View Full Version : Having a bad day? This should cheer you up

midnight rambler
3rd August 2022, 02:24 PM
Motorcycle thieves in Brazil get what's coming to them -


3rd August 2022, 03:42 PM
This one doesn't have video of the action.

It's an 80 yr old man explaining shooting a pregnant robber in the back w/ a 22 revolver. She dead...


3rd August 2022, 04:52 PM
Armed Bank Robber Gets Shot In The Neck By Fast-Acting Guard


midnight rambler
3rd August 2022, 07:06 PM
There’s this thing called ‘a deadman’s five seconds’ where someone who’s mortally wounded continues to be a deadly threat. The bank-robber continued to be a deadly threat for over 15 seconds.

3rd August 2022, 08:38 PM
This just came up on my jewtube feed.

This is the story of Killdozer. I'm 15 minutes in and it is good0.
Tread (1080p) FULL MOVIE (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZK9XthMZ1w)


On June 4th, 2004, a sixty-three-ton bulldozer, fortified with steel and concrete, systematically destroyed numerous businesses and homes in the small mountain town of Granby, Colorado. The rampage lasted over two hours and resulted in more than eight million dollars in damage. State and local police were incapable of even slowing the machine. Though it was armed with three high-powered firearms, no one but the driver was killed. His name was Marvin Heemeyer. TREAD explores the polarizing perspectives on this man, his motives, and what drove him to the breaking point.

3rd August 2022, 08:43 PM
There’s this thing called ‘a deadman’s five seconds’ where someone who’s mortally wounded continues to be a deadly threat. The bank-robber continued to be a deadly threat for over 15 seconds.

Did the perp die? I hadn't seen. The dude also had 3 buddies minimum in the boosted ride. The owner was watching the vids. Don't know why he wasn't watching the door.