View Full Version : Elements Of A State

7th May 2022, 06:49 AM
The document that gives authority to the Magna Carte (the CONFIRMATIO CARTARUM October 10, 1297) states

our justices, sheriffs, mayors, and other ministers, which under us have the laws of our land to guide, shall allow the said charters pleaded before them in judgement in all their points, that is to wit, the Great Charter as the common law and the Charter of the forest, for the wealth of our realm.

So have a look at the Charter of the Forest. A forest has 4 elements. Lacking a single element you have no forest. What are the elements of a State?

A forest has a boundary established by metes and bounds, markers, notice and perambulation. How many of these do a State have? [By the way these are NOT the elements of the previous paragraph]

Now that you have established a forest by elements and territory you have contained things exempt from forest law. We choose to call these Parks, Warrens and Chases. These lack at least one of the elements of a forest.

Virginia is always going to be in the union. You cannot escape the fact. So don't bother. But can you figure out how to create something within Virginia not subject to Virginia law? JUST DONT CALL IT VIRGINIA

Oh, and don't mess with the boundary markers. They don't belong to you.

The boundary marker thing is not fatal. Here is how the Feds get around Virginia law (and all other states as well). It is called GRAMMAR. Part of the Trivium. Some slick con artist coined the conceptual construction 'within this State'. Washington state defines this as The federal zone within the EXTERIOR boundaries of the state. Now you will find this particular phrase everywhere in all state codes and lo you are now subject to both state and federal codes because YOU are within the EXTERIOR boundaries of the state even though you believe you are within the INTERIOR boundaries.

So (short version) if they can do it so can you. Their power comes from you. So set up a park, warren or chase, don't call it Virginia and check out what elements you need to qualify as a state. And there you have it. You are not in the union and you have not violated any rules in the process.

All of this applies to Ukraine. Ukraine can never escape Russia. The NAME belongs to Russia. DONT BE STEALING SOMEONE ELSES TRADEMARK.

Even Lewis and Clark did not perambulate the Louisiana Purchase. And I will guarantee you your state governor did not perambulate his state. Biden is incapable of perambulating the White House grounds and I would suggest this is the limit of his authority.