23rd May 2022, 10:46 AM
This is the May 23, 2022 update on Dr. James Fetzer's lawsuit regarding
the Sandy Hook purported death of entity purported to be "Noah Pozner."
There are other postings in this forum on this legal case.
https://books.google.com/books/content?id=DH8cjwEACAAJ&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=1&imgtk=AFLRE7075dzD57nqt6eerRFUTDHFhVUDibdrBxtp4Pa9 9hw4W9MgA84PfC0IhGMzvy2lkdTI1Uu6Vt1JWLi5ATCM0PQUEu Q-5j7q4KPBVFU_Q5amOClmb1XEPUSindFWjj_RnroPmd5J
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Comment from a retired professor of law:
> Jim, -- If the courts of Wisconsin actually admit that disputed evidence become undisputed simply because the judge thinks disputing evidence is unreasonable, then the courts in Wisconsin are incompetent and corrupt, and it is about time to incorporate the 7th amendment with the 14th. I missed the possibility that the courts of Wisconsin admit they are letting a trial judge find disputed evidence undisputed because he thinks in his subjective opinion that disputing evidence is unreasonable. That’s unthinkable for anyone who had had a good legal education. I know that summary judgment is frequently abused, even when the truth remains unadmitted, but this is just too much. There is not a law professor in the country who would admit as much, unless things have changed radically since I last taught.. It’s outrageous and uncivilized. – J. R. G.
> From: James Fetzer <jfetzer@d.umn.edu>
> Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2022 12:03 PM
> To: jack.graham@telus.net
> Subject: RE: CONSPIRACY 101: Homework for 25 May 2022
> Thanks, Jack. But the proof that the Circuit Court and Appellate Courts were doing what I claim they were doing is proven by their own words, which are quoted in the petition. So I am at a loss as to how anyone could not understand that they did what they did when they are quoted doing what I said they did IN THE PETITION ITSELF. But I am glad you find the question interesting and (by inference) worthy of SCOTUS consideration. Thanks, my friend.
> On Thu, May 19, 2022 at 10:59 AM <jack.graham@telus.net> wrote:
> Jim, -- The hard part of your petition is that the situation described in your petition is so irregular and outrageous that a reader of your petition might disbelieve that a situation of judicial record could be so bad as it is. Anybody who has attended law school in any State of the Union, including Wisconsin, knows that a trial judge cannot find disputed facts undisputed because he thinks disputing evidence is unreasonable. If a point of fact is disputed, there is a genuine issue of fact for the jury. No judge in any State, Wisconsin or Texas, can say otherwise, and, if any judge in any State says otherwise, he is incompetent, or a crook if he means what he says. The findings of fact concerning the death certificate, as entered by Judge Remington, are not wrong, but dishonest and corrupt. You were much too kind to the judiciary of Wisconsin. You are asking the court to find that the right of jury trial in the 7th Amendment is incorporated by the 14th Amendment, and thus restrains abuse of summary judgment in state courts, which is a very interesting question. -- J. R. G.
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the Sandy Hook purported death of entity purported to be "Noah Pozner."
There are other postings in this forum on this legal case.
https://books.google.com/books/content?id=DH8cjwEACAAJ&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=1&imgtk=AFLRE7075dzD57nqt6eerRFUTDHFhVUDibdrBxtp4Pa9 9hw4W9MgA84PfC0IhGMzvy2lkdTI1Uu6Vt1JWLi5ATCM0PQUEu Q-5j7q4KPBVFU_Q5amOClmb1XEPUSindFWjj_RnroPmd5J
pdf fil e downloadable
https://apis.mail.yahoo.com/ws/v3/mailboxes/@.id==VjN-FJerj3ECqOcFscytDtg2xdYMXbPXnxFISSgB5aWXbNm0DhiVyG DSsxfzLqZ0CuxDG71F6seyORCVnQrtq0ovaQ/messages/@.id==ABRZAOha5QJ8YoukCwQqaDS6Hu4/content/parts/@.id==1.2/thumbnail?appid=YMailNorrin&downloadWhenThumbnailFails=true&pid=1.2
https://apis.mail.yahoo.com/ws/v3/mailboxes/@.id==VjN-FJerj3ECqOcFscytDtg2xdYMXbPXnxFISSgB5aWXbNm0DhiVyG DSsxfzLqZ0CuxDG71F6seyORCVnQrtq0ovaQ/messages/@.id==ABRZAOha5QJ8YoukCwQqaDS6Hu4/content/parts/@.id==1.2/thumbnail?appid=YMailNorrin&downloadWhenThumbnailFails=true&pid=1.2
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Comment from a retired professor of law:
> Jim, -- If the courts of Wisconsin actually admit that disputed evidence become undisputed simply because the judge thinks disputing evidence is unreasonable, then the courts in Wisconsin are incompetent and corrupt, and it is about time to incorporate the 7th amendment with the 14th. I missed the possibility that the courts of Wisconsin admit they are letting a trial judge find disputed evidence undisputed because he thinks in his subjective opinion that disputing evidence is unreasonable. That’s unthinkable for anyone who had had a good legal education. I know that summary judgment is frequently abused, even when the truth remains unadmitted, but this is just too much. There is not a law professor in the country who would admit as much, unless things have changed radically since I last taught.. It’s outrageous and uncivilized. – J. R. G.
> From: James Fetzer <jfetzer@d.umn.edu>
> Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2022 12:03 PM
> To: jack.graham@telus.net
> Subject: RE: CONSPIRACY 101: Homework for 25 May 2022
> Thanks, Jack. But the proof that the Circuit Court and Appellate Courts were doing what I claim they were doing is proven by their own words, which are quoted in the petition. So I am at a loss as to how anyone could not understand that they did what they did when they are quoted doing what I said they did IN THE PETITION ITSELF. But I am glad you find the question interesting and (by inference) worthy of SCOTUS consideration. Thanks, my friend.
> On Thu, May 19, 2022 at 10:59 AM <jack.graham@telus.net> wrote:
> Jim, -- The hard part of your petition is that the situation described in your petition is so irregular and outrageous that a reader of your petition might disbelieve that a situation of judicial record could be so bad as it is. Anybody who has attended law school in any State of the Union, including Wisconsin, knows that a trial judge cannot find disputed facts undisputed because he thinks disputing evidence is unreasonable. If a point of fact is disputed, there is a genuine issue of fact for the jury. No judge in any State, Wisconsin or Texas, can say otherwise, and, if any judge in any State says otherwise, he is incompetent, or a crook if he means what he says. The findings of fact concerning the death certificate, as entered by Judge Remington, are not wrong, but dishonest and corrupt. You were much too kind to the judiciary of Wisconsin. You are asking the court to find that the right of jury trial in the 7th Amendment is incorporated by the 14th Amendment, and thus restrains abuse of summary judgment in state courts, which is a very interesting question. -- J. R. G.
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