View Full Version : Create the problem, Create food shortages ?

21st April 2022, 02:42 PM

First 15 muntes of TruNews video show of 4-22-2022
doscuss large number of firest in food processing plants and meat packing plants in the USA and all over the world.

Fire Roasted Shortages: Food Processing Plants Burn Down (https://www.trunews.com/live)

also this article mentions several instances giving brief videos on Twitter links


Multiple Large Food Processing & Distribution Plants in US Have Recently Exploded or Burned Down (https://thefreethoughtproject.com/multiple-large-food-processing-distribution-plants-in-us-have-recently-exploded-or-burned-down/)

Matt Agorist April 21, 2022

As food uncertainly lingers on the horizon thanks to US sanctions and government decimation of the economy during the past two years, there is another factor contributing to the problem. Since the beginning of the year, there have been several very large food processing facilities that have exploded or burned to the ground across the U.S.

This week, a vegetable and nut processing facility in Dufur, Oregon became engulfed in flames for unknown reasons.

“Lights flickered; They heard a pop and went up there to check it out and there was a fire,” according to a report made to Wasco County 911 records listed in the Wasco County Sheriff’s log.

The independent distributor of natural, organic an non-GMO foods which employees around 150 people, burned to the ground.

One week before that fire in Oregon, a massive fire brought down a meat processing plant in Conway, New Hampshire. After burning for 16 hours, multiple fire crews finally put out the fire at East Conway Beef and Pork but the facility is completely destroyed.

That same week, in Salinas, California, a massive fire at the Taylor Farms Processing Facility led to the evacuation of residents as it burned for over 17 hours. Taylor Farms is a major agriculture company that processes and delivers many of the salad kits seen in grocery stores. The cause of this fire is currently under investigation.

See new Tweets
KION News 5 46
COMING UP AT 11: Crews struggle to keep up with the raging fire at Taylor Farms in Salinas https://kion546.com/news/2022/04/13/fire-at-taylor-farms-in-salinas/



embedded video 24 seconds

Just weeks before that, a massive fire engulfed a Walmart distribution center in Plainfield, Indiana where over 1,000 employees shipped food and other supplies all over the region. The fire destroyed the massive 1 million square foot operation.

That same week, one of the largest food facilities of its kind in South Texas caught fire and burned to the ground. Prior to burning down, the Rio Fresh facility in San Juan, Texas, grew, packed and shipped a variety of Texas-grown items including Texas 1015 Sweet Onions, melons, greens, cabbage, and kale. The cause of the fire is currently unknown.

In Hermiston, Oregon, in February, a massive food processing facility suddenly exploded, injuring 7 of the nearly 400 employees who work at the Shearer’s Foods plant. According to reports, the cause of the explosion which originated near a boiler is still under investigation.


21st April 2022, 03:22 PM
A reduction of non-nutrition has to be chalked up as a positive.

21st April 2022, 03:31 PM
"A reduction of non-nutrition has to be chalked up as a positive. "

It appearrs that you are opining that processed food that comes from "food processing plants" and "meat" from "meat packing plants" could resolve fewer people and animals suffering from "non-nutrition."

I suggest that a condition of "non-nutrition" is far better than a condition of "no-nutrition."

21st April 2022, 03:59 PM
"I suggest that a condition of "non-nutrition" is far better than a condition of "no-nutrition.""

The average American would survive/thrive on a water only diet for 70 days before starvation became a factor.

After 70 days he will sufficiently prepared to eat a politician.

21st April 2022, 04:01 PM
no doubt the (communists) are doing this evil sh-t

remember all of those forest fires they set in 2020

21st April 2022, 06:38 PM
Ice Age Farmer map of all the fires https://iceagefarmer.com/fire/

Ice Age Farmer:
Food Supply
Incident Map
From Beirut to Iowa to China, our food supply is spontaneously combusting. The incidents were too numerous to track -- so I have mapped them here.

Made possible by my Patreon supporters (http://patreon.com/IceAgeFarmer) -- consider supporting my work! Thanks.

Contact / Submit News (iceagefarmer@protonmail.com)



21st April 2022, 06:53 PM
Tucker actually did a segment on this tonight--totally pointed out how suspicious this is.

Also, earlier tonight, that Peak Prosperity guy did a youtube live on this topic--I missed it.

23rd April 2022, 09:40 AM
Trunews on yesterdays show, or maybe day before, pointed out there were two separate plane crashes into food processing companies. One plane crash might be believable but if this trend continues it becomes crystal clear.

26th April 2022, 03:36 AM
print article


"FBI Warns Of Targeted Cyber Attacks On Food Plants After Mysterious Rash Of Fires"

zerohedge.comApril 25, 2022


"The FBI’s Cyber Division published a notice this past week warning about increased cyber-attack threats on agricultural cooperatives, which comes at a time when a curious string of fires and explosions damage major food processing plants across the country.

'Ransomware actors may be more likely to attack agricultural cooperatives during critical planting and harvest seasons, disrupting operations, causing financial loss, and negatively impacting the food supply chain,' the notice read, adding 2021 and early 2022 ransomware attacks on farming co-ops could affect the current planting season 'by disrupting the supply of seeds and fertilizer.'

The agency warned, 'A significant disruption of grain production could impact the entire food chain, since grain is not only consumed by humans but also used for animal feed … In addition, a significant disruption of grain and corn production could impact commodities trading and stocks.'

The FBI’s warning comes as 'nearly two dozen food processing facilities across Canada and the US' have experienced a 'string of fires, plane crashes and explosions,' according to The Western Standard.

The most recent incidents were fires at two Oregon-based food processing plants. The first, on Monday night, a fire destroyed Azure Standard’s joint headquarters and warehouse facilities. The second was an explosion on Tuesday at a Shearer’s Foods plant.

Internet sleuths pieced together a compilation of headlines showing a spate of fires at food processing plants across the country in the last year or so."




Dachsie comment:

Some nation states willfully and maliciously attack themselves by various means to create one global criminal state.

26th April 2022, 09:08 AM
This is better suited for the food collapse thread, however no images permitted in General Discussion:

Christian @IceAgeFarmer offers this questionnaire for the bird flu cop

see also https://iceagefarmer.com/noBirdFlu.pdf



28th April 2022, 09:37 AM
Dachsie comment:

I would love to see a video compilation of all the woke news reporters giving their interpretation of these multiple events. Calling it a "conspiracy theory" is a little passé so this could be the makings of a new funny video.

Our own government is attacking we the people and they are out in the open about it now.



Dumb + Crooked + Evil + Crazy = The Resident

Biden Announces Food Shortages Then Makes it Happen

Biden Announces Food Shortages Then Makes it Happen (https://americanpolicy.org/2022/04/26/biden-announces-food-shortages-then-makes-it-happen/?utm_source=American+Policy+Center&utm_campaign=77c78ded23-want-to-throw-the-bums-out_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_79a5ca421e-77c78ded23-252356810&mc_cid=77c78ded23&mc_eid=586c7725d3)

On March 24, 2022, after the G7 meeting in Brussels, Biden announced that the food shortages around the world would be “real” – of course, because of the Ukraine war, which he so desperately wanted, and those dastardly Russians. Now, he is making it happen. In the last five months, TWENTY food and fertilizer plants and storage facilities across America have been destroyed by fire. The latest incident is a plane, crashing into a General Mills plant in Covington, GA, April 21, 2022. The day before, it was a nut and vegetable processing plant in Dafur, OR, where employees responded to a popping sound as the electrical system caught fire. The week before, a massive fire brought down East Conway Beef and Pork in Conway, NH – as well as a Taylor Farms plant in Salinas CA. A few weeks before that, a huge Walmart processing plant in Indiana was reduced to ash.

Still Think It’s Coincidence?

Add to the above, a meat processing plant in Lackawana County, PA; the family-owned Cobb Country Meats in Cobb County, GA; the JBS Nebraska Plant of Meat Importers of America; Azure Standard Headquarters facility, the nation’s premier distributor of organic healthy foods, back in Darfur, OR; a Tyson-owned feed ingredients plant; a Tyson poultry plant in KY; a Hot Pockets plant in Jonesboro, AR; Wisconsin River Meats, Mauston, WI; Deli Star Meats, Fayetteville, IL; a Smithfield peanut plant, Richmond, VA; an Oregon potato chip factory; McCrum Potato Processing plant, OR; Aynor Conway Meat Center in Conway, SC; the rice dryer at a Kellogg plant in Memphis TN (ok, this was all the way last summer in July, 2021; and at the Cargill-Nutrena Feed Mill, Lecompte, LA. This is NOT coincidental! This destruction of our food supplies is intentional and is war against the people. There can be no other explanation.

No Bombers Required

For all of the Junta’s efforts to blame everything they have messed up on Russia, they are failing miserably. Not a single foreign enemy or Russian bomber has been found to be a part of any of this. Sarc…as they say. The overt destruction of America is underway, and our food supply is the primary weapon of the enemy, our own government. No bombers required.

Stay alert, America. We are at war with our own government, and it was declared by them. If you work at a food or fertilizer facility, be suspicious. Keep your eyes and ears open, and stay safe. If you are working to secure our November election, work twice as hard. Gather groups who will have 24/7 eyes-on at the ballot drop boxes around the country. The election – IF we should get there – will be our last chance to save our Republic and ourselves. This will be the finest and best local action we can render.

28th April 2022, 10:02 AM
The term “food” means (1) articles used for food or drink for man or other animals, (2) chewing gum, and (3) articles used for components of any such article.

Shortage of food?

First, food is not defined as food. That is nonsense.

Second, man is not an animal. Religion tells us this.

Third, what we have left is

Food is chewing gum and the ingredients used to make chewing gum

I bet you all have missed this and as a consequence are unprepared for the coming shortage in CHEWING GUM!!!

28th April 2022, 11:25 AM
Just tell me about coffee and chocolate.

15th July 2022, 08:05 AM
Biden Admin dumped 11.4 Billion Gallons of Nevada’s water to save a cuckoo bird.
Apparently the yellow billed cuckoo has managed to survive the last 80+ years since Boulder Dam has held back the Lake Mead waters without emptying the lake so what is the urgency?

SAVE THE Yellow-billed Cuckoo (https://360newslasvegas.com/biden-sent-11-5-billion-gallons-of-nvs-water-to-save-the-yellow-billed-cuckoo/)

July 14, 2022
Rob Lauer Political Reporter

Every day in the news we watch our beloved Lake Mead’s water level continue to recede. And Democrats blame you for taking long showers, watering your lawns and filling your pools. They blame developers for building new homes. Water levels are so low, mob bodies from the 70’s are popping up. 360 News has discovered that the Biden Administration sent 11.4 Billion gallons of water last year from the Colorado River to Mexico to flood the Colorado River Delta to save birds’ habitats.

The Obama/Biden Administration agreed to send 340 Billion gallons of water from the Colorado River starting in 2012. The last time water flowed from the Colorado River down to the Delta in Mexico was in the 1960’s. In 2021, the Biden Administration opened the water gates to Mexico providing some 11.5 Billion gallons of Nevada’s water according to Aububon website.


According to the non-profit Audubon:
“In 2012, (The Obama/Biden Administration) the U.S. and Mexico embarked on an unprecedented bi-national collaboration to revive the riverine landscape. They planned to deliver more than 340 billion gallons of water in two stages—one-third delivered as a constant low-level base flow and two-thirds delivered as a pulse—down the parched Colorado River. After years of fine-turning the details, the floodgates between Arizona and Mexico opened on March 23, 2014. Over the course of eight weeks, 224 billion gallons of pulse water flowed down the Colorado, flooding more than 5,000 acres of river corridors and floodplains.’

In 2021 the Biden Administration restarted the water transfer.
“Thanks to commitments from the United States and Mexico in the Colorado River binational agreement—Minute 323 – 35,000 acre-feet of water (11.4 billion gallons) dedicated to create environmental benefits will be delivered to the river from May 1 to October 11. The expectation is that this will create and support habitat for birds like the Yellow-billed Cuckoo, Yuma Ridgway’s Rail, and Vermilion Flycatcher, and give life to the many plants and animals in this ribbon oasis of green in the midst of the Sonoran Desert.”


“This time, the water will flow for more than five months. Thanks to lessons learned from scientists who studied the 2014 pulse flow, the water will be less likely to infiltrate into the ground, and more likely to fill the river channel providing environmental benefits all the way down to the Gulf of California. System operators are using Mexico’s canal system to bypass Morelos Dam and the driest parts of the channel, delivering the water into the river some 45 river-miles downstream. There it will fill the river where the channel is already wet, maximizing water use efficiency. The scientists’ design optimizes the location and timing of flow to support the hundreds of species of birds that use the delta (https://www.audubon.org/news/audubon-scientists-reveal-migration-bottlenecks-used-tens-millions-birds), and the floodplain habitats they rely on.”

The Obama Administration signed off on a refinement on a 1944 treaty, managed by the International Boundary and Water Commission, that dictates how water is managed across the shared U.S.-Mexico border. The Biden Administration has pledged to continue to give billions of gallons of water to Mexico from the Colorado River through 2026.
NV is allotted 200K acre feet of water from the Colorado River but only use 25K acre feet. The rest goes to Cali. Clark County recycles 100% of its sewer water while Cali only recycles 23%.

Sam Peters Candidate for Congressional District #4 told 360 News:
“I am very interested in serving on the natural resources committee exactly for this reason. The water issue in Nevada must be addresses with America First solutions like recycling water like Clark county currently does and desalination.”

We are waiting for reports to see how much water they send this year.

15th July 2022, 08:14 AM
Democrats in California are creating the water shortage.

NEWSON & HARRIS ACCUSED OF VIOLATING TRESPASSING LAW IN PHOTO OP (https://360newslasvegas.com/newson-harris-accused-of-violating-trespassing-law-in-photo-op/)
DEMS WAGE WAR ON THE TRUTH (https://360newslasvegas.com/dems-wage-war-on-the-truth/)
BARS & TAVERNS LAWSUIT GET SCREWED BY COURT (https://360newslasvegas.com/bars-taverns-lawsuit-get-screwed-by-court/)
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DEMOCRATS IN California ARE CREATING OUR WATER CRISIS (https://360newslasvegas.com/democrats-in-california-are-creating-our-water-crisis/)

May 26, 2022
Rob Lauer Political Reporter

Every day in the news we watch our beloved Lake Mead’s water level continue to recede. And Democrats blame you for taking long showers, watering your lawns and filling your pools. They blame developers for building new homes. Water levels are so low, mob bodies from the 70’s are popping up. But what they never mention are real solutions to the pending water crisis. The Romans built aqueducts 2,000 years ago to provide water to their cities. California built an aqueduct 100 years ago that made LA possible today.

California environmentalists have shut down all new water projects. We don’t have a water problem. We have Democrat problem. Its not a climate crisis. It’s a man-made crisis.

The west deeply depends on the Colorado River. California currently uses 8 times its legal allotment of water. In other words, they are using Nevada’s water. But that water is now stretched thin by growth. But there are real solutions which Democrats never mention and are fighting every step of the way.

First of all:
The Middle East, including Israel, have successfully turned deserts into lush green new cities. Israel has developed technology (https://www.israel21c.org/how-israel-used-innovation-to-beat-its-water-crisis/) to capture water from the air. There’s new technology that recycles water used in agriculture. 80% of Nevada’s water is currently used agriculture and only about 18% is consumed by residential users.

Just this month, the California extremists blocked the construction of a brand new $1.4 billion desalination plant in Southern California claiming “it may hurt the Pacific Coast”. The state’s Coastal Commission voted unanimously to deny a permit for Poseidon Water to build a plant to produce 50m gallons of water a day in Huntington Beach, south-east of Los Angeles.

Next, we can build a water pipeline from the Midwest which just dumps millions of gallons of run off into the Mississippi river and Ohio rivers. See average national precipitation map. We just need to pipe water about 700 miles to the beginning of the Colorado River. But Democrats never mention this option. I’m sure they’ll find an obscure lizard fish that depends on the runoff water. Perhaps Dems will support it if we call it “water equity”. And demand that the water rich states need to share with water poor states to offset historic environmental injustices.


So then what about recycling water? Nope, California Democrats are blocking that too. According to the CA Globe:
“Researchers estimate that California has the potential to substantially boost local water supplies by capturing storm water and storing it in aquifers, instead of allowing it to run off the landscape. Depending on whether it’s a dry year or a wet year, they said, the state could capture between 580,000 and 3 million acre-feet of stormwater in urban areas.”

“California now recycles about 23% of its municipal wastewater, an estimated 728,000 acre-feet, the report said, and has the potential to more than triple the amount that is recycled and reused.”

What this study therefore claims is that just by capturing regional stormwater and recycling wastewater, California’s urban areas can recover and use between 2.0 million and 4.5 million acre feet of additional water per year, meaning their net water consumption, i.e., the amount of water they are going to need from existing sources can drop from – using their numbers – 6.6 million acre feet per year down to between 2.1 and 4.6 million acre feet per year.


Once again California Democrats blocked the construction of any new water storage basins to capture rain and snow runoff water.

BTW Clark County recycles almost 100% of its municipal waste water.

So what’s their plan? De-population and control. Democrats want to use the “water crisis” they are creating to kill off half the agriculture industry in California. They not only want to stop all new development but drive people out of California then clear the homes and communities from the earth.

California which once was the symbol of the American dream where people moved seeking prosperity and wealth is now taken over by Soviet style environmentalists committed to their anti-growth and anti-human agenda. Of course, their lives are valuable because they are enlightened. But all of you month breathers are non-essential and now disposable.


15th July 2022, 08:21 AM
Monty, I heard on Greg Hunter show today, second half I think, there's a special kinda secret pipeline that is going to drain the last little bit of water out of that big lake Mead ? and funnel straight over to Las Vegas and that mob.

Hope you are shoring up your off grid back-up systems like storing water however you can as much as you can.

Dane Wigington is going to be on the next Greg Hunter show Sat. evening and I bet he is going to say how this big drought is geo-engineered.

15th July 2022, 08:41 AM
Monty, I heard on Greg Hunter show today, second half I think, there's a special kinda secret pipeline that is going to drain the last little bit of water out of that big lake Mead ? and funnel straight over to Las Vegas and that mob.

Hope you are shoring up your off grid back-up systems like storing water however you can as much as you can.

Dane Wigington is going to be on the next Greg Hunter show Sat. evening and I bet he is going to say how this big drought is geo-engineered.

I believe the drouth is geo-engineered. I was thinking that while reading the two articles I posted above.

Fortunately, where I am our water comes from wells in Ralston Valley. I don’t know if there are backup generators on the wells and pump stations or not. I try growing a garden and canning as much as possible but this year seeds haven’t germinated well. I saw on Ice Age Farmer's Telegram channel that seems to be a common complaint.

We ate overrun with Cottontail rabbits here. Some of the young ones got underneath the netting fence and ate all the peas and Swiss chard. I replanted but the Swiss chard didn’t come up. I had very few beets come up.

My sister lives in Sparks, NV. She said some of her vegetables didn’t germinate this year.

19th July 2022, 12:30 PM
The low water level in Lake Mead probably is not due to lack of water from the Colorado River.

My daughter from Colorado stopped and spent the night her on her way to East Garrison, California to visit her younger sister.

She came down I-70 along the Colorado River. I asked her if the river was low. She said it looks normal.

21st August 2022, 12:11 PM

New, Dutch farmers want to keep feeding you
