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31st July 2022, 12:37 PM
Successfully Facing an International Mob of Globalists; They Are Not Like Us!by Peter Breggin MD and Ginger Ross Breggin (https://www.americaoutloud.com/author/peter-breggin-md-and-ginger-ross-breggin/) | Jun 14, 2022 | Health, (https://www.americaoutloud.com/category/subject-matter/healthcare/)Politics, (https://www.americaoutloud.com/category/subject-matter/politics/)World (https://www.americaoutloud.com/category/subject-matter/world/)

This past week brought to my attention more than ever the importance of stressing that the global predators — the collaborating forces threatening freedom and wellbeing around the world — are not like the rest of us. They are not well-meaning, and they are genuinely menacing.
This past Saturday, June 11, 2022, I had the honor of remotely presenting on several panels at “Freedom Is the Cure: Unpacking & Defeating the Medical Tactics of World Takeover,” presented by Doctors for COVID Ethics in the United Kingdom.1 One after another, the speakers communicated with empathy, caring, and an apparent devotion to humankind and freedom. Most had turned their own lives inside out to research and publish their observations on the misery and death caused by misbegotten COVID-19 policies and practices.
I knew some of these people personally, including internist and COVID expert Meryl Nass MD; retired microbiologist and COVID expert Sucharit Bhakdi MD; and financial expert and publisher of the Solari Report, Catherine Austin Fitts. Others I had long admired but never shared a platform with included attorney Mary Holland, President of Children’s Health Defense.
At the conclusion of the conference, we watched a gripping new documentary, Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda, by Children’s Health Defense.2 It tells the story of the consciously planned use of altered flu vaccines to sterilize untold numbers of African women. Along with meeting heroic people working to stop these gruesome abuses, we were confronted with evil incarnate in politicians, physicians, drug company CEOs, and World Health Organization officials, all of whom seemed to come from another world or another species bent on being evil and inflicting harm on human beings.
Then, entirely by chance, the next day, I listened to another courageous physician, Stella Immanuel, on a video addressing a conference in the Clay Clark ReAwaken America Tour.3 Dr. Immanuel began her stunning presentation with a few basic medical facts about the successful treatment of COVID. Through impassioned appeals and prayer, Biblical quotes, and her astonishingly beautiful and inspiring singing performance, she appealed to all of us to stand up for freedom and fight the demonic forces bent on destroying us.
Dr. Immanuel declared that the people behind COVID and trying to destroy freedom are not actually human. Instead, consistent with Biblical teaching, they are evil spirits in human form. I had no problem identifying with the sentiment while not necessarily adopting the theology. Dr. Immanuel was confirming the theme of this essay, “They Are Not Like Us,” and emphasized the vital need to recognize the differences.
The Necessity of Knowing “They Are Not Like Us.”
Understanding the larger world will always be difficult for anyone who imagines that the people who are competing to run the world are just like us. Actually, they are not, and that’s why “they” instead of “us” have gotten so much wealth and power, and managed it so disastrously for all of us. One of the most basic lessons for understanding the greater human universe is the distinction between them and us.
Globalist leaders today are a particular type of person — the kind of individual whose major motivation is to obtain power and control over other human beings. Without this overriding motivation, it would be impossible to make the difficult and hazardous rise to the top in any global sphere of influence.
Today’s globalists are from the same human lineage as the empire builders of the past several thousand years. They themselves are empire builders. The imposition of an empire on us is what we are now experiencing as the global predators try to impose a top-down governance — one that stands above individual nations — and to make the world submit to it. In our book, COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey, we show how they successfully collaborated over the prior decade, starting in 2010, to build a single worldwide approach to COVID-19 in order to sap the wealth of humanity while taking control over us.4
Fundamental Differences Among People
We have been taught not to look for or to find fundamental differences among people. We are no longer allowed to evaluate or judge other people, and we must never think of them as evil or bad. This pollyannish viewpoint can only serve those who wish to disarm and exploit us.

It has encouraged countless politicians in the West to imagine that if we cozy up to and cooperate with the Chinese Communists, they will become more like us. Instead, this naďve approach has led us to become more like them — more authoritarian, more collectivistic, and more relativistic in our values. And in the process of succumbing to them, we have vastly empowered the Chinese Communists.
There are fundamental personality differences between most people and those who spend their lives seeking and cementing their power over others. Meanwhile, these predators share amazingly similar traits among themselves. If these simple truths are not grasped, then history will be misunderstood and repeated again and again. We also will not understand what goes on in most large organizations, which are run by people who had the ambition, cunning, and ruthlessness to gain and hold powerful positions in relationship to other people.
The vast majority of people are good or seriously trying to be good, and ~more~