View Full Version : Trump FBI Raid
14th August 2022, 08:08 AM
I started at thread on this in the general discussion area, but you can't post images there, so I started this thread here.
Also, not sure if people are aware of this, but I think there's a RICO lawsuit by Trump against Hilary (and maybe the others in the Russia Hoax BS)
Comment found elsewhere:
PDJT’s lawsuit is probably the answer. I believe the cabal did NOT want this raid advertised.
They waited until PT was out of town. The Judge recused from the Trump VS Clinton case to SIGN the warrant of THIS one?
These papers are all probably evidence in the RICO case PT has filed. Yet, I am assuming that any docs have an inventory from GSA when they originally shipped them, and PT’s lawyers also have copies.
I guess posted on TruthSocial?
The FBI gas a long and unrelenting history of being corrupt. Just look back to the days of J. Edgar Hoover. In the modern era, nothing has changed except that it has gotten far worse. Look at Comey, McCabe, Strzok and lover Lisa Page. Check out the brilliantly written but damning I.G. Reports. See what they were willing to do in order to get Crooked Hillary Clinton elected (they failed), and got caught! They spied on my campaign, pushed the FAKE Dossier, and illegally used the FISA Court…..
….The Inspector General said the FBI acted with “gross incompetence and negligence.” I was fully vindicated in the Russia, Russia, Russia SCAM, the “No Collusion” Mueller Investigation, Impeachment Hoax #1, Impeachment Hoax #2, and all else. NOW THEY RAID MY HOME, ban my lawyers and, without any witnesses allowed, break the lock that they asked us to install on the storage area that we showed them early on, which held papers that they could have had months ago for the asking, and without…..
….the ridiculous political grandstanding of a “break in” to a very storied, important, and high visibility place, just before the Midterm Elections. The whole World was watching as the FBI rummaged through the house, including the former First Lady’s closets (and clothing!), alone and unchecked. They even demanded that the security cameras be turned off (we refused), but there was no way of knowing if what they took was legitimate, or was there a “plant?” This was, after all, the FBI!
Donald J Trump retruthed:
…people that were senior career civil servants violated the law, committed crimes, and covered up crimes by Obama, the DNC and Hillary Clinton — but more than that they tried to frame an incoming president with a false Russian conspiracy that never existed, and they knew it, and they plotted to ruin him as a candidate and then destroy him as a president.” (
14th August 2022, 08:09 AM
Donald J Trump retruthed:
“The naked collusion to commit treason, espionage, sedition, etc. against a POTUS and the American Republic is now apparent. The
Obama administration recklessly conspired with the U.S. Intelligence Community, various British Intelligence agencies and other foreign agents to sabotage the 2016 U.S. presidential election and fabricated a fake “Russian collusion” story to cover up their unparalleled crime spree.”
[video src="" /]
Donald J Trump ReTruthed
The FBI is a criminal RICO enterprise whose covert “sources and methods” include criminal acts, sedition, subversion of American laws and the Constitution, while lying and obfuscating their activity from Congress and the people of the United States. Congress seems ok with this arrangement as long as they’re able to claim plausible deniability or classified status. (
14th August 2022, 08:15 AM
( Davis Hanson On Trump Raid: ‘The FBI is Beyond Redemption’ Following the raid on Trump’s Florida home, Hanson is saying that the FBI is beyond redemption. That it cannot and should not be saved in its current form.
Forget Epstein, This Could Bring The Whole Case Down – Judge Who Reportedly Signed Off On Mar-a-Lago Raid Has Anti-Trump Social Media Posts And They Are Not Looking Good
Special Ops Veteran Cancels Plans For Sunday Protest At FBI Headquarters After ‘Trap’ Warnings
14th August 2022, 08:23 AM
Some people think the FBI RAID was linked the RICO lawsuit Trump has against Hillary and Friends:
45’s Complaint was filed 3.22.2022. (103 pages)
45’s AMENDED Complaint was filed 6.21.2022 (193 pages, linked below)
PP. 186-193 list the cast of character 45 is suing and their respective firms/attorneys representing them. Quite a list.
Look at filing 224 on the Docket.
The United States (DOJ) is filing Motion to Dismiss defendants Comey, McCabe, Strsok, Page & Clinesmith and substitute the DOJ in their places, since they all worked for DOJ, AND THEN dismiss DOJ as a defendant for lack of jurisdiction.
This Motion was filed 7.14.2022 (in our Jun-Aug timeline)
On 7.21.2022, Docket #234, (in response to above Motion) ORDER SUBSTITUTING PARTIES is filed. Court GRANTS the substitution and DEFER THE RULING on U.S. dismissal argument.
DOJ, i.e. taxpayer, is now paying for the above named crooks’ defense.
Follow the Docket.
The court allowed the Trump team to respond and it did stating that those unlawful searches do not fall under the job duties of those defendants. Then the raid happened.
Alot of background action. The rico case is for all the marbles.
And the recused judge from the trial signed the search warrant!
This magistrate judge Bruce Reinhardt switched from Assistant U.S. Attorney prosecuting Epstein to private defense of Epstein’s pilot and staff back in 2008. Some of the Epstein victims in the first trial were so upset at the outcome they sued him.
This was all back in 2008, but it looks to me he has done it again. He recused himself from the HRC/Trump conspiracy civil suit just six weeks ago due to bias, and then signed a very broad and urgent warrant to occupy Mar-a-Lago.
I want to bump this from first page (abigailstraight post) because I think it is important and adds some more context to Sundance’s presentation of the fight to preserve institutional corruption of the intelligence branch.
Two pings on the FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago: Classification kerfuffle and Trump’s RICO suit
The US government inserting itself into the rico case is not insignificant and the timing of all of this makes more sense of the raid.
Now Trump can’t be guilty of a crime. Justice department is saying that Trump’s lawyer told justice department classified material has been returned. I see the FBI raiding this lawyers office soon and grabbing anything related to Trump.
Trump Truth’d
Donald J. Trump (
Oh great! It has just been learned that the FBI, in its now famous raid of Mar-a-Lago, took boxes of privileged “attorney-client” material, and also “executive” privileged material, which they knowingly should not have taken. By copy of this TRUTH, I respectfully request that these documents be immediately returned to the location from which they were taken. Thank you!
Article about the privileged papers taken.
14th August 2022, 08:55 AM
Wray Calls FBI Criticism ‘Violence’ But We Weren’t Born Yesterday (
Why is Christopher Wray more concerned about criticism than Americans’ complete distrust of his corrupt agency?
“FBI Director Christopher Wray’s Thursday statement represents a disgraceful attempt to silence critics by conflating condemnation of the bureau’s conduct with violence and threats against law enforcement. This outrageous tactic will not work, and that Wray resorted to it confirms he no longer deserves to be FBI director.”…….
Joe Biden’s FBI Raid Crossed the Rubicon › American Greatness-Rep. Andy Biggs:
Biden’s police state and the Goebbels-like propaganda of the media have been investigating and chasing Trump for years with no success. Invading his home is like crossing the Rubicon, not just for Biden and the Left’s obsession with Trump, but for the future of American freedom as well. Is there any turning back now?
Plot Twists | The Z Blog (
“In 18th century France, it was the people at the top defending the old order and the people challenging it. The same was true in Russia. In America, the people at the top see themselves as the revolutionaries and the people view themselves as the defenders of the old order. A big part of this crisis is the ruling class mocking the history and tradition of the people.
What makes it even more bizarre is that if the ruling class is successful in discrediting the old system, the people will no longer have restraint. It is the lingering trust in the system, the desire to vote harder, that prevents January 6th from spreading to every state capital in the country. These efforts by the ruling class to burn it all down can only lead to one end for them. The FBI raiding Trump’s house convinced a lot of people that the system is now too far gone to save with an election.”…….
Criminalizing Opposition in a Pseudo-Republic :: SteynOnline (
“For almost a decade and a half now, the American “republic” has been decaying to the defining condition of a one-party state – that is, the total merger of the ruling party and the state. Last night, the dirty stinking rotten corrupt US Department of Justice signed off on a raid on Mar-a-Lago, so we’ve now moved into hardcore banana-republic territory: the regime’s cops are busting into the home of the opposition leader. We’re told this is because Trump took some “classified” documents with him when he left Washington. Yeah, that’s always a pretext for an armed raid: You could ask Hillary Clinton or Sandy Berger.
The FBI has been getting more brazen about its political thuggery this last year, increasingly relaxed about putting its thumb on the democratic scale. As my old pal from Hillsdale days, Joy Pullman, notes in a column written pre-Mar-a-Lago:
In Michigan, the FBI openly meddled in the upcoming election by affecting the selection of candidates, arresting and charging the formerly leading Republican candidate for governor for misdemeanors. The FBI raided Ryan Kelley’s home while polls showed him leading the primaries. In the primary election last week, he came in fourth.
Mission accomplished – and all while too many stars of the rube right were still insisting that there are just a few bad apples at the top, I know the rank-and-file, they’re salt of the earth, straight-shooting G-men, they gave me this cute lapel pin, etc, etc. There are no straight-shooting G-men: Who do you think are manning the raids, you chumps? Where are the whistle-blowers? Or even the guys who say, “No thanks, I didn’t sign up for this”? It’s a wholly corrupted institution and has been for the best part of a decade. The default position for what’s left of the opposition party ought to be that the FBI is beyond reform, and will be replaced by a new agency with vastly circumscribed powers.
Instead, I see Kevin McCarthy is now threatening Merrick Garland with an “investigation” and ordering him to preserve all documents. Ooooooh! Maybe, after the coming Republican landslide, they can appoint an independent counsel; maybe John Durham or Robert Mueller is available. Why would anyone take McCarthy’s threat seriously? If you don’t grasp that in today’s America there is no equality before the law, there is no point even discussing public affairs.
As for Trump, well, on The Mark Steyn Show three days after the “election” I suggested:
It’s my view that after the Biden regime takes power, as in many coup situations, they will want to have the previous leader arrested. I’m being perfectly serious here. It is the intention of the Democrat Party to put Trump in jail. So, when he launches the ‘Trump News Network’, it’s gonna need to be based out of Costa Rica or the Turks and Caicos or somewhere……..
“Without fear or favor.”
14th August 2022, 09:00 AM
Trump Jr calling out the BS
Donald Trump Jr.
( tembed%7Ctwterm%5E1558802865422041088%7Ctwgr%5Ef9d 150e9fb9f3b9b8c54e8df2c1e026aca540453%7Ctwcon%5Es1 _& %2Fblog%2F2022%2F08%2F14%2Faugust-14th-2022-presidential-politics-resistance-day-572%2F)@DonaldJTrumpJr
( tembed%7Ctwterm%5E1558802865422041088%7Ctwgr%5Ef9d 150e9fb9f3b9b8c54e8df2c1e026aca540453%7Ctwcon%5Es1 _& %2Fblog%2F2022%2F08%2F14%2Faugust-14th-2022-presidential-politics-resistance-day-572%2F)Follow ( Ctwterm%5E1558802865422041088%7Ctwgr%5Ef9d150e9fb9 f3b9b8c54e8df2c1e026aca540453%7Ctwcon%5Es1_& %2Fblog%2F2022%2F08%2F14%2Faugust-14th-2022-presidential-politics-resistance-day-572%2F&screen_name=DonaldJTrumpJr)
If you think it’s a coincidence that Jeffrey Epstein’s lawyer became a federal judge and that very same judge, of thousands of judges, was the person to sign off on the Mar-a-Lago search warrant you haven’t been paying attention!
14th August 2022, 09:14 AM
“It Is the Same Thing as the Russia Hoax and I Think It Will Be the Same Result. There’s Nothing There.” – K.T. McFarland on Biden’s FBI Mar-a-Lago Raid and Bogus Story (
Apparently, DeSantis is with the GOPe (Bushies)--he had to know about the FBI raid....But looks like it's not helping him:
Mar-a-Lago Raid Pulled Potential Presidential Primary Support From DeSantis Back to Trump — By TEN Points (
14th August 2022, 11:21 AM
According to Mike Davis @Artile 3 Project: Presidents have the inherent constitutional (and statutory) authority to declassify anything they want.
They don’t need to label it.
They don’t need to report it.
They don’t have to tell anyone.
They can do it through their actions.
As a matter of law, no President can be charged under the Espionage Act for “mishandling” classified records.
When President Trump had the records sent to Mar-a-Lago, they were declassified.
Former presidents don’t have this power.
But Trump did this as the President.
Twitter Permanently Bans Paul Sperry After Posting on the Mar-A-Lago Raid
Twitter continued to crackdown on dissenting political views this week with the permanent suspension of columnist and commentator Paul Sperry. The suspension came down after Sperry allegedly tweeted about the FBI’s raid on Mar-a-Lago. Sperry said that Twitter gave “No warning, no explanation, reason given.” That is a signature for the company, which has little transparency or ability to challenge such private censorship.
Twitter has a long and documented history of suspending those with dissenting political, social, or scientific views, particularly before major elections. Sperry says that he tweeted the following:
Funny, don’t remember the FBI raiding Chappaqua or Whitehaven to find the 33,000 potential classified documents Hillary Clinton deleted. And she was just a former secretary of state, not a former president.
DEVELOPING: Investigators reportedly met back in June w Trump & his lawyers in Mar-a-Lago storage rm to survey docs & things seemed copasetic but then FBI raids weeks later. Speculation on Hill FBI had PERSONAL stake & searching for classified docs related to its #Spygate scandal.
Sperry went on to note that “the current deputy general counsel at Twitter is also the former general counsel at FBI HQ under Comey. His name as you may know is James Baker, and he was the top attorney who reviewed the fraudulent anti-Trump FISA wiretap warrants for probable cause.”
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