View Full Version : John Kaminski email list

1st August 2022, 08:38 PM
Just decided to start this thread because he sometimes sends some good info out by email. And I think he might be doing a radio show somewhere (maybe with Mike Gaddy)

Anyway, he sent out a link to this huge book. I haven't had a chance to go through this yet:


Originally printed © Copyright 2009.
© Copyright 2021, 77th Revised Edition, All rights reserved. Slingshot Publishing
Formatted for print by Anonymous
The material expressed in this book represents a lifetime of documented research and personal experience
and reveals the widely available understanding of numerous intelligent and respected voices current and
historic, from Cicero to Henry Ford, from Martin Luther to Mahatma Gandhi, to John F. Kennedy, Mark
Twain, George Bernard Shaw, Nesta Webster, Archibald Ramsay, Charles Lindberg, Edith Starr Miller,
Elizabeth Dilling, Des Griffin, Gary Allen, William Krehm, John R. Elsom, Douglas Reed, David Irving,
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Benjamin Freedman, Eustace Mullins, Juri Lina, E. Michael Jones, Dr. David
Duke, Kevin MacDonald, Michael Collins Piper, Wilmot Robertson, James Forrestal, Commander Guy
Carr, Arthur Topham, Ernst Zundel, Robert Faurisson, Fred Leuchter, Carlos W. Porter, Thomas
Goodrich, Mike King, Herve Ryssen, Ursula Haverbeck, Alfred and Monika Schaefer, General George
Patton, Lloyd Meeker, Martin Exeter, James Churchward, Immanuel Velikovsky and countless others. I
offer this vital information now because, though evidence of what is presented in these few pages
pervades our lives and threatens our very existence, simultaneously denial of its existence and of its
source pervades popular awareness and cripples mankind's ability to address this condemning, possibly
terminal affliction.
Sadly, in March 2017, Amazon, the world's largest online book distributor, terminated the sale and
distribution of the works of some of these authors, indicative of a global crackdown on freedom of
information well underway, specifically targeting the Truth regarding human history and the human
condition past and present. Those responsible for the destruction of ancient sacred records by burning the
magnificent library in Alexandria, Egypt 2,000 years ago proceed to do the same today, unhindered by a
global population asleep to their demonic machinations. This book serves as laser eye surgery for any
open to the procedure, cutting scales of blindness from the eyes, allowing clarity of vision, of awareness,
to see and truly understand the scope of human denial and deception which produces the blindness which
has long been destroying Life on this sacred planet.

2nd August 2022, 03:04 AM
Kaminiski is at speakfreeeradio.


Looks like the show with Mike Gaddy was short lived.

6th September 2022, 10:10 AM
Listened to a Mike Sledge podcast from 9-3-22 yesterday.


Mike Gaddy was on to discuss why he is not at Speak Free Radio or just about anywhere else.
Gaddy and SF are no longer affiliated.

He is not a fan of Kaminski. Basically calling Kaminski controlled opposition.
Said Kaminski made their show together only about him.

Also called out Guiseppe as Jewseppe...

Apparently there is an episode where jewseppe went off on Gaddy with a bunch of slander.

Issue with speak free where they hired this guy to do a show. He was a Holder hire... Aparantely a Lincoln lover too.
DHS Employee Promotes Race War in Spare Time, Advocates Mass Murder of Whites (https://www.splcenter.org/hatewatch/2013/08/21/dhs-employee-promotes-race-war-spare-time-advocates-mass-murder-whites)

Wondering if most of the internet radio streams are all controlled opposition...

6th September 2022, 02:18 PM
Here's Jewseppe's rant.


Looks like Dave Scorpio left speak free too.

6th September 2022, 02:20 PM
A book recommended by Mike Gaddy.

Color Communism & Common Sense Manning Johnson

From a black guy that trained to be a commie in the USSR and then turned to anti-commi


From the pdf.

White leftists descended on Negro communities like locusts, posing as "friends" come to help "liberate" their black brothers. Along with these white communist missionaries came the Negro political Uncle Toms to allay the Negro's distrust and fears of these strangers. Everything was inter-racial, an inter-racialism artificially created, cleverly devised as a camouflage of the red plot to use the Negro.