View Full Version : Sussman acquital, FBI, Hillary Clinton, Farr, D'Souza

2nd June 2022, 05:19 PM
Dachsie rant:

The goal post has been changed and moved again against the "Lock her up" hope of Americans.

Some "conservative" commentators are saying Durham is going after bigger "fish" and his loss of this case was something he was expecting anyway, and some conservative commentators are pointing out that there could be some very negative reasons for Durham having lost this "slam-dunk"case.

Here is former U S Attorney General William Barr's telling of how it is really a very positive thing that Durham did and to imply that "Durham got what he really wanted."

To me that means that Durham did not try with all his best efforts to lock up Sussman when he was clearly proven guilty.

I find that hard to respect and find it hard to believe that he deliberately let the case be lost for higher more important goals and reasons..

Durham does not produce results. This time we thought he had all he needed to get a conviction that would lead straight to getting Hillary Clinton and gang.

Source: WasingtonExaminer.com
Barr says Durham ‘accomplished something far more important’ than Sussmann conviction (https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/justice/barr-says-durham-accomplished-something-far-more-important-than-sussmann-conviction)

Former Attorney General William Barr praised the case brought by special counsel John Durham against Democratic cybersecurity lawyer Michael Sussmann, even though the prosecutor lost the legal fight this week.

More significant than securing a conviction, Barr reasoned Wednesday, is how Durham has pulled back the curtain regarding the extent to which Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign and its allies spread theories tying rival Donald Trump to Russia in the final months of the election, as well as the conduct of the FBI.

Barr, who appointed Durham to investigate the origins and conduct of the Russia inquiry, said the special counsel “accomplished something far more important” than a conviction by bringing out the “truth” across two areas.

“First, I think he crystallized the central role played by the Hillary campaign and launching as a dirty trick the whole Russiagate collusion narrative and fanning the flames of it,” he said. “And, second, I think he exposed really dreadful behavior by the supervisors in the FBI, the senior ranks of the FBI, who knowingly used this information to start an investigation of Trump and then duped their own agents by lying to them and refusing to tell them what the real source of that information was. And that was appalling.”

embedded video found at this address.

https://www.air.tv/watch?v=NUDjxqZBTQqmsQCHfy0t_Q (https://www.air.tv/watch?v=NUDjxqZBTQqmsQCHfy0t_Q)


Here is Dinesh D'Souza suggesting the possibility that Durham was really "in on" the whole "soft coup" Clinton and gang were trying to pull off.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4GpS_eipUWQ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4GpS_eipUWQ)

about first 9 minutes devoted to his thoughts on this.


I think all this acquittal proves it that those who could have gotten a conviction of Sussman did not know or care how much this small positive conviction would do for the public morale.
Sussman has been working on this case since 2017 and from all accounts he will be working on it long into future, with many possible extensions in time allowed beyond the 2023 limit, and now we are told Sussman's goal is really taking down the whole "Deep State."

We will be put off for years into the future. Meanwhile "they" will keep doing every evil thing they have been doing all along, and doing with continued impunity very recently -- false flags etc.


All I know is that Durham "served" with the U.S. Attorney's office for the state of Connecticut while he let go or went along with the false flag event that happened in Newtown Connecticut on 12-14-2012. (https://www.justice.gov/archives/usao-ct/meet-us-attorney-Durham)

We should not expect anything other than Durham continuing to string the public along and not put the treasonous gang in prison for life who have taken over our country.

End of Dachsie rant.