View Full Version : SEC: only bitcoin is a cypto commodity
29th June 2022, 04:33 PM
(((SEC))) says (((bitcoin))) and "only bitcoin" is a (((crypto commodity))). Not the other coins that threaten trackable/traceable Federal "government" promoted (((bitcoin)))
Paypal President and CEO (((Schulman))) is heavily invested in bitcoin, and only bitcoin.
Its bitcoin, not s**tcoin, says (((Wall Street))) (((BigTech)))
(((Rothschild))) is big into bitcoin
(((twitter))) promotes bitcoin investing as a suggested topic
The founder of bitcoin is a japanese name, and in Japanese that name translates to (((Central Intelligence)))
Bitcoin designed to track any purchase you make, the dream BigBrother currency
The next (((decentralized))) leader of bitcoin, after (((central intelligence Satoshi))), is
Meet new boss, same as old boss.
(((Democrats))) favor crypto over stock investing
The Paypal mafia is the new JP Morgans, Rockefellers of the 21st century the new class of oligarchs, Elon Musk is a transhumanist proponent and promoter of crypto:
The Jews sure did (((shut down))) the rise of gold and silver from crashing the (((banks))) and (((dollar))) with these bitcoins.
And now have their (((bitcoin commodity))) in place for the staged dollar collapse and hyperinflationary death spiral planned, planned by the usual suspects when the dollar collapses.
On GIM1, we knew if the dollar collapsed with gold and silver as the anti-dollar play, and gold and silver was the replacement of the dollar as world currency, then the zionists lose EVERYTHING.
29th June 2022, 04:44 PM
As established, Elon Musk is the deepest of the deepstate:
The "richest person" promoted by the (((usual suspects))) to be the hero of the masses.
Tesla is allowed to be hyped because it is owned by one of (((their own puppets))).
Now that has been established. Elon had Tesla, the favorite child of wall street deepstaters, invest in bitcoin as part of that transhumanist future of paying like the Chicoms with phones and a cashless society, where the (((usual suspects))) own most of the bitcoin.
The deepstate wants you to invest in bitcoin as shown here:
Serve the deepstate, make Tesla richer.
(((They))) are using the uninformed masses as the avant garde to promote cia goals. And most are not aware, believing that their movement is destroying the jews, when the jews are using them to destroy enemies of the jewish monopoly system.
29th June 2022, 04:49 PM
Bitcoin is planned where the helpers of the zionists get to be the billionaires, and those present rich invested in bitcoin are going to make trillionaire rothschilds look poor. That is the monopoly system that is being set in place. Who are the dupes, those who are going to make billions in bitcoin. The dollar is planned to collapse and silver and gold are "to never be allowed" to be the replacement.
The usual suspects are going to double down on bitcoin till the dollar collapses and the 1984 currency is global and the main payment allowed.
How can there be resistance in the world when everything you buy is tracked by the "government". Logs on who pay what to whom, it IS BigBrother, not only the currency of BigBrother.
29th June 2022, 05:03 PM
Can a CEO of a wall street company go back to how things were days ago, if somebody hacks into the stock and creates 180 billion shares of new stock.
No the whole thing would be investigated with some regard to traders who lost money.
Bitcoin is so centralized that Satoshi/the cia had kingly power over bitcoin, to hard fork it and have investors lose bitcoin they earned during the scandal period.
Bitcoin is about total control, by those who are the handlers of the gatekeepers, of the cia who run bitcoin.
A person with a high IQ reads this:
And figures out that the whole decentralization is a lie. Bitcoin has been more centralized that fortune 500 companies. The cia rarely uses those powers to sell the con.
And the whole be your own central banker, should tell you that this bitcoin is the (((CORPORATION OF WASHINGTON DC))) approved central bank to replace the dollars if the dollar collapses. (((THE CORPORATION OF WASHINGTON DC))) prefers bitcoin 1984 where the vast majority of bitcoin is owned by the deepstate. This is the creature of Jekyll Island 2.0. Far worse than the original that some notes payed in gold. Did not lose total privacy. Was spread out among workers. This bitcoin is 1984.
29th June 2022, 05:50 PM
Remember when Book stated that gold is not money because gold was not going up, Book said bitcoin is money because it went from pennies to 60,000 (and is planned to go to 100 million). Jews want revenge on those that took out the investment banks, banks who were shorting silver and gold. GIM1 impoverished bankers and the Feds (((shut it down))). Bitcoin was invented to (((shut down))) silver and gold. Their revenge is silver and gold stay flat in price, which is the main objective of (((THE CORPORATION OF WASHINGTON DC))) for the past 5 decades. Wars are secondary. Can't have wars without FRNs or BTCs. Jews want revenge with gold and silver investors in poverty and those who went along with (((bitcoin))) get rewarded as billionaires.
With the Feds and their cia-bots owning 50%+ of bitcoin, and bitcoin goes to 100 million+ in 2020 dollar valuation, you have enough to buy the globe. You have more than Rothschild wealth. With a thousand trillion dollars, or if bitcoin is in higher demand, 10 thousand trillion dollars, you fund US military budget and wars for over 5 thousand years. That is bitcoin. Or buy the globe over. Or both. (((bitcoin))) is the dream of the usual suspects in spades. In trillions of spades. As the masses around the globe are desperate for bitcoin because it is so scarce.
bitcoin is designed deliberately to be both scarce and fund the US war machine Something that gold could never do. Gold as money shuts down the (((CORPORATION OF WASHINGTON DC))) war machine and zio-machine. Bitcoin is there to be the better than FRN. Poverty for the masses, bitcoins for the Feds. And a zero privacy 1984 system.
(((They))) want you to be the builders of the Temple. Get their enemies to slave for them to build the 1984 bitcoin currency. Shut down and impoverish the gold and silver investors. Get the traitors rich in the new central bank of (((bitcoin))). This is how the deepstate operates. My guess is the deepstate is mildly mad that bitcoin libertarians are holding onto their bitcoins. As they are going to be billionaires if the dollar collapses. There is a committee of billionaires to stop the creation of new billionaires, because the Oligarchs do not want competition. The shift of the new money investments is to wall street. The bitcoin libertarians build the Jewish Temple, now onto wallstreet to "carry the torch".
29th June 2022, 08:05 PM
Great info. From day one I believed Bitcoin was a government psyop. It is the IRS’ wet dream because all transactions are recorded on thousands of ledgers and generate taxable events. I said Bitcoin was a monetary dry well designed to siphon capital away from the PMs and thus suppress their prices. I believe guys like Max Kaiser and Michael Saylor are in bed with the deep state and have been hawking Bitcoin like true sell outs. For me ultimate tell was when Bitcoin started getting a ticker and frequent discussions on the MSM. If the supposed Japanese name that invented Bitcoin actually translates to ‘central intelligence’ that nails it: they always plan their schemes in plain sight.
2nd July 2022, 06:34 PM
There is a committee of billionaires to stop the creation of new billionaires, because the Oligarchs do not want competition.
Been saying this for years. Gates billions goes to vaccines.
Buffett cannot have a Rockefeller Dynasty either. Buffet billions goes to reducing population too.
Warren Buffett has promised to give away 99% of his wealth when he dies. A family charity that quietly focuses on reproductive rights could get a huge windfall
The Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation, a quiet but major funder of reproductive rights, is making plans to receive up to $100 billion from Warren Buffett's estate.
The paypal mafia is the new class of JP Morgans, Rockefellers, carngies. Elon Musk won't be giving away billions. The Paypal mafia is to be the robber barons of the 21st century. Gates and Buffet billions goes to reducing global population for "easier control".
Buffett is not in on it, Buffett is clueless and probably told that giving away money is the thing to do. And Gates is a stooge for the cia backers and has to give away fortune to kill negros in Africa with vaccines for Gates henchman boss Kissinger and Rockefeller.
Buffett could buy up gold and sit on it, helping free gold prices to the moon. Instead is a traitor in donating wealth to Kissinger and Rockefeller causes, same as Gates.
Imagine Buffett children and grandchildren running for senate and congress, owning much of wall street, and are not in on it with the shlomos. Could watch some 9/11 videos that expose mossad, and the Buffett family becomes a 6 millionth holocaust in exposing the jews. If you are not part of the "circle of helpers" and go to mansion parties, you are wanted to be poor. Gates (circle of helpers and mansion party attendee) has to give up billions, to show you that henchmen of Kissinger are not to easily get Dynasties. The paypal mafia are going to be the new Kissingers and Rockefellers. And their two projects are (((bitcoin))) and (((transhumanism))). And the robber barons want you to demand it from them.
7th July 2022, 06:41 PM
Usual suspects wants to cause inflation.
You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.
-(((Rahm Emanuel)))
SEC is headed by (((Gary Gensler))) to set (((bitcoin))) as the (((new commodity))) to replace gold if the Creature of Jekyll Is 1.0 central bank fails... to promote the new central bank - the even worse Creature of Jekyll Island 2.0. No gold, no paper money. A digital currency that tracks and records who paid what to whom on permanent ledgers. Zero privacy. Only Obey. "Govt agents" can easily seize the new cia money (((bitcoin))). Designed by the Feds to make seizure fast, easy and underreported. (((Government owned and regulated))). (((Satoshi Nakamoto))) replaced libertarian gold investing with something that is the wet dream of the (((CORPORATION OF WASHINGTON DC))), so much so that (((the corporation))) said a decade ago: congress and regulators should not disturb/ban (((bitcoin))) for it held long term promise.
7th July 2022, 06:52 PM
In 1866 Iowa doubled the number of counties in the state. They did this by instructing county treasurer's to keep one account for specie and another account for paper. Yet any county can have only one account.
Along comes crypto. Expect each county to establish an account for Bitcoin payments. This would permit Iowa to have 297 counties instead of the 99 they officially have.
This makes for some interesting deeds for land. If you pay your tax bill in specie you have removed your land from the paper & Bitcoin counties. Your payment to the state physically removes your land from obligations to obey the laws of two other counties with the same name but different accounts.
7th July 2022, 07:02 PM
GIM1 of anty ep and ponce and gold and silver...
was taken over by the the Paypal Mafia of GIM2
Which is the replacement of Ron Paul with Trump; and gold and silver with (((bitcoin))) under auspices of libertarianism.
The paypal mafia are supposedly libertarians. Yet they do not promote gold and silver buying to take down the bankers.
The paypal mafia is the jew sanctioned new robber barons to lead the "resistance" to transhumanist communist digital jew owned end of transhumanism and bitcoin if the dollar fails.
The most important thing to the jews is what to do if the federal reserve collapses, it almost did in 2008, until the communist Chinese saved the dollar with hundreds of billions to save the bankers.
So the jews started their own new central bank, sold it to those who were the major threat to the jews, the libertarian gold and silver buyers. Had those libertarians transform into the avant garde of Trumpism and bitcoinism backed by Paypal mafia robber barons.
The jews developed their own controlled opposition central bank. Controlling both federal reserve and (((bitcoin))), and got the libertarians to stop focusing on gold and silver, which was the main threat to jews and Washington. More so than Osama, China, and other rest of the Washington booggiemen.
The paypal mafia link to GIM2 agenda of trump and (((bitcoin))) is another layer of proof. The jews took over the libertarian movement. The libertarians are fractured and owned. GIM1 is only left in remnant when the movement was millions strong of gold and silver buying, took down multi-billion dollar investment banks.
Jews vote buy, stuff mouths full of cash as hush money, and bitcoin is another of these tactics to get rid of the competition. Additionally, you become a member of team jew believing you are fighting the jews when you buy into (((bitcoin))). Bitcoin is designed to be worth over 100 million as the global currency to replace the dollar. The similar thing happened with jewbot Trump. Fights the jews with Jared Kushner and Trump. Fight the jews with (((bitcoin))) and trump. Be part of the deepstate, support Trump and Pre-Crime.
You guys have no clue on how much the jews hate you gold and silver buyers trying to take down the bankers. Had gold and silver won over the bankers. The bankers would have lost everything. Disgraced jews, real libertarianism would have won, 1984 defeated, statism defeated, Washington defeated, Israel exposed. Gold and silver was the main and total front to destroy the banksters.
The paypal mafia's deception on (((bitcoin))) is the grand deception. (((Bitcoin))) ensures decades of zionist control. (((Bitcoin))) is the jewish temple of money. (((Bitcoin))) is the federal reserve in that the masses believe the bank is power to the people, when both were started by international central bankers and other criminals.
the new JP Morgan bankers of 21st century are the paypal mafia. Rothschild is playing Emeritus enjoying the show of the grand deception as Rothschild puppets are your leaders. (((Bitcoin))). Trump. Musk. What next to fool the masses. As Rothschild laughs to the bank to further riches.
Gold and silver is about taking out the bankers. As gold and silver rises, things get completely out of control for bankers. The house of cards collapses. (((Bitcoin))) does not do this, is not designed to do this. (((Bitcoin))) went from pennies to 60K. (((Bitcoin))) is designed for the 2020s, when inflation hits the dollar and the dollar collapses, what currency is promoted by the bankster to be the new central bank that tracks and traces and records your transactions for 1984, with zero privacy. (((Bitcoin))).
You had to be part of GIM1 and that movement to see this. Nobody else can figure this out because...
The Talmud Vision proposed "resistance" is trump and (((bitcoin))). "The media hates Trump"... therefore "freedom started with Trump" to Trumpers. The Trump deception.
Would Talmud Vision give a history of real resistance and have that be the opposition to the jews. No, jews have controlled opposition to have their sock puppets be your "leaders". With GIM1 as the national resistance, Jews lose. So Jews shut it down. With gold and silver as the resistance, jews lose, so jews shut precious metals down with (((bitcoin))) central bank. (((Bitcoin))), Powell, Musk and Trump are the controlled opposition that lead to 1984.
The whole jew agenda is to make you forget your history and to forget real freedom. GIM1 was about real freedom. We had a lighthouse, reference point, guiding light. When your movement began with Trump "fighting" the Pompeo cia, you are lost.
GIM1 had elders who were schooled in every topic the jews hate.
Paypal mafia is involved in cia projects of SpaceX, bitcoin, Trump, transhumanism, surveillance state, monopoly capitalism.
Paypal mafia goes to joe rogan show to show how chill and cool these individuals are to be your designated "populist leader".
Paypal Mafia are worse than Alex Jones. They are controlled opposition jew approved bankers.
14th July 2022, 05:19 AM
The plan for 2022 seems to be get dollar stronger than rest of the currencies. Get (((Bitcoin))) higher in market cap than other alt coins. Destroy the paper currencies competition to the dollar. Destroy alt coin competition to the new central bank. crash the whole thing and have the new central bank of (((bitcoin))) be the currency.
This is what the banker war is about.
22nd July 2022, 10:18 AM
as a tech most stupid is BTC.. Ripple or other DeFi much better
22nd July 2022, 10:43 AM
Compare bitcoin with Monero
Monero: The Privacy Coin Explained
Privacy coins built on their own blockchains have a firm hold within the larger cryptocurrency community, even as regulators and exchanges seek to limit their adoption. This post is part of CoinDesk's Privacy Week series.
Monero’s privacy protections also set it aside from competitors, not just because they aren’t optional but because of the ways they hide the sender, the receiver and even the amount being sent. While Zcash chiefly uses zero-knowledge proofs, among other features, to add privacy functionality, Monero’s main privacy feature includes:
Ring confidential transactions (Ring CTs.)
Stealth addresses.
Dandelion ++.
The underlying technology is so effective that, in 2020, the Internal Revenue Service called upon experts to help crack Monero’s privacy features; issuing a $625,000 reward to anyone who could successfully do it.
IRS hates Monero. (((SEC))) promotes (((bitcoin))) as a commodity, promotes (((bitcoin))) on wall street, bankers and big tech are heavily promoting (((bitcoin))). (((Bitcoin))) tracks and traces and records transactions on public ledgers, made easy for the deepstate to know your banking history, any transaction you make, once (((bitcoin))) is the central bank to replace the dollar, Washington knows immediately who is sending what to whom. And with the deepstate plan to make (((bitcoin))) the replacement central bank, more important than privacy concerns is many times Rothschild level wealth planned for the market cap of (((bitcoin))), the deepstate had over a decade to corner the market and hide this reality. Once paper currencies are globally banned, the deepstate would be able to fund endless wars and pay for liberty killing policies with the cornering of the market. (((Bitcoin))) is 1984 system. The altcoins are not. They are the gold and silver to the new federal reserve that is (((bitcoin))).
The two main criteria Monero achieves are:
Untraceability: This means it’s impossible to determine where something came from – in this instance, a transaction made using XMR, the native cryptocurrency of Monero.
Unlinkability: This refers to the inability to establish a connection between people involved in a transaction or to prove various transactions were sent to the same person.
Ring Confidential Transactions (Ring CTs)
A ring confidential transaction is made up of two parts: One is a Multilayered Linkable Spontaneous Anonymous Group (MLSAG) ring signature, which obscures the amounts, origins, and destinations of transactions; the second is confidential transactions, which uses a cryptographic technique called the Pederson commitment to obscure transaction amounts.
The Pedersen commitment allows cryptography to be performed on a transaction such that the transaction can be verified while only the sender and receiver see the amount being exchanged.
Ring CTs allow “decoy” coins to be added to transactions, meaning the true amounts aren’t visible except to the parties involved. Even so, with multiple inputs, the transactions balance out such that it ensures no new monero tokens are minted in the process.
Read More: Cake Wallet Brings Usernames to Crypto Addresses With Unstoppable Domains
In October, Monero adopted CLSAGs, which is just a more efficient form of its ring signature; they were approximately 10% to 15% faster to verify, as well as smaller, according to Ehrenhofer.
Stealth addresses
Stealth addresses create an additional layer of privacy for Monero users. Stealth addresses essentially create burner addresses – or one-time public keys – for each transaction, with a sender generating a new address to send XMR tokens with a bit of additional data attached.
Those bits of data are then used by the owner of the address to create the private keys used to access the funds in the address.
Only the parties involved know the stealth address corresponds to the actual Monero address. Because new stealth addresses are generated by each sender, transactions on the blockchain don’t link back to the actual address. Think of it as calling someone repeatedly using a different phone number each time. This would make it impossible for anyone on the outside to know who was calling, and whether it was the same person or not.
Bulletproofs and Dandelion ++
In 2018, Monero implemented bulletproofs, a protocol that made confidential transactions faster and more scalable. It cut the data size of confidential transactions, which were quite large given the decoy coins involved, by about 80%.
“Blockchain bloat was definitely an issue for Monero,” said pseudonymous Monero cryptographer Sarang Noether, who assisted with the bulletproofs integration. “They’re not about anonymity; they are about assuring that the other stuff we do for anonymity works correctly.”
So while bulletproofs weren’t about adding new privacy functionality, they were key to speeding up Monero transactions while lowering the fees associated with them.
Finally, in 2020 Monero implemented Dandelion ++, a feature for hiding the IP addresses associated with nodes (computers that help to validate the Monero blockchain), so that it cut down the risk of such identifying information being used to deanonymize transactions. IP addresses could be used by internet service providers (ISP) or even virtual network providers (VPN) to identify you. Which is not ideal when you’re running a node in order to help maintain a privacy-focused network.
20th December 2024, 04:12 AM
(((They))) want you to be the builders of the Temple. Get their enemies to slave for them to build the 1984 bitcoin currency. Shut down and impoverish the gold and silver investors. Get the traitors rich in the new central bank of (((bitcoin))). This is how the deepstate operates. My guess is the deepstate is mildly mad that bitcoin libertarians are holding onto their bitcoins. As they are going to be billionaires if the dollar collapses. There is a committee of billionaires to stop the creation of new billionaires, because the Oligarchs do not want competition. The shift of the new money investments is to wall street. The bitcoin libertarians build the Jewish Temple, now onto wallstreet to "carry the torch".
Called it two years ago...
Crypto has a chance to join polite society — if it can get out of its own way
The libertarians and others built the Jewish money temple of Bitcoin. The new process is making bitcoin fully mainstream and normalized.
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