View Full Version : What is a NAZBOL ?
18th May 2022, 07:47 PM
A "political philosophy" that is a combination of NAZIism and Bolshevism or Fascism and Communism.
Seems there are quite a few NazBols on the scene today.
The Nazbol Vortex: Aleksandr Dugin and Neo-Fascism | Pogan
Apr 17, 2022
2.1K subscribers
In today's video, Pogan discusses the "Nazbol Vortex," far-right political theorist Aleksandr Dugin, and the rise of neo-fascism and similar ideologies across the world. Why are Marxist-Leninists and other leftists seemingly drawn to the far-right, and what explains the resurgence of fascism and ultranationalism? Topics include the work of Aleksandr Dugin, Infrared and Caleb Maupin associating with him, and why these ideologies pose a unique danger for the left.
00:00 - Aleksandr Dugin Clip
00:19 - Introduction
00:48 - Who Is Aleksandr Dugin?
01:03 - What Is "Eurasianism"?
01:29 - Dugin's Association with Putin
02:33 - Infrared/Haz Glorifies Dugin
03:43 - Dugin and the "Fourth Political Theory"
04:05 - Summary of Dugin's Ideology
04:54 - Dugin's Views are Fascist
05:28 - Washington Post Column on Dugin
06:28 - Dugin Wants a Russian Fascist Superpower
07:25 - Caleb Maupin Glorifies Dugin
08:02 - Why Do Leftists Like Dugin?
08:33 - Maupin and Infrared are Grifting
09:10 - The Danger of Anti-Americanism Taken to the Extreme
10:02 - Conclusion
18th May 2022, 08:14 PM
Why are Marxist-Leninists and other leftists seemingly drawn to the far-right, and what explains the resurgence of fascism and ultranationalism?
Because National Socialism is also of the authoritarian 'far-left' and attempts to provide the socialism leftists crave but without the degradation, destruction and death by internationalist predators.
Googled "ultraMAGA"
Results: None "Showing results for ultramega"
Yandex search of "ultraMAGA"
Results: (1st and 2nd)
Ultra-MAGA is a term originally used by President Joe Biden in reference to a subset of "extreme" Republicans. Biden first used the term in a speech about economic growth and jobs on May 4th, 2022, and used it again in a speech on May 10th. The term "ultra-MAGA" went viral over the following days as many Republicans embraced it, making memes and merchandise using the catchphrase, similar to how they embraced Let's Go Brandon. It was allegedly decided that Biden would use the phrase after six months of research on how to target Republicans by the Center for American Progress Action Fund and adviser Anita Dunn.
19th May 2022, 04:36 AM
All I know is the Left has become Far Left and is brutal and violent greedy and totalitarian just like the Far Right.
Today we have Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos preaching to us about the evils of inflation.
The "Buffalo shooter" is a "ethno-nationalist eco-fascist nationalist."
or "eco-socialist racist" according to the "Far Right" Washington Examiner (
Ukraine is the international syndicate money-laundering, baby-factory, bioweapons - "vaccine" research headquarters of the Left Wing AND Right Wing International Deep State. Ukraine was successfully taken over by PNAC Jewish Neocons joined with a few "Christian Zionists" in 2014.
I thought Ben Shapiro was a "Right Wing White Nationalist", but no, this week he is a "White Supremacist". The term in vogue now is Eco-fascist which can be understood as "green NAZI' which means "Red communist."
Are we confused yet?
The just taketh notice of the cause of the poor: the wicked is void of knowledge.
Proverbs 29:7
Luke 1:53
He hath filled the hungry with good things: and the rich he hath sent empty away.
(Mary's Song of Praise - The Magnificat)
1 Samuel 2:1
And Hannah prayed and said, “My heart exults in the LORD; my horn is exalted in the LORD. My mouth derides my enemies, because I rejoice in your salvation.
Dachsie mini-rant time.
Christians are supposed to care for the poor - feed the hungry.
Feeding the hungry is also a principle of the true Israel of the Old Testament.
But Christ says he who will not work will not eat.
There is a balance between discipline and helping the poor.
Our big government has made it legally just about impossible for a Church to survive and exist. Remember pastor Dixon. I wonder how Chuck Baldwin and his Montana church is doing. I think it is not a 501c3 corporation.
Property tax on realty - real property - will never go away in the USA, so it never is possible to truly own your own land and house. There really is no "private property" in the USA. The government can always take your land and your house away from you.
In Europe, a time period ending around 1500 AD, called the "Middle Ages", there were Benedictine monasteries where there were huge land holding occupied by Benedictine monks and priests who had the poor of the area live on that land and take care of the church and the schools and growing the crops and just running their own self-contained Christian community. There was no 501c3 corporation.
The people in those communities were not conformed to the world system. They were Christ honoring hard working self sufficient people who took care of the poor and allowed them a safe comfortable place to live.
The rich shared their wealth, no strings attached, to help the Church who helped the poor and the Church was poor in the eyes of the world too.
The closest thing we have to one of those Middle Ages communities is something in my town called "Community First Village" /, but this successful community probably would not exist if it were not a tax deductible 501c3.
I do not think capitalism is good but I think free enterprise is good. Heinrich Pesch said "capitalism is state-sponsored usury." The fake conservatism of Libertarianism is no good too.
People who speak truth to power, no matter whether they are Left or Right, and no matter what religion or philosophy they go by in life, are part of the followers of Christ, the LORD of all, the One Who is Truth.
Discipline is the price of freedom and Christ's Sacrifice and God's grace makes it all possible.
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