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23rd June 2022, 11:21 AM

Official Logo for Francis’ Trip to Canada released
June 23, 2022

At least no one will mistake it for a Catholic event now…
Official Logo for Francis’ Trip to Canada released


Today the Vatican officially confirmed that Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) will go on another blather tour “Apostolic Journey” to Canada from July 24-30, 2022. There he will visit Edmonton, Maskwacis, Lac Ste. Anne, Québec, and Iqaluit. The full program has been published here.

Chief purpose of the trip is to offer some more apologies to natives, who had visited the false pope in the Vatican earlier this year, after having discovered alleged mass graves near Catholic educational institutions, which the indigenous assume are testimony to ghastly deeds committed by Catholics against their prior generations many decades ago. That is far from certain, however; in fact, some say that it is a complete hoax:

“Another Anti-Catholic Media Hoax Exposed: News of ‘Unmarked Graves’ In Canada Revealed As a Fraud” (June 6, 2022)

“The year of the graves: How the world’s media got it wrong on residential school graves” (May 27, 2022)

“Not One Corpse Has Been Found In The ‘Mass Grave’ Of Indigenous Children In Canada” (Jan. 19, 2022)

With the confirmation of Francis’ trip to Canada, the Vatican also released the official logo for the event. It is the thing you see at the top of this post.

One could spend all day speculating about what the big life-filled circle is supposed to symbolize. Before long the Vatican will no doubt issue an official explanation. Meanwhile, one wonders: Is it a medicine wheel? Does it represent the circle of life? Eternal recurrence? The wheel of misfortune?

In any case, it does have a bit of a Ouroboros vibe to it, and this Freemasonic web site explains what that is and what significance it has for Freemasonry.

What is unmistakable about the emblem, however, is what is absent from it, namely, anything distinctively Christian. There is no cross or Crucifix, no saint, no liturgical symbolism, nothing recognizably Catholic at all. And no, the circle is not a halo, nor are the fish in it the ichthys symbol. On the positive side, at least it doesn’t include a dreamcatcher.

It is evident that this logo could just as easily have been used to announce a visit of the Dalai Lama, the Secretary General of the United Nations, a native American chief, or a Hindu guru. There is one good thing about it being so generic and vacuous, though, and that is that no one will mistake Francis for a representative of Catholicism on account of it. How’s that for truth in advertising! Interestingly enough, it is clear that the logo goes very well with Francis’ environmentalist encyclical, in which he writes: “Everything is connected” (Laudato Si’, n. 91).

The motto or theme of Bergoglio’s journey to Canada, which is included with the logo, is his ever-present “walking together” mantra. Under Francis, the Vatican has been using it obsessively, and never more than at the present time on account of the upcoming Synod on Synodality, whose initial stages of “walking together” have already begun.

The Greek word for “synod”, sunodos, means “meeting” and is derived “from sun- ‘together’ and hodos ‘way’,” according to the Oxford Dictionary of Word Histories (p. 498). Being on the way together, then, is the root of synod and hence at the basis of synodality.

That is what all the Vatican’s “walking together” craze is all about — it even comes with its own “spirituality” — as if the journey itself were the destination. Somehow it does not occur to these people that one can also be walking to hell together, so the mere fact of walking in unison doesn’t mean a whole lot.

It is perhaps a hint from Almighty God that just as the Vatican is obsessing ever more about “walking together”, Francis himself has become unable to walk, confined mostly to a wheelchair.

He who has eyes to see, let him see.