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10th July 2022, 12:33 PM
Is Sri Lanka leading the way into the New World Order? Or is it showing us the way out?https://leohohmann.com/2022/07/09/is-sri-lanka-leading-the-way-into-the-new-world-order-or-is-it-showing-us-the-way-out/ (too long to bring it all over, some videos too)

Ranil reportedly signed an agreement with the WEF in 2016 that placed him under the wing of the globalists. He is a puppet politician (sound familiar, Canadians, Americans, Europeans?) who does not answer to his citizens. He answers to foreign entities in London, New York, Brussels and Davos.
We have unearthed a video of Ranil speaking at the WEF in 2016 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qxfw6dFvr9g) (see below), where he refers to a bailout from the IMF and pledges his fealty to the globalists under a “restructured” economy.
At around the 7-minute mark of this video (see below), a Chinese reporter asks the Sri Lankan PM about his country’s role in the WEF-facilitated “Fourth Industrial Revolution” and how China fits into that plan. In his answer, Ranil displays his willingness to pimp his country out to the Chinese Communist Party, offering “large infrastructure projects funded by the Chinese government.” This includes giving the Chinese communists rights to develop a port city in Sri Lanka.
Ranil said he would also like to see Chinese investments in his country, which of course always come with a price tag, in the form of influence over government policies favorable to the Chinese. That’s exactly how it’s worked in the United States, where U.S. politicians, business oligarchs and media outlets get paid handsomely to sell out their country’s working-class citizens.

Sri Lankans go after the central bank

16th July 2022, 11:41 AM
latest from Greg Reese

The Crucial Difference Between the Fall of Sri Lanka and the Dutch Uprising (https://www.lewrockwell.com/2022/07/no_author/the-crucial-difference-between-the-fall-of-sri-lanka-and-the-dutch-uprising/) By Alexandra Bruce
Forbidden Knowledge TV (https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net)
July 16, 2022


What we are seeing in Sri Lanka is system failure and that is nothing to celebrate.
There is no victory in system failure.
In fact, it is what these tyrants are counting on. It’s part of the plan and it’s been their business model for decades, as simple as the mafia movies on TV.
The World Bank and the IMF strong-arm world leaders into accepting loans that are designed to bankrupt the nation, while the CIA acts as management, secretly administering to the overthrow of national sovereignty and administering to the nation’s wealth.
This international mafia organization has been doing it like this for years, because it always works.
They know that once the people become an angry, hungry mob, they can be controlled like animals. And this reactive behavior is exactly what these Globalist crooks are counting on. It’s why they are destroying the world’s economies and creating a food crisis.
So the answer is to become proactive. And that is exacly what the Dutch are now showing us: How the people can achieve victory against the tyrants of the New World Order.
The prolific farmers of the Netherlands are the second-biggest food exporters in the world and they know that the World Economic Forum is planning on buying-up their land and cutting off the food supply for billions of people.
And they also know that the people united are an unstoppable force. And so, they united agains tyranny and peacefully, with unstoppable strength shut down the system.
The shelves in many stores are now empty. But it’s on their terms and the people now have the upper hand – as it should be – and could be, everywhere, if we wanted.
The New World Order’s plan is for all nations to collapse, which tells us that we must not wait until system failure.
We must act now.
Many people all over the world are now starting to rise up together with the Dutch farmers, rising up – not as a reactive, hungry, angry mob – but as a righteous people, united in a love for humanity.
Society is made up of We, the People and we must now peacefully take control of it. This is the path to victory.
And time is quickly running out. The lockdowns are coming back. China has announced 5 more years of lockdowns and if you’re awake by now, then you know they’re coming back everywhere, with quarantine camps and forced business closures, all designed to mentally break us and collapse society.
If we were to believe we’re powerless and weak or domesticated pets, then yes, the only path would be to wait until the food runs out and then join the angry mob.
But if we were to believe that we were righteous and powerful, then we would just fix it.
So, what’s the plan, fellow humans?
Do we wait for the inevitable collapse and lose everything, celebrating system failure?
Or do we learn from the Dutch and take control of everything and fix the system so that it serves We, the People?
Reprinted with the author’s permission.

17th July 2022, 02:19 AM
I believe Iceland may have shown us one way out. I haven't heard much from them in a couple years though.

Sark Island showed us another way out too but in the wrong direction. Sark was once known (in the movie Waterworld) as the last dry Land on earth (being the last jurisdiction of common law) but they fell to Demonocracy around 10 years ago.

26th July 2022, 04:03 PM
Greg was right.

thecountersignal.com: Sri Lanka implements QR code digital ID fuel rationing (https://thecountersignal.com/sri-lanka-implements-qr-code-digital-id-fuel-rationing/)

July 21, 2022
Sri Lanka has begun forcing citizens to use a QR code to access gas pumps as part of a nationwide fuel rationing scheme.

The policy was introduced by the Sri Lankan Minister of Power and Energy, Kanchana Wijesekera, at the behest of Sri Lanka’s new President Ranil Wickremesinghe — a member and agenda contributor (https://www.weforum.org/agenda/authors/ranil-wickremesinghe) of the World Economic Forum (WEF).

“After initial technical issues, FuelPass QR system was successfully tested today. [The] pilot project will continue before going national next week. Last Digit Number Plate Fuel Quota will ease the fuel lines in the next few days with distribution speeding up islandwide,” Wijesekera wrote in a Tweet (https://twitter.com/kanchana_wij/status/1550101768624914432) earlier today.

“I thank the fuel station owners who supported, the public that adopted and assisted, forces and volunteers that assisted [in implementing it]. Some fuel stations did not adopt [it], [and] some individuals manipulated [or] falsified [QR codes], and did not want this implemented. However, it will be enforced islandwide.”

Introduction to the National Fuel Pass will be held @ 12.30pm. A guaranteed weekly fuel quota will be allocated. 1 Vehicle per 1 NIC, QR code allocated once Vehicle Chassis number & details verified. 2 days of the week according to Last Digit of number plate for fueling with QR. https://t.co/hLMI9Nm5ZF

— Kanchana Wijesekera (@kanchana_wij) July 16, 2022
As per the Fuel Quota policies, Sri Lankans will have to apply with their National Identity Card Numbers once their ID and other details are verified and will then be assigned a QR code to access gas at pumps across the country.

Sri Lankans will then be made to take turns to get fuel based on the last digit of their vehicle registration numbers. However, tourists and foreigners will be given priority to get fuel in Colombo (the largest city in Sri Lanka) — likely to avoid even more damage to Sri Lanka’s tourism industry.

Sort of.

Not only is the new Prime Minister a Davos guy, but take a look at this bit of his wikipedia bio:


He served as Prime Minister of Sri Lanka in five separate stints, leading six governments, from 1993 to 1994, 2001 to 2004, 2015 to 2018, 2018 to 2019, and in 2022.