View Full Version : Groomer Left PANICS as Agenda Targeting Children is Exposed

12th April 2022, 09:24 PM

21:03 video runtime


Groomer Left PANICS as Agenda Targeting Children is Exposed (https://www.bitchute.com/video/pAMRjULEU4RR/?list=notifications&randomize=false)

First published at 20:58 UTC on April 8th, 2022.

The Red Elephants

14th April 2022, 07:03 AM

Murphy orders review of new N.J. sex education standards that sparked uproar (https://www.nj.com/politics/2022/04/murphy-orders-review-of-new-nj-sex-education-standards-that-sparked-uproar.html)

Murphy orders review of new N.J. sex education standards that sparked uproar

Updated: Apr. 14, 2022, 9:02 a.m. | Published: Apr. 13, 2022, 11:48 a.m.

By Matt Arco | NJ Advance Media for NJ.com and Brent Johnson | NJ Advance Media for NJ.com

Gov. Phil Murphy announced Wednesday he ordered the state Department of Education to review sex education standards New Jersey adopted two years ago after the guidelines sparked an uproar among some parents and Republican officials in recent days.

The Democratic governor said he wants the department to “provide further clarification on what age-appropriate guidelines look like for our students.”

“My administration is committed to ensuring that all of our students are equipped to lead healthy, productive lives now and in the future,” Murphy added.

But Murphy lashed out at critics he said have distorted what is actually included in the guidelines as New Jersey has become latest battleground over a national cultural debate over what students should be taught in classrooms.

“Unfortunately, our learning standards have been intentionally misrepresented by some politicians seeking to divide and score political points,” Murphy said in a statement.

Murphy also said the state has “seen a handful of sample lesson plans being circulated that have not been adopted in our school districts and do not accurately reflect the spirit of the standards.”

“Any proposed educational content that is not age-appropriate should be immediately revised by local officials,” he added.

The governor didn’t say how long the department’s review of standards would take.

The guidelines outline when New Jersey students should learn about topics such as sexual orientation, gender identity, and anatomy. They were adopted by the state Board of Education in 2020 and are set to take effect in the fall.

Murphy said in his statement Wednesday the standards were “crafted over five months” in collaboration parents, experts, and teachers “to ensure that our students receive age-appropriate and inclusive health education, which is critical for their physical, mental, and emotional development and well-being.”

“At a time when we must prioritize student mental health and academic recovery in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is paramount that our standards also promote inclusivity and respect for every child, including LGBTQ youth,” the governor said.

But the issue gained new attention in recent weeks after the Westfield school board shared sample resources educators could use to follow the standards. Officials said the documents were merely a demonstration provided by the state, aren’t mandated by the state, and won’t specifically be part of the district’s curriculum.

Over the last week, a Republican lawmaker and conservative media have been circulating the documents. Opponents say the sample materials are too graphic and warn the state’s incoming standards will lead to children being taught sensitive subjects at too young an age, undermining the rights of parents.

Top Republicans in the state Senate on Monday sent letters to Murphy and Senate President Nicholas Scutari, D-Union, urging the state to delay implementing the standards and hold public hearings on them — even though they were publicly available online before the state Board of Education approved them at a public meeting in June 2020.

The Republicans argue the state adopted the standards at a time when people were in the thick of the coronavirus pandemic and they now have heard from “a rapidly growing number of parents who are extremely concerned” after learning about changes “they believe are inappropriate for their children or in conflict with their values.”

Meanwhile, state Sen. Vin Gopal, D-Monmouth, chairman of the Senate’s education committee, on Tuesday called on Murphy’s office and the state Department of Education to “provide clarity” on the guidelines because of “the amount of misinformation out there and questions coming from parents.”

MORE: New N.J. sex education standards spark belated backlash. Here’s what Murphy, Republicans say.

Under the state’s previous standards, set in 2014, students had to learn by second grade to “use correct terminology to identify body parts and explain how body parts work together to support wellness.”

By fourth grade, students needed to be taught to “determine the relationship of personal health practices and behaviors on an individual’s body systems” and they needed to know “respect and acceptance for individuals regardless of gender, sexual orientation, disability, ethnicity, socioeconomic background, religion, and/or culture and provide a foundation for the prevention and resolution of conflict” by sixth grade.

The updated standards say by the end of fifth grade, “all individuals should feel welcome and included regardless of their gender, gender expression, or sexual orientation.”

They also say by second grade, teachers should “discuss the range of ways people express their gender and how gender-role stereotypes may limit behavior.”

By fifth grade, they should “describe gender-role stereotypes and their potential impact on self and others,” be able to “differentiate (for students) between sexual orientation and gender identity” and “demonstrate ways to promote dignity and respect for all people.”

By eighth grade, students should be able to “differentiate between gender identity, gender expression and sexual orientation” and teachers should “develop a plan for the school to promote dignity and respect for people of all genders, gender identities, gender expressions, and sexual orientations in the school community.”

The documents shared by school board in Westfield included sample lesson plans suggesting how students can be taught about a variety of issues, including bullying, diverse families, and gender identity.

The resources also reference pornography, masturbation, and hormone blockers, though nothing about those specific topics are included in the state standards.

State Sen. Holly Schepisi, R-Bergen, shared the materials online last week, saying “I truly think New Jersey has lost its damn mind.”

Westfield schools superintendent Raymond González told The Washington Post “the sample plans were part of a website that was included as a link to illustrate the type of possible resources for school districts shared by the N.J. Department of Education.”

“We have said repeatedly that these are resources only and that they are not state-mandated,” he added.
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Tom Szymanski, executive director of the state Republican party, said Wednesday that Murphy’s call to review the guidelines is “a victory for all the common-sense School Board members, parents and concerned citizens who wrote letters, made phone calls and made their voices heard in this fight for our kids’ education.”

“But this fight is not done, Governor Murphy has only merely signaled an intent to ‘review’ the standards, and we must remain vigilant so that he does not force his radical agenda on us once the pressure is off,’“ Szymanski said. “End these standards once and for all, or we’ll see to it that the voters end your political careers at the ballot box in 2022 and 2023.”

This all comes amid a growing national debate over sex education in schools as acceptance for gay and trans people has increased across America. It reached a fever pitch last month in Florida, when Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis faced criticism for signing a law critics dubbed the “Don’t Say Gay bill,” which bans schools in the state from teaching about sexual orientation and gender identity in pre-school through third grade.

About a dozen other states controlled by Republicans have since proposed similar legislation or signaled they would follow suit.

There have been similar arguments over how race is taught in school, with warnings about “critical race theory” becoming a flashpoint in recent years.

The sex-ed debate also comes just months before the closely watched mid-term elections, as Republicans seek to gain back control of Congress. It also comes months after a contentious election in New Jersey, as Murphy won a second term by a closer-than-expected margin and Democrats kept control of the state Legislature but Republicans gained seven seats.


Dachsie comment:

Dr. James Fetzer gave a brief elaboration on what this NJ school plan entails on his recent Texas Tuesday Need to Know show.


" New Jersey's sex ed curriculum for 9-year-olds would curl your hair. "


Also Vincent James of The Red Elephants bitchute channel did a video (https://www.bitchute.com/video/pAMRjULEU4RR/) recently where he gave an extensive set of video clips which are examples of exactly what is going on in public elementary schools to groom children and impost gender-bending ideology.

This video that Vincent put together offers concrete examples and evidence of what is going on. Parents are intimidated and threatened for speaking up for their children, same as they are for not wanting their children to wear masks all day at school and not permitting their children to get the "COVID vaccine."

This disgusting New Jersey governor is back peddling and trying to weasel his way out of this Satanic evil on children. Kick him, smash him, when he's down so that he can never do his political evil again.

(Guess I will post anything to do with Marxist indoctrination and "woke" grooming of children and elementary school issues in this thread from now on.)

14th April 2022, 07:55 AM
In addition to individual desires of pedosatist public servants, communism requires childlike and disabled adults for all but its predatory leadership.

Thus communist statist predators gotta groom and damage the kids when they are young.

wnd.com: Biden's HHS chief dodges question on his demands toddlers mask up (https://www.wnd.com/2022/04/bidens-hhs-chief-dodges-question-demands-toddlers-mask/)

April 7, 2022
President Joe Biden’s Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Xavier Becerra evaded New York Republican Rep. Elise Stefanik’s questions on why the agency still requires toddlers to wear masks in its Head Start program during a Wednesday hearing.

“Mr. Secretary, I wanted to raise what I’m hearing from thousands of constituents who are very concerned about the mandate requiring masks for young children and toddlers in Head Start programs,” Stefanik asked Becerra. “Why is your agency still imposing this harmful mask mandate on toddlers and young children in the head start program?”

“Obviously, we’re still within this pandemic and it’s a very salient question,” Becerra responded. “What I would say to you is that we know that masks are safe and they are effective.”

Becerra added that “science is guiding [them] on the actual implementation of those policies” relating to masking toddlers and young children.

Head Start and Early Head Start are federally-funded programs for children five years old and younger from low-income families and focus on cognitive, social, and emotional development, according to the programs’ website.

The Head Start program requires anyone who is older than 2 years old to wear a mask inside regardless of vaccination status, except in certain situations like eating or drinking. It also requires unvaccinated individuals to wear masks outdoors where there are a lot of people or there is “sustained close contact,” according to the HHS guidance (https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/physical-health/article/face-masks-head-start-programs).

18th April 2022, 06:47 PM
See new Tweets
Christina Pushaw ����
This is math homework from a public school district in Missouri. How does this help kids learn algebra, exactly? No wonder China is winning… (https://twitter.com/ChristinaPushaw/status/1515504832550944769?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5 Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1515504832550944769%7Ctwgr% 5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fresistthemainstream.org%2Fse e-it-desantis-press-secretary-blasts-critics-of-states-academic-standards-after-test-with-bizarre-questions-goes-viral%2F)

(Photo from @CMartinForMO



20th April 2022, 05:51 AM
BBC Cancels Nude Sex Education Theatre Show Targeting Children After Death Threats — Promoted “Pleasure, Queerness and Gender” to Little Children and Showed Them Erections (https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/04/bbc-cancels-nude-sex-education-theatre-show-targeting-children-death-threats-promoted-pleasure-queerness-gender-little-children-showed-erections/)

20th April 2022, 06:15 AM
"death threats" is about the only thing these evildoers who want to harm children appear to understand.

THEY want to destroy their own sovereign country and their own people and the children and they will do ANYTHING to install their
One World Death and Slavery System for All.

I wish exposure which is what the holy scriptures command were enough. And if we do not get some kind of real free and open communication and speech established again, doing God's will won't even be possible


And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them.
Ephesians 5:11

20th April 2022, 06:50 AM



Apr 14

The Hunter Biden laptop data will be headline news next week. They cannot contain it or discredit it anymore. Stay tuned for updates."

I hope and pray that this exposure will happen within the next few days. That laptop is the legal "death threat" (metaphor) and it will be the kind of exposure that God can work with.

20th April 2022, 08:06 AM
Joshua Phillips live show now on Epoch TV.

I find this whole presentation grossly weak and disgusting and immoral.

The female guest is saying it hurts the original proven crimes involved regarding the Hunter Biden laptop, like Tax Fraud and Money Laundering , if you bring up "absurd allegations" about other things on the laptop.

That is DragonSpeak.


We need exposure of what Kim Dotcom is talking about, not these crimes that just about our entire U S congress and federal government administrators and bureaucrats are committing.


20th April 2022, 10:04 AM
In much the same way that Critical Theory is the wider application of Marxist propaganda against more than just class or private property,
grooming in a broadly defined way, is the core method of spreading and maximizing disability in support of the Marxist International Communist agenda of making all but the predatory leadership disabled adults.

Great use of satire:

twitchy.com: ‘The issue is SYSTEMIC grooming’: Critical Grooming Theory thread mocking principles of CRT is the best damn thing you’ll read today (https://twitchy.com/samj-3930/2022/04/08/the-issue-is-systemic-grooming-critical-grooming-theory-thread-mocking-principles-of-crt-is-the-best-damn-thing-youll-read-today/?msclkid=47ff9874c0ca11eca532a71ab200fd25)

April 8, 2022
This may well be this editor’s most favorite thread EVER on Twitter, and considering we cover multiple threads multiple times a day that’s really sayin’ something. This thread from Neil Shenvi using (mocking?) the principles of Critical Race Theory with ‘grooming’ is pretty damn spectacular and makes such an amazing point.

Take a gander:

"Critical Grooming Theory"
When some people hear "groomer," they immediately apply a Western, individualistic lens. But they fail to realize that "grooming" is a systemic, structural problem deeply embedded in our "ways of knowing."

When I, as a Critical Gooming Theorist (CGT) say that all progressives are groomers, I'm not saying that they personally support grooming, as defined by the dictionary. I'm saying that they benefit politically from "systems of advantage" that harm children. 2/

When a progressive is offended that he's called a "groomer," that is a symptom of "groomer fragility." He needs to sit with his discomfort and do the work to understand the lived experience of children and detrans folk who are harmed by systemic grooming. 3/

A lot of progressives think there is a category of "not groomer." But one is either "groomer" or "anti-groomer." Being "not groomer" is just a way to perpetuate systemic grooming. 4/

Grooming is one of many interlocking systems of oppression. One cannot be anti-groomer if one is a communist. One cannot be anti-groomer if one is a feminist. To be "anti-groomer" it to recognize the intersections of your communist, feminist, progressive privilege. 5/


23rd April 2022, 09:47 AM
I have heard there are several videos showing top corporate executives with Disney saying they plan to continue having sexual identity themes in their movies and theme park presentations. DeSantis made reference to those videos. They are blatant about it. I hope Disney goes out of business.

26th April 2022, 02:16 PM


Sen. Rick Scott: I don't understand why Disney is doing this

Apr 25, 2022

7:30 video runtime



Fox Business

Sen. Rick Scott, R-Fla., weighs in on Gov. Ron DeSantis' move to take away Disney's self-governance and President Biden's border policies. #FOXBusiness

I feel disgusted with a U S senator saying he does not know why certain corporations want to commit suicide as Disney is doing .

He just does not understand why but he recommends we have more hearings and investigations.

The whole US congress is owned by the child exploiters and vax the kiddies cabal.

The reason Disney Corp. and Coca Cola corp. and all these big corporations have betrayed their country and USA citizens is because they have sold their souls to satan. They all want a one world death and slavery system for all. That ranting Bartiroma person gets on my nerves pretending to be all outraged. We know she is one the World Economic Forum Young Global Leaders and she and her employer Fox News are just using the grooming and pedophilia story for ratings and advertising income. The World Economic Forum are maybe the biggest promoters of child trafficking and pedophilia as those issues match up perfectly with their Marxist atheistic ideology.

Durham is taking way too long to put up or shut up. Supposedly "he has it all" yet still and forevermore it looks like zero action. Durham was on duty as the U. S. Attorney for Connecticut with Sandy Hook false event happening and accepted as fact on his watch.

21st July 2022, 07:46 AM
Factual evidence worth sharing for when the communist's herd signaling narrative is to claim public servant child abuse and grooming is never a thing and concerned parents are guilty of the hate crime of publicservantophobia.

In reality predatory public servant communists want the ability to abuse adults the same way they can public school children today.

nationalfile.com: Video: Michigan School Employee Who Called for LGBT Lessons, Mocked Parents, Arrested for Pedophilia (https://nationalfile.com/video-michigan-school-employee-who-called-for-lgbt-lessons-mocked-parents-arrested-for-pedophilia/)

July 19, 2022
A Michigan public school employee who staunchly advocated for LGBT curricula to his district’s school board has been arrested as part of a police sting operation targeting local pedophiles.

41-year-old Eric Rohman, an employee of Mt. Pleasant Michigan’s public school system, was arrested as part of an Isabella County Sheriff’s Office sting operation that also saw two more alleged child predators put behind bars. According to local reports, Isabella County law enforcement was assisted in the sting by agents from the FBI and the Michigan State Police, among others.

Along with two other men, “Eric Rohman, 41, of Mt. Pleasant [was] arrested at an undisclosed location,” local media reports. “All three were arrested for using a computer to commit a crime and accosting a minor for immoral purposes. Police allege that the three communicated over various social media apps with decoys posing as children. The three are accused of going to a location to have sex with a child, where they were arrested,” the report goes on to explain.

The local media outlets failed to mention in their reports on the sting that Eric Rohman is an employee of Mt. Pleasant’s public school division. While it is unclear in which capacity he works, his own words imply that he is in a role with access to children.

When school parents pushed back on the pro-LGBT curricula being peddled to their kids, which has been likened to a form of pedophilic public school grooming, Eric Rohman delivered an impassioned plea to the local school board in favor of “educating” children on homosexuality and transgenderism, even taunting parents at one point during his talk.

Rohman, who boasted to the board and audience members that he is both “vaccinated” and a “proud member of the LGBTQIA community,” also donned a “Black Lives Matter” t-shirt during his school board address.

“My name is Eric Rohman. I am a resident, townie, taxpayer, vaccinated and functioning graduate of this high school, class of 1999, proud member of the LGBTQIA community, and an employee of Mt. Pleasant Public Schools,” Rohman said, before telling the board and townspeople that their children are “hungry” for “knowledge” on homosexuality and transgenderism.

“I can tell you this – they are hungry for knowledge,” Rohman said of the children of Mt. Pleasant, Michigan, before directly taunting the parents in the crowd, some of whom appeared to get up and leave as Rohman spoke. “They are so hungry for knowledge that despite your words, your wishes, your values, they will learn on their own.”

“They’re gonna do it anyway, no matter what you say or do,” Rohman went on to say of the children and his apparent hopes that they will join him in the “LGBTQIA community,” saying that they will do so “no matter how many candles you light, no matter how many rallies you hold.”
Local report: https://www.themorningsun.com/2022/07/15/three-arrested-in-isabella-county-sex-sting/

21st July 2022, 08:36 AM
Reddit admins. says you can't use the word "groomer" as is hate speech.

31st July 2022, 05:19 PM
Elementary School Principle Groomer in Minnesota Kindergarten Class -- embedded video at link

Covid Red Pills (https://t.me/CovidRedPills/13867) , [7/31/22 11:37 AM]
[ Video ]

An elementary principal promotes a book to kindergartners about a toddler becoming transgender and cross-dressing.

Stacey DeCorsey is the principal at Excelsior Elementary School in Minnetonka’s public school district in Minnesota.

“Jack (Not Jackie)” is a picture book written for kids in kindergarten through second grade that attempts to normalize transgenderism.

The principal called the book a “phenomenal read” and said it’s being added to the school’s media center.