View Full Version : Kissinger, Zelensky, Davos, and The New World Order

31st May 2022, 09:05 PM

Mark Dankof, Kissinger, Zelensky, Davos, and The New World Order (https://jamesfetzer.org/2022/05/mark-dankof-kissinger-zelensky-davos-and-the-new-world-order/)

May 31, 2022 James Fetzerblog
By Mark Dankof

Let the criminal Henry Kissinger live long enough to see the death of the evil System he served throughout his miserable career.

Alexander Mercouris of The Duran recounts as only he can what is really going on at Davos with Henry Kissinger’s statements on Ukraine and Russia. It is clear that Joe Biden, Zelensky, George Soros, Klaus Schwab, the governments of the UK and the EU, and the Zio-Cons are close to being on the ropes in their panicked attempts to bring Russia into GloboHomo and the New World Order. Kissinger now urges Ukraine to “negotiate” with Russia, especially since “the stability of Europe” is at stake.

In Kissinger-speak, this really means that the survivability of the New World Order and GloboHomo is at stake.

For the record, the time for talking should be over. Putin and Russia should deal the knock-out blow to this Satanic system and all of its advocates in both the United States and the West generally. Kissinger knows that the jig is up if President Putin presses on as he should. A Russian victory would also free up the American, British, and European nationalists to run the table on these career criminals by expunging them from their respective countries governments and media in a backlash of mass rage at a global political elite playing around with the lives of millions of people in their insatiable desire for a supernatural power lust.

For the Record: Kissinger’s fellow Tribesman is invited to Davos as a representative of an illegitimate Kiev government installed by coup d’etat in February of 2014. This coup d’etat is a strictly Tribal Affair, as is the New World Order itself.

14,000 ethnic Russians in the Donbass have been killed by that government in 8 years.

NATO continues its encirclement and recruitment policies in contravention of the Bush-Baker promises to Gorbachev when the Berlin Wall came down. As David Stockman points out, this fact, and the February 2014 coup d’etat explain Putin’s actions and demonstrate the absolute recklessness of the American and European political elite.

Zelensky reneged on the Minsk accords and in the terms later reached in Istanbul that would have ended this tragedy well before now.

Zelensky talked openly of installing nuclear weapons in Ukraine. The United States has had 30 bio-weapons laboratories in Ukraine. The United States and NATO continue pouring weaponry and mercenaries into the conflict and are working through Poland and Moldova to provoke incidents in Ukraine that would be used to justify possible NATO intervention on Zelensky’s behalf.

A coup d’etat in Kiev is AOK for American and European “Democracy” but Crimeans cannot be allowed to overwhelmingly vote in a fair referendum to return to Russia and avoid being ruled by a government installed by CIA coup.

The United States-EU-NATO cabal is deliberately using LGBTQ perversion and subversion in Ukraine, George Soros-style, to subvert the Orthodox Church and to divorce the Ukrainian Orthodox from its historic relationship with the Moscow Patriarch and the Russian Orthodox Church. $$$ was paid to Bartholomew II in Istanbul to interfere in Ukraine in what is not his ecclesiastical jurisdiction. Take a look at what James Jatras proves on this via Chronicles Magazine. Or glance at Magic Mike Pompeo’s promotion of Gay Pride on the official American consular site in Kiev.

This is all going on with rising gas and energy prices in the West, a $32 trillion dollar national debt and rising for the United States, and a tanking economy for average Americans and Europeans. There are billions for global arms manufacturers and the American Military Industrial Complex in the latest Zio-Con project, but no infant formula to buy and no money to rebuild the domestic infrastructure of this country. Biden and Soros have opened the American southern border with Mexico to a wholesale foreign invasion. We are on the edge of World War III with this lunacy in Ukraine, Biden’s latest public military threats to the Chinese over Taiwan, and Israel’s continuing threats to attack Iran.

I say the time for talking is over. The Russians need to attack the Command and Control Center in Kiev, finish the job in Donbass, and slap a complete embargo on Europe on all Russian commodities. Strategies with China and Iran should be secretly put together in anticipation of the worst, if they have not been already.

The Israelis should be informed that their support of Zelensky in Ukraine and ISIS-Al-Qaeda in Syria is going to have them paying through the nose as well. Russia will take a major lead in the Information War as it relates to Israeli crimes in Palestine and Gaza. Israel should be informed that an attack on Iran will reduce Israel to radioactive glass.

Remember the “Chicago Way (https://republicbroadcasting.org/news/the-chicago-way-is-the-only-way-to-destroy-the-new-world-order/).” It is the only way to deal with NATO, George Soros, Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum, the LGBTQ movement globally, and the Obama-Clinton-Nuland-Biden Cabal along with the Zio-Cons in the Republican Party who work with them. Zelensky should be run out of Kiev for Tel Aviv or Miami with the comfort of his personal fortune in offshore accounts.
AmericanFreedomNews.us (https://americanfreedomnews.us/the-chicago-way-is-the-only-way-to-destroy-the-new-world-order)

4th September 2022, 06:55 AM
WEF traitors-German Polios doing their thing.

jwnenergy.com: German power prices smash record as energy panic engulfs Europe (https://www.jwnenergy.com/article/2022/8/23/german-power-prices-smash-record-as-energy-panic-e/)
August 23, 2022

irishtimes.com: Germany must cut gas use by 20% to avoid winter rationing, says regulator (https://www.irishtimes.com/business/2022/08/14/germany-must-cut-gas-use-by-20-to-avoid-winter-rationing-regulator-says/)
Warning of longer-term consequences for business in Europe’s largest economy (https://www.irishtimes.com/business/2022/08/14/germany-must-cut-gas-use-by-20-to-avoid-winter-rationing-regulator-says/)
Aug 14 2022

dailycaller.com: ‘We’ll Be Busy With Popular Uprisings’: German Minister Makes Dire Remark About Energy Crisis (https://dailycaller.com/2022/07/22/busy-popular-uprisings-german-minister-tries-backtrack-dire-remarks-energy-crisis/)

July 22, 2022
“If we don’t get the gas turbine, then we won’t get any more gas, and then we won’t be able to provide any support for Ukraine at all, because then we’ll be busy with popular uprisings,” [Annalena] Baerbock [German Mimnister of Foreign Affairs and WEF member (https://www.weforum.org/people/annalena-baerbock)] said

newsingermany.com: Annalena Baerbock: who is behind the smear campaign against her (https://newsingermany.com/annalena-baerbock-who-is-behind-the-smear-campaign-against-her/)

2 days ago
The reason for this excitement was a tweet from a Twitter channel called "Russian American Daily". The post shows a video sequence that was created last Wednesday at a panel discussion in Prague. "When I see the people in the Ukraine promise: 'We will be by your side as long as you need us', then I want to keep it. It doesn't matter what my German voters think, but I want to keep my promise to the Ukrainian people," says Baerbock on the recording in English.
Annalena Baerbock cares only about Ukraine. Germany is irrelevant to her


syrializm.net: German Interior Minister predicting protests in Germany over energy prices (https://syrializm.net/2022/07/19/german-interior-minister-predicting-protests-in-germany-over-energy-prices/)

“Of course, there is a risk that during the coronavirus pandemic those who have shown a disdain for democracy, often associated with right-wing extremists, will try to use high prices as a new theme to call for protests,” [Nancy] Faeser told the local Handelsblatt newspaper.

The minister pointed out that “populists and extremists” use any crisis to “terror and divide” society, but at the same time, she stressed: “We’re ready for possible new protests”.

On the other hand, the head of the German Federal Network Agency, Klaus Muller, said that the country’s gas stores aren’t full enough to spend the winter.

German government has a solution to the problems of 'German' politicians and government: Warmonger and threaten citizens that notice.

cleanenergywire.org: German authorities warn against Russian attempts to sow division in society amid energy crisis (https://www.cleanenergywire.org/news/german-authorities-warn-against-russian-attempts-sow-division-society-amid-energy-crisis)

17 Aug 2022
Russia’s government is actively trying to exploit Germany’s current energy supply crisis by sowing division and spreading disinformation, security agencies in Germany have warned. A “radical minority” of right-wing extremists and conspiracy theory advocates would be trying to use the war in Ukraine, inflation and the pandemic to “mobilise” people against the government, Thomas Haldenwang, head of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (Bundesverfassungsschutz), said in a report carried by newspaper Handelsblatt. “To make matters worse, Russia is using cyberattacks and disinformation as hybrid levers to divide the German society,” Haldenwang said. Europe’s energy supply would be Russia’s focus here, he said, adding that Russian agents use “targeted” misinformation about gas shortages and price increases to fuel fears among the population that a confrontation with Russia will hurt the livelihood of ordinary German people. While Haldenwang’s office has not yet identified signs of widespread protests, it considers the risk of civil unrest due to anti-government propaganda a real threat. “The aim (of this misinformation) is to instrumentalise anger and growing problems in everyday life in the population to undermine long-term trust in the state, the government and democracy,” the office said.

Last weekend, German interior minister Nancy Faeser already warned that the country’s energy infrastructure could be at risk due to targeted attacks and protests. In an interview with Bild-Zeitung, the Social Democrat (SPD) politician said “disinformation and cyberattacks” authored by the Russian government are among the greatest internal threats Germany is currently facing. She said the government would invest in cyber security...

4th September 2022, 07:07 AM
Meanwhile, in Ukraine:

wsws.org: Amnesty International report exposes Ukraine’s violations of international law, deliberate use of civilians as human shields (https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2022/08/06/dsao-a06.html)

5 August 2022
Moreover, anyone reading the report must ask the question: Why does the Ukrainian military behave in such a way? If there was any truth to the claim that this war was about the defense of “democracy” and the “rights” of the Ukrainian population, such conduct would either not take place at all or be immediately condemned by the Ukrainian government and its General Staff.

The reality is that the US, which has deliberately provoked this war after laying waste to half a dozen societies in the Middle East and North Africa, and the Ukrainian oligarchy could care less about the millions of lives now being destroyed and the thousands killed in the war against Russia.

In a rare moment of truth, Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov recently described his country as a “testing ground” for Western arms manufacturers, which have reaped major profits from the tens of billions of dollars in money for weapons that NATO has pumped into the Ukrainian military.

4th September 2022, 07:15 AM
I guess I have an over-simple understanding of the Ukraine issue. To me, it would have been better if Putin and Russia would have just fought off the neo-con PNAC thugs back in 2014 and gone ahead and just taken over the whole country of Ukraine. Then all this NATO / Soros / Schwab garbage would most likely have not played out as it has.

The head of Germany thinks more about "helping" Ukraine than her own country's people eat and don't freeze to death.

The gang pushing support of Ukraine want very much to start a nuclear world war. The same evil forces in the USA are pushing insane policies to get a civil war going in the USA. That is the way that Marxists / comunists / fascists always take over a country.

20th September 2022, 05:12 PM
Wow. 46-175% inflation rates in the German and EU economic pipleline!

reuters.com: German producer prices post surprise record jump in August (https://www.reuters.com/markets/europe/german-producer-prices-post-record-jump-august-2022-09-20/)

Sept 19 (Reuters) - German producer prices rose in August at their strongest rate since records began both in annual and monthly terms, driven mainly by soaring energy prices, raising the chances that headline inflation will surge even higher.

Producer prices of industrial products increased by 45.8% on the same month last year, the Federal Statistical Office reported on Tuesday. Compared to July 2022, prices rose 7.9%, it added.

The surge was considerably stronger than expected, with analysts having forecast a 37.1% year-on-year rise and a 1.6% monthly rise, according to a Reuters poll.

In July, the year-on-year increase had been 37.2% and in June 32.7%.

Energy prices in August on average were over double the same period last year, up 139%, and 20.4% higher than the previous month, the office reported.

Inflation in Europe's largest economy is running at 8.8%, as a dearth in Russian fossil fuel deliveries following the invasion of Ukraine and imposition of Western sanctions has led to skyrocketing energy prices.

Now, surging costs are seen in not only oil and gas but also electricity, said LBBW economist Jens-Oliver Niklasch.

Producer prices for electricity rose 174.9% compared with August 2021 and by 26.4% compared with the previous month.

Excluding energy, the year-on-year rise in producer prices came in at 14% in August.

Producer prices for intermediate goods also rose significantly, up 17.5% on the year, driven mainly by a 19.9% surge in metals prices.

orientalreview.org: Europe’s Economy And Living Standards Are Plummeting (https://orientalreview.org/2022/09/19/europes-economy-and-living-standards-are-plummeting/)

The ill-considered sanctions against Russia have exposed the most acute problems of Europe which is rapidly losing its economic power. A tremendous amount of businesses are on the verge of bankruptcy. A flood of migrants from Africa, the Middle East and Ukraine requires more and more budget spending. Funds are also being used to support the Kiev regime. As a result, Europe’s economies are deteriorating and living standards are plummeting.

In Britain 60% of enterprises are on the verge of closing due to higher electricity prices. This is reported by the analytical group Make UK, representing the interests of British industry. 13% of British factories have reduced working hours and 7% are temporarily closing down. Electricity bills have risen by more than 100% compared to last year.

In Germany, according to the Leibniz Institute for Economic Research, the number of firms and individuals went bankrupt in August alone rose 26% compared to the same period last year. The figure was significantly higher than German analysts had forecast. According to experts, during the autumn the number of bankruptcies will only increase. This is connected with the increase of the cost of production processes, in particular with the rise in prices for energy.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz acknowledged that many Germans have faced with rising prices for fuel and food. Most countries in Europe were in a similar situation. But the authorities are sacrificing the quality of people’s lives in order to continue to exert pressure on Russia.

At the same time, many experts believe the stopping of Nord Stream will cause Europe’s worst energy crisis in decades...

European countries are themselves to blame for the problems they face this coming winter because of reduced gas supplies from Russia, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said. According to him, “Europe reaps what it sows”, while Turkey “has no problems with gas supplies”.

The crisis in Europe is a result of political mistake. On one hand, sanctions against Russia, are favorable only to the U.S. And on the other, the imposition of the post-hydrocarbon economy on Europeans has shown its insolvency...

The next logical consequence will be mass production closures and rising unemployment. European technology companies are already reducing the number of high-paying engineering positions. In September, German wind turbine manufacturer Siemens Gamesa announced its intention to reduce the number of employees to 1,500 people...

In turn, rising unemployment will cause a drop in living standards and an additional burden on government budgets, as the fight against poverty requires additional social spending.

European economies survive through stimulus. But this exacerbates inflation. Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte said, “You can’t help everyone, so we in the West will be a bit poorer because of the high inflation, the high energy costs”.

Meanwhile, the energy crisis and production problems have been exacerbated by migration policies that require additional budgetary injections into the social sphere.

Migrant influx into European countries over the past two decades has been less than 1 million people a year. But already last year, 1.3 million people entered the countries, and this year, there were already 1.8 million people. We must take into account the fact that some immigrants enter Europe illegally and are not registered. They are primarily residents of Somalia, Nigeria, Gambia, Iran, Pakistan, Mali, Afghanistan, Eritrea and Syria.

Moreover, more than 10 million people left Ukraine since the end of February. Of these, at least 6 million people remain in European countries, while 3.7 million have already received refugee status. The average cost per such migrant is 7,000 euros per year. Even without Ukrainians, Germany alone spends 25 to 55 billion euros annually on refugee aid.

The EU Parliamentarian war criminals that are making EU citizens and economy suffer they say in order that Ukraine will be emptied and flattened to spite Russia have a plan!

rfi.fr/en: EU proposes emergency powers over supply chains, raising concerns among some companies (https://www.rfi.fr/en/europe/20220920-eu-proposes-emergency-powers-over-supply-chains-raising-concerns-among-some-companies)

Under draft legislation that would give Brussels emergency powers to tackle future supply chain crises, Europe-based companies could be made to prioritise the production of key products and stockpile goods.

The Single Market Emergency Instrument put forward by the EU Commission on Monday comes in response to bottlenecks caused by the Covid -19 pandemic and Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

The proposal – which echoes similar measures adopted by the United States and Japan – is expected to face strong resistance from businesses and some European Union countries, concerned that this amounts to intrusive over-reach by the European Commission.

Speaking in Brussels, Commission Vice-President Margrethe Vestager stated:

Early days of Covid - we all remember the borders closing down. The thousand trucks stuck at borders. We must be better prepared for crisis. We must have new tools to make sure our #EUSingleMarket stays open at all times. The #SingleMarketEmergencyInstrument is such a tool https://twitter.com/vestager/status/1571903152474972162

How funny that the EU has almost completed its transition into the old Soviet Union

Welcome to the Soviet EUnion -ZH

22nd September 2022, 07:14 PM
Good comments. But it does seem that Fox News is speaking out in this vein very late in the game.



Tucker Carlson: This is insane
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Fox News host Tucker Carlson weighs in on the Russia-Ukraine conflict on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight.'

23rd September 2022, 11:10 AM

Jim Condit, Jr. is interviewed by Judith Sharp (https://isoc.ws/)

Catholic Restoration Conference V

Jim Condit, Jr.
Jim Condit, Jr.

Christian Ukraine: Land of the Khazars

September 15, 2022

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Jim Condit, Jr.
Jim Condit, Jr.

Christian Ukraine: Land of the Khazars

September 15, 2022

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