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16th May 2022, 02:11 PM

National Intelligence Director Warns Biden’s ‘Ministry of Truth’ Planning To FREEZE Bank Accounts Of Americans Who Post ‘Disinformation’ Online

National Intelligence Director Warns Biden’s ‘Ministry of Truth’ Planning To FREEZE Bank Accounts Of Americans Who Post ‘Disinformation’ Online (https://en-volve.com/2022/05/13/national-intelligence-director-warns-bidens-ministry-of-truth-planning-to-freeze-bank-accounts-of-americans-who-post-disinformation-online/)

original posting "3 days ago" - about May 13 2022


Do you post information or opinions on social media that aren’t ‘approved’ by the Left? Well, if you do then you may soon see your bank accounts frozen.

Former National Intelligence Director Richard Grenell has warned Americans that the Biden administration’s “Ministry of Truth” is preparing to freeze US bank accounts in the name of ‘countering misinformation’.

“Don’t be surprised if the Department of Misinformation freezes your ATM card until you delete your unapproved opinions,” Grenell wrote. “Democrats are weaponizing government agencies with reckless abandonment.”
https://twitter.com/RichardGrenell/status/1520182301715353600?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5 Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1520182301715353600%7Ctwgr% 5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fen-volve.com%2F2022%2F05%2F13%2Fnational-intelligence-director-warns-bidens-ministry-of-truth-planning-to-freeze-bank-accounts-of-americans-who-post-disinformation-online%2F

Richard Grenell
Don’t be surprised if the Department of Misinformation freezes your ATM card until you delete your unapproved opinions.

Democrats are weaponizing government agencies with reckless abandonment.
6:24 PM · Apr 29, 2022·Twitter for iPhone
Quote Tweets

(https://twitter.com/RichardGrenell/status/1520182301715353600?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5 Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1520182301715353600%7Ctwgr% 5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fen-volve.com%2F2022%2F05%2F13%2Fnational-intelligence-director-warns-bidens-ministry-of-truth-planning-to-freeze-bank-accounts-of-americans-who-post-disinformation-online%2F)
The move by the Biden administration would echo the authoritarian maneuvers deployed by the Trudeau regime earlier this year in response to the Freedom Truckers Convoy. Trudeau’s Emergency Act, invoked on Feb. 14, stipulated that “a bank or other financial service provider will be able to immediately freeze or suspend an account without a court order.”

The invocation of the Act was met with outcry by freedom-loving Canadians and members of Parliament who decried it as unjustified and unconstitutional. Now it appears the Biden administration is moving to invoke similar powers in the US.

The White House has already made an attempt to collect bank account information from Americans last October, through a directive to the IRS. According to a report from ABC News, (https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/biden-admin-backs-tracking-bank-accounts-600-annual/story?id=80665505) the Biden administration had to back down “on a controversial proposal to direct the IRS to collect additional data on every bank account that sees more than $600 in annual transactions.”

The Biden administration only backed down “after widespread criticism from Republican lawmakers and banking industry representatives, who said the tax enforcement strategy represented a breach of privacy by the federal government,” according to the ABC report.

Sen. John Thune (R-SD) said at the time: “So how long is it gonna take for them to say, ‘Well you know we need a little bit more information because we really can’t make much of this.’ Then they’re going to want individual transactions and who knows what.”

Now, Biden’s new Disinformation Governance Board (DGB), also known as his “Ministry of Truth,” has come under criticism from the mainstream press including the Wall Street Journal, who are comparing it to the KGB, the authoritarian secret police of the Soviet communists.

The dangers of the DGB will be amplified if it becomes the tool of partisan political actors. And it already has. Executive director Nina Jankowicz… has said: “Unless we mitigate our own political polarization, our own internal issues, we will continue to be an easy target for any malign actor—Russian or Iranian, foreign or domestic—to manipulate.”

Yes, you read that right. We must all fall in line because of the many grave threats—domestic as well as foreign—out there. Incorrect political opinions become a national-security threat. The DGB already looks frighteningly similar to the KGB.

LifeSiteNews report: White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said of the of the new department in a press conference in April that it would help to “address unauthorized terrorism, other threats and see how disinformation and misinformation is being pushed to lead to increase those.”

The Canadian government under Prime Minister Justin Trudeau used just such a pretext to justify freezing thousands of bank accounts in order to end the Freedom Convoy protest in Ottawa earlier this year.

As LifeSiteNews reported in March, Ryan Schwartz, acting director-general of the cybersecurity branch of Canada’s Department of Public Safety, said that “‘an area worth examining’ from the ‘recent blockades in February’ are the effects ‘of misinformation and disinformation which can cascade across social media platforms.’”

20th May 2022, 08:57 AM
The Biden Administration has Paused the Communist Disinformation 'Minstry of Truth' after Nina Jankowicz resigned, but it gets worse

Biden Admin Names Replacements to Head ‘Disinformation’ Board (https://resistthemainstream.org/biden-admin-names-replacements-to-head-disinformation-board-and-they-may-be-worse/)

[https://resistthemainstream.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/2021-04-03_21.54.16-80x80.jpg by RTM Staff (https://resistthemainstream.org/author/staff-member1/)

May 20, 2022 (https://resistthemainstream.org/biden-admin-names-replacements-to-head-disinformation-board-and-they-may-be-worse/)


The Biden administration announced this week that it was putting its “Disinformation Governance Board” on ‘pause’ for the time being, with another report noting its goofy director, Nina Jankowicz, would be resigning.


But on Thursday, a new report noted that the Department of Homeland Security, under which the board will serve, announced the names of two new successors to Jankowicz who are expected to manage the new agency during the pause.

And, the Daily Caller notes, they could be even worse than Jankowicz:
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) hired the co-author of the PATRIOT Act, arguably the harshest crackdown on civil liberties in modern American history, and an official under former President Bill Clinton to head the Disinformation Governance Board during its “pause.”
The DHS shut the board down Monday after just several weeks and its head, Nina Jankowicz, wrote a resignation letter Tuesday, according to The Washington Post.

Biden’s New Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre Is Called Out by Twitter, Don Jr. for Wearing $65 Dress Designed by Ivanka Trump (https://resistthemainstream.org/twitter-don-jr-users-notice-something-about-karine-jean-pierres-dress/)

Durham-Sussmann Trial: Judge ‘Not Inclined’ to Declare Mistrial, Despite Attempt From Defense (https://resistthemainstream.org/durham-judge-reacts-to-sussmanns-potential-mistrial-request/)

Jankowicz was scrutinized for pushing disinformation about Hunter Biden’s laptop and the now-discredited Steele Dossier, which Daniel Hoffman, a former CIA officer, said was possibly “part of a Russian espionage disinformation plot.” She also called Republicans who criticize critical race theory (CRT) “disinformers.” Videos of her singing as the “Mary Poppins of disinformation,” “f**king her way to the top” and satirical, sexualized renditions of Harry Potter themes have also raised eyebrows.

The department announced Wednesday former DHS Secretary Michael Chertoff and former U.S. Deputy Secretary General Jamie Gorelick under Clinton “will lead a thorough review and assessment” of the board that was “grossly and intentionally mischaracterized.”

Michael Chertoff... you've got to be kidding me https://t.co/6BLaDjbn6r
— Darren J. Beattie  (@DarrenJBeattie) May 18, 2022 (https://twitter.com/DarrenJBeattie/status/1527029323659722752?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw)

Chertoff reportedly pushed disinformation about Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop, claiming Russians were behind the emails found inside, according to the Free Beacon. Chertoff served as the secretary of the DHS from 2005-2009, investigated the 9/11 attacks and co-authored the PATRIOT Act, which gave the government authority to tap phones to surveil for terrorism and conduct searches without a warrant.

Gorelick worked for the Clinton administration and was a member of the 9/11 Commission. She was also reportedly rumored to be failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s top choice for attorney general, and has worked for a wide range of clients, including Donald Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner, BP after its oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and Duke University after three lacrosse players were falsely accused of rape.

The review of the Disinformation Governance Board will determine how the board can monitor disinformation while “protecting free speech, civil rights, civil liberties and privacy” and how it can increase “transparency” with the public. It will be conducted by the “bipartisan Homeland Security Advisory Council (HSAC).”

A number of Republicans raised the alarm about the establishment of the board and Jankowicz’s past of being partisan to conservatives. Former DHS officials under the Trump administration agreed, saying the board was unneeded and “politicized” battling disinformation.

“The creation of the ‘Disinformation Governance Board’ in the Secretary’s office is unneeded and politicizes the Department’s mission. There is no operational reason to take this responsibility from largely non-political operating components and move this mission to the Secretary’s office filled with political appointees, including a politically charged individual with no government experience. The move represents a further politicization of the Department under this Administration,” Chad Wolf, former acting secretary of the DHS, told the Daily Caller.

DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas admitted that there was “no question” that they “could’ve done a better job at communicating” what the board does when it was announced.

This is an excerpt from The D (https://dailycaller.com/2022/05/19/nina-jakowicz-jamie-gorelick-michael-chertoff-disinformation-governance-board-dhs-patriot-act/)aily Caller

20th May 2022, 09:35 AM
I was screaming when they formed the "Department of Heimatland Polezei". That cadaverous Chertoff was not the issue then and these clown nominees now for the Miinistry of truth is not the issue now, though very good for laughs.

Both entities are totally unconstitutional and have nothing to do with our constitutional republic. Those organizations are what are called "nonstarters."

The Democrats are in full desperation mode and not only are they pulling one absurd caper after another now, they are also in very dangerous mode. They are going to have another false flag or another pandemic or whatever it takes to destroy the USA.

They are the perfect synthesis of NAZism and Communism. The RINO republicans like McCarthy and others will pretend to criticize these antics but will do that for the wrong reason, thereby taking these antics seriously and dignifying them.