View Full Version : The 2022 woke Washington quarter with subliminals

midnight rambler
9th July 2022, 07:39 AM
Check out the woke features on the 2022 Washington quarter, George Washington has been turned to his left and his countenance now clearly features a frown.


9th July 2022, 08:44 AM
That new George looks woke and somewhat stressed, like he just read a tweet that needs to be censored.

9th July 2022, 09:12 AM
Remember back in the day when woke meant red-pilled.

Use woke in a sentence.

"The Ron Paul voters shouted 'the jews did 9/11', they were woke."

GIM2/Sarah Palin/Trump were about replacement theology. The words we used like woke and patriot have been twisted and now describe those loyal to the zio state.

Use woke in a sentence in 2022

"That person favored CRT, sure is woke"

Use Patriot in a sentence in 2022

"John waved the trump flag and said would vote for Pompeo and other cia and zionist employees, John is a patriot, loyal to Republicans"

Woke used to describe those who did not like blacks and jews. Patriot used to describe those who did not like zionists running Washington.

Jews shut down GIM1 so there would not even be a memory of GIM1. In 2022. A red pilled person is a person who falls for the jews controlled op - ie Alex Jonestown. A woke person is a person who likes blacks. A patriot is a person who goes along with zionist Republicans.

There is barely a memory of woke red-pilled patriot libertarians buying gold and silver to crash the banks and impoverish the bankers over a dozen years ago. Barely a memory. By design of jews.

Most involved believe Trumpstein is fighting the jewish deepstate. Trump is your anti-"woke" "patriot", a puppet of jews. Woke meaning replaced. Patriot meaning replaced.


When you figure out every reason why the jews shut down GIM1, you are officially off the cia reservation of Trump and Republicans in a post-GIM1 era. When your entire reality is replacement theology of Trumpism and other ZOG agents, then you are on a cia reservation.

The jews held back a damn holding back "racists" and "politically incorrect" for decades. Jews flew planes into the damn in 2016, and made Trump the leader of the deplorables. Jews by design allowed and fomented and led the "resistance" into Trump because Trump was to lead the movement to the new PNAC cia jew brand of Trumpism. The new Christian Zionists were those that the jews were holding back in that damn. Trump was by design of jewish media to be the leader of the deplorables.

Remember on GIM1, we would discuss topics like this

How did Freemasonry Influence the Design of Washington, D.C.?
