description of someone who was going to be presented as the apprehended perpetrator of this event.
And when some evidence I have now shows Frank James to be about 4 inches taller and l40 to 50 pounds heavier in weight than the description and is a Black African American individual, I have to try to understand why the original official description of the suspect turned out to be so wrong.

It seem highly irregular to put out an official police department suspect description and leave out the race or color of skin part of the description. This seems like a trick to be able to produce in the future the apprehended suspect of the desired skin color for the operation.


Frank James name rings a bell with me. Alexander Franklin "Frank" James is the only brother of famous outlaw, Jessie James.

the fact that Frank James was known to the FBI
I am not good at finding still photos on the web but Frank James appears to be at least 6 feet tall compared to other police around in first two photos below.
The third photo below shows Frank James next to a police vehicle and he appears to be taller by 3 or 4 inches at least. The police vehicle is 71 inches in height so the vehicle 5 feet 11 inches and Frank James appears taller than that.


https://s.yimg.com/fz/api/res/1.2/qsI3.kF1EtJ5eNlrtYbl9Q--~C/YXBwaWQ9c3JjaGRkO2ZpPWZpbGw7aD05MjtweG9mZj0wO3B5b2 ZmPTA7cT04MDtzbT0xO3c9MTY0/https://media.zenfs.com/en/us.abcnews.gma.com/63fd45880c46a0f3da4a21d2d6113670

https://s.yimg.com/fz/api/res/1.2/6w_WBzjGecWrv2KHpyFGIQ--~C/YXBwaWQ9c3JjaGRkO2ZpPWZpbGw7aD0yMjg7cHhvZmY9MDtweW 9mZj0wO3E9ODA7c209MTt3PTQwMA--/https://media.zenfs.com/en/aol_nbc_universal_184/c5d629a9f8b9aedd7f3bf7e1b1d70d36

I heard about this information from show host "Dave" on a recent x22 news report broadcast.

I searched out the photos myself.


There are several other small features of this event that indicate "false event" or staged "false flag" event.

It seems highly irregular for the color of skin or "race" is omitted from the official suspect description in this case. I do not know what the regular practice is in the NY Police Department regarding this.

"Frank James" happened to be the name of outlaw Jesse James' one brother. I guess I've watched one too many Westerns.

For a combination of other "makes no sense" features of the official narrative of this event, I think that it was a staged event, like so many other proven staged false event in recent USA history, planned to be for the purpose to promote government increased gun control legislation. But for some reason they had to apprehend someone who did not meet their official description so they had to change the narrative to be that of a person with a history of mental health problems who was consumed with hate of people of all color skin, even his own "race." (I do not know the etymology of the word "race" but it is not in any bible I have read. There are different people groups who may have similar physical characteristics but all of them were created in the image and likeness of God, except for what the bible says about people who are not fully human beings - nephilim etc. Genesis 6:4))

See this article in the New York Post.


Suspect Frank James was spewing racist hate years before Brooklyn subway shooting (https://nypost.com/2022/04/13/suspect-frank-james-was-spewing-racist-hate-well-before-brooklyn-shooting/)

I do not know what official watch list of the FBI that Frank James is said to have been on before the event, but there are several lists of various kinds and the lists have been hidden and manipulated for a long time as I understand it.

I believe that it is possible that someone who is on some kind of watch list of the FBI can become "employed" by the FBI in the construction of false events to play a certain acting role (crisis actor), such as I also believe related to the January 6 2022 event at the U S Capitol.

18th April 2022, 06:26 PM
Dachsie comment:
I think influential politicians who matter-of-factly refer to New York subway shootings as horrible and violent serve to reinforce the official narrative that this event, which is just about totally out of the news reporting now, is true as presented in the mainstream media. We have no evidence to show that anyone was actually shot and that is just one of its many features that identify it as a staged false event.

Accepting as true all the big false events over the last 30, 40, 50, years is what has brought great ruin on our Constitutional republic.

This NY particular subway "shooting" event was apparently, from the several alternative accounts I have read, one of the most easily recognizable as false events of recent times. In fact this event employed so many blatantly false tricks and used them in such amateurish ways that it almost appears that whoever is orchestrating this event wanted it to be poorly done and yet accepted as true by all. That is when the censorship has reached its highest goals. People are at once desensitized to the blatant falsity and insult, and yet dutifully are silent and listen to their former president subtly selling the false story too.


Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America


"With the horrible Subway Shootings and Violent Crime in New York being at an all-time high,"
