View Full Version : Medvedev

7th August 2022, 08:28 AM
There is no doubt that Putin is a jew. There are rumors that Medvedev is a Jew. Being baptized in early 20s, not raised a Christian.

The Trumpian global disorder is the same as Putin. If you out the ZOG, you disappear in Russia. Read:

I've personally confirmed Medvedev's Jewish identity with former Muscovites, who say that Medvedev's mother regularly attended the main synagogue in Moscow. The subject has not been broached much in Russian media, as Medvedev is Putin's man, and, well, Russian journalists know what's good for them, or they have an accident - there is freedom of choice in Russia. I wonder if anyone's bothered to tell the Arabs.


That would mean that cia Yeltsin picked Jew Putin to be successor and Putin chose President Medvedev to be successor in 2008. And chose Jew Mikhail Mishustin to be Prime Minister of Russia.


Alex Jones supports disappearing those who don't like Trump.
