View Full Version : Gonzalo Lira: The Netherlands Is On Fire

6th July 2022, 09:14 PM

6th July 2022, 10:40 PM
This guy is dense. The deliberate takedown of mankind, the economy and the financial system is in-your-face obvious and has been for several years. Just a few evidences:

1. Covid vaccines that are NOT vaccines (by definition), cause premature death and disease, and contain graphene oxide and nanoparticles.
2. These deadly jabs were mandated and forced on millions via threat of losing jobs and careers; simultaneously simple and inexpensive remedies were suppressed, or outright outlawed: a clear intent to cause maximum death and harm!
3. Negative interest rates in the EU were a de facto looting of their public pension system which is now broke.
4. The COVID lockdowns were unjustified, unconstitutional and destroyed thousands of small businesses and landlords. Simultaneously the FED enforced interest rate repressions, destroying the savings of millions and handed $trillions in virtually free money to hedge funds and corporations to buy up the distressed assets that the FED created.
5. Biden has shut down pipelines and oil/gas leases while simultaneously forcing a war with Russia by violating the Minsk Accord and aiding and arming the overtly pro-Nazi Ukraine regime to bomb Russian-speaking regions of Ukraine and kill ethnic Russians. The embargo of Russian oil/gas exports to the west has guaranteed massive shortages and high energy inflation, in western Europe and the US. Millions will freeze to death this winter.

I could go on and on and on. You have to be braindead not to see the deliberate and premeditated destruction of the west and killing of millions.

7th July 2022, 10:37 PM
Well it's nice to see you back sluming in this little backwater, Mamboni.

I'm glad you got all that off your chest.

I rather liked the report about the Dutch Farmers from Gonzalo. Just the facts without a diatribe.
I was aware of the Dutch situation as UK Column did a nice peice on it. From a guy who lives there.

7th July 2022, 10:51 PM
Well it's nice to see you back sluming in this little backwater, Mamboni.

I'm glad you got all that off your chest.

I rather liked the report about the Dutch Farmers from Gonzalo. Just the facts without a diatribe.
I was aware of the Dutch situation as UK Column did a nice peice on it. From a guy who lives there.

BTW Abe of Japan has been shot in the last hour. I would not defend violence except in self defense. There seems to be a pattern emerging of increasing violent acts against western governments.

8th July 2022, 04:49 AM
It is completely out in the open for all to see. All governments have been captured by the Hostile Elite and they are shutting down our capacity to feed ourselves. This is a blatant and clear war on humanity. It cannot be any clearer.

8th July 2022, 04:07 PM
Don't trust G.L. I thought this was settled. Dude is a shyster...

9th July 2022, 06:08 AM


15:32 video runtime

Manufactured Food Crisis: Elite's "Great Reset" Plan to Take Farmer's Land, Convert it to Housing
Premiered 13 hours ago
Facts Matter with Roman Balmakov
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