15th July 2022, 03:47 PM
Just posting this thread because I've heard two sides on this issue (I tend to think they are all in on it, especially after seeing the Greg Reese video about BRICS, which claimed that the whole idea of BRICS came from a Goldman Sachs economist--so more of the bankers controlling both sides).
Video here makes it look like China is in on it (so is China controlled by the satanic jewish central bankers behind the scenes?)
Chinese citizens, handcuffed, lining up under the SWAT team's watch to take their daily mandatory Covid test to keep their QR code Covid pass valid to keep their life going on. Is this what you want for the rest of your life?
Professor Michel Chossudovsky and Peter Koenig (former economist with World Bank, who has been warning about the Great Reset/Agenda ID2030/QR tyranny) both seem to say that China and Russia are not on board (news to me)
I've listened to Tom Luongo, and based on Russia's recent actions (breaking free of the dollar, not selling oil in dollar), he seems to think Russia is NOT on board.
Maybe a month or so ago, there was a group debate on this issue with Whitney Webb running the debate. Luongo was there. Plus that Matt Erhat (something like that) guy who agreed with Luongo that Russia not part of it.
But then there were others who thought Russia was with the WEF/Great Resetters (not clear if talking only about Putin or talking about infiltration of the Russian govt--seems like much of this is via stealth, behind the scenes with permanent govt). I might have posted a link to that debate on another thread, but I can't remember where.
Anyway, this is one of the guys who says Russia is with the WEF/Great Reset:
Resetting Without Schwab: Russia & the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Despite the World Economic Forum severing ties with Russia, Moscow has shown little interest in deviating from Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset playbook. Will the growing split between East and West result in fundamentally different paths?
16th July 2022, 08:28 AM
Vote Democrat for Communism and Zionism and war with Russia.
Vote Republican for Zionism and Communism and war with China.
WEF is NeoMarxism for MBAers.
Top-tier useful idiots.
16th July 2022, 10:42 AM
China is all jew all the time.
Chabad runs the Rus.
17th July 2022, 03:35 PM
This is from 2014 and earlier
The Rockefeller Plan for the BRICS New World Order, in their own words… (Update 1 – Putin and Kissinger’s friendship) (
And this brings us to the subject of the BRICS…
The BRICS role in erecting the New World Order
Prospect goes on to address the status of those nations that were “freed” by the engineered collapse of the Old World Order… (
…(from page 164)
If we remove the spin from this passage, it tells us that the new nation-states’ drive to achieve true independence must be “balanced by converging forces.” And what form did these “converging forces” take? The globalists employed hot & cold wars and insurgencies, trade conflicts, and “economic hit men” to make life unbearable for any nation-state attempting to be independent. All this strife forced such nations to reach out to international institutions for “help” (which came in the form of military occupation or debt bondage).
Only in the arms of the globalist institutions would such nations find any peace… (
…(from page 61)
When Prospect spoke on page 60 of what animates such peoples… (
…it brought to mind something I wrote in an old article titled David Wilcock and the Real NWO, Part 2 of 2 (
>>>Why China? Why would the Illuminati, whose home base is in Western Europe, have the Chinese front the public face of their New World Order?
A clue to their motivations and strategy can be found in this article, titled “Colonial Elite Rules China for the Illuminati (” In it, the author states…
“The Chinese people would revolt against overt foreign domination, but embrace their place in the NWO if they believed they were in control.”
The Chinese have suffered greatly at the hands of Western imperialism, as has much of the world. As a result, the Illuminati would have trouble roping many nations into a Western-led New World Order, especially the nationalistic Chinese. Since you can’t have a truly global order without the most populous nation on Earth, the Illuminati opted to use their own legacy of destruction to their advantage. Their two-part strategy to do so is as follows:
1 – They set up a China-centered alliance as an opposing force to the Western alliance.
This part of the strategy was hinted at in the mainstream press in this 2002 UPI article, titled “China Wants Its Own ‘New World Order’ To Oppose US Version (” It is common practice for the Cabal to use opposing forces to achieve their ends, and they always make sure they have influence or control over both sides.
2 – They have been driving the world public into the hands of the Chinese alliance.
How have they approached this, you ask?
> They have widely publicized a heinous New World Order planned by the Western Powers… (
…while simultaneously publicizing a benign New World Order planned by China and its allies… (
…thus establishing danger from one side and safety from another.
> They have instigated outrageous and provocative action, both economic and military, by the Western powers (this adds a new insight into the open-for-all-to-see Wall Street / City of London criminality and recent Western military boondoggles in Afghanistan, Iraq, Egypt, Libya, and Syria).
> They have broadly exposed damaging information about Western nations, especially the US. This is the motivation behind WikiLeaks, Snowden, and a thousand smaller disclosures. And after Snowden outed the NSA’s activities to the general public, where did he run to hide? First to China (Hong Kong), then to Russia. So what is the psychological message? China and Russia (the BRICS alliance) are where you run for safety from the evil US, its Western allies, and all their horrible behavior.
It is really very simple: the Illuminati built a rabbit trap (in the BRICS alliance) that looks like a nice, safe hole to hide from danger. Now they are beating the bushes (with the Western powers) to drive the rabbits toward the trap.<<<
Clearly, the globalists took into account “the aspirations of peoples all over the globe… to emerge rapidly and conclusively from the era of colonialism” in their planning of the NWO. It is for this reason that the BRICS alliance was formed and the NWO was designed in a multipolar fashion. They want the oppressed peoples of the world to join together and see themselves beating the West. And they want them to believe that the Illuminati’s multipolar New World Order represents their final victory over oppression and ascension to equality, when it is actually just the beginning of a new phase of subjugation and their fall into equality as global serfs.
With the Rockefeller plan for the BRICS New World Order laid out before us, let’s take a look at how it was implemented.
China: Building up the False Savior
Major moves towards building the New World Order outlined in Prospect for America began in the late sixties…
1969 – The International Monetary Fund (IMF) introduces the Special Drawing Right, the planned replacement for the US dollar as the global reserve currency (… (
July 1971 – former Special Studies Project director Henry Kissinger held secret meetings in China to lay the groundwork for their introduction onto the global stage. Here he is with Chinese Premier Chou En-Lai (a.k.a. Zhou Enlai) during the visit… (
August 1971 – President Richard Nixon takes America off of the gold standard… (
…This was the first major explosion in the dollar’s demolition as the global reserve currency (to make way for its replacement by the globalists’ SDR sometime around 2018).
February 1972 – Nixon visits (and “opens”) China. Here he is with Chairman Mao… (
June 1973 – David Rockefeller Sr. visits China ( to start working out implementation details for what is to come. Here he is meeting with Premier Chou En-Lai… (
So what was set in motion by these events? By 1978, Deng Xiaoping ( took power and “developed ‘Socialism with Chinese characteristics’ and Chinese economic reform, also known as the ‘socialist market economy,’ and opened China to the global market.” An interesting view on the hidden dynamics behind this development is offered in the above-linked “Colonial Elite Rules China for the Illuminati” article…
“Wang Hao, a historian at the China Institute of International Studies, has recorded that Mao’s deputy Zhou Enlai met David Rockefeller in June 1973:
‘When meeting David Rockefeller, Zhou said to him that it was necessary to find appropriate methods conducive to the development of the trade between two sides under different political systems.’
The corporate-communist merger began when Deng Xiaoping came to power in the late 1970s and introduced his market reforms with the slogan ‘to get rich is glorious.’
However, after 30 years of Maoism his regime was hopelessly ill equipped to run a market economy. They turned to the wealthiest Chinese tycoons in Hong Kong for guidance.
The most powerful HK tycoon is Li Ka-Shing, the richest Asian in the world and an Illuminati insider.”
(For Fritz Springmeier’s writeup on the Illuminati Li family, click here (
This helped put in place a Chinese elite that “is a merger between the Communist leadership, Hong Kong tycoons, and the criminal Triads. All three factions derive their power from Illuminati collaboration.”
Needless to say, globalist coordination with China… (
…and their BRICS partner Russia… (
…has continued unabated to this day.
In closing, I’d simply say that any global solution offered to us in the coming years is, in fact, a globalist solution. If you do not get together with your neighbors to start exercising self-sufficiency and control over your life, you will fall into globalist dependency and control by default. And if you do not get together with those in your local community to devise a currency (or other method of trade/barter) of your own, you will end up using bankster currency by default. Power that is not taken into your own hands is left to the predators who grasp for it.
[Update 1 – 11 November 2014]
In response to this comment from a suspected webtroll…
“How do you know that Putin isn’t telling Kissinger, ‘Buddy, your days are numbered.'”
…I looked up an old New York Times article ( I ran across a while ago… (
So while the front page news has blaring headlines about the supposed conflict between West and East, you’ll find the truth a little deeper in the paper: that all these political types work for the same bosses and are actually buddies behind the scenes. Don’t be distracted by the public puppet theater.
Love always…
This entry was posted in NWO ( on November 11, 2014 (
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